IDC Agenda 11-14-1984
Wednesday, November 14, 1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticell City Hall
Co-Chairman Jay Morrell, Co-Chairman Gary Wieber,
John Bondhus, Wayne Bid ell, Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius,
Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hogl~ d, Shelly Johnson, Harvey
Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, Don Smith, and
Allen Pelvit.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of the Minutes of t e Meeting Held October 18, 1984.
7. Consideration of Industrial evelopment Committee Survey
in the Minnesota Star City
3. Introduction of Wayne Bidwel .
Old Business
4. Consideration of Professiona Voice-over for VCR update.
New Business
5. Consideration of Participati
cooperative Advertising Prog
6. Consideration of Where to PI ce Remaining Star City Road
8. Other Business.
9. Adjournment.
Thursday, October 18, 1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticello City Hall
Members Present:
John Bondhus,
Hoglund, Harve
Jay Morrell, B
om Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, Ron
Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Co-Chairman
d Schrupp, Don Smith, and Allen
Co-Chairman Jay Morrell opened t e meeting asking for approval
of the September 20, 1984, meeti g minutes. A motion to that
effect was made by Ron Hoglund a d seconded by Bud Schrupp.
Passed unanimously.
The first item on the agenda con
the Monticello Story. Allen sta
City Video to complete the updat
before the Committee was to deci
an additional $300 - $400 for
voice such as Dave Moore, Pat Mi
stated that he could obtain a Ii
perhaps a recorded sample of eac
stated that the action at hand w
voice or to use regular voice-ov
Jay Morrell asked how long our p
Allen stated that it was approxi
by asking if the updated version
Allen stated that it would be mo
all the information in. Tom Eid
the way Channel 5 treated Montic
off the list. It was the consen
Moore. Jay asked what the life
would be. Allen stated that the
years and the video perhaps for
shots are taken, names and dates
longer use of the production. A
with the video update and also t
voice of someone like Dave Moore.
bring a list of possible names a d
to the November 15, 1984, meetin .
and was passed 10-0.
erned the progress of updating
ed that he had chosen River
for $2,000.00. The question
e if they wanted to expend
n instant recognition type
es, or Cyndi Brucato. Allen
t of these personalities and
by the next meeting. He also
s to go with an instant recognition
presentation was, and
15~ minutes. Jay responded
would be cut to 6-8 minutes.
e like 8-10 in order to get
m suggested that because of
110 last winter, they be taken
us to use a voice such as Dave
xpectation of the added expense
audio could be used for several
wo years. When new construction
will be deleted to allow for
ve Grimsmo moved to proceed
use the instant recognition
He added that Allen should
sample of their voice recording
Tom Eidem seconded the motion
Co-Chairman Morrell reviewed the costs associated with a bulk
(at least 200 pieces per mailing) mailing with Fulfillment Systems,
Inc. (FSI) help. He expressed his support for a more targeted
mailing. Tom Eidem asked if the letter, which was produced
with a Matrix Printer, was the finished product. When Allen
stated that it was and that the
consensus was to go with a regul
and a good quality letterhead.
window envelope is received, a f
past the secretary, Tom stated t
junk mail and would be discarded
was a bulk mailing and could be
rate stamp affixed to the envelo
rate imprint.
IDC Minutes - 10/18/84
nvelope was windowed, the Committee's
r business envelope/letter
om Eidem stated that when a
ag goes up. If it made it
at it would look like a bill or
Allen indicated that this
ent with an attractive bulk
e instead of the plain bulk
Tom Eidem stated that the City's Panasonic Typewriter could
be used to do the letters. The "nitial letter would have to
be typed into memory and the env lopes typed, etc. He added
that several letters could be ru off, and then at a later date
someone could type in the names nd addresses after regular
working hours.
Bud Schrupp suggested hiring pist to complete a mailing
of 25-50 letters each month. Eidem stated that he was sure
Karen would be willing to do the typing. It was the Committee's
consensus to try the targeted mailing with regular business
envelopes and letterhead that is more personalized. It was
also their intent to pay for typing services and try this for
a minimum of six months, at whic time it will be evaluated.
A motion was made by Bud Schrup and seconded by Dale Lungwitz.
Passed 10-0. It was suggested Tom Eidem to continue working
with FSI on the segmented maili g list.
Bud Schrupp and Allen Pelvit in icated that according to the
1984 Budget, two areas needed t be changed for 1985. Travel
and Entertainment was increased to $2,000.00 to allow for contacting
prospects, etc., and $1,500.00 or the video update. Allen
added that the $3,000.00 for ba quet was based on a cost of
$20.00/person. (1984 costs inc uded: dinner, $11.25; bar, $4.05;
appetizers, $2.18; and gratuity, $1.69.) Allen added that he
felt confident that the goal of 150 tickets @ $75.00 could be
sold for 1985. Bud Schrupp add d that he also felt comfortable
in obtaining the $11,250.00 198 Revenue amount.
Co-Chairman Morrell asked if th
was adequate. Allen stated tha
and projected that $500.00 woul
1985 event. Morrell stated tha
a pig roast type affair for an
reasonable cost. It was the co
to the afternoon/evening casual
Based on the last 2-3 years' re
to be any problem with the Coun
the 50-75 people. Another exam
Wright County Pork Association
was the consensus of the Commit
afternoon and then start the so
meal at 6:30 P.M.
$500.00 for 1985 Industry Day
the 1984 event cost $347.00
be adequate for some type of
a group from Rogers puts on
uting such as we have for a
sensus of the Committee to return
affair at the golf course.
ults, there does not appear
ry Club facilities handling
Ie of a caterer would be the
r the Country Club staff. It
ee to have the golf during the
ial hour at 5:30 P.M. with the
An idea of printing tickets that
the banquet and the Industry App
It was suggested to give the ind
the banquet and then give the se
for the Appreciation Day event.
have the Industry Appreciation D
Tom Eidem moved to adopt the 198
Arve Grimsmo. Passed 10-0. The
Day will be Wednesday, September
by Dale Lungwitz to have the 198
on September 4, 1985, and connec
tickets. It was recommended to
1985, HRA meeting. It was secon
It was suggested to retain the s
send it along with the invitatio
Day event. Also, we should try
Other Business Included:
IDC Minutes - 10/18/84
entitled them to attend both
eciation Day would be perforated.
vidual part of the ticket for
ond half of the ticket to them
It was further suggested to
y one week earlier (September 4,
Budget. It was seconded by
1985 Industry Appreciation
4, 1985. A motion was made
event at the Country Club
it with the sale of banquet
ove the regular September,
ed by Arve Grimsmo. Passed 10-0.
cond half of the ticket and
to the Industry AppreCiation
o get away from the ticket
Harvey Kendall indicated that af er going through all the appropriate
channels, Mr. McCarthy (NSP's Ch irman of the Board) has agreed
to be our 1985 Banquet guest spe ker.
John Bondhus expressed his conce n of not being able to be active
in the Committee during the next 12 months. This was due to
the expansion of his business. om Eidem explained that the
Committee had decided to leave m mbership open to those who
had conflicts or could not devot time to the Committee. It
was the consensus of the Committ e to keep John Bondhus on the
inactive list for at least the n xt 6-12 months. He should
be kept on the mailing list; and if we should need his assistance,
perhaps John would help. John B ndhus agreed to this. Tom
indicated that if John could mak a meeting, that would be great.
And if his business did not perm"t the time, the Committee would
understand. Don Smith acknowled ed the fact that John was a
charter member of this Committee and contributed greatly to
its origination.
Allen stated that Wayne Bidwell
to become a member of the Commit
this month's meeting but will at
as accepted the invitation
ee. He was unable to attend
end the November 15, 1984,
Allen explained how Rubber Reseach, Inc., (RRI) has made a
presentation to start a full scale tire recycling facility and
produce a product called Tire Cycle. He added that this company
is looking for a city to work wit them and prepare a grant
application for machinery and eq ipment through the Minnesota
IDC Minutes - 10/18/84
Waste Management Board. RRI has iven us quite an extensive
overview of their proposal with t. e previous three years' financial
statements and proforma statement for the next 10 years.
Allen explained the concerns he h
Areas concerning appearance, odor
to not be a problem area. RRI ha
to be checked out. Allen stated
Minnesota P.C.A., and other sourc
this project's viability. An inf
and given to members.
d for this type of project.
I and pollution were said
a good concept but needs
hat the Waste Management Board,
s will be used to check into
rmation packet will be prepared
The question was asked, are there other plants such as this
in the state/country. Allen stat d that there are. However,
because the costs are so high, most firms are not operating
at a profit or are just breaking ven. RRI's plan would be
to become designated as Minnesota's only tire recycling/redemption
center and would be subsidized by state (Waste Management) funds
to have the tires shipped to the facility. With a facility
such as this, the profitability w uld be such to allow RRI to
operate a complete operation. At present, RRI only adds their
chemicals to already shredded rub er and produces Tire cycle.
The proposal would allow this fa ility to produce as much shredded
rubber as all of the other plants in the country. RRI states
that their product can be utilize by many firms utilizing rubber
in their products. Plastic injection moulding firms would be
one major user, as well as firms anufacturing rubber products.
Tom Eidem indicated that a facility such as this would not be
allowed to be built if it didn't eet the high standards set
by the P.C.A., etc. This company is looking for a city that
is willing to act as a grant writer, etc. Don Smith suggested
that in pursuing this proposal, e may come in contact with
the Governor, Commissioner of Ene gy and Economic Development,
or others that could be influential in backing this type of
project. As a whole, the Committee's consensus is to proceed
Arve Grimsmo stated that the representatives from Norway will
be arriving in Minnesota and staying for approximately three
weeks. They will be testing the side/rear dump bodies on MN/DOT
trucks. They will be contacting s to meet. You will be informed
of the results at the November meeting.
Don Smith indicated that he has heard numerous comments on the
FSI building. The freeway expos re is a great indication of
what is happening in Monticello.
no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Allen L. Pelvit
Director of Economic Development
IDC Agenda - 11/14/84
4. Consideration of Professional Voi e-over for VCR update. (A.P.)
The Committee has approved the se,vices and the guaranteed cost
of River City Video for the VCR u date. At the 10/18/84 meeting,
the Committee also approved the e tra money to use an instant
recognition voice-over. Allen wa to obtain several names and
samples of their voices for revie at the November meeting.
River City Video is preparing app oximately 5 identifiable names
and voice samples for the meeting
Only action necessary is to liste to the voice samples, decide
on a voice, and inform River City Video so that they can contract
the individual's services.
A voice should be chosen at this eeting and forwarded to River
City Video. This will allow them to obtain the services at
a guaranteed price.
. i__ ___
IDC Agenda - 11/14/84
5. Consideration of Participating in the Minnesota Star City Cooperative
AdvertiSing Program. (A.P.)
The Marketing Manager for the De~ rtment of Energy and Economic
Development (DEED), Resource Divii ion, has unveiled an advertiSing
campaign aimed at promoting Minnel ota as a great place to do
business. The overall program is I very rough at this time.
However, they are looking for des"gnated Star Cities (22) to
indicate their willingness to pur ue a cooperative effort with
There are two options at this tim. 1) Total amount contributed
by the 22 Star Cities equalling $ 0,000.00; and 2) $30,000.00.
The formula for determining each ity's share is indicated on
the bottom left hand side. The S ate's cooperative share may
be in equal amounts or somewhat d"fferent, depending on the
State's appropriation.
At this time, I cannot provide co ies of ads or the types of
magazines they would be placed in. Consensus of the Star Cities
would dictate option 1 or 2, stat, wide or national advertising
1. Do not investigate this type f cooperative advertising
2. Consider participating in a c operative advertising program
with the State of Minnesota.
We have $2,500.00 in the 1985 Bud
advertising. it would be great i
in the cost of ads. If the co-op
benefit Star Cities primarily, I
et for magazine/newspaper
we could obtain a 50% reduction
program would be set up to
ecommend pursuing it.
Proposed Minnesota Star City coop rative advertising cost sharing
analysis sheet.
POPllJlTI ON 1 2 POPI.l.ATIl:W 1 2
Babbi tt 2,435 1.1~ S567 1851 ., LeSueur 3,763 l.n~ S629 S943
Don Cole Allen Cords
218-827-3464 612-665-3323
Benson 3,656 1.69% S624 S936 Ibnt ev ideo 5,845 2. 71~ 5725 51,088
Robert Klingle R. Ben Bi foss
612-843-3618 612-269-6575
Burnsville 35,674 16.~ 12,106 S3,160 Ibnt icello 2,830 1. 31~ 5586 sa78
Mike Falk Allen Pelvitt
612-679-1511 612-295-2711
Chaska 8,346 3.86~ $841 SI,262 Ibra 2,890 1.34~ SS88 S883
Clark Arneson Robert F i I son
612-448-2851 612-679-1511
Coon Rapids 35, 826 16.59% 12,113 $3,170 Northfield 12,562 5.82'% SI,036 SI,554
Pat Pelstring Dave Maroney
612-755-2880 507-645-8831
.Delano 2,480 1.15~ 5569 1854 Olivia 2,802 1.30% 5S84 sa76
Baldev S. Josan Richard Carlson
612-479-1535 612-523-2361
Eagan 20,700 9.59j S1,413 $2,120 Osakis 1,355 0.63~ 5517 5776
ThOl1as Hedges Mike ...thetfS
612-454-8100 612-859-2220
Fari bault 16,241 7.S2j SI,207 S1,810 st. ~ter 9,056 4.19j sa74 51,311
StevE! Gl"eisel"t Mike Kearney
507-334-2222 507-931-4840
Fergus Falls 12,519 5.~ 51,034 $1,551 Theif Rivtr Falls 9,105 4.W sa76 SI,314
Stan Wieber Jerry SandstrcMI
218-736-6951 21&-681-7387
Brand Rapids 7,934 3.67~ S&.~ SI,233 Tracy 2,478 l.lS~ S569 S854
Dick Korte Audery Koopel
218-326-9411 507-629-3460
Hutchirl50n 9,244 4.28% 1883 51,324 Waseca 8,219 .3.81% SIm SI,253
John J. Bernhagen Joyce ThOllpsen
612-587-5252 507-523-2361
--------------- -----
SUBTOTIl.S 155,055 $12,180 $18,270 50, 905 S7,820 $11,730
.===============:====:-=~=======.==================:======::=:::.:: ;~;~~==:=.=.."..-===;;~~"""''''''::=;;~~''S3~~.
5O:t f $20,000 122+ % of total population * 520,000 - 50:' * $20,
5O:t f $30,000 I 22 + ~ of total population * 530,000 - 50:' * $30,
6. Consideration of Where to Place
In June, 1984, we ordered the
MN/DOT'S District Office in Brai
the signs being placed along
laws prohibited this type of
was to have two of the signs
other two signs delivered to the
The Committee would then decide
I indicated that letters were se
requesting a ruling on inters tat
I have not received a ruling. I
Administration (FHWA) with regar
contacting MN/DOT in St. Paul.
already spoken to MN/DOT and the
was told Mr. Larry Brown would c
include whatever information is
IDC Agenda - 11/14/84
Star City Road signs. (A.P.)
Star City road signs. When
'erd was asked about two of
, they stated that Federal
The Committee's consensus
aIled by MN/DOT and have the
City's Maintenance Building.
here and how to place them.
t to our governmental officials
signage. As of this writing,
contacted the Federal Highway
to a rUling. They suggested
hen I explained that I had
referred me to the FHWA, I
ntact me on 11/9/84. I will
eceived by Friday.
1. Place the two Star City road signs on east and west county
Road 75 as presented at the /20/84 meeting.
2. Place the two Star City road signs on 1-94 as per discussion
at the 8/20/84 meeting.
The signs were purchased and hav
Maintenance Building. Based on
this meeting, choose appropriate
Road 75. The signs should be in
too hard.
been delivered to the City's
he information presented at
locations on 1-94 or County
taIled before the ground freezes
Dear Developer/Contractor:
In an effort to increase our effect
Development Committee will be conta
concerning the process you went thr
project in Monticello. We are inte
your projects in Monticello. Certa
went well, and likewise, there are
been to your liking. For those thi
like you to share them with us. We
what parts of your process presente
In your Monticello development proj
went smoothly? Were there steps in
unnecessary or frustrating? If you
what, if anything, would you like t
The Monticello Industrial Developme
to serve as a liaison between pr1va
at all levels, federal, state, and
private enterprise 1n their dealing
of government, we would like to kn
fair, while others seemed unfair.
governmental regulations will exist
goal to assist in the resolution of
as satisfying as possible.
veness, the Monticello Industrial
ting past and present developers
ugh to complete your development
eated in following up on
nly, there are things that
hings that may not have
gs that went Well, we would
would also like to know
problems for you.
ct, what areas of your process
your process that seemed
developed again in Monticello,
see changed?
t Committee would also like
e enterprise and government
ocal. In order to assist
with the various levels
if some regulations seemed
xcepting the fact that some
at all levels, it is our
issues. thereby making development
In a short time Allen Pelvit, Director of Economic Development,
will be personally contacting you to discuss your development
experience in Monticello. Please gi e some thought to these
questions prior to his contact. The information obtained is,
of course, confidential and will be sed to critique the Monticello
community's development process.
Jay Morrell, Chairman
Monticello Industrial Development Co ittee