IDC Agenda 04-18-1984 (Special Meeting)
Tuesday, April 18,
1984 - 7:30 A.M.
Members: Ron Hoglund, Gary Wieb r, Don Smith, Walt Musty, Bruce
Gagnelius, and Shelly ohnson.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Minutes of March 1, 1984, meeting.
3. Tickets - Date Distributed t Committee; Date Sales to be Completed.
4. Letter - Date Sent, etc.
5. Monte Club - Reservations, M nu, etc.
Seating Arrangm nts
Head Table
Guest Speaker
Time Schedule
6. Banquet Program.
7. Montage for Mark Dayton.
8. Banquet Publicity - Newspape , etc. Radio - Free
Public nouncements - Free
Media Blitz
9. Miscellaneous Banquet Infor ation.
10. Presentation for C. Johnson, Who Has Resigned, for his Past Efforts.
11. Adjournment.
Thursday, March 1,
1984 - 7:30 A.M.
Members Present: Gary Wieber, R n Hoglund, Don smith, and
Allen Pelvit.
A special meeting was held at Pe kins. The purpose of the meeting
was to have the publicity and pr motional subcommittee finalize
its recommendations for the annu 1 banquet.
Gary Wieber opened the meeting.
item pertaining to printing the
out of town. The second item, g
Allen Pelvit indicated that afte
informed him that just the night
40 scheduling items to look over
she promised to confirm it with
A tentative program was suggeste
guest speaker. The program woul
proximately 2:00 P.M. Dayton wou
with members of the Industrial D
the IOC along with Dayton could
our industries. Hoglund Bus Com
for this purpose. Following the
to the Monte Club for the social
to 8:00 P.M. dinner would be ser
It was also suggested to have a
this time.
It has been confirmed by both Ga
meal will be a choice between st
per plate. It was the consensus
subcommittee to have an open bar
after dinner.
The idea of having a care packag
industries was a good idea at fi
would be hard to obtain products
industries. It was also the sub
like Dayton would not truly appr
Ideas for a gift(s) for all who
-Personalized pens
-Mini calculators
-Mini battery operated clocks
He suggested tabling the first
ickets because B. Schrupp was
est speaker, was also tabled.
several calls, Dayton's scheduler
before she had given Dayton approximately
As soon as he made his decision,
providing Mark Dayton would be the
entail the following: At ap-
d arrive to have a luncheon meeting
velopment Committee. At 4:00 P.M.
our Monticello and visit a few of
any has an appropriate bus suited
tour(s) the group would proceed
hour at 6:00 P.M. From 7:00 P.M.
ed followed by the guest speaker.
usician play soft dinner music during
y Wieber and Allen Pelvit that the
ak or lobster. The price was $11.25
f the publicity and promotional
one hour before dinner and one hour
with products from Monticello's
st. A closer look showed that it
or gifts representing Monticello's
ommittee's feelings that an individual
ciate such a gift.
ttend could be one of the following:
-Personalized note pad folders
-Business card holder
- 1 -
S ecial IDC Minutes - 3/1/84
This is to be presented to the e tire committee as a whole on March
15, 1984. If the committee elec s to pursue gifts, then the
subcommittee will check prices.
Items suggested for the next reg
the current Chamber President (M
list for agenda/supplements and
the IDC, and 2) ticket assignmen s.
Other business included estimate
If 150 meals were served at the
$11,250.00. One hundred fifty p
equals $1,687.00. Entertainment
Drinks were estimated to be appr
net profit would be $9,000.00.
reduced by amounts of any lunche
calls for gross receipts of $12,
of $3,500.00. This gives a net
The last item discussed dealt wi
attendees. It was suggested to
two tickets enclosed. There wer
and pushy. Others thought only
past be sent tickets and followe
The subcommittee asked if Allen
present it to the committee at i
Received official word from sche
attend the dinner banquet only
'. (/\-... ~.,t.
Allen L.
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of Economic Development
lar IDC agenda were: 1) adding
ckey Peterson) on the mailing
ct as an ex-official member of
of profits from banquet.
ate of $75.00 each, we would gross
ates at the rate of $11.25 each
would be approximately $150.00.
ximately $413.00. Our estimated
his figure, of course, would be
or gifts given. Our 1984 budget
00 (160 x 75.00) and total expenses
rofit of $8,500.00.
h the letter(s) to be sent to
end a letter to all invitees with
thoughts that this was too tacky
hose who have not attended in the
up with a personal telephone call.
auld draft a letter for this and
s next regular meeting.
that Mark Dayton can and will
guest speaker.
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