IDC Agenda 12-20-1984 . ~EM MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, December 2 , 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Monticello City Hall Members: Co-Chairman Jay Morrell, Co-Chairman Gary Wieber, Wayne Bidwell, John Bond us, Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglu d, Shelly Johnson, Harvey Kendall, Dale Lungwitz,Bud Schrupp, Don Smith, and Allen Pelvit. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes of the Re ular Meeting Held November 14, 1984. 3. Consideration of Appointing C airman and Vice-Chairman for 1985. . 4. Consideration of Adopting 198 Action Plan and Updating the (1990) 5-year Work Progra . 5. Consideration of Purchasing a Minnesota Manufacturers Directory. 6. Other Business. 7. Adjournment. . . MI TES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, November 4, 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Monticello City Hall Members Present: Co-Chairman Jay Wieber, Wayne B Shelly Johnson, Don Smi th, and Morrell, Co-Chairman Gary dwell, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Harvey Kendall, Bud Schrupp, llen Pelvit. Co-Chairman Jay Morrell opened the meeting asking for approval of the 10/18/84 minutes. Arve Gr msmo moved to approve the minutes and was seconded by Shell Johnson. Passed 11-0. Allen introduced Wayne Bidwell, 0 newest IDC member. He stated tha on a project he is working on at er of Best-in-Webb, as our Wayne would give a report he end of the meeting. The next item on the agenda dealt with choosing a professional (instant recognition) voice-over or our video update, starting with a sample of Dave Moore's voi e. Each voice was briefly listened to. Jay Morrell asked w 0 the others were. Allen stated that the names were not ve well known; however, their voices were. The Committee asked for the cost of Dave Moore versus any of the other voices. en Allen stated that the additional cost of $400 covered a 1 voices, Don Smith moved to use Dave Moore's voice for the video update and was seconded by Gary Wieber. Passed 11-0. Do Smith asked what progress had been made to date. Allen sta ed that a majority of the outdoor shots were taken and the emainder would be taken in the spring. During the winter mo ths, editing and scripting would be completed. The completi n of the video was scheduled for June. Co-Chairman Morrell as' ed if we had a deadline with River City. Allen stated that we did not. Don Smith and Jay Morrell questioned why it would t; ke as long as 9 months to complete the video production. A len stated that this was mainly due to capturing FSI, Bondhus, an the old Maus Food building after their completions. Another reason was to spread out the amount of work needed to rework t e script. Allen stated that this must be worked in between ot er duties and projects. The consensus of the Committee was to proceed with completion of the update. They felt that if we waited, something else would come up and postpone it even longer. Don Smith questioned the need for showing this at future trade shows, etc. Allen stated that he would be going to some t ade shows if they were industrial orientated, but as a spectator 0 ly. In the meantime, we have our current video to show. Gary Wieber asked how soon we could get River City Video to complete the updated production, and . . 1- . Allen stated that they (River Cit complete production early because The consensus of the Committee wa as soon as possible. They direct City Video formulating a time tab to the 12/20/84 meeting with a pr Morrell asked if River City video sample footage taken. He felt it without seeing the footage. AIle a time frame for the remaining sh etc., for a 2/1/85 completion. A on the December agenda. IDC Minutes - 11/14/84 Video) would be happy to they receive payment early. to complete the video production d Allen to work with River e for completion and return gress report. Co-Chairman should be presenting us with difficult to prepare a script was then directed to obtain oting, editing, scripting, progress report should be Allen explained that the Departme t of Economic Development has proposed a cooperative advert sing program for the current 22 Star Cities. The action neede at this meeting is for the Committee to decide whether to pu sue the advertising program. The second question is which opti n, $20,000.00 or $30,000.00, and instate or national publicati He indicated that a majority of the cities will decide which d"rection will be taken. At that point, more information on t e ads themselves will be made available. Allen stressed the fa t that our participation is not mandatory at this time. The ommittee's consensus was to explore the possibility of a co-o, advertising program but not commit any money to the program. Having ads directing attention to Monticello as a Star City is c rtainly better than an ad stating that the 22 Star Cities a More information would be forthcoming before the Committ e joined the program. Bud Schrupp moved to pursue the Star ity Co-op advertising program and return to the Committee with ore information. It was seconded by Gary Wieber. Passed 11-0. . Co-Chairman Morrell reviewed the sign program and asked Allen to update the Co ittee on the matter. Allen stated that Mr. Brown of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) returned his call and briefly explained a letter that was addressed to Senator Dave Du enburger. The letter was from the Director of the FHWA and exp ained that the sign was not in federal violation; however, t e right to regulate interstate signage was given to each state. At this point, Arve Grimsmo stated that he would contact the Public Works Director to replace the current Monticello road sign on 1-94 with the new Star City road signs. It was the Co ittee's feelings that this was a state program, and we will do what we have to to install our signs. If asked to remove t e signs, perhaps we could get some publicity. Arve Grimsmo ma e the motion to have the Public Works Director replace the old M nticello signs with the new Star City road signs and was see nded by Don Smith. Passed 11-0. The Committee questioned whether the Star City should be installed separately, replace the existing sign, or added to the existing sign, and decided to replace the existing signs. . 2- . IDC Minutes - 11/14/84 Co-Chairman Morrell reviewed the survey designed for locating strengths and weaknesses in Monticello's development process. He felt this was something that as taken time to develop and should be implemented soon. He Iso stated that he thought a survey/questionnaire with chec type answering system. This would allow the developer a chan e to think over their answers prior to Allen's call. It was a so suggested to have a set of pre-arranged questions to ask the developers. Shelly Johnson suggested using the cover letter as a basis for the actual survey/worksheet type questionnaire. The Committ e directed Allen to draft a sample questionnaire and return 0 Committee members as soon as possible. . In other business, Co-Chairman M that Delano has recruited as of that a few Committee members vis Pizza in Norwood and since has d Lake. Allen stated that he had Garth with a more definite propo building and one that included a tax increment finance numbers we relocate in Maple Lake. One of close to his home in Annandale. City officials in Annandale, it stated that Maple Lake explains financing. It works like this: the property, and the taxes He stated that this did not could not compete with this type by a Maple Lake businessman, that such as Monticello uses. Jay Mo is tying all these things togeth the City Council was making thes also get back in touch with Bud on Maple Lake's TIF process. Gary Wieber commented on the re to prepare for his HRA budget p He added that we dwell much mor or do not attract than those we members of this Committee and t approximately four industries. provide approximately 400 ~ j year, estimated market value of base of $181,000. Co-Chairman played a roll in some of that d Committee believed that if it w relationship with the Johnson's in Monticello. This report did created by Wrightco or Bondhus, . rrell mentioned the new businesses ate. shelly Johnson stated ted with Mr. Bud Garth of Bud's cided to relocate to Maple een back in touch with Mr. al, one that included a new existing building. More specific e given, and he elected to is main concerns was being Whatever problem he had with as not resolved. Allen further heir process as tax increment The developer pays $5,000 for orgiven for a number of years. appropriate and that Monticello of offer. Allen was told, there were no legal documents rell asked who in Maple Lake r. Allen stated that it appeared deals. Allen stated he would arth and get more information ort that Don Cochran asked Allen esentation to the Council. on the business that we lose do. During the last two years, e HRA have been involved with They have or will expect to bs, annual salaries of $5.7 million/ $3.9 million, additional tax ieber stated that this Committee velopment. For example, the re not for shelly's personal IXI might not have located not indicate additional jobs etc. -3- . Don Smith stated that we may do Economic Development process cor developer lives, or where his re factor in their decision. He fu read into the Delano article ano person, was a good friend to the Arve Grimsmo stated that Mr. Gil now out-of-business Delano Grani State Bank of Delano. Don Smith indicated that this Co are not interested in giving awa to seriously discuss in the futu to compete with the cities who a stated that he was not intereste He would be more interested in f It was the consensus of the Comm of the HRA report available for could be used at the Chamber mee . Wayne Bidwell commented on the d that this would be helpful to fi He added that his firm is prepar if we wished to use some footage it. Wayne complimented Allen fo package on Monticello. It was u called Pandoring Enterprises. I for an initial 400,000 sq. ft. b 300,000 sq. ft. in a year or two be created and equipment expendi 60-65 acres would be needed for The project was scheduled for Ma not have already been purchased development park. Wayne stated project. He felt that money was Pandora that he would like to kee in Monticello. He shared our la information with Mr. Pandora. H is a factor. They want the new This plant prints, assembles, an such as Playboy, J.C. Penney, Se IDC Minutes - 11/14/84 things required in the however, where the owner/ atives live may be a very significant ther stated that you could her way. Don Gillmore, a pro-Delano president of the new company. more was the president of the e company. He also owns the ittee and certainly the City land. This may be something e should it become impossible e giving the farm away. Don in this type of give away. rms that are not looking for give-aways. ttee to have Allen have copies he December meeting. This ings, too. velopers survey. He stated ms, and his firm in particular. ng a video production; and he would be glad to supply assembling the information ed in negotiating with a firm short, this project calls ilding with expansion of another Seventeen Hundred jobs would ures of $112 million. Approximately his project. Ie Grove. Land mayor may n one Maple Grove industrial hat this would not kill the no object. Wayne told Mr. his business and employees or surveys and demographic was impressed; however, time lant on line by July, 1985. binds magazines and catalogs rs, and Montgomery Ward catalogs. Drawing employees for this proje t will be from the St. Cloud area plants. Mr. Pandora was gi en assurances from Wayne that drawing personnel from St. Cloud and the metro area is documented by his employment records. . Wayne stated that this project i time; and if the need arises to a remote possibility at this ave a meeting with leaders 4- IDC Minutes - 11/14/84 . of the community, he would be ha y to arrange it. Mr. Pandora is currently considering speaking at a Rotary meeting. When more information is available, Wa ne will let us know. When members of the Committee in ired of the chance of this project becoming a reality, Wayne stated that it will happen. He has been given the responsibil'ty of arranging the physical layout of the plant, machinery, a d given the limits for salaries and bonuses for employees. There being no further business, o-Chairman Morrell adjourned the meeting. rul~~ Allen L. Pelvit Director of Economic Development . . IDC Agenda - 12/20/84 . 3. Consideration of Ap ointing Chair an and Vice-Chairman for 1985. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As in the past, December has been the month designated for appointing successors for Chairman and Vice- hairman of the Committee. As you may recall, past Chamber P esidents had become Chairman of the Committee; however, this hi s recently changed to appointing from within. At the December and appoint new each year are: The Secretary's Development. 15, 1983, meeting, the Committee voted to nominate officers each ye~. Three positions to be filled 1) Chairman; 2) Vice Chairman; and 3) Treasurer. position will be eld by the Director of Economic Responsibilities of the Chairman ill be to preside over all meetings and functions held by t e Committee. In the event the Chairman cannot attend a meeting/event, then the Vice-Chairman will assume these responsibilities. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Make one motion to accept th present officers as nominees for 1985. . 2. Ask for nominations and vote for each officer individuallY, C. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended to ask for nom"nations and vote for each officer individually. In this way an of icer who wishes to remain Treasurer, for example, could do so while C airman and Vice-Chairman could change. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Refer to 12/15/83 agenda, Item # , and the 12/15/83 minutes. . 1- IDC Agenda - 12/20/84 . 4. Consideration of Ado ting 1985 Ac ion Plan and Updating the (1990) 5-year Work Program. (A.P. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is part of the Star Cit as part of the recertification pr the various tasks that the Commit in 1985. It also explains the pu well as its completion date, who/ the task was assigned to, and the particular activity. Program and is also required cess. The Action Plan outlines ee will attempt to complete pose of each activity, as hat Committee member or sub-committee results anticipated from the As in the past, a majority of the Action Plan is repeated each year and will be completed accord ngly. However, those items that are new to the Action Plan w 11 be delegated appropriatelY among the sub-committees. 1985 has been said by some econom sts to be a flat year. In order for Monticello not to get c ught short, it is mandatory to not only pass this Action Plan but to follow through with it. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt both the 1985 Action PI n and the 1990 Updated 5-year Work Program as proposed. 2. Adopt either the Action Plan Program, but not the other. be made and then later adopte . the Updated 5-year Work this case, a revision must C. RECOMMENDATION: The 1985 Action Plan is the more I feel both should be adopted at redominant of the two; however, he same time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of 1985 Action Plan and 1990 Updated 5-year Work Program. . . FIVE-YEAR ACT ON PLAN 1990 Add: - Review City's Zon ng Ordinances - Encourage Specula lve Building - Industry Day - Industry Banquet - Update Monticellol VCR Production - update Labor Surv y/Community Profiles - Update Community act Booklet 1985 ACT ON PLAN * - Actively Promote Monticello y Implementing a Prospecting Program. + - Expand on Study of Availablel Financing Tools. * - Attend Trade Shows as Specta or (search for mfgr or industrial exhibi tors) . - Encourage Speculative Build! g. . * - Promotion, Publicity, + - Finance, Sites, and Building # - Research and Planning * - Industry Day/Banquet. * - Update and Target Mailing Li t. * - Make Targeted Mailings. # - update, Collate, and Bind C rent Data Plan. + - Update Retail/Commercial/Ind strial Building Inventory. + - Update Utilities and Transpo tation Information. # - Review City Ordinances. * - Adopt Advertising Campaign f r 1986. Sub-Committee. * - Produce Monticello Magazine. # - Adopt 1990 5-year Work Progr m. # - Adopt 1986 Action Plan. # - Adopt 1986 Budget. # - Recertify as a Star City. . * - Encourage Development of Unp atted Industrial Property. (j) :~. ~ , '- \ .j . ,,' . [-E' MARiifiii:-'-~- ,,- ANSWERlIOOKS , ,.., IWIGIS MANfACTURERS.~i':'~ . ' , A MANUFACTURERS DIRECTORY 1983 'I ,.IIIftIER 1984 ',"" .4&1tft1 , 20.000 flrm. ' 80.000 .xecutlYft , 180 billion,' 5. 1Irms' 10}OOO executlVn' $27 billion In-. Industrial market . 840, ,_. Clpatlt\tt......:...1,~. '. dult 1\ market I. 490 munlolpalltln '. 230 pag..' paa" . Ave~1I 800 IlIW .rm.1ICh year I Et-, Ave an 300 new firms eacll .yRr , HardbOund, tabllshed 1912. Hardbouiid, enarMI papef... 8'h"l(,8V.",x 11" I Published ,nnualrv.' Fetj>>ret: Mln- 11" . Published annuallY " Ffaturts:"h!CaOO 'ilea lis ',525 ~t8ntS' st. Piur:818 tmlnts: Hop- ,~OOO 'p.llnts; Rockford 81,4. plant.; Elk Grove klns I plantsJ Edsn ~ralrlt 73 plants; Duluth 63 I Vlllage/598 plants: Addison '~plant~: Fran~"n pia : St. Cloud 5~ plants; ~lnonl5hlartts I Park 165 plants ' . 1.... ". . . " . " .. " " . ..III, _143 ,.... ... "1,;......" ~ .. Ino.... po. ", INDIANA MANUtACTUJERI. ", ," 'SO' E 1985 INDUSTRIAL . ,', ~~~~~~~~.12~8o~ 'xec!jtIV~ '$59':Mo~~ SO RCEBOOKS ALREADY IN STOCK: dustrlal market. 521 municipalities I 504 pag..'" CHICAGO GEOGRAPHIC MFRt. DIR. . 80 Averages 500 new firms each year: · HardbOund;, IUItlftIS SERVICES DIRECTORY 109 8V.:' x 11" . Published annually' features: In- ,"v dlanapolls 1,311 plants: Elkhart 534 plallh' Fort 1 FLORIDA INOU.,-RIES DJREtTORY 55 Wayne 385 plant~j Evansville 301plints; SOutil 1 KANSAS MFRS. DIRECTORY. 44 8end 291 plants; Muncie ~51 pl!lnta ' , '19 KENTUCKY MFRS. REOISTEII., 40 1113 MItIaI ... .. . . , . . . . . . . . . ... 171. lOW 7,9 MASSACHUSms OIR. OF MFRS. ma 0 ers to',' Y . INDUSTRIAL BOOKSTORE-I' MISSOURI DIRECTORY OfMFB. 80 I 4 EAST HURON STREET ' 1 OHIO MANUFACTURERS DIRECTORY 90 I" 'CHICAGO,IL8081fl, '. 1 I WISCO_MFRS. RE8~R 71 i,;'.__."_~ (312) 337.1084 to charge orders on Ma erCard, Visa or Aroerl~a~~"18 :i'~'I'~~.-..'.'. ., " I . ~.I'."."."-.'.'.'..'..'.'.'... " ", I, " ., .:"; i"' ii-~ , \ \ ::,.~ .f4: ;.... 'f1' '~, 1>17~: -':"":.:', );..,; .. I:}.'.'" '-: :,,;:.l~_.,~~~. ,; "7';; ~ . '1"';',. .. , ~'" "1,':, . ' ~ .' ." - ,..'''' ~~ ",.. '".. .... ;;,~.. 'it'- . '.(~~" , - ~- ~ .;- ~ . .' .. ! ;i~";L" ....~,....i'!'"^,,;~ @