IDC Agenda 05-15-1984 . Members: AGEN MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL Tuesday, May 15, Monticello Co-Chairman Jay Morre John Bondhus, Bruce G Shelly Johnson, Harve Bud Schrupp, Don Smi t 1. Call to order. A EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 984 - 7:00 A.M. i ty Hall I and Gary Wieber, Tom Eidem, gnelius, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Walt Musty, , and Allen pelvit. 2. Approval of the minutes of he meeting held April 19, 1984. Old Business 3. Banquet Ticket Sales, Banqu t Program, Banquet publicity. . New Business 4. New Industrial Development ommittee Member. 5. Individuals Needed for Tra Show Booth. 6. Other Business. 7. Adj ournmen t. . . MIN MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D Thursday, April 19, Monticello ES VELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Ci ty Hall Members Present: Jay Morrell, ud Schrupp, Dale Lungwitz, Gary Wieber, Don Smith, Sh lly Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, and Allen Pel it. Members Absent: John Bondhus, Tom Eidem, and Walt Musty. Chairman Morrell opened the mee ing asking for a motion to approve the March 15, 1984, minutes. M tion for the approval of the minutes was made by D. Lungwitz and was seconded by S. Johnson. . Allen Pelvit explained that a 1 tter had been drafted for the purpose of pre-approaching all names for ticket assignments. The letter would be written to allow for personal delivery of tickets or sending tickets as well. He also stated that some changes had been made to the text, making it easier to derstand. Upon completion of the letter, it would be signed by ay Morrell as Chairman of the Industrial Development Committee and Mick y Peterson as President of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce. D. Lungw'tz asked if these letters were going to be personalized or a genera letter. Allen explained that a general sales letter will be c pied at Monticello Printing and then each person's name, address, d salutation will be added. Jay added that in previewing the letter, he thought it was done very well. It lists some of our accomplis nts, etc., and what the event is for. Gary wieber a reception the people, stated that Ron Ho committee at the b register them, and lund and himself will again act as quet. Their job will be to receive hand out name tags. Gary Wieber commented that Lyn Smith has consented to making a montage in the shape of Minnes ta for presentation to Mark Dayton. Mr. Smith said he would feel comfortable making a presentation, but he would be happy to expla'n later what the montage represented. he committee, as a whole, for the ar situation. He also stated that ommittee members, should plug the eting we can. He suggested plugging , and Chamber, etc. Chairman Morrell complimented handling of the open bar/cash we, as Industrial Development banquet at every function or it at the Lion's, J.C.'s, Rota D. Lungwitz suggested there be some type of synopsis explaining what the montage was and how it c to be. Gary suggested either the . - 1 - . Mayor or Industrial Development presentation and explanation. would bill the committee for th committee would sell him a tick price for this type of montage Jay Morrell summarized the mont Mark Dayton to Monticello, tha that Monticello is an accomplis Dayton a constant reminder of M wall. I dustrial Development Committee Minutes 4 19/84 Commi ttee Crairman making the ary then stated that Mr. Smith montage and in return the t. Allen added that the usual ould be $84.00. ge and the reason for asking being to impress upon Mark Dayton ed City and this montage would give nticello by decorating his office Dale Lungwitz asked the size of the montage being considered. Allen Pelvit compared the size to two existing Minnesota montages in the Monticello Office Products Buil ing. In comparison to those, the approximate size should be nearly 8-12 inches wide by 18-24 inches hi gh . Gary Wieber continued his repo t from the special promotional sub- committee meeting. Jay added at Allen could handle the ticket and letter distribution. Allen then stated that he would combine tickets, letters, envelopes, d ticket assignments and hand deliver to all committee members. This would assure a standard procedure and accuracy. . Bud Schrupp suggested members to notify him Gary further discussed the ban on the new speaker system and the social hour and dinner. H to be eaten in the new area ne second tier. There was some c have on the audience. Bruce a Allen, Gary, and Bruce will ma banquet. Gary gave a tentative head tab Mayor, Mark Dayton, Chairman 0 and Terrell Towers, who is a n Department of Economic Develop in the past. Bob is now in ch Including spouses, the head ta an additional note requesting all results as well as turning in monies. uet at the Monte Club. He reported hat taped music would be used during further stated that the dinner was r the bar, with the head table on the ncern as to the effect this would sured us that it worked out well. e final arrangements prior to the e arrangement. This consisted of the the 1. D. C., President of the Chamber, w business finance specialist for the ent. This was a post Bob Stern held rge of the Minnesota Star City Program. le will have 8-10 individuals. Gary reported on the promotion subcommittee's suggested list of complimentary tickets. They i clude the following: Senator Betty Adkins, Representative Bob McE chern, Bob Stern, Harry Rosefeldt, Terrell Towers, Mark Dayton, K y Tool & Plastics, Inc., Don Bergstrom, and approximately six represen atives from Scandinavian Transport Products (STF). . 2 - . Gary further reported that Don S and give a press release to Alle cities to publish in newspapers stations. Jay Morrell, acting Development Committee, was aske He will give a summary of Monti last 12 months. Allen will pro Development Committee Minutes ith will spearhead publicity for distribution to larger nd air on radio and television s Chairman of the Industrial to be the Master of Ceremonies. llo's accomplishments for the ide Jay with this information. Shelly suggested he would conta t Don Dorn for possible inside help in getting television cove age. Allen would then send a letter to WTCN indicating what will be taking place, etc., and the possibility of getting coverage. Arve Grimsmo suggested contacti Stenton of the St. Cloud Times speech about Monticello and int g either Jeanine Nistler or f coverage. Arve will make oduce Dayton and Morrell. Sharon a brief Gary suggested to tentatively h ve Arve make some opening remarks; introducing Mark Dayton; with t e montage; having Terrell Towers explain his duties with the Dep rtment of Economic Development; having Jay summarize Monticello.s Economic Development; and then introduce Mark Dayton as guest peaker. The President of the Chamber will be at the head tab e but will not speak. Also, Gary suggested we acknowledge other pecial guests: Senator Betty Adkins, Representative Robert McEachern Don Bergstrom, Harry Rosefeldt, Key Tool & Plastics, Inc., and ob Stern. We should briefly give a description of Bob's new acti ities with the Star City Program. . Again, Gary stated that Allen w Towers, Stern, and Monticello, with Gary and Allen to finalize Jay brought the idea of having Allen suggested sending the pre did interview this past winter, a follow-up. Dale Lungwi tz que tape after the news broadcast. that it was not possible to obt held. Shelly Johnson agreed to assurances,as Don is only a c topics are programmed. Allen a their own press release methods uld have information on Dayton, tc., on 3 x 5 cards. Jay will meet these details. live camera covering the event. s release to all T.V. stations who inviting them to cover the event as tioned what happens to the unused Other members of the committee felt in it and no further discussion was contact Don Darn but gave no ra man and has no control over what ded that Dayton's office may use to help us out. Allen reported that he made a brief contact with Harvey Kendall in regard to becoming a member of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee. He stated that he as interested in learning more about the committee and its functions. Because of schedule conflicts, we did not meet again until just reviously to this meeting. At that . 3 - . meeting we discussed the committ detail. I informed Harvey that w promotional, publicity, and pros discussion on the committee, Har However, he needed to discuss th gave him a copy of the Star City plan to look over. I expect to on the 17th of May. Jay asked if Harvey's position h job since Norm Ecklund is workin Allen did not think it had chang be in personnel. He added that with the Monticello Nuclear Plan Allen explained what has taken p A wall cabinet has been complete a wall partition as well as a do office for Allen. Now there is and personal visits. Development Committee Minutes e, its purposes and functions in would like to have him sit on the ect subcommittee. After considerable ey told me he was very interested. s with his superiors at NSP. I Manual/Industrial Development Guide ee Harvey attend our next meeting s changed to a public relations so heavily with Becker, etc. d. Harvey is believed to still orm is not going to be associated at all in the future. with the supply room remodeling. by Gary Anderson and Allen. Also, r has been installed to make an uch more privacy for both telephoning Gary Wieber asked for more backg ound information on Lauren Martin. Allen explained that he answered an ad and requested information on Monticello. A few days later he wrote and requested information be sent to two other individuals. week later I received another request from Martin to send more inforrna ion to another two individuals. At this point I located Mr. Martin and talked to him. He is a business broker. I since found some of e names of the other individuals in the telephone book and traced th ir names to different businesses. At this point they are not good leads. . Jay Morrell asked if Jim Boyle lans to sell his land out near the freeway. Allen stated that Jim was in just the day before and stated that Dee Johnson cancelled any lans for buying and developing his property. Between the Oakwood ndustrial Park and the Hopkins expansions, they are at their l"mits this year. Jay suggested to Allen that Lar y Hegedon be someone to shy away from. He gave some background "nformation, both as a business man and a person, and suggested tha I would be wasting my time working with Larry. I informed the co i ttee that I hadn I t worked at all on this, except to physically pOck up the telephone and see how he was progressing. Allen also ad ed that if Larry's project is a loser, he definitely is going t rough a lot of work with business plans, finance plans, and the 1 ke. . Allen explained that we are awa Systems, Inc. (FSI), letter of Dayton's office has approved ou $475,000. Allen added that a n Senate that IRE I s will not be c for motels, eating establishmen for projects that are intended ting H.D.D. approval on Fulfillment redit. We have also learned that IRE application in the amount of w bill has been introduced into the pped, etc., but will not be approved S, etc. It will be primarily used o create jobs, get rid of blight, - 4 - . and increase the tax base. Thi was back in Rooseve 1 t's days. occur on July 1, 1984. I dustrial Development Committee Minutes 4 19/84 was what the original intention tentative ground breaking will Dale asked for clarification on the dual bond opinion for IRS's and why the delay for FSI's con truction. Allen stated that it is because of H.D.D. They suggest not getting too involved in ordering materials, etc., until the lega ly binding contracts have been signed and approved by H.U.D. The oth r reasons are due to the formalities for Tax Increment Financing and regular financing. These areas must reach certain levels of co pletion before construction may be g in . Dale asked if it was the City A torney's opinion to not enter into a dual bond opinion. Allen added that as far as he knew, staff is prepared to go with the dual bond opinion. FSI is agreeable to the situation. The worst saena '0 is that if the bonds become taxable six months down the road, they are six months interest in arrears. Dale had questions reg rding the dual opinion and the two alternative financing method. Allen stated that there would be another meeting with H.U.D.'s financial people to work out the details. Dale then questioned the deadlin for the U.D.A.G. He was especially interested in knowing what would happen if a strike or some unforeseen circumstances caused the project to not be completed on time. Allen stated that the H.U.D. represent tive was very careful to not stick his neck out. His only answer w s that if the central office is behind you and it was no fault 0 ours, there would be no problems. Again, Allen noted that Dale's c ncerns could be brought up at future H.D.D. meetings. . Jay had some concern about the c mpiling of a list of resorts and campgrounds in the area. Is tha in Allen's job description? Allen stated that it fell under his 10 duties to the Chamber. A list was compiled, a general letter w s sent to these resorts/campgrounds, and they returned brochures to u. Now when someone requests informa- tion, we include the brochures w'th a form type letter. It will save us time and money in the 10 g run. Allen introduced the initial inf rmation regarding Scandinavian Transport Products (STP). He fu ther added that this is an experimental project that would be somewhat Ii e an international clearinghouse. Experimental businesses would co from Norway and eventually from Europe as a whole, begin producti n until they reach their break-even point, and then relocate either 'n the same town, a different city, state, or even return to Norway. ey are looking for a 60,000 sq. ft. building and need people experien ed in aluminum welding. Allen has . - 5 - . Development Committee Minutes begun extensive work on a proposal. He has documented an abundance of individuals for the labor fa ce and has a layout for the manu- facturing concern itself. The roposal will be brought before the HRA. We are among 12 other Mi esota cities competing for the project. Some of the cities are Winona, Little Falls, Hutchinson, and Monticello. Representatives from STP will send a criteria package to the Trade Office for our benefit. These representatives will be in Minnesota during the nd of May to tour the cities and make their decisions. We will s nd them six complimentary tickets to our banquet in hopes they are in the area then. Pe 1 vi t of Economic Development . . . 3. Ban A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the last meeting, each membe (10-15) to contact and sell tic writing of this agenda, some in just begun to sell their ticket tickets sold so that we can est will attend the banquet. Also, can recontact some individuals This agenda will be in your han personally contacting each memb I will again be contacting each ticket count. This information May 15 meeting. IDe Agenda - 5/15/84 was assigned a list of names ets for the banquet. As of the ividuals have not started or have It is important to get the mate the number of people who if we are short of our goal, we ho did not buy the first time. s by Friday ,May 11, and I will be r to see how their sales are going. member on Monday, May 14, to get a will be given to you at the Tuesday, The program has tentatively bee set. More details will be presented at the May 15 meeting. publici y for the banquet is being handled by Don Smith and Allen Pelvit. B. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: . This weekend (the 12th, 13th, banquet. If we want to reach go out and sell tickets. nd 14th) is only ten days before the ur goal, this is the time to actively Each member should make a list containing those to whom tickets were sold and the number of tickets with dollar amountS. This should either be given to Bud Schrupp or All n will contact yOU and give to Bud. . - 1 - . IDC Agenda - 5/15/84 4. New Industrial Develo ment Conunittee Member. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you already know, I have bee as a member of our Industrial longer than I had anticipated. from Monticello's nuclear plant the May 15 meeting. trying to get an NSP representative ve10pment Conunittee. It has taken However, we now have Harvey Kendall as a member. Harvey will be attending Some of yOU already know Mr. Ke dall, but for those of us that may be unfamiliar with him or his rela ionship with NSP, we will take time for getting acquainted. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: NO actions, etc., are needed fo this item. . . - 2 - . 5. Individuals Needed for Trade Sh A. REFERENCE AND BAO<GROUND: At the March 15, 1984, meeting, participate in the May 22 & 23 S Minneapolis Auditorium. John Bo his company's trade show display next few days I will be readying As I did in the last trade fair, one other member present to help and loading our equipment and du Below is a list for both days please think about volunteering discuss this at the meeting. . May 22, 1984 (Tuesday) 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. May 23, 1984 (Wednesday) 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. . IDC Agenda - 5/15/84 Booth. (A.P.) e Committee authorized Allen to all Business Trade Fair at the dhus was kind enough to borrow to the Committee. During the our materials for the show. I would like to have at least I need help with unloading ing the show itself. the show and time periods. 4-hour shift. We will briefly