IDC Agenda 10-18-1984 . Members: Ag nda Monticello Industrial Development Committee ThurSday, October 18, 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Monticell City Hall Co-Chairman Jay Morrell, Co-Chairman Gary Wieber, John Bondhus, Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Shelly Joh son, Harvey Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, on Smith, and Allen Pelvit. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting Held September 20, 1984. Old Business 3. The Monticello Story (VCR) Udate. . 4. Consideration of Direct Mail Letter Campaign. New Business 5. Consideration of Preliminary 1985 Budget. 6. Other Business. 7. Adjournment. . . MI TES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE September 20, 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Monticello City Hall Members Present: Co-Chairman Gar Ron Hoglund, Sh Dale Lungwitz, Allen Pelvit. Wieber, Tom Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, lly Johnson, Harvey Kendall, ud Schrupp, Don smith, and Members Absent: Co-Chairman Jay Morrell, John Bondhus, and Bruce Gagnelius Co-Chairman Gary Wieber opened th of the August 16, 1984, minutes. made by Shelly Johnson and second 10-0. . Allen Pelvit explained how he sel video production firms in the met what information he was looking f and asked for cost estimates. Up eliminated some firms because of sloppy or poor presentations, or Allen indicated that after narrow two have already been in contact from $1,885 to $2,000. The third their estimates. These cost esti charges per hour, i.e., pre-produ field production, $300/daYi equip post production (includes editing such as dissolve editing, graphic sound are extra and negotiable. Co-Chairman Wieber asked if this "start from scratch" process or h of our existing tape. Allen stat included use of all existing foot shot new. The higher estimate in This would give a better product. that the footages would match clo Arve Grimsmo asked what was budge stated that it was not in the 198 $1,000 budgeted in 1983 that was that this project is not a must f if we could get some fall constru . meeting asking for approval A motion to that effect was d by Arve Grimsmo. Passed cted and sent 10 letters to o area. He also indicated r, the approximate time frames, n receiving responses, Allen igh estimates ($5,000-$10,000), ot willing to work with us. ng the field to three possibilities, nd have given estimates ranging firm will be contacted for ates are based on various tion (scripting, etc.), $20/hr.i ent, $175/~ day or $50/hr.; etc.), $40/hr. Special features , narration, artwork, and pdating process would be a ve the ability to use much d that the lower estimate ge with only the updated materials luded almost all new footage. The lower estimate indicated ely. ed for the updating. Allen Budget. However, there was ot used. He further stated r 1984. It would be great tion shots of FSI, Bondhus, -1- . lXI, etc. The remaining footage the scripting, editing, etc., COll 1985 with a finished product in J Co-Chairman Gary Wieber inquired or anyone e~se shows the video. it cou~d be as much as one per we didn't rea~ize that it was used t 5he~~y Johnson suggested to repre in its best ~ight. He recommends fa~~ and ~et A~~en proceed with t throughout the winter and spring IDC Minutes - 9/20/84 ou~d wait unti~ spring; and d be comp~eted during ear~y ne, 1 985 . s to how many times A~~en ~~en stated that recent~y k. Members of the Committee at much. ent the City of Montice~~o taking whatever footage this e scripting/editing, etc., onths. Arve Grimsmo commented on E~k r's s~ide presentation. He fe~t it was done we~~ but did leave an impression like a video does. A~len added that comments he hears on the video are good. However, it is too Ion. One video firm indicated that it should be 8 to 10 minutes for a most effective presentation. Tom Eidem asked if the $2,000 est.mate included all new tape or just an updating. Allen expla.ned that it would be almost exclusively new footage, while th $1,800 estimate proposed to use our raw footage and just a d updates. Both firms had suggested using a general script, new music and narrative. This wou~d allow us to easily add new footage of construction or testimonials without altering he main text. In the long run, it would be less costly. . Eidem added that in viewing anoth appealing to hear a local voice s He suggested Allen check into the $2,000 for basically new producti for instant recognition in the na the two firms both hire outside Don Smith commented on the fact t produced by Chris Lommel, and to be ~ooked at carefully. A~len st taken. He felt the basic script be shortened a bit. Both of the the presentation but not altering Co-Chairman Wieber asked if the n intended to be general so that fu take p~ace without affecting the this wou~d be beneficial for futu . Arve Grimsmo suggested reusing th a person like Fred Cox in action would be instant recognition. Sh Allen move ahead with the selecti shoot, and pursue the script/narr also recommended that Al~en obtai r presentation, it was quite ch as Dave Moore or Pat Miles. cost. He felt the cost of n warranted an extra expenditure rative. Allen indicated that ople for voice overs. at this production was locally hange this drastically should ted that Don's point was well as good but just needed to irms suggested shortening the message dramatically. w script/narrative would be ure additions/deletions could udio. Allen indicated that e updating. river shots and perhaps filming t the Country Club. This lly Johnson moved to have n process, begin the fall tive possibilities. It was a proposed contract so that . IDC Minutes - 9/20/84 this doesn't become an open ended contract. It was seconded by Arve Grimsmo. Passed 10-0. Allen reported on the background 'nformation for the Committee's 1983 mass mailing. He stated tha FSI performed an extensive amount of work in preparing and p ocessing the mailing list and actual mailing. The work was donated by FBI. Allen stated that the fixed costs and stamps were not bad. But the (signing letters, folding letters etc.) were prohibitive. In fact, time to work on themailing.Thi FSI could prepare a letter (6"x9" addresses on the letters which wo envelope. The costs could be cut savings would more than offset th Co-Chairman Wieber asked when and last time. Allen stated that in mass mailing of 2,500 personally response was very low. . Tom Eidem added that because the and we did not receive any positi a more targeted mailing campaign went on to suggest that perhaps 0 tool and die firms or 75 wood wor letters to a particular industry each month rather than a saturate the targeting could be emphasized of approach, a follow-up call cou to be more effective. Allen added that the responses fo oriented than those received with to know what type of media was us Monticello. . It was the consensus of the Commi mailing list into major categorie mailing. Co-Chairman Wieber want list was prepared. Tom Eidem sta Economic Development provided a 1 and names of contact persons. Al very badly prepared, and some of from Bondhus' computer to FBI's c Allen spent a lot of time choosin from a Minnesota Manufacturer Pub were established firms and had mo than $50,000-$100,000 gross reven for envelopes, letterhead, variable costs of preparing typing names and addresses, staff just didn't have the is where FBI came in. , have individual names and Id appear through a window approximately 50%. This cost cost of FBI's services. how many letters were sent eptember of 1983 we made a igned letters of which the esponse was not very good e leads right away, perhaps ight be more effective. He r mailing list contain 150 ing companies. We could construct nd choose a different industry mailing. Tom felt maybe more. In utilizing this type d be utilized and may prove magazine ads were more service the mailings. It's also hard d to let a prospect know about tee to have Allen group the that could be used in a targeted d to know how our current ed that the Department of st of companies, addresses, en added that the list was t was lost in transferring mputer. Diane Anderson and commercial/industrial firms ication. We chose those that e than 25 employees or more e. Since this preparation, . IDC Minutes - 9/20/84 a number of firms have moved or eased doing business and have been changed or deleted from the mailing list. A general discussion was held wi h regard to if the decision maker would receive or even read a letter. It was decided to reduce the number of letters to 75-150, etc., and keep it personal. It was the consensus to have work on segmenting the mailing list and keep the letter more personal. Tom Eidem explained that City services should not be utilized for this type of work and that Allen should continue workin with FSI. Both Tom and Allen indicated that the master mailing list can be grouped according to industrie prior to having FSI actually run letters. Co-Chairman Wieber asked Allen if as just described. Allen stated by the October 18, 1984, meeting. he would be glad to help with pic used in the mailings. he felt comfortable with proceeding hat he was and would be ready Don Smith suggested that ures should testimonials be It was the consensus of the Commi tee to set aside an entire meeting for the purpose of prospe ting, etc. There were questions as to why Little Falls was consid red by FMC, Inc., vs. Monticello. The Committee gave Allen directio to contact those individuals responsible for economic developm nt in cities such as Little Falls, Mankato, Delano, Maple Gro e, etc., the purpose being to investigate what cities are do'ng to prospect and which methods are working. Don Smith suggested having Terrell Towers or a State Representative discuss how hese leads, etc., are handled or how we could prospect better. . It was the consensus of the Commi who was seeking membership accept Committee directed Allen to conta him of the dates and times of mee to accept Wayne Bidwell as a memb Committee and was seconded by Dal . Allen reported on the Industry Ap that six IDC members toured the I the luncheon at the River Inn, an facilities. He stated that there who are considering future develo were some that are considering de On the other hand, some members 0 should be held in the evening. T socialize or make contacts with v also a consensus that less emphas event being associated with purch tee to allow any individual nce to the Committee. The t Wayne Bidwell and inform ings, etc. Tom Eidem moved r of the Industrial Development Lungwitz. Passed 10-0. reciation Day event. He stated I facilities, 50 attended 18 used the Country Club were individuals attending ments in Monticello. There elopment but could not attend. the Committee felt that it is would allow more time to rious developers. There was s should be placed on this sing banquet tickets. . IDC Minutes - 9/20/84 There being no further business, Co-Chairman Wieber moved to adjourn the meeting and was seco ded by Arve Grimsmo. Development . . -5- IDC Agenda - 10/18/84 . 3. The Monticello Story (VCR) Update. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the 9/20/84 meeting, a motion as made, seconded, and passed to have Allen obtain a proposed c ntract and proceed with the shooting. Since that meeting, I id receive a proposed contract from River City Video. They have stated that they will not exceed the $2,000.00 amount. I a so investigated the possibility of obtaining a well-known profess.ona1 voice such as Dave Moore or Cindy Bruccato. River City Vi eo will provide such a voiceover for an additional $300-$400. On 10/2/84, River City video came outdoor footage. The indoor and be shot next spring. During the will be working on the script, tr that its creators wanted to expre to shoot a majority of their emaining outdoor footage will all and winter months, we ing to keep much of the ideas s. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Proceed with the video update at $2,000.00 with regular professional voiceover. . 2. Proceed with the video update costing $2,000.00 with an additional charge of up to $4 0.00 for a well-known name such as Dave Moore or cindy B uccato. C. RECOMMENDATION: Tom Eidem first suggested this be ause of a saw at a League of Minnesota Citi did not feel we could afford a pr two named above; however, they A decision does not have to be but would be nice to assure we the winter. I recommend using presentation he At the time, Tom feasiona1 talent such as the m to be quite reasonable. e on the individual selected, obtain their services over well-known voiceover. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of River City Video's . t. River City ------Viideo --~---~---- -~-~~ -,~- September 25, 1984 Mr Allen L. Pelvit Dir. of Economic Development 250 East Broadway Monticello, Mn 55362 Dear Allen; Thank you for choosing River City Video to update your Economic Development video presentation. I know we can provide ou with a very uaable and pleasing presentation. . As per our conversation, River City Video provide one day videography, the needed post production, and video tape to ive you an edited 3/4" master of the updated presentat~on. The program will run about 6-8 minutes.. The total budget for this project is $2,00 .OO;which includes $200.00 for a volce- over. River City Vldeo will not exceed thi budgetJexcept for a more expensive voice talentJthat you requested;which will cost an additional $3-400.00 You will provide the script which I will b more then happy to work with you on. can begin shooting as soon as weather a d arangements permit. .,." . River City Video. 2622 \It"Ht Uke Street, SuJe 210. Mpls., MN 55416 . 612-925-2691 @) . 4. Consideration of Direct Mail Letb A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: After discussing the pro's and co target mailing, it was the consen our mailing to selected industrie per mailing to allow for follow u consensus to have Allen continue Systems, Inc.) with regard to the costs. I have started segmenting the mai it for some time. I will be cros new 1983/1984 Directory at the St provide us with a better list. I (FSI). Once our mailing list is for the letters, the costs would Letterhead Envelopes Bulk Rate Subtotal *10,000 @ .03 *10,000 @ .014 Permit IDC Agenda - 10/18/84 aign. (A.P.) 's of mass mailing versus us of the Committee to target and lower the number of letters s, etc. It was also the Committee's orking with Jack Peach (Fulfillment mailing list, letters, and ing list but will not complete checking our list with a Cloud Library. This will have also met with Jack Peach etermined and we have a test e as follows: $300.00 $140.00 $ 45.00 $485.00 . *FSI had to order a minimum of 10 000 letterhead sheets and envelopes to obtain discounts. The size of letter/envelope is 6" x 8~". This type of letter/envelope would be compatible with other co puter/printer systems. To receive the bulk rate (5.2~/piece , we would have to obtain a non-profit permit through the C amber of Commerce-Industrial Development Committee. During ou discussions of costs, Jack stated that costs such as the per it, postage, and letters/envelopes will have to be paid by us, but m st of the costs for typing, computer runs, etc., could be bur.ed in the Company. This, according to Jack, is FSI's way 0 saying thanks and contributing to the Committee. In short, our initial cash outlay to cover the cost of the permit, Our ongoing expenses in the maili $10.40 (200 x .052) per month. W minimum of 200 letters per month would be approximately $500.00 etterhead, and envelopes. g then might run approximately would have to send out a o obtain the bulk rate. Assuming we sent 200 letters each month, it would take 4 years to consume 10,000 letters. The p stal service rates for bulk mail will be increasing to .OB/piece in 1985, causing the ongoing minimum mailing of 200 to cost ap roximately $16.00/month. . -2- . IDC Agenda - 10/18/84 As of this writing, Jack indicate that they will not order until they are ready to move into their new building in December. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Take no action at all, thus d laying any type of direct mail campaign. 2. Proceed with having FSI retyp list into their computer and for use in 1985. C. RECOMMENDATION: An initial cost of approximately cost of $16.00 to $20.00/month ($ for this type of activity. This of 3-4 years. I recommend enteri with FSI and then initiating a fo or cold call. D. SUPPORTING DATA: our new segmented mailing ave FSI order the letterhead/envelopes 500.00 with an ongoing monthly 92-$240/year) is very low rogram will cover a period g into such an arrangement low-up program such as telephone Copy of letter and envelope used y FSI. . . . . . Monsa to TRIAL USE OF ER P.O. Box 4184 Monticello, MN 55365 SEPTEMBER 20, 1984 1"IV0000070:::: ~IL~U~ D_~~NGTSON :::: :I. 4~) ::::: R n:':3 GREENFIELD OH 45123 TH{'~I'~I< YOU FOR YOUR PUr~CI'I(~'~::E: OF BR(II\JCO HEnB I (: I DE:. WE H{.WE RECEIVED YOUR REQUEST FOR THE TRI L USE OFFER FOR BRONCO. (n 'T'H H:: T I I"IE:., WE ('~F:[:: I.JI\JABLE TO C:CilIF.I....ETE THE PROeE::::;:;::; I NO OF YOI.JI~ F:EOt,IE:3l' BF.CAU:;:E TI-1Er~E W(.Y:: 1\10 CiF~OWEF< S I GN(.-lTI.JF;;E ON THE OFFER CERTIFICATE WE RECEIVED. WE HAVE ENCLOSED ALL THE ITEMS SU~MITTED WITH YOUR REQUEST SO THEY CAN BE RESUBMITTED WITH T~E ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER THE GUIDELINES OF lHIS OFFER. PLEASE RETURN TH I :::: LETTER PdJ)W:; WITH ('~L..L T 1...1 Fe F;;EUI...I:r RED I NFOI::;:I"IA T I ON IMMEDIATELY SO WE MAY PROCESS YOUf REQUEST PROMPTLY. I"IOI'.J':':ANTO C:C)I"'If-:'ANY NOTE: THIS LETTER MUST BE RETURNlD WHEN RESUBMITTING REQUEST. REQUEST MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER, 15 :1. 9 :;,;: /.1_ , {.~ :;,;; CiFFTJ< Fd::TI/?::t'IF'T I Ci N ' E R 1'1 I N A T F: :;;; A F' T [J~n, I I:;::; D {,HE. 0::;;::;;:-0000 j Bronco'" Is a trademark of Monsanto Company @ IDC Agenda - 10/18/84 . 5. Consideration of Preliminary 1985 Budget. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Last year we did not have our 198 Budget adopted until the December meeting. This year I wo ld like to have the preliminary Budget approved in October and fi al adoption in November. I have met with Bud Schrupp and d termined the balances for each revenue and expenditure acco nt. I have projected what will he expended during the remai. der of 1984 and suggested a Budget for 1985. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the proposed 1985 t. 2. Do not accept the proposed 19 5 Budget, thus revising it for adoption at the December eeting. C. RECOMMENDATION: . I am proposing a 20% increase in icket sales over 1984. $11,250.00 is a very realistic goal for 1985 Based on projected revenues, I recommend adopting this Prelimi ary Budget for 1985. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of 1985 Preliminary Budget. . . 1985 PRELIM NARY BUDGET 1/1/85 Beginning Balance Forecasted Revenues: Sales (150 x $75) 20% Increase Interest Contribution-Government (City) Contribution-Private (Chamber) Other Forecasted Expenditures: . Research and Development Promotional Video Update (Remaining Bal.) Banquet Mailing Mag/Newspaper Ad Industry Day Travel & Ent. Miscellaneous Building and Finance Direct Payment to City 12/31/84 Ending Balance $1,5 3,0 7 2,5 5 2,0 5 $11,250.00 750.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 25.00 $ 100.00 $10,750.00 100.00 11,200.00* *Based on 50% of present salary and be efit package . $ 6, 185. 20 $18,525.00 $24,710.20 $22,150.00 $ 2,560.20 tn/NIIn U IYJ Of2.cPc:rt- )S 10,OeXJ t..2if1E!2S . eosfs " ;,J /%ooe,0.3 =~oo'!5' ~ /0, OOc.J ~ ," 0/1 ~ )'tD 'I' . #Lf.yo ~ - +'"J/5 f}J I.lJ k.1(j IS 1=oA./ tf,X8>~' UJo u tIJ 'Be Us H8 ~ toR.. r-f ,eJ,vC-r . ---h ~ fa 5e-Alf/ t!J CJ ~ rf I-h ~uL/c 1j.f>{J tz. Fa IV rr tlJ 0 rJ - R aln;m8..e R- oF- L10 _ -:rA4: 1fM.tcP #,~ /9~ Catz UfJo c:.I c.4J /; /7U-c... 5/) 1 Ihl9- f /:)-1.0 1- 0 ~ u ~4'/'l(....v. Cbs+ oF- rY\A-ru'if Bulle R~-\-tL \=)o~ ~I l~ \ - \6u.Ut..f\ ~~st/~OvAza~ft~9lJ1lL ~ u~ IC,~ . J.L..J+-e1C./ +-' E 1(/ v-e Lo /lJJ.. _ t;AJ fA.. (!pfj '5 C'omPU+eN - , )1- '1})/ t>J I M G( "" t!7,c.. ;200 . J2tJf..J.~. ar S,02 (. 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