IDC Agenda 01-23-1985
Wednesday, January 3, 1985 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticell City Hall
Chairman Jay Morrell, C
Bidwell, John Bondhus,
Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglu
Harvey Kendall, Bud Sch
-Chairman Gary Wieber, Wayne
om Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius,
d, Shelly Johnson, Dale Lungwitz,
upp, Don Smith, Allen Pelvit.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Minutes of the Re lar Meeting Held December 20,
Old Business
3. Consideration of Appointing C' airman and Vice-Chairman for
New Business
4. Consideration of New Day for onthly Meetings.
to Use Leverage
5. Discussion of prospective Fir
and How the IDC Should Deal
6. Other Business.
7. Adjournment.
Thursday, December 20, 1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticell City Hall
Members Present:
Co-Chairman Ja
Gagnelius, Ron
Kendall, Bud S
Co-Chairman Morrell opened the m
the 11/14/84 minutes. Bud Schru
minutes, was seconded by Shelly
The nomination of Committee offi
until the January meeting becaus
offered to continue as Treasurer
to accept Bud Schrupp as Treasur
by shelly Johnson and was passed
tabling the nomination of Chairm
January meeting.
Discussion on the 1985 Action Pl
questioned the updating and mail
list. Allen stated that the Co
had voted on targeting or classi
selecting a certain type of busi
would be more professional and c
visit or a telephone call.
Tom Eidem questioned the product
Allen stated that this was a pro
and was a low key issue. This w
permitted. He also stated that
Plan because it is related somew
Committee and part of the Star C
In explaining the magazine proce
would be 5~ x 8~, containing up
information. It would try to co
on Monticello. The book could b
on the city, business, education
This production would be a print
accordingly. At present when so
Monticello, Allen combines as ma
This becomes bUlky to mail and u
regarding Monticello could be co
Monticello could make a better i
the St. Cloud Chamber has theirs
sales and presently produces it
Morrell, Tom Eidem, Bruce
Hoglund, Shelly Johnson, Harvey
hrupp, and Allen Pelvit.
eting asking for approval of
p moved to so approve said
ohnson, and passed 8-0.
was suggested to be tabled
of low attendance. Bud Schrupp
for 1985. Tom Eidem moved
r for 1985. It was seconded
The motion also included
Vice-Chairman to the
n followed. Co-Chairman Morrell
ng of the targeted mailing
ittee, in an earlier meeting,
ying our mailing list and then
ess to send letters to. This
uld be followed up by a personal
on of a Monticello magazine.
ect that was more Chamber related
s only worked on when his schedule
t was listed on the 1985 Action
at to the Industrial Development
ty recertification process.
s, Allen stated that the magazine/brochure
o approximately 50 pages of
ine all types of information
sectionalized with articles
recreation, industrial, etc.
ng of 1-5-10,000 and then distributed
eone requests information on
y as 6-8 different articles.
attractive. If all information
ined into one attractive book/magazine,
pression. Allen stated that
produced solely on the advertising
i-annually. There are alternatives
IDC Minutes - 12/20/84
to producing such a book this wa. One would be to sell the
ads and make up the difference 0 t of private contributions
(IDC, Chamber, City, etc.) or to pay for the cost 100% out of
private contributions.
Co-Chairman Morrell expressed co
and what kind of benefits would
when distributed, all the busine
their advertising around for a 1
benefit from the distribution to
Ron Hoglund stated that the firm
together would come into the co
to produce a magazine or to job
as photography, ad sales, etc.,
Co-Chairman Morrell asked if the
this firm complete 100% of the w
stated that at this time, Meyer
is putting together a bid propos
earlier for all aspects of produ
will be used if possible. When
they will return with a proposal
They understand that this is onl
cern over excessive ad costs
e received. Allen stated that
ses would have this book and
ng time and advertiser will
their type of customers/clients.
responsible for putting this
unity from day 1 and do everything
ut some of the duties such
Chamber was considering having
rk or do some locally. Allen
Associates from st. Cloud
1 for a magazine as described
ing the magazine. Local vendors
hey complete all their estimates,
for the Chamber's review, etc.
a proposal and may not be
Co-Chairman Morrell stated that e has a problem with this type
of arrangement. He further stat d that these firms make tremendous
amounts of money off of printing, advertising, etc. Allen stated
that this firm has already obtai ed local advertising rates
and knows that ads will have to e comparable.
Tom Eidem asked how these magazi es would be distributed and
how they would benefit the indiv'dual firm that placed an ad
in it. Allen stated that if 5,0 0 were printed, certainly a
majority of them should be given out, but in what manner is
not known. The benefit to all a vertisers is such that retention
is the key factor.
The Committee's consensus was to have a first class magazine
if it did not cost too much, eit er in the cost of ads or private
contributions, and that distribution was widely used. It was
also agreed that the magazine co ld combine all areas of the
City into one publication. If t e cost of producing this are
zero to us, then distribution sh uld be to places such as motels,
realty firms, banks, etc., with guaranty to those who advertise.
After much discussion regarding dvertising benefits/costs,
the fOllowing was arrived at: T e consensus of the Committee
was to proceed with Meyer & Asso
together based on the wishes of
return before these bodies in 19
for example, they would say base
of text and pictures, we feel 20
to fully pay for the cost of pro
cost of advertising is $XXX, and
of selling all the spots, etc.
in selling enough ads to include
Allen stated that they are aware
for the future and that they mus
Other alternatives might be to h
locally with local personnel. I
St. Cloud Chamber Magazine can b
Chamber, IDC, or City, it was th
it. The IDC could even place th
would like to know more informat
the cost, the method of distribu
the next move would be to have M
Chamber/IDC/City representatives
At this point, Tom Eidem recomme
stay in the 1985 Action Plan. H
1985 Action Plan and the 1990 5-
by Bud Schrupp and passed 8-0.
IDC Minutes - 12/20/84
iates and have them put a proposal
he Chamber/City and IDC, and
5 with a mock sales presentation;
on your request for 15 pages
ages of advertising are required
ucing 5,000 copies; thus, the
we will assume the responsibility
n other words, they feel confident
our 15 pages of information.
that this is a secondary project
return to us with a proposal.
ve this same magazine produced
a quality piece such as the
produced at zero cost to the
Committee's consensus to pursue
ir own ad in it. The Committee
on on the number of ads needed,
ion, etc. Allen stated that
yer & Associates meet with
ded the Monticello Magazine
further moved to approve the
ear Work Program. It was seconded
Allen explained that Gary Wieber had given him an advertisement
for Manufacturing Registers. He stated that he felt our current
Manufacturers Directory is old a d outdated (1979/80) and the
state no longer provides us with those services. The 1984 Registry
was priced at $67.50. Tom Eidem asked if there were other types
of manufacturing directories. A len stated that Nelson Marketing
of Minneapolis also produces a s'milar book for approximately
the same money. Harvey Kendall oved to allow Allen to purchase
a Manufacturers (1985) Directory Register with a $75.00 limit.
It was seconded by shelly Johnso and passed 8-0.
In other business, Co-Chairman M rrell presented the questionnaire
for rating the economic developm nt process to the Committee.
Tom Eidem commented on the possi ility that question #1 may
prompt developers to take "pot sots" at individual City staff.
The Committee felt this could po e a problem but suggested that
a note (*) be added to #1 statin that if a poor is indicated an
explanation be added. Tom expla'ned that almost all projects
have problems; and by the end of the project, the owners and
contractors are usually at odds. His feelings are that this
question opens the door for publ'c ridicule. Shelly Johnson
stated that they use a similar t pe of questionnaire at school,
and it does work well if evaluat d appropriately.
IDC Minutes - 12/20/84
After considerab~e discussion, t e Committee voted to send out
the proposed cover ~etter/questi nnaire and have A~~en fo~~ow
up with a persona~ ca~~. Motion to approve this survey was
made by Ron Hog~und and seconded by She~~y Johnson. It was
passed 8-0.
Co-Chairman Morre~~ stated that
was he~d on a Wednesday; and bec
A~~en cou~d po~~ Committee membe
as a better meeting day. The Co
Ron moved to have A~~en po~~ IDC
or Thursdays are better. If Wed
the January meeting wou~d be sch
instead of the 3rd Thursday of t,
by Bud Schrupp and passed 8-0.
he November 14, 1984, meeting
use of the good turnout, perhaps
s regarding Wednesdays or Thursdays
ittee fe~t that was appropriate.
members as to whether Wednesdays
esday seemed to be more favorab~e,
du~ed for the 3rd Wednesday
e month. This was seconded
In the ~ast informationa~ item, ~~en reported on the progress
of Pick Industries from Annanda~. He stated that it is mandatory
to re~ocate this firm near the m in rai~ ~ine, and a plus if
~ocated with a spur. This paten ia~ spot is ~ocated direct~y
south of the rai~road tracks (Wr ghtco Products to north) and
bordered by Linn Street on the w st, Wa~nut Street on the east,
and 5th Street to the south. Bu ~ington Northern has been approached
and the possibi~ity of either pu chasing/~easing the property
is being negotiated. Loca~ bank rs are being asked for financing
avai~abi~ity, etc. At present, ne of the tenants is not wi~ling
to re~ocate; however, the projec cou~d be p~aced without re~ocating
this individua~. This may decre se the chances for future expansion.
Because of the ho~idays, not muc wi~~ take p~ace unti~ after
the first of the year.
~~en reported that he has been n touch with J-Craft (Kimba~~),
who is considering a move, and a so A~~state Paving, who is
~ooking for a new ~ocation.
There being no further business, Tom moved to adjourn the meeting,
which was seconded by Bud Schrup .
IDC Agenda - 1/23/85
3. Consideration of Appointing Chair an and Vice-Chairman for 1985. (A.P.)
Appointment of 1985 officers was
1984, meeting; however, Chairman
appointments of Chair and Vice-C
This was due to the low attendan
suggested that Allen poll the me
of meeting on wednesday or Thurs
Morrell stated that the November
on a Wednesday and attendance wa
scheduled for the December 20,
orrell suggested tabling the
air until the January meeting.
e of members. Chairman Morrell
bers as to their preference
ay to allow a larger attendance.
14, 1984, meeting was held
at an all-time high (10 members).
Chairman Morrell accepted a moti n to have Bud Schrupp continue
as treasurer for 1985. This was seconded and passed unanimously.
The only course of action needed to be taken with this item
is to appoint a Chairman and a V ce-Chairman.
This item has been tabled once b
was the current Chairman's feeli
be present to appoint the leader
feelings that a majority of the
elect new officers, and I will P
should attendance equal the Dece
the appointment anyway. This is
for another month.
cause of low attendance. It
gs that more members should
for 1985. I agree with those
embers should be present to
omote their attendance. But
ber, 1984, meeting (8), I recommend
not something we can delay
IDC Agenda - 1/23/85
4. Consideration of New Da for Mont 1 Meetings. (A.P.)
At last month's meeting, Chairman
members of the Committee as to th
Morrell thought that Wednesday ma
November meeting was well attende
instead of a Thursday.
Morrell suggested polling
ir preference of meeting dates.
be a better day because our
and was held on a Wednesday
I have polled the members compill g the following results:
During the past 12 months, attendance was (8) in
January; (10) in February; (7) in March; (9) in
April; (8) in May; (7) in J ne; (8) in July;
(8) in August; (10) in sept mber; (10) in October;
(10) in November; and (8) i December.
(2) members prefer Wednesda morning meetings.
(1) member prefers Thursday morning meetings.
(11) made no difference.
1. Select Wednesday as the day or having regular meetings.
2. Continue having the regular eetings on Thursdays.
The average Industrial Developme t Committee meeting held during
1984 had 8-9 members present. T is was a much better attendance
record than in 1983, and you are to be thanked for the improvement.
This was due, in part, to switch"ng from afternoon meetings
to the morning meetings.
After polling IDC members, it wa, apparent that both Wednesday
or Thursday are convenient. However, one member has a conflict
with Thursdays. If, by changing the meeting day to Wednesday,
we can increase the attendance, then I recommend Wednesday as
the new meeting day.
IDC Agenda - 1/23/85
5. Discussion of prospective Firms A ility to use Leverage and
How the IDC Should Deal with it. A.P.)
Several months ago. I came across
Tribune that raised some concern
a Minnesota firm that was cons ide
time. they considered relocation.
even more. they hinted at leaving
is what this firm led state offi
an article in the MinneapOlis
n my part. The article described
ing expansion. At the same
And to complicate the matters
the state. At least that
ials to believe.
This firm (MFI) is located in Coo Rapids. It is not known.
nor will it ever be known for sur . if MFI really planned to
leave the state of Minnesota or t, e City of Coon Rapids. The
fact remains that MFI had the upp r hand with Coon Rapids and
the state of Minnesota and used t e situation to obtain some
very impressive incentives.
This set of circumstances involvi g millions of dollars has
not occurred in Monticello. We d'd lose Bud Garth's Pizza because
of a give away in Maple Lake. Al hough the total project cost
was well under $500,000.00, 20-40 jobs were created.
This Committee has members that s on various committees
or bodies within the City such as HRA, City Council, or
City staff. I realize that each nit is a separate and distinct
entity with their own pOlicies, b t what would happen if a firm
such as MFI places Monticello int the economic development
arena? Could we, or would we sur These are some areas
that need to be discussed and pol'cies set.
This is intended to be an informa
happen if a firm such as MFI appr'
Specific action is not required;
to handle such a situation may su
Industries from Annandale will be
will be talking to cities who are
This discussion will help prepare
Newspaper article.
discussion of what might
aches the City of Monticello.
owever. some ideas of how
face. For instance, Pick
looking for a new home and
hungry for new industry.
us for dealing with their
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1985 Star City Recertification is, well underway. There are
five main areas to comply with. hey are as follows:
1. City's affirmation to pa ticipate.
2. Annual Report consisting of:
-description of or hange in the Economic/Industrial
Development Commi ti
-description of thel Committee' s 1984 acti vi ties,
number of meetings!, important meetings, etc.
-description of ch~ ges in community's economy.
-description of ty s of assistance provided to
business and indu ry.
-description of ch~ ges in the community's long
range goals.
-description and a option of 1985 Action Plan.
3. Community Profile updating.
4. Industry contact.
5. Continuing Education.
I hope to have the information flly completed and submitted
to the Minnesota Department of E ergy and Economic Development's
Business Development Division by December 31, 1984.
Wayne Bidwell's Printing Project. I will ask Wayne to report
on the possibilities of this pro ect happening in Monticello.
Recently I spoke to Wayne about r. Pandora's plans to have
a plant operating by July 1, 198 Wayne was disappointed in
not being able to have good news for attracting Phase I to Monticello;
however, Phase II may be a reali y.
Pick Industries. This manufactu
in Annandale making railroad box
car products. Pick Industries h
and dollars in the research and
show a tremendous potential for
these new areas. CurrentlY, the
of Burlington Northern's work an
out to other rail lines such as
of the east/southeast.
Pick Industries has decided that
inevitable. The only question i
considering Annandale because of
as Pick Industries describes it.
of Kimball and Litchfield are al
of their location with rail line
ing concern is presently located
car doors and related train
s been spending a lot of time
evelopment area. Their findings
xpansion should they enter
produce approximately 100%
are considering branching
he 500 Line and rail lines
expansion and relocation are
in what city. They are not
an "anti-business attitude",
Besides Monticello, the cities
o being considered because
and banking institutions.
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