IDC Agenda 06-21-1984 . AG NDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIA DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, June 21, 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Monticell City Hall Members: Co-Chairmen Jay Morrel Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagne Shelley Johnson, Harve. Schrupp, Don Smith, an and Gary Wieber, John Bondhus, ius, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Bud Allen Pelvit. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the Minutes of t e Meeting Held May 15, 1984. 3. IDC's Comments Regarding Upd ting of City's comprehensive Plan. New Business 4. Consideration of Future Trade Shows. 5. Review of IDC Annual Banquet. 6. Consideration of Purchasing tar City Road signs. . 7. Consideration of a Thank-yo Ad for those Contributing to the Banquet. 8. Consideration of a survey/Q estionnaire for Businesses Expanding/Relocating, etc., in Monticello. 9. Other Business. 10. Adjournment. . . MINU MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL Tuesday, May 15, Monticello Members Present: Jay Morrell, S Smith, John Bo Kendall, and A Members Absent: Walt Musty, To Bud Schrupp, a ES EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 984 - 7:00 A.M. ity Hall elly Johnson, Ron Hoglund, Don dhus, Dale Lungwitz, Harvey len Pelvit. Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, Bruce Gagnelius, Gary Wieber. NOTE: Tom Eidem, Gary Wieber, a d Bud Schrupp were attending a special HRA planning meeting duri g this time. Chairman Morrell called the meet'ng to order and asked for a motion to approve the April 19, 1984, minu es. Don Smith made the motion to approve said minutes and Ron Hog und seconded the motion. . Allen gave an update on banquet 126 tickets had been either paid $9,450.00 in revenue. Jay Morre approximately $2,000.00. Jay as on Friday, May 18, 1984, to thos be a good idea. Allen stated th completed. icket sales. He stated that approximately for or spoken for. This amounted to 1 estimated that expenses would be ed Allen if he felt a telephone call who committed but did not pay would t reminder calls would definitely be Don Smith suggested Allen compi1 a list of all ticket prospects. He further suggested that he indica e those who have paid, those who say they will attend but have not paid, and those who definitely will not attend. At that point, Allen can let each IDC member know which people to follow up on. Allen stated that he has a running total of those paid and committed. Don asked if any of the other mem ers ran into resistance because they raised the prices. It was agreed by all that this was a major concern of many individuals. Jay indicated that the banquet in general should be critiqued at the next meeting. He understood that tickets were $100.00 each at the first banquet and variations occu red in recent years. Jay also discussed the possibility of having low cos tickets ($15-$20) available after purchasing 1-2 tickets at full pr'ce ($75). After reviewing this, it was decided to not change the tic et structure this year because the hospital had already purchased 7 ickets at $75.00. Jay thought the Committee would be better off if e left the ticket prices as is and have the first ticket $75.00 and he secontl ticket $25.00. Ron Hoglund questioned what to charge succeed"ng tickets. . . It was the Committee's consensu banquet but had perhaps created prices. The Committee also fel would be in good shape. Our go to work on and should be brough IDC Minutes - 5/15/84 that we would not do badly on the some bad feelings by raising the that if we grossed $10,000.00, we 1 was $12,000.00. There are some areas up at the next meeting. Allen reported on banquet publi He stated that the St. Cloud Times was contacted. Jeanine N"stler was on maternity leave but discussed the banquet with a reional director. They did not want to cover this because they were doing a story on economic development of several Central Minnesota cities later this summer. The Times did say they would be contacting us at that time. This would be a fOllow-up of an article they did in 1983. He also sent a press release typ T.V., and newspapers in the St. Don Dorn was contacted about thi sent to WTCN and that he would i . Allen briefly described the gene suggested that Don and Jay work The head table was to be compose Morrell and his wife, Mickey Pet and Mark Dayton. Allen stated t introductions for all speakers a Jay suggested working on this af Committee that Dayton would be s of Economic Development and the Dale Lungwitz questioned the pre stated that the House bill (H.R. have both passed. The next step Committee and attempt to negotia has per capita limits of $150, w limitations. The Senate version business to $40 million. This and projects with UDAG funds. office buildings, for doctors, 1 Now we must wait for passage of Shelly asked if the Monte Club's indicated that this has been dis a new system had just recently b just 10 days earlier the speaker assured the Committee that Jay a Club to make sure the arrangemen of letter to all the major radio, loud and Metro areas. Jay asked if Allen stated that a letter was form Shelly Johnson. al format for the banquet and n this after the meeting adjourns. of the Mayor and his wife, Jay rson and her husband, Terrell Towers at he has prepared informational d on Monticello's accomplishments. er the meeting. Allen informed the eaking on the Minnesota Department rograms it has to offer. ent status of IRE's in Congress. Allen 4170) and the Senate bill (H.R. 2163) is to have each bill enter the Conference e a compromised bill. The House bill ereas the Senate bill has no per capita however, does limit each private es not apply to manufacturing concerns e bill prohibits IRB's for use in wyers, accountants, or similar professions. bill. PA system has been improved. Jay ussed before and Allen indicated that en installed. Don Smith stated that system was not very good. Allen d himself would meet at the Monte s were adequate. Chairman Morrell introduced and fficially welcomed Harvey Kendall as a member of the Committee. Several members indicated they knew Harvey. Those that didn't were introduced. Harvey will sit on the Promotional, Publicity, and Prospect Subcomittee. . IDC Minutes - 5/15/84 . Jay proceeded into the next agen a item dealing with individuals needed at the May 22-23 Trade Fa'r in Minneapolis. Allen explained that he was looking for some hel to carry in equipment and set up. He also would like someone to sp nd some time during the show hours as well as helping dismantle and pack up. Jay suggested this be arranged after the meeting on an,individual basis. He also suggested this be a good opportunity to ge those who do not attend the meetings to get involved. John Bondhus stated that he orig nally suggested Walt Musty as a member, but he has not been to a meeting in the last six months. Allen stated that he is willing to sell his t ckets; but when he is called and reminded of the meetings, he can ot make them. John stated that walt recently m if he really wanted to be a part that it is sometimes hard to res Allen contact Walt and discuss h consensus to keep in touch with to Monticello. ved from Monticello and did not know of this Committee. Don Smith stated gn from something and suggested that s intentions. It was the Committee's alt and try to relocate his business There being no further business, Chairman Morrell asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion as made by Harvey Kendall and seconded by John Bondhus. g adjourned. . . 3 - - I IDC Agenda - 6/21/84 . 3. IDC's Comments Regarding updatin of City's Comprehensive Plan. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During the past 2-3 months, City the Comprehensive Guide Plan for: was completed in 1978 and obviou period mentioned above, the Plan: Redevelopment Authority, and the sessions to review recommended c and policies Section. As well a meetings were held for citizen i B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Review the goals and policie, revisions of the Comprehensi e items you are concerned with. 2. Make no comments at all. C. RECOMMENDATION: . Carefully review the Goals and on areas that particularly deal This is a chance for each of yo the City's future direction. D. SUPPORTING DATA: staff has been re-evaluating the City of Monticello. It ly was outdated. During the ing Commission, Housing and City Council each held work anges or comments on the Goals individual meetings, public volvement. section and the suggested Plan, making comments to olicies section and make comments with Industrial Development. to express your views for Copy of the Goals and Policies ection and suggested revision materials. . 1 - . IDC Agenda - 6/21/84 4. Consideration of Future Trade Sh ws. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the past, the Committee has b shows. After attending the firs, Small Business Marketplace), I f the leads obtained and am still After attending the second show I have become very disappointed of people attending. The last show was not good in re their wares. On the contrary, t more SOliciting than the exhibit bankers and realtors. They were development but only for their 0 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: en in favor of attending trade trade show (The Minnesota It somewhat comfortable with ommunicating with these firms. The Small Business Trade Fair), n the attendance and the type pect to exhibitors selling ose attending the show did ,rs. Those that did stop were interested in Monticello's 1. Continue to use trade shows as an advertising media, especially manufacturing orientated. . 2. Discontinue attending trade sows. 3. Attend trade shows but as an ttendee and not as an exhibitor. C. RECOMMENDATION: I am presently requesting informa types of manufacturing trade show etc. I recommend attending shows to companies. This will save the productive. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None needed. . ion from Brede, Inc., on held in Minnesota and dates, as an attendee and talking Committee money and be more - 2 - IDC Agenda - 6/21/84 . 5. Review of IDC Annual Banquet. ( .P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As of 6/15/84. the fOllowing revenues and expenses have been received and paid with regard to the 1984 Annual Banquet: REVENUES: 113 tickets paid @ $75.00 1 ticket paid @ $100.00 $ .475.00 I $: 100.00 $8.575.00 Subtotal $8.575.00 (28 tickets committed for but no paid. Sent Reminder. Anticipate approximately $1.500.00 to be re urned out of $2.100.00) EXPENSES: Food-l08 dinners @ 11.25 Bar Gratuity $1.450.00* $ 435.80 $ 182.00 $2.067.80 . Net Profit $6.507.20 Less Minnesota Plaque $ 85.00 $ 85.00 Adjusted Net Profit $6.422.20 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Change the ticket price struc ure from $75.00 to something lower. 2. Keep ticket price as is. 3. Throughout the year think of new approach to ticket price. i.e.. 1st ticket $75-$100. 2nd ticket $25-$50. C. RECOMMENDATION: A review of the banquet and the ti ket prices indicates two areas to concentrate on next year. 1) A frequent excuse heard was "It costs too much". or "I can't afford that much"; and 2) We sold more tickets than in 19 3. If we can present 1984 ticket sales in a more attractive ight. our success should be good. ..-.. ...... D. SUPPORTING DATA: Attached comparison. - 3 *$235.00 was added for hors d'oeuvres and wine. . . . COMPARISON BETWEEN 108 PAID AND 160 PAID @ $75.00 REVENUE: 108 Paid @ $75.00 EXPENSES: Food - 108 X 11.25 Bar - $4.05/person Bar - $2. 18/person Gratuity Subtotal Less Montage NET PROFIT ACTUAL $8,575.00 160 Paid @ $75.00 $1 ,215.00 $ 435.80 $ 235.00 $ 182.00 $2,067.80 $1,800.00 $ 650.00 $ 350.00 $ 270.00 GOAL $12,000.00 $ 3,070.00 $6,507.20 $ 8,930.00 $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $6,422.20 We have sent remit, ders for up to another $2,100.00 to be sent in. Realistically we may receive $1,500.0a $ 85.00 G) $ 85.00 $ 8,845.00 IDC Agenda - 6/21/84 . 6. Consideration of Purchasing Star City Road Signs. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At an April 2, 1984, luncheon me ting, the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Developme t (DEED) revealed tentative plans for road signs for designa ed Star Cities. Upon attending the Star Cities Conference in Ma, 1984, DEED presented signs with the Star City logo and the ity name or a sign with only the Star City logo that could beipurchased. At the same time, they presented me with five lape pins with the Star City logo. Dimensions of the sign with logo the cost is $142.50; whereas the 18"x 30",costing $67.50. These of the sign and installation. name are 18" x 84", and only sign would measure include minor maintenance For anyone interested in pursuin a symbol board in conjunction with a town sign, contact Bill H nsen, St. Cloud, 253-1492. He is on an external committee c ncerned with traffic engineering. . 1. Purchase either logo only or logo/city name sign. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 2. Do not purchase Star City sign. C. RECOMMENDATION: I have heard that Delano made the'r own sign with the Star City logo (billboard style), and hey claim it is indirectly related to a firm relocating ther I have no opinion as to buying or not buying these signs. I only intended to present the information to you. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Attached is a facsimile of each s gn. . - 4 - . . . S1anlr~' ibJlI .'_.'~",,' FOR ECOHOMIC C .....'V "'ElIJPMENl 1'r10NTICELL 0 .. " 't ca~ It " " ~! If ~I'ta.ft " (.7.~o /' C0 IDC Agenda - 6/21/84 . 7. Consideration of a Thank-you Ad for those Contributing to the Banquet. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Recently Jay Morrell suggested t at the Committee consider placing an ad in the Times thank'ng all those individuals and firms who contributed to our ann al fund raiser. I have contacted the Times and r quested costs per column inch. A display ad 2 Columns wide (5" x 5") would cost $38.00. Three columns (7~" x 7") would c st $78.75. Approximately 65 names would hav to be placed in the ad along with the text. I then contactedjDon Smith to see which size would be appropriate and at the .ame time keep the cost to a minimum. Don stated that a 2-olumn x 5" ad would be adequate. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Place an ad in newspaper. 2. Do not place an ad in newspap r. . C. RECOMMENDATION: I feel that it would be appropria e to express our to those contributing financially for our efforts. should be adequate and cost appro imately $38.00. appreciation A 2-column x 5" D. SUPPORTING DATA: A sample text and layout for an a . - - 5 - SAMPLE TEXT ANI LAYOUT FOR AD . (Approximately 65 names that have donated would be listed.) IN APPRECIATION for their contri1ution to the Industrial Development Fund Raiser, the Committee would I like to acknowledge the following firms and individuals: ' LIST (F NAMES . Your monetary support will be uled throughout the year to further pursue our goal of seeking and lupporting industrial, commercial, and professional businesses in he Monticello Community. . o IDC Agenda - 6/21/84 . 8. Consideration of a survey/Questiol naire for Businesses Expanding/ Relocating, etc., in Monticello. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Jay Morrell expressed interest i possibly designing a survey/questionnaire to give the businesses that expa ,d and/or relocate in Monticello. Jay has recently completed a pro~ect and thought there should be a way of evaluating all parti s concerned with the development, i.e., the City and its staff, th HRA and staff, the City council, the Planning Commission and Publ'c Works Department, etc. Although Jay said his project in olved several wrinkles which were worked out, he suggested th t in the event other projects had difficulties, the appropriat' concerns could get feedback to be used for self critiquing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Upon formally adopting the u e of such a survey/questionnaire, have the research and planni g committee work on such a form. 2. Take no action at all. C. RECOMMENDATION: . No formal recommendation is give, The idea has merit and could indicate strengths and wea nesses in each particular unit. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None needed. 6 - . . INFORMATIONAL ITEMS IDC Agenda - 6/21/84 Scandinavian Transport Products (TP): Two representatives from STP will be arriving in Monticello on June 22 at approximately 5:00 p.m. originally it was thou ht that this visit would be used for site selection purpo:'es but has now been expressed as a marketing mission. If ther are sufficient markets and sales potential, etc., they (STP representatives) will return in September for choosing a site., Although the Minnesota Trade Off"ce is down-playing this visit, it is my opinion that we must ma e our best impression to them. Schedules and intentions have ch nged so many times since January that I feel this visit will esta 1ish in STP's mind the more favorable site locations. We mu t approach this as though this is our only chance to visit The future may be too late. On June 22, Arve Grimsmo, Tom Ei will be visiting with the STP's to be an informal dinner meeting interested in STP and their plan to pursuade them in choosing Mon em, John Simo1a, and myself epresentatives. This is planned The group will be genuinely However, we will not try ice110. . We will attempt to use this as a fact finding meeting. We will have a very comprehensive i formational packet available for STP to review. With the inf rmation obtained at this meeting, we will then be able to assemble a better presentation and combine with our initial informa iona1 packet. _ As some of you may already know, as a member of this Committee. Walt's ticket sales and then ask for IDC commitment. Walt stated move from Monticello it had beco active. He did express his than wishes for continued success. I relocation of his business to Mo Walt Musty has recently resigned fter our last meeting, I collected d him about his intentions that because of his recent e increasingly harder to be s to the Committee and best will keep in touch for a possible ticel10. Fulfillment systems, Inc. (FSI): At present, FSI is having their legal counsel prepare con racts between them and the City. Other legally binding co itments will also be finalized and forwarded to HUD. Upon the"r approval (3-5 weeks) we can begin withdrawing UDAG funds an thus moving earth. This ever so slow progress is getting c10 er to reality. . - 7 - . Key Tool and Plastics, Inc.: Th the entire United States. You'l of 1983 the City Council approve time, Key Tool and the rest of t action. At this point we are an competing as a non-entitlement c monies ($100 million). I have met with Key Tool and Pla the last month and have gotten a are greater than they anticipate for their firm. Terrell Towers, Minnesota Depart Business Finance Specialist, and Plastics on June 13, 1984. We d of IRB's and other types of fina a result, Key Tool will be assem for the state. I will again rew finance proposal and work out a breaking. IDC Agenda - 6/21/84 IRB issue has virtually crippled remember that in December IRB Authority. Since that e nation has awaited Congressional icipating the City of Monticello ty for limited amounts of tics several times during recommitment from them. Sales , thus causing growing pains ent of Economic Development I visited with Key Tool and scussed the possibilities cing as alternatives. As ling their financial proposal rk a preliminary tax increment ossible time frame for ground There are several alternatives f r Key Tool and Plastics to choose from. They are: . 1. Completely move it Monticello. This in electricity cos to their present b operation from Big Lake to ould save up to $3,OOO/mo. s. However, they are obligated ilding. 2. Keep smaller machi es and some assembly work at the Big Lake si e and expand in Monticello for the larger mac ines, etc. 3. They may try to se 1 the existing business or keep their obligat on and sublease it out. In any event, Key Tool and Plast c facilities and wants to move fas financing this project is expect of Energy and Economic Developme, Within 7-10 days Terrell will le good enough to warrant Monticell . has outgrown its present All information regarding d to be submitted to the Department t (DEED) by June 22, 1984. us know if the proposal is applying for funds. . Stuart Hoglund was in on June 14, 1984. He was still upset over the Counoi1's decision to not approve his application for IRB's. Thro ghout the discussion, Stuart constantly tried to have me commit myself. He wanted to know what the City wants him to deve10 on his property. I explained why IRB's are so touch and go at the present time. But Stuart stated that he had an individual who could have handled any obstacles regarding I B's. He told me he was considering bu~lding in Rogers now. Stuart asked what function I had with the City and the Industrial Development Committee. After ex1aining it, he asked who the IDC members were and when their eetings were held. He told me that I wasn't promoting business in Monticello. I then explained that in August of 1983 I had tried to get the Committee to pursue retail and commercial eve10pment without much success. I stated that the Committee want d to direct its efforts toward industry and that retail/commercial, etc., would take care of itself. I could continue with this repor , but you would know how the conversation went. . In short, Mr. Hoglund wanted a d cumented copy of the Council minutes. I have him a copy of t e minutes for the 6/11/84 meeting. After reading the minu es, Mr. Hoglund asked where the minutes stated the Council's reason for denying the claim. I gave several possible reasons. They are: 1. Fran Fair did not favor appr val because of a lack of IRB guidelines distinguishing ty es of projects that would get IRB approval. 2. Mayor Grimsmo thought the ne d for another motel was not as great as when Mr. Hoglund applied for IRB's for the Silver Fox. 3. Fran Fair also felt that a t ird motel was not in the City's best interest. 4. The consensus of the Council IRB legislation, IRB's shou1 projects. that in light of recent utilized for industrial During the whole discussion, Mr. Hoglund was appearing to be looking for revenge. .