IDC Agenda 02-16-1984
Thursday, February 16
Monticello City Hall
Chairman: Jay Morrell
1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Conference Room
Co-Chairman: Gary Wieber
Members: J. Bondhus, T. Eidem, . Gagnelius, A. Grimsmo, R. Hoglund,
C. Johnson, S. Johnson D. Lungwitz, W. Musty, B. Schrupp,
D. Smith, and A. pelvi .
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of January 19, 1984 meeting minutes.
3. Consideration of Adding an N P Representative to the Committee.
4. Consideration to Table Indus rial Brochures and Testimonials
until Later in Spring.
5. update on Speakers for Annua Fund Raiser Banquet.
Continuation of Promotional
Entertainment, and Invitatio
7. Prospect Update.
8. Other Business.
9. Adjournment.
ommittee Organizing Ticket Sales,
s, etc., for the Annual Fund Raising
Monticello Industrial D velopment Committee
Thursday, January 19, 1984 - 7:00 A.M.
Members Present: John Bondhus, om Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, Shelly
Johnson, Jay M rrell, Don Smith, Gary Wieber,
and Allen Pelv"t.
Members Absent: Bruce Gagneliu , Ron Hoglund, Con Johnson,
Dale Lungwitz, Walt Musty, Bud Schrupp.
Chairman Morrell called the meet"ng to order.
J. Morrell asked for a
minutes as submitted.
by A. Grimsmo.
motion to approve the December 15, 1983,
Motion w s made by G. Wieber and seconded
J. Morrell suggested setting up
the metro areas. He also sugge
brochure and then a follow up c
realtors that participate in th
with the metro areas. It was t
pelvit incorporate this into ou
A. Pelvit explained that he was
location to have the regular I.
it would be helpful to know in
to holding a meeting. A. Pelvi
of members that will attend cou
attend (when there was not enou
that the committee as a whole h
came aboard. When Pel vi t came
about attending meetings. "Aft
was hired." Some members were
by now. T. Eidem stated that i
will not be able to attend
additional mailings to realtors in
ted sending a cover letter with a
11 afterwards. We should use local
Multiple Listing Service (MLS) along
e consensus of committee to have A.
general mailing campaign.
trying to find a convenient time and
.C. meetings. He also stated that
dvance how many would attend previous
further stated that knowing the number
d prevent wasted time of those who did
h to hold a quorum). A. Grimsmo stated
d worked very hard before A. Pelvit
n board some members became more lax
raIl," Grimsmo said, "that's why Allen
urnt out, but they should have recovered
is important to notify Allen if they
ting or activity.
Jay Morrell suggested that the ext meeting should be held Thursday,
February 16, 1984, at 7:00 A.M. The meeting will start promptly at
7:00 A.M. and end at 8:15 A.M. The minimum number of members needed
for a quorum was suggested to b five. The meeting is to be held at
City Hall in the Conference Roo , and Allen will make reminder calls
to each member, who will indicate their attendance. A motion to adopt
these rules was made by G. Wie er and seconded by A. Grimsmo.
T. Eidem stated that attendanc
attendance for the membership.
sidering what each individual
is poor and the committee should evaluate
J. Morrell and G. Wieber suggested con-
ontributes throughout the entire year.
1 -
J. Bondhus felt that personalit
John also suggested setting up
XXX meetings, they should be dr
noted that the members are volu
services. T. Eidem stated that
they should still fulfill their
the committee to have Allen rev
annually and check with members
to check with all members on We
feedback to the February meetin
A. Pelvit explained meeting wit
Economical Development Departme
Chairman of the Board very much
Monticello's Nuclear Plant on 0;
Wayne Shamela (Plant Manager) 0
recommended Norm Eklund. T. Ei
Norm Eklund as a new member of
motion. A. Pelvit suggested T.
and he agreed. Tom will invite
Jay Morrell wanted to know if t
that could be a liaison for the
and Bud Schrupp were both HRA m
mission would not be very recep
also stated that Pelvit and him
Planning Commission. A. Grimsm
of Planning Commission minutes.
with that arrangement.
I dust rial Devel. Committee Minutes - 1/19/84
es should be kept out of evaluation.
guideline such as if a member misses
pped from the committee. It was
teers and do not get paid for their
even though the members were volunteers,
obligations. It was the consensus of
ew the attendance of the members semi-
for their commitments. Allen is also
nesday as the best meeting day. Bring
Bob Stern and Dick Wright of NSP's
t. He also pointed out that NSP's
wanted to have a representative from
committee. Allen suggested either
Norm Eklund as a possibility. A. Grimsmo
em moved to extend an invitation to
he I.D.C. S. Johnson seconded the
idem make the invitation to Mr. Eklund
Eklund to the February meeting.
ere was a member on the Planning Commission
I.D.C. T. Eidem indicated that D. Cochran
mbers and Cochran on the Planning Com-
ive to acting on more committees. Eidem
elf were indirect liaisons with the
asked if it were possible to get a copy
Eidem didn't think there was any problem
J. Morrell agreed that the spri g fund raising banquet has been a success
and should be done again. Jay lso stated that Allen has been very active
in promoting prospects, developi g an industrial brochure, and lining up
television publicity. This shold be noted at the banquet. There was a
suggestion to have the banquet i a roast form, but committee felt this
should be more professional in n ture. It was also the consensus of the
committee that we should try to et Governor Rudy Perpich and Mark Dayton
to attend as guest speakers.
Don Smith reported that Mr. R. dtke (Snyder Drug) likes what the I.D.C.
is accomplishing. Don indicated that Hedtke is not a very active Chamber
member but is exemplary of other ' attitudes toward the I.D.C. T. Eidem
will contact Pat Johnson (Govern r Perpich's scheduler) to see if Perpich
will attend. He will also conta t Mark Dayton's assistant (Connie Lewis)
to invite Mr. Dayton. If they w"ll not give us a commitment by February 1,
1984, A. Pelvit will contact the names (headed by Dr. Song Won Sohn of Norwest)
suggested by G. Wieber. The ban uet was scheduled for May 21 at the
Monte Club. A. Grimsmo suggeste asking for the same deal (steak and
lobster) as the Rotary.
In ustrial Deve1. Committee Minutes - 1/19/84
A. Pe1vit briefly reported what as taken place with Veits Construction.
He stated that they originally t lked about constructing a 20-40,000 sq.
ft. building with four 5-10,000 sq. ft. units for lease. Veits would
like at least a 50% guaranteed 0 cupancy (with five year leases) .
Morrell and Pelvit both agreed t at this project would have to be strictly
a speculative arrangement and no just a company putting up a building
for a tenant. Allen will relay his information to veits and proceed
with more definite plans. He will get Dale Lungwitz and Con Johnson
involved with the next meeting.
Don stated that this type
good but did suggest that
that if any I.D.C. member
ting of prospects and actions is very
dd names of owners and businesses so
lly knows a prospect, they can help
other Business included A. Grims o's report on a joint venture between
Monticello, Big Lake, and Elk Ri er to build an airport. Three hundred
acres has been located approxima ely eight miles northeast of Monticello.
This project is confidential at his time. It should be kept between
the members of this committee. he project can get FFA funding for
approximately 80-90% of the total costs. Even the initial feasibility
study will be funded by MN/DOT - District 3. We will keep the committee
A. pelvit briefly reported that local commercial printer literally
laughed at trying to make brochures with $3,500.00. They wanted $200.00
up front just to have their artist do the layout work. From this they
could tell how much to charge us. I received bids from several other
commercial printers. However, 0 ly May Printing in St. Cloud could
handle all phases of the brochur. We could get a brochure jacket
similar to Exhibit III (enclosed in the January 19, 1984, supplement)
made of a quality paper and appr ximately seven inserts for $1,200.00
to $1,500.00. G. Wieber and All n will continue working on the final
draft and layout of inserts.
- 3 -
/ i
IDC Agenda - 2/16/84
3. Consideration of Addin an NSP Re resentative to the Committee. (A.P.)
At the January meeting A. Pelvit
with Bob stern and Richard wright
with the Star City Recertificatio
of NSP's Economic Development Dep
Chairman of the Board wished to h
plant on our committee.
This was an excellent idea. An N
would have given us accessibility
Department in Minneapolis.
eported on a meeting he attended
Mr. wright was helping B. Stern
process. Mr. wright is Manager
rtment. He told me that NSP's
ve an employee from the Monticello
p representative on the committee
to their large Economic Development
It was the consensus of the committee to ask Norm Eklund to become
part of the Monticello Industria Development Committee. I asked
T. Eidem to invite Mr. Eklund to the February meeting because he
knew him quite well. When asked, Mr. Eklund declined the invitation
because he is too involved with ork at the Becker Plant, etC. He
will, however, direct us toward n individual who would be a positive
force on our committee.
1. When given the opportunity, nvite Mr. Eklund's nominee to the
next meeting.
2. Not proceed any further with adding a representative from NSP
to the committee.
Although the committee already h
would benefit us to have an NSP
only does NSP have a large Econo
reach out in many other areas as
to us in future projects. It is
Eklund suggests.
s an adequate number of members, it
epresentative on the committee. Not
ic Development Department, but they
well. Their resources may be of value
recommended to pursue whomever Mr.
None needed at this time. Furt er information can be obtained from
T. Eidem.
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IDC Agenda - 2/16/84
4. Consideration to Table Industria, Brochures and Testimonials
until Later in Spring. (A.P.)
At the December meeting, it was he consensus of the committee to
compose and print an industrial rochure for Monticello. This
brochure was to be completed by id-February so it could be used
at the February 22-23 trade show.
This item was tabled at the Janu ry meeting because time expired.
Printers suggest giving them two weeks' time to complete their work.
If decided to go ahead at this meting (February 16), we would not
get the brochures until March.
1. Keep working on the final dr ft, layout, etc., and have printed
for delivery in March.
3. Abandon project indefinitely.
2. Table this project until som time this spring.
I suggest we table the brochure
not receive the brochures or tes
trade show. In fact, I suggest
have an NSP representative on th
industrial brochure in 1967. Pe
in the future.
or the present time since we would
imonials in time for the February
aiting with the brochure until we
committee. NSP helped make an
haps we could use their services
Copy of 1967 industrial brochure produced by NSP. Full brochure will
be available to see at the meeti g.
- 2 -
rj\ ~ .9 tt v ita t i 0 tt
t 0 \9 tt d u rd. It ~ ~ It 0 m
IDC Agenda - 2/16/84
5. U date on S eakers for Annual F d Raiser Ban uet. (A.P.)
As of February 8, 1984, the Gove
will be in Singapore. Mark Dayt
attend if his schedule permits.
acknowledgement from Kathy Calla
(MN. Dept. of Economic Developme
were suggested. They included:
Dr. Song Won Sohn, and others
A list of possible guest speaker
Governor Rudy Perpich, Mark Dayt
involved with economic developme
scheduler has indicated he
n has indicated a willingness to
T. Eidem has contacted and received
an, Director of Business Services
t) that she would attend.
1. Invite Mark Dayton as guest peaker with Ms. Callahan as special
guest representing the State Business Service.
2. Invite Dr. Song Won Sohn.
Staff recommends formally inviti g Mark Dayton as guest speaker
with Ms. Callahan as representative from the Business Services
Department. This position has eplaced the position previously
held by Michael Mulrooney.
None needed at this time.
- 3 -
IDC Agenda - 2/16/84
6. Continuation of Promotional Comm"ttee
Entertainment, and Invitations, tc.,
Banquet. (A. P.)
round work for contacting several
eakers for the banquet. Because
uts and bolts planning for the
The January
the meeting
banquet was
meeting established
suggested as guest s;
time ran short, the .
tabled until this ma
Added expenses of the Director
will mean raising more funds.
required by all members.
Economic Development's position
s a result, more effort will be
1. Form subcommittees to work n individual areas such as ticket
sales, invitations, enterta"nment, etc., and have these members
work out the details.
2. Have Allen work independent'y with G. Wieber assigning tasks
for the various areas.
working with G. Wieber has been good in the past and should be in
the future. I feel we could ge more accomplished and in a shorter
period of time. These meetings are to be completed in 75 minutes
(one hour and 15 minutes). If ime permits, we could discuss areas
that members are concerned abou .
List of Monticello businesses,
individuals who are good prospe
to Exhibit I, Item #5, Agenda S
ndividuals, and other businesses or
ts to invite to the banquet. Refer
pp1ement for the January 19, 1984,
- 4 -
IDC Agenda - 2/16/84
7. Prospect Update. (A.P.)
Alpana Aluminum. I stopped to t lk with Donald Klitzka, President
of Alpana, abo t their plans for expansion and
relocation. Their Board of Dire. tors appreciated Monticello's interest
but have decided to buy their ow. property (30 acres) near Medina and
proceed on their own. The probl m with Delano, according to Mr.
Klitzka, was that the City promi ed Alpana the world. They virtually
gave Alpana the land and everyth'ng else associated with the deal.
Then Delano elected a new mayor . nd appointed a new administrator
causing the City to think twice bout what they promised. Throughout
the following months the city st rted taking back "bits & pieces" of
their fantastic offer. Alpana b came upset and withdrew their offer
as well and decided they would b better off developing their project
on their own without outside int. rference.
Pies, Inc. On January 24, 1984, I visited with Pies at their office
to see why they woul not return my calls. Charlie Bench,
Corporate Accountant, didn't kno much about what was taking place.
After some time passed, Bill Str nglis, Vice-President of Marketing
and Sales, talked with me. I ex lained Monticello's interest in
their company and asked if a dec'sion had been made. Bill told me
that they had made a decision ju t a day or two earlier. During
our remaining discussion I asked leading questions, looking for
reasons why they did not choose onticello. Financial analysis
played a major role in their dec'sion. It came down to a numbers
game. Albert Lea had an empty ilding they had been trying hard
to unload for a long time. Pies, Inc. liked the Monticello location,
the possible working relationshi with Wrightco, but financially
had to put their company's futur in an area where give-aways speak
louder than personal likes or di likes.
Pederson's Unlimited. I recentl talked to Mrs. Pederson about various
types of financing and incentives available to
businesses in Minnesota. They definitely want to expand but are having
trouble with the City of paynesville. She told me that they would like
to stay in paynesville if they c uld work something out. When I asked
about an approximately time table, she stated that the middle of March
would be the earliest a decision could be made. She gave two reasons.
They (Pederson's Unlimited) have to take care of some inhouse things
before they can decide. This my mean 1) that they are dealing with
Paynesville and will know if they want to relocate; or 2) their prOducts,
TEAM U.S.A. Hockey Uniforms, will be worth a fortune if they (the USA
Team) win a Gold Medal. I will keep you informed.
Schmidt Laboratories. This is a new business. They are in the eye-
lens in ustry. One and-a-half years ago they
started production with three p ople including the president and
vice-president. Currently they
are to employ approximately 250
is the type of industry that ma~
of economic conditions. The st.
the lens and eye craft center of
pursuing them. However, most of
that their business requires. T
and most other cities surroundin'
between the plant and their home'
them ways of car pooling, etc.
employee, and it takes 6-8 weeks
without constant supervision. T
business and loosing any number
move or commute to Monticello) w
Odee Henrickson. I made severa
a message fro
get the N~ of Lot 4, Block 1, Oa
Mr. Henrickson said he would thi
him and asked how his other prop
that "the other cities did not m
gutter and tar at all." I asked
and he said no. Inside sources
they didn't want to deal with Mr
in another related deal.
Fulfillment Systems. The U.D.A.
project is
will be given after formal notif
- 6
IDC Agenda - 2/16/84
mploy 49 people. Their plans
eople in five years. This industry
s profits during almost any type
Cloud area is considered to be
the world. Other cities are
them cannot offer the exact conditions
e one drawback that Monticello
St. Stephen have is the distance
My main goal is to try and show
his company personally trains each
before they can be trusted to work
e eye-lens industry is a very precise
f employees (those who would not
uld be very costly.
calls on Odee and Finally gave him
Oakwood Corporation that he could
wood Industrial Park for $1,000 less.
k it over. The next time I contacted
sals were coming along, he explained
ke it mandatory to install curb and
if he would still consider Monticello
hat the Building Inspector knows said
Henrickson. This land may be good
. Funds were approved and the
starting to proceed. More information
cation from Washington arrives.