IDC Agenda 03-15-1984 . AGEN MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL Thursday, March 15, Monticello City Hal Chairman: Jay Morrell A EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Conference Room Members: T. Eidem, J. Bondhus, A. Grimsmo, B. Gagnelius, R. Hoglund, S. Johns n, D. Lungwitz, W. Musty, D. Smith, G. Wieber, . Schrupp, and A. Pelvit. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the February 1 , 1984, Minutes and March 1, 1984, Special Meeting Minutes. OLD BUSINESS 3. Printing of Tickets for Ma al, 1984, Banquet. 4. Confirmation of Guest Spea er at Banquet. . 5. Consideration of program f r Banquet. 6. Consideration of Ticket As ignment for IDC Members. 7. Consideration of Momento Attending Banquet. 8. Brochure Progress. NEW BUSINESS ersonalized Gift) for Those 9. Presentation by Monticello's Public Works Director. 10. Consideration of Attending the Trade Show sponsored by the Minneapolis Chamber of Co erce. 11. Director of Economic Deve opment's Report and prospect update. 12. Other Business. 13. Adjournment. . . MINUT S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 16, 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Members Present: T. Eidem, A. rimsmo, R. Hoglund, S. Johnson, D. Lungwitz, . Morrell, D. Smith, B. Schrupp, G. Wieber, A. Pelvit. Members Absent: J. Bondhus, B Gagnelius, W. Musty. Chairman Morrell called the mee ing to order. T. Eidem motioned to approve th January 4, 1984, minutes as submitted, seconded by A. Grims o. 3. Consideration of Adding an NSP e resentative to the Committee. . . T. Eidem explained how Norm Ekl and does not feel he could acti He did, however, say he would h also said he would aid us in Ii member. Committee's consensus member. 4. nd is involved with several areas ely be a member of the committee. lp in whatever way he could. He ing up another individual for a as to ask Harvey Kendell as a Consideration to Table Industri 1 Brochures and Testimonials until Later in Spring. A. Pelvit explained the brochur that we wait until we get an NS with our brochure. G. Wieber suggested that Pelvit brochure to the subcommittee an subcommittee. Shelly Johnson explained how NS past. Times have changed and m help. A. Pelvit should take su Eklund, Wayne Shamela, and Harv committee and how they might he set it up. 5. eakers for T. Eidem reported that May 21, 1984. He went on to sa Michaels and Kathy Callahan Economic Development. that NSP made in 1967. He suggested member on the committee to help us distribute the rough draft of also have Harvey Kendell on this withdrew its resources in the ybe they are once again willing to committee member as well as Norm y Kendell to lunch and discuss the p with our brochure. Pelvit will nd Raiser Ban uet. nor will be in Singapore on that he had approached Peggy the Minnesota Department of . D. Smith suggested getting Mark passed around an article showin felt Dayton would help us draw a chance to see how Monticello some free publicity. IDC Minutes - 2/16/84 Dayton as a guest speaker. He Dayton at an event. He also eople to the banquet, give him 's progressing and possibly get G. Wieber asked the committee f r other suggestions should Dayton not be able to attend. The results in order were: 1) Boschwitz boys, and 4) Economis other comments were to confirm about the steak or lobster meal double check with the price. availability of a good speaker ayton, 2) Vin Borden, 3) the from First National of Minneapolis. he May 21, 1984, date and inquire for $22.50/couple. Allen will ere was also some concern about the ystem for announcing, etc. A motion to accept the four cho'ces for guest speakers listed above was made by G. Wieber and seconded by D. Lungwitz. It was suggested that A. Pelvit contac Dayton's office by telephone rather than write to see if he ould be free on May 21, 1984. A. Grimsmo suggested getting a ackage together from various industries in town and give to guest. He also suggested having the guest come earlier to atte d a luncheon meeting with our committee. . 6. Continuation of Promotional Co Entertainment, and Invitations Banquet. Gary Wieber brought a listing and those who were in attendan a current list of names to hel Wieber and Pelvit will combine ticket sales. B. Schrupp offered to again be etc. He will wait for pelvit and bring tickets to the next f prospective banquet attendees e last year. A. pelvit also has aid in the ticket sales. G. their lists and assign names for in charge of ticket preparation, o have the guest speaker's name eeting. G. Wieber explained that in th past industries were given compli- mentary tickets. Do we want t continue this practice or discontinue? A. Grimsmo thought that if this banquet is to be a fund raiser, why give funds away. However, he did agree that a first year industry should receive a complimentar ticket. S. Johnson expressed some int it warranted? When referred amount would be needed to mee expenditures. other committe . rest in charging $75.00jplate. Is o the 1984 budget, it indicated this the rising costs of additional members explained that the price per 2 - IDC Minutes - 2/16/84 . plate has been going up and down it was $loo/plate,another and $50/plate. during the past. At one time was $100 including a guest S. Johnson has offered the use of good quality portable speakers. Entertainment would be approprite during social hour and dinner and should be light pian%rgan music. Arve will do the invocation. o her possible speakers would include Mayor, Chamber President, and D'rector of Economic Development. T. Eidem explained how land dev T.I.F. incentives try to get al etc. Land developers do not us' and they think the City and Ind them the world. lopers who really do not need they can and then ask for variances, ally meet the statutory requirements strial Development Committee owe G. Wieber thanked Torn, Allen an Arve for working very long and hard for the City's U.D.A.G. ap lication. Motion to adjourn by G. Wieber, seconded by A. Grimsmo. Meeting Adjourned. . Developme t . 3 - . . . IDC Agenda - 3/15/84 AGENDA SUPPEMENT 3. printin of Tickets for Ma 1, 19 4, Ban uet. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUNQ: At the February 16, 1984, meeting,i the tickets printed for the annua committee's consensus to have B. when a definite speaker has been B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: B. Schrupp volunteered to have fund raiser. It was the chrupp proceed with the tickets onfirmed. 1. Have dates, times, and names f speakers, etc., changed and printed right away. 2. Do nothing at this point unt" 1 B. Schrupp returns from his vacation. C. RECOMMENDATION: Because B. Schrupp has been in c arge of ticket preparation and printing in the past, it is rec ended that Alternative #2 be chosen. Upon his return someti e after March 15, A. Pelvit will contact him and inform him of t is meeting's results. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None needed at this time. - 1 - . . . DC Agenda - 3/15/84 4. confirmation of Guest S eaker at Bn uet. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUNQ.: confirmation that Mark Dayton's sC was received verbally over the tel Office requested brief details of their office. Upon forwarding thii Mark Dayton as our guest speaker. . He will not, however, be able to been Suggested for the afternoon the dinner and speak" is the comm I will be in touch to firm up arr B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: edule was open on May 21, 1984, phone. The commissioner's he event to be forwarded to information, I finally confirmed ttend any events r early evening. tment I received val times, etc. that may have "He will attend from his scheduler. 1. None, proceed with plans, tickets, etC. 2. Re-affirm commitment and pre are invitations for other special guests. Also proceed with t'ckets. C. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that B. Schrup , upon return, work with A. pelvit and prepare tickets. Also, cont ct other special guests such as state of Minnesota contacts and prepare special invitations. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None needed. - 2 - -' IDC Agenda - 3/15/84 . 5. Consideration of Pro ram for Ban uet. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: When I approached Dayton's Offic speaker, they wanted a letter gi and proposed activities. A few prospect subcommittee members di meeting with Dayton and IDC memb and possibly a visit to some are group was to socialize at the Mo As it turns out, Dayton cannot etc., will be given later. for a commitment as guest ing details of times, dates, romotional, publicity, and cussed and suggested a luncheon rs followed by a tour of Monticello industries. Afterwards the te Club prior to a formal dinner. with us until evening. Times, The promotion, publicity and pro.pect subcommittee has discussed several types of alternatives fo a program. To make the most use of the Committee's time, onl two alternatives will be listed. B. ALTERNATI VE ACTIONS: 1. Have a one-hour period to so by dinner, at which time Mar be followed by a one-hour op ialize (with open bar) followed Dayton will speak. This could n bar, followed by a cash bar. . 2. Have only one hour open bar 0 socialize prior to dinner and speech, then cash bar. (Both alternatives may have a musician playing piano, organ, or gui tar.) C. RECOMMENDATION: Based on discussions by members f the promotion, publicity, and prospect subcommittee at a special meeting they held March 1, 1984, Alternative #1 would be affirrna ive. It was the consensus of this group that the cost of this would be under budget. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Refer to minutes of the March 1, 1984, special meeting of the promotion, publicity, and prospect subcommittee. . 3 - F IDC Agenda - 3/15/84 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: t for IDC Members. (A.P.) . 6. Consideration At the February 16, 1984, meetin , G. Wieber presented a 1983 list of names, both businesses a d individuals, who were either asked to purchase tickets or att nded the banquet. A. Pelvit said he had also prepared an extnsive list of names to be incorporated with Wieber's. Pel it stated he would combine the lists and distribute prior t the meeting for the Committee's review. Any suggestions on trad'ng could take place at the meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Review the entire list to se know personally who isn't in the case, or you have a name by a different individual, p of you. if there is a name that you might your contact group. If this is that you feel should be contacted ease work it out between the two 2. Have each individual contact the names under their name with no deviations. C. RECOMMENDATION: . I suggest that each member caref for the best possible contacts t assure good results. lly review their list searching be made. A team effort will D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit I (attached). . - 4 - Monticello Chamber of Co Industrial Development Committee P. O. Box 192 . Monticello, Minnesota 55362 merce @ MONTICELLO a century.old city with a nuclear age view (Date) (Inside Address) Dear Mark your calendars for May 21, 1984, the da e set for the Industrial Development Committee's 5th Annual Fund Raising Banquet t the Monte Club. We encourage your financial support for this very important f ction by enclosing two $75.00 tickets for you and your spouse or business associat . The May 21 banquet is the main fund raiser f This year, as you know, Monticello has hired Development. Although duties and expenses a and the Industrial Development Committee, th stantial increase. the Industrial Development Committee. full-time Director of Economic e shared between the City, Chamber, Committee's budget calls for sub- . Results of 1983 activities have already been Tool and Plastics, Inc., and the expansionjr into Monticello corporate limits. A Federal received to help a growing firm become a par have otherwise not only left this area but t vitality of existing and new firms benefit u spent locally, less dependence on commuting felt by the expansion plans of Key location of Fulfillment Systems, Inc., Grant Money (U.D.A.G.) has been of this vibrant community that might e State of Minnesota. The continued all through more jobs, more money nd additional tax revenues, etc. Your tax deductible contribution entitles yo to attend the May 21 banquet as well as the September Industry Day. Your Indust~ial Development Committee is entrusted to pursuing economical growth during the net year. Won't you share in that goal by mailing your check no later than May 18 to Bud Schrupp, P.O. Box 515, Monticello, MN 55 362 . Sincerely, Jay Morrell, Chairman Industrial Development ickey Peterson, President ice':Llo?Clle, of Commerce ---:.. J .. welc tct..,", MONTI ELLO . ou 4.., ':"'%: t U;H Monticello Chamber of COlmmerce Industrial Development Committee P. O. Box 192 . Monticello, Minnesota 55362 @ (Date) MONTICELLO a century-old city with a nuclear age view (Inside Address) Dear It's banquet time again! Yes, May 21, 1984, is the annual fund raiser for Monticello's Industrial Development Committe This year the Chamber as well as the Industr'al Development Committee and the City of Monticello have hired a professi nal Economic Development Director. Monticello is very fortunate to obtain such n individual. He is responsible for running the day to day operations of the Chamber office and duties of the Executive Secretary. He works directly with the City Administrator on related City and Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) activities. As Director of Economic Development, he is responsible for wide range of responsibilities that include coordinating all Industrial Development Committee and HRA meetings, acting as Executive Secretary for both, soli iting industrial and commercial prospects, and preparation of yearly plans and budgets. . A major responsibility not seen by the public deals with Economic Development Financial Packaging and Grant Administration, such as the Fulfillment Systems U.D.A.G. As in the past, this banquet is a means of ra sing funds to accomplish the goals of attracting new business. New business me s a broader tax base, a broader tax base means lower taxes, and that's good n' If you're interested in obtaining quality res Its that are proven, we encourage your attendance along with your spouse or bus'ness associate(s). Your contribution of $75.00/ticket is tax deductible and will b returned to you many times over in the future. If you want to invest in Monticello's future, make your reservations by sending your check to Bud Schrupp at Golden Valley Furnitu e, P.O. Box 515, Monticello, MN 55362. Sincerely, weir; tCl" " MONTI ELLO 1IliI1lIU_____ ~ . ca.."....l..'..". tp \$' 1Jin . IDC Agenda - 3/15/84 7. Consideration of Momento (Person lized Gift) for Those Attending Banquet. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the promotion, publicity and on March 1, 1984, members sugges having some type of gift to give banquet. After some discussion, some sort of personalized gift c a promotional item. G. Wieber s of approximately five items and entire Committee. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Concentrate on an earlier su Package" for the guest speak rospect subcommittee meeting ed investigating the idea of to individuals attending the it was also suggested that uld be utilized year round as ggested checking into the cost eturn the information to the of a Monticello "Care 2. Pursue the thought of acquir'ng personalized promotional gifts to be given to banquet attendees, as well as other prospects and events through ut the year. 3. Abandon both of the above an only decide on one gift for the guest speaker. . C. RECOMMENDATION: I have no recommendation on either of the alternatives. However, I do recommend giving the guest s eaker some type of personalized gift. It was the consensus of the promotional, publicity and prospect subcommittee that not only would it be hard to get products from enough firms, but an indivi al such as Dayton might not like or appreciate such a gift. More iscussion as a committee should resolve this. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Minutes of the promotional, publi ity, and prospect subcommittee meeting on March 1, 1984. . . REACH FOR THE STARS.... . ....MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE TO A TOP RATED STAR CITY. MONTICELLO, 2nd city to re one of the fastest growing Minnesota. This is due, i set of strategies for Econ any five year period. OVe STAR CITY status,' but only STATUS. eive this designation, is areas in the state of part, to a well developed mic Development during 75 cities have attempted 14 have attained STAR CITY In Monticello we have the company's next expansion 0 heart of Minnesota where 1 business. erfect location for your . relocation, right in the cation can make or break a . Monticello can provide, thr and excellent transportatiQ your raw materials as well products. ugh its central location system, accessibility to s marketability of your . An aggressive Bus~ness & In ustry Committee and a Pro- Active City Government enab es business in Monticello to grow, even in the, hardest 0 economic times. An exceptional tax base, innovating financ'ng techniques, professional staff and modern facilities place Monticello miles ahead of other STAR CITIES. .. . I ! I 1 . Bondhus, J. Eidem, T. Gagnelius, B. Grimsmo, A. Hoglund, R. Johnson, C. Johnson, s. Lungwitz, D. Morrell, J. . Musty, W. Pelvit, A. Schrupp, B. Smith, D. Wieber, G. MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE . OWner, Bondhus Corporation Administrator, City of Monticello Owner, The Monte Club Mayor, City of Monticello American Family Insurance OWner, Johnson Department Stores Superintendent, Independent School District #882 President, Wright County State Bank Owner, Monticello Ready Mix OWner, National Con-Rod, Inc. . Director of Economic Development OWner, Golden Valley Furniture Publisher, Monticello Times Executive Vice-President, Wrightco Products, Inc. For Information: Director of Economic Development 250 East Broadway, Route 4, Box 83A Monticello, MN 55362 . -~ (612) 295-2711 or (612) 333-5739 (metro) I Iii. . . . . l_ Firm Automatic Garage Door Company *Best in Webb Bondhw; corporation *Clow Stamping *Decorative Services Electro Industries *Fulfillment Systems *IXI Assemblies Jones Manufacturing *Larson Manufacturing NSP Nuclear Plant wrightco Products, Inc. LEADING AREA INDUST AL EMPLOYERS produc . # Employees Garage Door C mponents 14 Corrunercial Printer 30 Hand Tools 38 Metal Fabrica ing 39 Draperies, Custom 37 Agricultural ails & Equip. 14 Refunds/Sweepstakes Clearinghouse 135 Computer Fiel 57 Jewelry 7 . Window Distributing Center 7 Electricity 225 Egq Products 153 * Located in area industrial parks . . . . .J INDUSTRIAL PARKS Monticello has three existing industrial parks. Total acreage is 190 acres. Sixty-three acres have already been developed leaving 127 acres for future development. plans are to develop an adjoining 265 acre parcel when the existing industrial parks near full development. Site Sizes: Parcels range from 2.2 acres to 6.38 acres. Larger tracts are available. Highways: Interstate 94 and Minnesota #25 adjacent to parks. Rail Service: Burlington Northern from St. Paul to Fargo, North Dakota serves community. Sanitary Sewer: 8", 10" and 12" lines. Sewage treatment plant capacity (gallons per day): 910,000. Water: 12" to 24" diameter mains. Pressure in excess of 80 pounds, 820,000 gal. storage capacity, 2,400 gal/min. pump capacity, 500,000 G/D average demand, 1,000,000 G/D peak demand. Electricity: N.S.P. See rates enclosed. Zoning: Industrial park zoning is required. Contact Director of Economic Development for mini-zoning package. Airports: Big Lake Airport. One mile nortll of City. Minneapolis/St_. Paul International Airport. 45 miles southeast of City. . . . .. MONTICEllO, MINNE OTA and Surrounding Areas 4 E ~.: <!j> : '~ --~..: "~f~-l . ) . ~, .,u~. ~ ,.~J ",: I~\ Nflll4;.r". -'"""" "';.." l . ~e:; ~ I ''t''~L ~ -4:+ 'J; . (j,,'t"'"'' I \ :- p,.,fr.l ( ~ Gl Fi) ..,4 .,;;~~~ - -- ~ 1.; i"'t' () ~< ~o: r; !>-\\ - ... '.... 1 ....,..,. ~ ~\ ~:\.~ ._~~~ C' , 'f-I -- · , (j ~~~ ~'s: . ..>L.I.i~-:' -k f,," ',,~ '~." "~,. - h J Becker > ,_:. J('" ,,~Jt~ .... i\""":.-~ ~,.. W,..... ~ - - ) -1'~'~'; - "".""- '~'i.'I\.r~(~\~ I'" "L l' %~5 ' "'17' ".,. '" " · i i~ .... "..':t'w . 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Your Chamber of Commerce supports Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts Monticello Community Chest Industrial Development Retail Business 4th of July Fireworks and Free or sponsors the f Ilowing local projects; Community C ristmas Decorations and Activiti s Community D velopment Plus Special C mmunity Projects Ice Cream Cones in the Park W"flhinrlun "I~rllu ...I~\.. " .'~I /1 11 'l '). {) '\' , " \ f. , .,~ "~." ' ,/1 . ,{' '{',~'.;.".,. ',""~../' /'" (., '~"~il';/ /. - I'~/ 4.., ... /.y' "/ i', '\~ ~ .f' .' " .', 'c / , ,,~; u 0) 'v 1'...../ I , I ' , ,. )t \~' '. if ,', ,. ii,' ii' ",. ;' .... . .../".'~~ f.i~' ./ 1t~.,' ! 'j" " :f I ;~~;:;' , / / .. " . \,.. I / ' / ,,' "'/ /: ~ ' " '. '.' //! " .'; ,.,;1" , .. '/' '. ''''i~>(>V.:/ .' / ,,)4' //(1 ..'~",,' '" ' . ~~ '. ' ~ , -,;::lfr" ,~ b ....' j \' ,.., ~... < ~\,.. , . t ,,", /, /:', ~.:',' '.~:!\y H. ./.' . .,', "" " ./ ;.\ ,'} ;..... i/' 1-. " ..../ " , ,1;\-J:'~:;:';} '" j. " '.. ". ,C; .... ~,; " ;- I , t c~ . ,. . 1,', , , I.. " ,-- , -': >// ',.'. " 'it ) , .I\t'~1 ,'_. ,:// '/ ' " I. / / I / 'I'; ,., L, ei) . , , , ' l :~~;,> ! I I ! -- 'I' "I' ~"'I \',:'/'''',:' ..,. I / / " N()I:t~11 r.'rrf, .' I n ., " ! .. l ,'"1fl '<;f- Ol ~M , " I I I, . "i I r"- I I I i I i i I I I I i j i , I , --------"---~I;.W\<W, l . ,[. " . - I' '1 ./ ,I j t I; J :1 -.1 (]O(l\l\>lVCI . ...1 . . .!. . ,5' . t- .0 ~ If : (} " () 11 " " "' ~, ~ l,) . " '" c. 11(1 . . . \.. INCENTIVES TO HELP MONTICE LO'S INDUSTRIES DEVELOP . Industrial Revenue Bonds: The City 0 Monticello is empowered by Minnesota tatute 475, to issue Industrial Revenue Bonds to assist business and "ndustry. The decision to issue such bonds is made by the elected fiv ~member City Council, the same body that governs all City activities and finances. Tax Increment Financing: Under Minn City of Mo establish tax increment financing dis district is to provide incentives for expand, or relocate. Monticello has hands-on experience im has a good working relationship with share of taxes. Becam;e of the complexity of the prog explain it at this point. If you hav please contact the Director of Econom strator. Small Business Administration (SBA) L businesses. They are: 1) SBA-503; sota Statutes, Chapter 273, the ticello has the authority to ricts. The purpose of a T.I.F. businesses who want to start up, lementing T.r.F. programs and ther entities foregoing their am, it is difficult to properly any questions regarding T.I.F. , c Development or the City Admini- There currently are two types of loans being used by small 7-A or Minnesota Plan. . 1) SBA-503 is a program used that of ers subordinated mortgage financing (rJenerally real estate related) t healthy and expanding eligible small commercial and industrial bUsine~:;~;es. The 5131\-503 combines the in- centives of long term (15~25 years), low down payment (0-1%), and reasonable price (near U.S. Treasury Bond rates). The 503 package is one of the most attractive and effective economic development financing tools available today. 2) The SBA 7A Loan Minne~,ota plan is used for ~,hort term (7-10 YE~ars) items such as working capital on fixed assets. W/CAP 7 years or less than 7 years. M & E 10 years or less than 10 years. Current practice indicates that a co exceed $500,000. These two types of situations. If your firm may be int Development's office would be happy bination of SBA-503 and SBA-7A cannot loans can be attractive in certain rested, the Director of Economic o discuss the opportunities available. . . . . J. MONTICELLO HAS THE POPULl\'rION BASE TO ASSURE AVAILABLE SKILLED LABOR Monticello's working population will grow with your company. Estimates place the City's population at 3,111 with an estimated 2,665 in the local labor force. projections put the City's population base at 4,198 by the year 2000 with Wright County exceeding 99,000. Monticello industries can also take advantage of Monticello's convenient location in Central Minnesota. Lying on Interstate 94 and Minnesota Highway #25, Monticello businesses can have easy access to ship and receive the bread and butter of their businesses "merchandise." The average age of Monticello's work force is in the 26-35 age bracket, reflecting growth potential in the City. They are well educated, too. In the immediate Monticello Area 55% of adults have high school education, 22% have trade school training, and 11% have college degrees. In addition to a young, ambitious, and educated work force, opportunity exists for special tr.aining and education. St. John's University, the College of St. Benedicts, and St. Cloud State University have a tri- registration agreement whereby a St. Cloud State University resident can register and attend classes at the two schools. This flexibility gives students the ability to effectively pursue and attain their scholastic goals. The University of Minnesota is also close enough so that commuting is not a problem. Vocational training locations in St. Cloud and Anoka give area students another alternative to academic course work. Excellent opportunities exist for individuals who desire to enhance their skills whether it be industrially, professionally, or personally. . . . . . . MONTICELLO lOUSING As one of Minnesota's fastest growing cities, Monticello has experienced expansion in all categories of housin Although single family residences on predominate, newcomers have a choice family dwellings, or condominiums. ell-ordered and attractive streets of apartments, duplexes, multiple For those who prefer rural settings were they can create "havens" to their own unique liking, Monticello offers 'everal opportunities. Whatever the taste, one factor stands out: Choice. Monticello offers choice simply because it is the cente of the fastest growing area in Minnesota. Monticello's population i predicted to nearly double by the year 2000, (3111 to JIIe.) and exc'llent planning will allow Monticello . . 1i.f9-i to absorb tlll.S expansJ.on. Ilr:_ U'fILITIES . Electricity: NSP Water: Supplier - City of Monticello Source - Well Maximum Daily Capacity - Pumping Capacity - 2,400 gal/min. Peak Demand - 1,000,000 G/D Total Hardness (tapwater) - 342 PPM Storage Demand - 820,000 gals. Sewer: Sanitary Sewer Capacity 910,000 G/D, 600,000 Peak Demand, 400,000 Average Demand. Gas: Natural Gas - supplied by North Central Public Service, Coon Rapids, MN Telephone: Bridgewater Telephone Company. Rates enclosed. . . IDC Agenda - 3/15/84 . 9. Presentation b Monticello's Pub ic Works Director. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: John Simola has asked to be pres nt at our meeting for the purpose of explaining what takes place w'th different types of waste, what types of businesses contribute t these wastes, and what type of businesses would cause excessive hardship on the existing Waste- water Treatment Plant. Mr. Simola will attempt to give to guide them in making future d industrial sewer users. He will what new businesses will do for plant needs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: No action required. C. RECOMMENDATION: None. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . None required. . he Committee all the facts needed cisions regarding prospective inform you of today's usages and lanning future Wastewater Treatment - 7 - IDC Agenda - 3/15/84 . 10. Consideration of Attendin the Trade Show S onsored b the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Several months ago attending this trade show was discussed. At that time it was suggested tht it was not in our best interest to attend this show. Since that time, circumstances h e changed. We have attended the First Annual Minnesota Small usiness Market Place sponsored by the Minnesota Business Journal and obtained some good leads. They are discussed in the Prospect Update Report. Other economical development centers such as Maple Grove and Thief River Falls have attended t e above show and told me they are attending the May 22-23 trade show in Minneapolis. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Do not participate in Minneapolis Trade Show. 2. Participate in Minneapolis Tade Show. C. RECOMMENDATION: . If we don't attend the Minneapolis Trade Show, we will not only miss out on a lot of exposure, b t good prospects as well. Therefore, it is recommended to ttend this show. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit III (Booth space available/fees) - 8 - . EXHIBIT III . Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Building, 15 South Fifth Street. Minnoa olis, MN 55402 (612) 370-9132 February 1, 1984 Dear Small Business Trade Fair Inquirer: As an exhibitor at the Greater Minneapolis Trade Fair, you are being given your choic BUSINESS TRADE FAIR '84. It will again be and Convention Center on May 22 and 23, 19 To receive priority placement, complete th with payment for the booth space requested booths accompanied with payment only. The of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Chambers a non-members. If you wish, you may pay hal the remaining half prior to the deadline 0 Chamber of Commerce Small Business of booth locations at the SMALL held at the Minneapolis Auditorium 4. enclosed contract and send it along Priority placement is given for fee is $325. per booth for members d MACI, and $395. per booth for the fee with your reservation and April 1, 1984. . Space is limited to 280 booths. Booths ar assigned on a first crnne, first serve basis taking into account your indic ted preferences. Any booths not fully paid for by the deadline of April 1. 1984, will be offered to firms on our waiting list. We are very enthusiastic about the '84 Tra with you in making it a profitable marketi have any questions regarding the enclosed 339-8193 or Bev Roberts at 370-9156. e Fair and look forward to working 9 event for your business. If you aterials, call Ron Boerboom at Sincerely, .t:)~ ~ 'CU~ Ronald E. Boerboom Marketing Committee P.S. With the economic recovery underway, let's make '84 a profitable marketing event. . ~~. ...L~_~____u___~_._ z w ::. I.L . --:1 [] I.L r-'" I'"l~ N '" N '" N N I'"l I'"l '" I'"l I'"l (]) <:r ,.., ,.., N f-.. -,~ !-.- ~ w 0 0 0 I'"l ,.., ...J '" ,.., '" (]) --..'::.j V) l'~.__ '" (\J /~ J( <[ . ~- g] Q'l <Xl N 0 - gj 00 r-- --I 0 r-- .... '<t ~ N N (]) r-- (\J ~ r-- (]) lC) .~ I'"l (]) (]) I.L lC) o 00 -,;:;1 o (]) W ...J !Q <[ w w 0 ...J N ...J V) N V) <[ <[ '!:l 0 N 0 W I'"l N ::r N N N' f- 2 (\J :g ,.., $i N 2 Z :2: (/) ::::i 0 0:: Cl. <r <t w z LL z :2: W 0 <( <:;t 0:: co I- (j) if) ..J r0 if) ..J ~. W <r I Z I- m N (f) I >- :::> x <( OJ w ~ :!: :J -J ir -J g <t 0 ~ :::J <r (f) (/) ..J h: <( w z Z ::!': w 0 Et -9 x .", DciJDr ~" "1 ~ a.. w w ~ w 0 VI W ~ j: I 0 a: (]) W "00 J: W b 3lSI'l1 006 w 0:: a: <[ 0 <[ w V) " V) w a: ill J: ...J i l- V) 0 <i: !:l 0 j . ill ...J Z ...J ...J => ...J <[ <[ ,# .. ~ t....-.~ ~ 4-,' ~ ~t~:.="~ . . , ~,.- . . . IDC Agenda - 3/15/84 and Pros (A.P.) 11. Director of the City Administrator. Enclosed is a copy of the report Prospect Update: Burger King: This is in the initial stages of discussion. A realtor representing a client has made a preliminary offer to the City of Monticello. We are chec ing into the offer and will keep you informed. They plan on summ r construction and occupancy by late summer/early fall. Interlock Structures, Inc. (Fred new concept in the construction can be assembled with laborers h no tools. The federal governmen building. This company is tryin market. Metro Warehouse - Dale Gustafson locating his operations to the 0 interested in Monticello's tax b be meeting with Dale to discuss Lan, M ls.): This is a revolutionary rade. It is a type of building that ving little or no training and using is interested in this type of to get into the international M ls: He is interested tside of the metro area. se and quiet atmosphere. is plans further. in re- He is I will Data Forms, Inc. - Rich Shevidan, M ls.: They are considering relocating, and Monticello inter sts them. I will be in touch with Mr. Shevidan. Larry Hagedon, Monticello: experience in wood processing industry from Iowa. He was cons'dering purchasing an existing plant near McGregor, Minnesota, ut the deal fell through. He is now considering Monticello as a viable location. There is a good market in Central Minnesot for this type of product (custom made cabinet parts) . 9 - . . . .. _ J.~C-".'''7 -'''',. ,.._._ .... THINGS ACCOMPLISHED FOR 'HE MONTH OF FEBRUARY February has been a short month. It gotten off track in giving you a repo bi-monthly report effective immediate to keep one on course. Iso t. y. has been However, Planning very active. I will return and goals are I have to a supposed Contacted Schmidt Laboratories, St. S ephen, Minnesota. I presented a potential deal to them that would all w them to relocate with a minimum of cash outlay. I will touch base to see if there is any further interest. Have compiled alternative types of fi .ancing information into a rough format. As time allows, I will organ'ze into a typewritten format. Have received a letter from Governor Monticello's interest in competing fa erpich's Office acknowledging t.he Irish Cheese Plant. prepared for and attended the Minneso a Small Business Market place Trade Fair on February 22 & 23, 1984. 'l'llC :3pcculali vo buildin9 with Vei t' f3'onstruction has been put on hold tempox:arily. I will initiate another meeting with Veits with t.he understanding that tax increment fina cing will not be available to them. Have been in touch with Marc fleahman several times with his proposal to develop the Holker Drive-in and ad'acent building. I have guided him to the point where he has pres0nt~d his initial plans to the SEA affiliate bank in St. Cloud. They se m to like it at this point. They want more specifics before they proce d. Work on my specific areas of the Camp ehensive Guide Plan has nearly been completed. Schedules and charts will be typed up this week and ready for you. prepared and distributed agenda/suppl ments for HRA and IDe meetings. Also took and prepared notes for HRA, IDC, and Chamber meetings. Also prepared notes on special IDC meetings to be distributed to committee members prior to the next regular meeting. Met with Dr. Brian Ives, Ph.D. His offer for land in Oakwood Industrial Park has been turned down. He had to many strings attached to his offer. He also accepted employment with a c pany in the state of Washington. He says he'll be back in 2-3 years to c ntinue this venture. I have filed this project as inactive and most likely dead. Met with Shelly Johnson to get infor ation on school district and its annual enrollment for each school du ing the last 10 years. This was used for the Convrehensive Guide Plan. - 1 - Called and notified Chamber members of the February meeting. . \'lorked with Gary l\nderson preparing a materials list for supply room C~)inets. Also worked on cabinet plans. Worked over at the Maintenance Building on February 17, 1984, and February 27, 1984, laying out and cutting materials for supply room cabinets. Also glueing, doweling, and assembling front of cabinets. Attended two (2) special meetings with the IDC's promotional, publicity and prospect subcommittee. Topic was mainly concerned with the May 21, 1984, fund raising banquet. Met with Dick Kubier of Data Forms, Inc. Dick is a salesman with the company. He was interested in getting information on firms in the area. I was interested in the firm's intentions of expanding and re- locating in Monticello. I will be in contact with a representative in U1e near future to pursue l~his. Attended a special BRA meeting to obtain approval of a loan agreement and purchase agreement for the FSI project. Constructed the supply rpom cabinets on February 25 & 27, 1984. Cump1eted the Environmental A:.;;::;essment Checklist for !-'SI' s UDAG. Also completed a findin'] of no significant effect on the environment "FUNSI" and a reqL1(~st for release of funds "RROF" notice. 'rhe notices were published in the Monticello Times on March I, 1984. On March 16, 1984, copies of t.he notices along with any public comment will be forwarded to HUD's area office in Minneapolis for public comment. On April 2, 1984, HUD can officially rclease UDAG funds to the City of Montic(~llo. . l\nswered several Chamber phone calls and approximately eight letters ranging from requests for fishing on the Mississippi to inquiries about the N~clear Plant. I have received confinnation from Dayton's office that he will attend the dinner and be guest speaker for the May 21 banquet. Have received certification from the Minnesota State Planning Agency that it has officially reviewed our UDAG application for FSI. The State Planning Agency represents Minnesota's single point of contact for executive order 12372. . - 2 - I .a. 'l., . Jul oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. % J. Bondhus X X X X X X .86 Tom Eidem X X X X X X X 100 A. Grimsmo X X X .43 B. Gagnelius X X .29 R. Hoglund X X X X X X .86 c. Johnson X X .29 S. Johnson X X X X .57 D. Lungwitz X X X .43 J. Morrell X X X X X .71 W. Musty X X .29 B. Schrupp X X X X X .71 . D. Smith X X X X .57 G. Wieber X X X X .57 A. Pelvit X X X X X X X 100 .