IDC Agenda 09-20-1984
Thursday, September 20, 1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticell City Hall
Members: Co-Chairman Jay Morrell, Co-Chairman Gary Wieber,
John Bondhus, Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius, Arve Grimsmo,
Ron Hoglund, shelly Jo son, Harvey Kendall, Dale
Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, on Smith, and Allen Pelvit.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of the Minutes of th Meeting Held August 20, 1984.
Old Business
3. Consideration of Updating the; Monticello (VCR> Story.
4. Consideration of Direct Mail etter Campaign.
New Business
5. Consideration of Adding
6. Review of 1984 Industry Appreciation Day.
7. Informational Items.
8. Other Business.
9. Adjournment.
Monday, August 20, 1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticell City Hall
Members Present:
Co-Chairman Jay
Wieber, John Bo
Kendall, Dale L,
Pelvi t.
Members Absent:
Tom Eidem, Bruc
JOhnson, and Do
Co-Chairman Morrell opened the
of the July 19, 1984, minutes.
and passed 8-0.
The Promotional, Publicity, and P
the results of their 8-2-84 meeti
the sub-committee's recommendatio
A discussion was held regarding t
Appreciation Day event. The foIl
of the 1984 Industry Appreciation
On Tuesday, September 4, 1984, Ma
proclaim September 12, 1984, Indu
events during the day will includ
lXI's facilities at 10:00 A.M., I
at 12:00 Noon (River Inn), follow
at the Monticello Country Club fr
A cash bar was suggested. Bud Sc
suggested schedule and was second
An invitation will be prepared an
Allen explained that he was infor
we cannot place our Star City roa
that federal law prohibits signag
what is already in place. He fur
into the interpretation of this I
and Rudy Boschwitz will be contac
asked to provide a copy of the la
Allen indicated where the existin
located and suggested possible 10
road signs on County Road 75. Th
1-94 from the metro area could be
Road 75 Eas t.
Morrell, Co-Chairman Gary
dhus, Arve Grimsmo, Harvey
ngwitz, Bud Schrupp, and Allen
Gagnelius, Ron Hoglund, Shelly
ting and moved for approval
was seconded by Bud Schrupp
ospect Sub-committee reported
g. Co-Chairman Morrell reviewed
s to the Committee as a whole.
e details of the Industry
wing is a suggestive schedule
Day event.
or Grimsmo will officially
try Appreciation Day. Individual
Committee member tour of
dustry Appreciation Luncheon
d by free gOlfing privileges
m 1:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
rupp moved to approve this
d by Gary Wieber, passed 8-0.
sent out by Friday, August 24,
ed by MN/DOT officials that
signs on 1-94. He stated
on the Interstate other than
her stated that he has checked
w. Senators Dave Durenberger
ed for their response and
on free signage.
road signs are presently
ations for the new Star City
first location coming off
near the entrance to County
The location on County Road 75 We t could be at the junction
of County Road 75 and Orchard Roa or at the City limits.
IDC Minutes - 8/20/84
Dale Lungwitz asked if there was any problem with removing the
badly outdated sign near Pinewoo Elementary. Arve Grimsmo
stated that the highway was a St te Highway but is maintained
by the County at present. He di n't anticipate any objections
to removing it. Dale felt the s"gn was doing the City an injustice
by indicating the population as pproximately one-half of its
actual number.
Bud Schrupp suggested the juncti n of County Road 75 and Orchard
Road and the County Road 75 entr nee off of I-94 as good locations
for the signs.
John Bondhus suggested looking i
road sign law. He suggested tha
may be different than that of th
certain specifications and is be
State, suggested Arve Grimsmo.
Allen stated that although it ma
to the law were presented to MN/
Mr. Roosefelt is the Star City C
It was the consensus of the Comm
them as suggested, check into th
perhaps the signs could be reloc
It was the Committee's consensus
to update the Monticello story.
the story was questionable. All
system was cumbersome when showi
in their office. He suggested u
and portable.
It was also the consensus of the
the VCR type presentation versus
They do not want a less impressi
Arve wanted to know what problem
VCR system. Allen explained tha
the bulky television. He stated
in, set up, and take back out.
John Bondhus suggested purchasin
stated that there are thinner an
that would not detract from the
Committee's consensus was to
and perhaps look into
Both John Bondhus and
in carrying the T.V.
case made for the VCR
Gary Wiebe
It was sug
to the interpretation of the
the federal interpretation
State. Perhaps the law gives
ng interpreted wrongly by the
not do any good, our objections
OT and Harry Roosefelt's office.
ttee to order the signs, place
freeway signage problem, and
ted at a later date.
to begin the process necessary
The area of how to present
n stated that the present VCR
g the presentation to a prospect
ing something more compact
Committee to continue using
any slide type presentation.
e type presentation.
there were with the present
the only problem was with
that it is cumbersome to bring
a smaller television. He
more compact models available
uality of the picture. The
in using the present system
act portable T.V. in the future.
commented on the difficulty
ested to perhaps have a carrying
IDC Minutes - 8/20/84
Allen indicated he is not advoca ing a new system to present
the Monticello Story but an easi r means of getting the system
in and out of a prospect's offic. The Committee also felt
the need to stay away from any t pe of slide type presentation.
Although updating could be done ore readily and would be less
expensive, this was not preferre .
The Committee's recommendation w s to check into the possibility
of a carrying case for the VCR s stem and the cost of purchasing
a new, more compact, T.V., the s cond part of this item to authorize
Allen to begin working with Chri Lommel on the updating of
the Monticello Story. Completio of the update would be scheduled
for spring of 1985. Businesses uch as the First National Bank,
PSI, Key Tool & Plastics, etc., hould be featured. Gary Wieber
moved to have Allen secure the 0 going services of Chris Lommel
to update the Monticello Story. It was seconded by Arve Grimsmo
and passed unanimously.
A discussion of the commercial/r tail/industrial building inventory
was held. Even though the Commi tee does not get involved with
the retail segment, it is a good idea to have this service available.
The Poirier Drug building was us d as an example and also part
of Denny Seitz's building.
Co-Chairman Morrell indicated th items that are contained in
the inventory sheets. Allen ind"cated that the information
is listed on paper for each busi ess. However, the pictures
are not complete. Bud Schrupp sated that he has heard personal
comments from individuals who ha e looked at the inventory.
It was then suggested that the F"re Department be given a copy
for their use.
Allen indicated that this survey is an ongoing process. It
is continually updated when a bu"lding becomes empty, for sale,
or for rent, etc. It was the co sensus of the Committee to
have Allen take pictures of the emaining building and on an
ongoing basis to update the inve tory.
Co-Chairman Morrell presented a
Ready-Mix) received from the Sta
suggested attending this meeting
Allen will remind members of thi
etter that his firm (Monticello
e of Texas. The Committee
in Minneapolis on September 25.
meeting prior to the 25th.
John Bondhus stated that, in his opinion, direct mail advertising
is superior to magazine advertis"ng. Chairman Morrell asked
which advertising median was mor effective. Allen indicated
that direct mail letters had a g eater percentage of industrial
responses than did the magazine ds. A majority of the magazine
responses were from real estate nd professional service people.
He also indicated the huge incre ses in advertising rates.
An example was that the Minnesot
approximately $600.00 for a 1/6
a 1/3 page ad for $600.00.
A discussion took place on using
Tribune. After discussing the p
magazine and Sunday paper ads, i
to have Allen obtain rates for d
newspapers and also draft a seri
a year-long direct mail campaign
Harvey Kendall moved to have All
to be used for a year-long direc
and also return with magazine/ne
by Dale Lungwitz. It was passed
A discussion was held regarding
run. John Bondhus stated that i
smaller ad produced better resul
that the result will be 60% of a
There being no further business,
adjourn the meeting. Gary Wieber
by Dale Lungwitz. Meeting adjou
Allen L. Pelvit
Director of Economic Development
IDC Minutes - 8/20/84
Business Journal now wants
age ad. Last year's ad was
the Minneapolis Sunday Star &
ssibilities available with
was the Committee's consensus
fferent magazines and Sunday
s of 4 letters to be used in
and return to September meeting.
n draft 4 different letters
mail advertising campaign
spaper ad rates and was seconded
he types of magazine ads to
was his experience that a
s than a larger ad. He indicated
full page ad.
Co-Chairman Morrell asked to
moved to adjourn and was seconded
Industrial Deve opment Committee Agenda - 9/20/84
3. Consideration of Updating the Mon icello (VCR) Story. (A.P.)
At last month's meeting, the Committee was in agreement that
Allen should pursue an arrangemen with Chris Lommel to update
our VCR presentation. It was als agreed that the updating
could take place over the next 6- months. That period of time
would allow new footage of lXI, F' I, and perhaps Key Tool &
Plastics to be included in the pr sentation.
Upon contacting Chris Lommel, I w s informed that he does not
have the time needed for completi g this job. He also has lost
some of his contacts for studio w rk such as editing, etc.
He regrets not being able to work with the Committee on this
but feels his priorities are alre dy established.
Since learning that Chris could n t update the presentation,
I began checking out video produc ion firms. I started by writing
a letter explaining what we had a d what we want and asked each
firm to respond with what they co ld offer. At this point,
I have responses, as well as tent tive prices, from 10 firms.
These firms range from a second b droom studio to a top notch
professional studio capable of te evision productions. The
prices may vary accordingly as we
I am attempting to review
firms will meet our objectives, t
that will work periodically over
the footage needed and at a reaso
the field down to 3 or 4 and then
choose the firm with the best qua
rmation received to see which
at being obtaining a firm
he next 6-7 months to obtain
able price. I will narrow
meet with each, trying to
ifications and lowest cost.
1. Upon meeting with 3-4 product on firms, give Allen the authority
to obtain the services of the best firm.
Have alIen meet with 3-4 firm
Committee which firm should b
and then recommend to the
I have set up an initial meeting
they will take place prior to the
you allow me to choose the best p
cost without bringing it back to
keep members of the Promotional S
ith 2 of these firms, and
meeting. I recommend that
oduction firm with the best
he entire Committee. I will
bcommittee informed of the
None needed.
Industria~ Dev lopment Committee Agenda - 9/20/84
(A.P. )
4. Consideration of Direct Mail Let
The consensus of the Committee w s to have Allen return to the
regular September meeting with a vertising rates from the Minneapolis
Star & Tribune, Corporate Report. The Minnesota Business Journal,
etc., and four sample direct mai letters.
Immediately fOllowing the meetin
and The Minnea olis Star & Tribu
To date, I have not received tha
received information on business
again request rate information f
, I called Dorn Communications
e requesting rate information.
information. I have, however,
and industry rates. I will
om The Tribune and Dorn Communications.
Assuming the Committee decides t
mail letters (2,500), the total
periodically send out direct
ost per mailing may be as
4 Direct Mail Letters Per Year
Stamps ( 1 0, 000 x .20) $2,000.00
Envelopes (10,000 x .0269) $ 269.30
Letters (10,000 x 2.64) $ 264.30
3 Direct Mail Letters Per Year (E:very 4 Months)
Stamps (7,500 x .20) "" $1,500.00
Envelopes (7,500 x .0277) "" $ 207.75
Letters (7,500 x .0268) = $ 200.70
2 Direct Mail Letters Per Year (E ery 6 Months)
stamps (5,000 x .20) $1,000.00
Envelopes (5,000 x .0292) "" $ 146.20
Letters (5,000 x .0275) "" $ 137.55
Direct Mail Letter Per Year
Stamps (2,500 x .20) $ 500.00
Envelopes (2,500 x .0339) $ 84.65
Letters (2,500 x .0302) - $ 75.45
$ 660.10
Industrial Development Committee Agenda - 9/20/84
The problem with a mass mailing s ch as this is that in the
amounts just listed, we do not include labor. Last year our
mailing was individually and pers nally addressed and signed.
This process is very cost intensi e and may be prohibitive
if we have four separate mailings.
On September 17, 1983, I discusse several possibilities of
the mailings with FSI's Jack Peac. I will be working on some
items with Jack, but he feels we an save money by utilizing
a smaller (6"x9") letter that is ompletely computer prepared
and stuffed.
1. Postpone action on mailings u til after working with FSI
and obtaining costs.
2. Take no action on mailing unt 1 a later date but consider
placing an ad in Business & I dustry.
FSI must place their order by mid October to get quantity discounts.
They will give us those same disc unts. An example of savings
can be shown in the cost of envel pes. Our regular City envelopes
cost $26.90/thousand vs. FSI, $9. a/thousand. I recommend taking
a little extra time and work with FSI in preparing an attractive
yet cost effective direct mail ca paign. I would like to take
this opportunity to thank FSI for!donating their valuable time
last year in helping prepare and ompile our alphabetized mailing
list. This year they would charg for time utilized, but I'm
confident the time saved can be w 11 spent.
None at this time.
Industrial Dev lopment Committee Agenda - 9/20/84
5. Consideration of Adding New Membe . (A.P.)
Co-Chairman Morrell has spoken wi h Mr. Wayne Bidwell, owner
of Best in Webb. He has inquired as to the Committee's purpose,
etc., and has indicated that he W uld like to serve on the Committee
should we need another member.
At present we have 13 members, of which 58% attended meetings
during September of 1983 through ebruary of 1984, and 64% attended
from March of 1984 through August of 1984.
1. Consider adding another membe at this time.
2. Take no action with regard to adding another member until
attendance decreases or an ex. sting member resigns.
I have no formal recommendation 0 this.
Month by month list of meeting at endance.
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Industrial Deve opment Committee Agenda - 9/20/84
6. Review of 1984 Industry Appreciat on Day. (A.P.)
As in the past, we have reviewed
Development Committee has held.
the 1984 Industrial Appreciation
vents that the Industrial
ikewise, we are reviewing
ay event.
This year the format was changed 0 reflect a shorter, more
casual atmosphere. It was intend d to be more industry related
rather than just business related. our luncheon was attended
by several developers/prospective business owners who will be
considering our City for their de' elopments. Others indicated
they would attend; however, work elated commitments prevented
their attendance.
There were 50 paid lunches at th
to shoot the elusive birdies at
(including tax and gratuity), th
was the cost at the Country Club.
and 18 that tried
Club. At $4.75/plate
total was $237.50, while $129.25
$237.50 + $129.25 = $366.75.
Our 1984 Budget for Industrial A preciation Day was $1,500.00.
Given the information above, we ave come in under budget by
No alternative actions needed.
No recommendations needed.
No supporting data needed.
Industrial Deve opment Committee Agenda - 9/20/84
7. Informational Items. (A.P.)
I have begun taking pictures of t e remaining, additional, or
new buildings for our retail/co ercial/industrial building
inventory. When this is complete , a copy will be given to
the Fire Department for their use.
Key Tool & Plastics, Inc., has been actively working on their
financial package. Because of t e complicated process and nature
of the project, Key Tool has had to take more time than anticipated
in obtaining financing. At the resent time, it appears that
a combination of financing will e utilized.
In the meantime, their backlog h
either had to produce the produc
company in the metro area that s
leased them space to produce the
fix and will only serve to stren
Instead of initially employing 4
additional machines will add ano
Loren stoppleman of Buffalo is p
business here in Monticello. At
to find out Mr. Stoppleman's pIa
work has been laid, we can try t
business to Monticello.
reached a point where they
or lose it. They found a
ld them seven machines and
products. This is a temporary
then Key Tool's move next April.
-60 new positions, these seven
her 20 new jobS.
anning a combination blacksmith/rent-all
this time, I am attempting
s and needs. Once the ground
find a means of bringing the