IDC Agenda 01-19-1984
Monticello Industrial Deve
Thursday, January 19, 1984 - 7:0
opment Committee
A.M. (Silver FOX Inn)
Chairman: Jay Morrell
Co-Chairman: Gary Wieber
Members: J. Bondhus, T. Eidem, B. Gagne1ius, A. Grimsmo, R. Hoglund,
C. Johnson, S. Johnson, D. Lungwitz, W. Musty, B. Schrupp,
D. Smith, and A. pe1vi .
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of the December 15, 198 , meeting minutes.
Old Business
3. Consideration of Committee Setti g Short-term Goals.
4. Consideration of Setting Rules G verning I.D.C. Business.
New Business
5. Consideration of the promotiona committee Initiating Planning
for the Annual Fund Raising Ban uet.
6. Discussion of Speculative Build ng being Considered by Veits
Construction, Rogers, MN.
7. Consideration of Adding an Addi ional Member to the Monticello
Industrial Development Committe
8. progress on Industrial
9. Consideration of Local Firms t be Used in Advertising Testimonials.
10. prospect Update.
11. other Business.
12. Adjournment.
December 15, 1983 - 7:00 A.M.
The regularly scheduled meeting 0
Committee was duly held at 7:00 A
the Silver Fox Inn. Members pres
Bondhus, B. Schrupp, J. Morrell,
R. Hoglund, D. Smith, and A. Pelv
B. Gagnelius, S. Johnson, D. Lun
the Monticello Industrial Development
M. on Thursday, December 15, 1983, at
nt were: Chairman Tom Eidem, J.
. Wieber, C. Johnson, W. Musty,
t. Members not present: A. Grimsmo,
T. Eidem opened the meeting. Bec use there was no November meeting,
the minutes stood approved.
T. Eidem explained that the 5-yea Plan and the 1984 Action plan
was presented by each committee h ad. It was then assembled by A.
Pelvit for submission to the co ittee as a whole. C. Johnson expressed
dissatisfaction of the Industry ay. He felt there should have been
more outsiders or prospects that our members talked to. T. Eidem
suggested the idea of going back to a less formal picnic type arrange-
ment in August, etc. The commit ee's consensus was to revise the day
as a whole during spring/summer f 1984. G. Wieber asked for clarifi-
cation of A. Pelvit's cold call rogram. pelvit explained that it was
not intended to drive 100 miles just to knock on doors but to complete
an organized contacting of prosp cts. This would be aimed at new
leads, old prospects, etc., the rimary concern being to get prospects
interested in Monticello. G. wi ber moved to adopt the 5-year Work
Program and the 1984 Action plan It was seconded by B. Schrupp,
with the foregoing comments on I dustry Day to be discussed at a
later date.
4. Consideration of Ado tin the 19 4 Bud et.
T. Eidem explained the amounts 1
B. Schrupp moved to adopt the pr
by W. Musty. The motion passed
sted in the 1984 proposed budget.
posal for 1984, and it was seconded
T. Eidem asked for nominations f offices. B. Schrupp offered
to be treasurer for 1984. Con m ved to accept B. schrupp as treasurer
for another one-year term. Moti n was seconded by R. Hoglund. C.
Johnson suggested G. Wieber for hairman. Wieber declined the nomina-
tion saying that other committme ts such as Rotary President would
keep him from giving the office its proper attentiveness. C. Johnson
nominated J. Morrell as Chair for 1984. He, too, said he did not feel
Officers for 1984.
5. Consideration of Nominatin
- 1
Ind strial Devel. Committee Minutes - 12/15/83
he could devote the full-time res
office. C. Johnson then nominate
point) as Chair with the underst
the nomination if inconvenient.
as Vice-Chair. B. Schrupp moved
R. Hoglund. Nominations were clo
the nominations. Also, the commi
appointed by the Chairman and vic
Consideration of Committee Heads
onsibilities that go with this
D. smith (not present at this
ding that he could turn down
ohnson also nominated G. Wieber
o cease nominations, seconded by
ed. It was the consensus to accept
tee heads will be apPointed/re-
T. Eidem suggested A. Pelvit work out the details of committee
assignments with Chairman and Vic -Chairman.
7. Consideration of
an Ind strial Develo ment Brochure.
The City of Monticello has
They have already received
the remaining jackets. By
be updated more often. G. Wieber
industrial brochure over magazine
in agreement also. He felt more
and brochures a must. Wieber and
Minnesota Business Journal and th
in conjunction with trade shows a
updated its City information.
rinted pamphlets to insert in
dering 1,000, the information can
expressed a priority in an
advertising. J. Morrell was
ime will be spent on prospecting
Bondhus both felt the ads in the
Corporate Report should be used
d industrial brochures.
J. Morrell suggested A. Pelvit co tact cities such as Princeton,
Delano, Litchfield, Lakeville, S aples, and Little Falls, etc.,
to find out how they attract ind stry. J. Morrell asked if the
committee thought they were succ ssful, and it was the consensus of
the committee that the group as whole was, indeed, accomplishing very
T. Eidem explained about his fri
uring and selling of parts used
prospect personally during the i
nd that is associated with the
y IXI. He will pursue this
.itial stages.
It was suggested that the commit ee get into the publicity market.
We should spend some money, if n cessary, to publicize Monticello's
Economic Development in daily new papers such as the St. Cloud Daily
Times, Minneapolis Star & Tribun , st. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press,
G. Wieber suggested that A. Pelv t obtain some particulars on costs,
etc., for feedback from the enti e committee. T. Eidem suggested
getting a rough draft to publici y promotion and prospect committee
head by the January 19, 1984, me ting. Preliminary costs and
brochure composition will be ref'ned by the February 16, 1984, meeting.
It was the committee's consensus to get bids from 3-5 ad agencies
and proceed from there.
- 2 -
Ind strial Devel. Committee Minutes - 12/15/83
8. Consideration of Usin Trade Fair as Part of Overall Advertisin
G. Wieber suggested delaying any 'nvolvement with trade shows until
the brochure was completed. A mo ion to delay trade show involvement
until completion of the industry rochure was made by B. schrupp and
seconded by G. Wieber.
D. Smith suggested A. Pelvit be esponsible for getting Bondhus'
display board ready. This shoul be worked out between Pelvit and
the Chairman. Schrupp withdrew is motion as did Wieber his second.
The committee asked if A. pelvit could get enough material together
for showing at a trade fair on F bruary 22-23, 1984. Pelvit indicated
that it would not be a class act However, it would suffice. J.
Morrell stated that members shou d be better versed in tax increment
financing, industrial revenue b nds, etc. A small, easily understood
manual will be prepared for this purpose. It was also the committee's
consensus to have testimonials 0 other companies either included in
the brochure or at the trade sho s. The committee supported Pelvit
attending full-time with the ind'vidual committee members attending
for 2-4 hours at a time. This is to be worked out with B. Schrupp
and J. Bondhus. pelvit will see if Monticello can be re-issued the
booth previously issued.
in Promotin
9. Consideration
Monticello at
Due to the time remaining,
be done on the committee's own
to the January 19, 1984, meetin
about A. Pelvit's duties betwee
T. Eidem explained Pelvit's dut
shuffler but a promoter and/or
Monticello Industrial Developme
members should continue to be a
an Economic Development Directo
any newly formed unit has growi
are willing to work promoting b
details of paperwork and updati
Short-term Goals.
10. Consideration of Committee
suggested the brainstorming session
ime. Ideas should be brought back
J. Morrell expressed his thoughts
City/Industrial Development Committee.
es and said he shouldn't be a paper
oordinator of Monticello and the
t Committee. Eidem added that the
tive, not becoming inactive because
was hired. G. Wieber agreed that
g pains. He admits that the members
t will not get involved with the
D. smith agreed that the commi tee has not been as active as they
should. He reported on Alpana Aluminum Company breaking away from
Delano. A. Pelvit told the co ittee he was on top of the situation.
He has contacted Alpana twice 'n regard to meeting with them. Their
president suggested stopping b if we're down in the area. I will
arrange to be there before the first of the year. pelvit also suggested
organizing tours for the commi tee. IX! has agreed to have a tour
- 3 -
11. Prospect Update.
This item was postponed until
12. Consideration of Settin
This item was postponed
13. Other Business.
Don Smith expressed his appreci
in him being Chairman, but agai
the Chair. The committee than
He consented with the stipulati
with him. Eidem suggested a Co
opposed the idea. R. Hoglund m
and G. Wieber as Vice-Chairman
Passed unanimously.
There being no further business
In ustrial Devel. Committee Minutes - 12/15/83
next meeting.
I.D.C. Business.
next meeting.
tion of the committee's confidence
he asked not to be considered for
sked J. Morrell to act as Chairman.
n that the Vice-Chair work closely
Chair. Both Wieber and Morrell
ved to accept J. Morrell as Chairman
or 1984. It was seconded by D. Smith.
the meeting was adjourned.
- 4 -
Indu trial Development Com. Agenda - 1/19/84
3. Consideration of Committee settin Short-term Goals.
(A. P.)
Members were asked to think of id
become more involved throughout t
volved in detailed work. Because!
the December 15, 1983, meeting fo
was suggested to be moved to the
as to enable the Committee to
e year without getting too in-
there wasn't enough time at
adequate discussion, this item
anuary 19, 1984, meeting.
1. Bring several suggestions on ow each Industrial Development
Committee member can become m re active during the year with-
out adding non-essential work.
It was the consensus of those att nding the December 15, 1983,
meeting to become more involved d ring 1984. The Committee was
also in agreement that the Direct r of Economic Development's
duties were to complete the detai ed work. This would allow
the members of the Committee to d"rect their efforts to promotion,
etc. It is recommended that membl rs bring at least 1 suggestion
for 1984 short-term goals.
Please refer to the Agenda/Supple, ent for the December 15, 1983,
Industrial Development Committee eeting.
- 1 -
Indu trial Development Com. Agenda - 1/19/84
4. Consideration of Settin Rules Go
Committee Business (I.D.C.). (A.
This item was postponed from the
the last six months, some meetin
not enough members present. The
time, or place is not convenient
Monticello Housing and Redevelop:
procedures to follow in doing bu.
good attendance and complete the
1. DO nothing to help attendance.
Industrial Develo ment
December 15, 1983, meeting. During
s were cancelled because there were
reasons may be because the day,
other organizations such as the
ent Authority have rules and
iness. These organizations have
r business in a short period of
2. Remind members of their co itment.
3. Set guidelines for conducti,g I.D.C. business.
Example: Meeting dates, pl ces, time, and absenteeism, etc.
4. Have more written communica ion in the Agenda supplement.
This will help keep the mee ing to a minimum.
5. A combination of 3 and 4.
I would like every member to k
to improve attendance. Likewi
accomplished at each meeting a
the Committee set up rules to
recommended that a monthly rep
on all prospects and other are
has worked on.
ow that I am sincere in this effort
e, I would like to get as much
possible. It is recommended that
overn I.D.C. business. It is also
rt be attached explaining progress
s the Director of Economic Development
Refer to item #12 in Agenda S plement of December 15, 1983.
- 2 -
Consideration of the Promotiona
the Annual Fund Raisin Ban ueL
In ustrial Development Com. Agenda - 1/19/84
Committee Initiatin
(A. P. )
It is time again to start plann'ng for the Annual Fund Raising
Banquet that is held in the sprOng. There is approximately
four months before the banquet.! However, a lot of planning is
needed to make this event a suc ess again. We need to establish
a foundation and make some assi nments at this meeting. In the
past there were problems with 0 taining a commitment for speakers.
This is not the committee's fau t. It is an inherent problem
that can only be cured by persi tence and early contacts.
1. Establishing the date and p ace for the banquet. We also need
to discuss and assign membe s to the following areas:
- invitations
- dinner
rawings, prizes?
icket sales
Recommend we establish a general committee with subcommittee
leaders to lay the ground work f r the areas just mentioned.
It is also recommended that all f these areas be confirmed by
the February 16 meeting. The Mo te Club is open at the present
time for either May 7, 1984, or ay 21. The newly expanded and
remodeled facilities may aid us 'n having a good turnout.
Refer to Exhibit I.
- 3 -
- A to Z Upholstery - Dow town Standard
- A-V Room - Ern es sport & Bait
- Advanced Styling - Eye Specialists
~ Americ Inn Motel - Fai s Garden Center
- American Family Insurance - Fa ers Insurance Group
· American Legion Post -Fift Avenue Waterbeds
- Amway Products Distributors . Finerhut
~ Automatic Garage Door Company - Dr. Charles Fish
- B-Clean Dry Cleaners & Laundry - Fla e's Monticello Ford
- Barsness Drug ~ Fli ker's TV & Appliance
- Dr. C D Bauer . Fos er - Franzen Agency
- Ben Franklin - Fri nds Cafe
. Best in Webb - Fyi s Backhoe & Sewer Service
~Silver Fox Inn ~ Gar ner's Hallmark Card & Gift Shop
L Monticello - Big Lake Hospital - Gil e Auto Sales
Monticello - Big Lake Nursing Home - Gin y's
- Monticello - Big Lake Ambulance ServicejThe Glass Hut
- Billy's Toys & Hobbies - Goi g in Style
- Blonigen Builders, Inc. ~Gold n valley Furniture
- Bondhus Corporation - Mau Goodyear Tire Service
- Dr. A T Brenny ~ Gou d Bros. Chevrolet
. Bridge Water Telephone Co. - Gri fnow Sheet Metal
- DR. F. Brion ~Gru s Johnson & Associates
e-" Brothers II - Guy's Bakery
Brouillard Jean - JM Oil Co. ~ Dr. Christopher Hall
~ Burlington Northern Railroad ~ Har y's Auto Supply
- Centra Sota Co-op Hes in's Electric
- Monticello Chamber of Commerce Hi- ay Liquors
- Charlies West ~ Hog und Bus Company
... Veits Construction _ Hol er & Agosto Attys
~' Clow Stamping Rick Clow ~ Ind pendent Lumber Co.
- Coast to Coast Jea sCorner
- Cohen's Village Shop Joh son's Department Store
- The City of Monticello K & H Auto Repair
- Monticello HRA KMO Radio
- Wright County Dr. Kasper
- Planning Commission Ken uCky Fried Chicken
~ Country Kitchen ... Kjellberg's Mobile Homes & Park
- country Travel Store La eland Dental Associates
- The Cousins _ La Bob Distributing
~ D & D Bus Service _ La carpet
~'Dahlheimer Distributing Co. _ La Manufacturing
· Dairy Queen _ Li Mountain Dental Clinic, P.A.
- The Dairy Store _ Li tie Mountain Flowers
- David's Photography _ Lo h Jewelers ((f-Ic.<\Jl( 'h, ""I- d <!i'\+4, ')
~ Monticello Pet Hospital _ Lu heran Brotherhood
- Dr. C W Erlandson ;,;;.' Ma k's Realty Better Homes & Gardens
- DeBoer Body Shop _ Ma ter's Fifth Avenue waterbeds
.-_ Decorative Services - Dr. D.J. Maus
Dick's 66 Service . Ma s Foods
- Doerr Masonry, Inc. _ Ma s Tire Service, Inc.
- Dorn's Casuals & Shoes ~'Ma well Realty & Appraisal Co.
- Double "J" Western Wear . McCarty, D.D.S.
- McDonald's of Monticello
- Minnesota Discount Sales
- Mobil Service - Red's
... Monte Club
- Monticello Agency Inc.
- Monticello Alano Society, Inc.
l::Monticello-Big Lake Health Care Center
- Monticello-Big Lake Pet Hospital
..:. Monticello Chiropractic Office
"'Monticello Dental Group
- Monticello Electric
- Monticello Family Practice Clinic
- Monticello Floral
,,," Monticello Ford
- Lindquist-Pitt Funeral Chapels
~ Monticello Funeral Home
- Monticello Office Products, Inc.
- Monticello optical Center
~ Monticello printing
..../ Monticello Ready Mix, Inc.
- ,Monticello Roller Rink, Inc.
~. Monticello Times
- Monticello Trucking & Repair
"':'Moon Motors
- Dr. Ezzat Moussa
- Na-Churs plant Food Company
- National Bushing & Parts Co.
. Northern States Power Company
~. Northwest Community Clinic, P.A.
- 0 K Hardware
- Olson & Sons Electric Inc.
- Olson's Wright-Way Insurance Agency
,","'Orchard Fun Market (Osowski, Joseph)
-Our OWn Hardware
\<;;'; Perkins Cake & Steak
- Peterson-Grimsmo Funeral Chapel
- Pizza Factory
'..:. Plumbery, The
..;; poirier Drug
- preusse's Cleaning Service
,- Realty Station
- Realty World Maxwell
Reed's Construction
- Reisdorf Construction
- River Inn & Saloon
- Rivers Well & Pump
- Rolling Wheels Inc. Fun Center
v- Ruff Auto Parts Inc.
.~ SMA Elevator Construction Co.
- Schillewaert Landscaping & Lawn Service
- 2 -
- Schluender Plumbing & Heating
- Schmitz J L & Sons - Tiling &
- Season - All Sports
..... Security Federal Savings & Loan
~ Silver Fox Inn - Best Western
.- Silver Springs Golf Course
~ Smith, Pringle & Hayes
" Shyder Drug
- Standard Downtown
- Standard oil Products - J Mail
v~ Standard Service - Vance's
- State Farm Insurance
- Stella's Cafe
- Stelton's Laundromat & Dry Cleaning
- Stokes Marine Service
- Sutherland, Lola, M.D.
...:. Thorp Loan & Thrift Co.
- Tom Thumb Superette
~ Walter's Cabinet Shop
~ Wayne's Red Owl
- Wayside Inn
- Wedding Reflections
- What Knot Gift Shoppe
- White, Philip, Dr.
- Wieber, Michael A., 0.0.
- Wolter's Construction Inc.
- Worth Drapery
"'Wright County State Bank
- Wright Service Oil Co.
v"::' Wrightco Products, Inc.
- Yo-Yo Shop, The
- zapf, J.D., M.D.
v~ John Badalich, OSM
'- Bob Bemboom, ultra Homes
(Norm Behlmen) 4 tickets
(""'lst American National Bank St. Cloud
(John Herges)
Barthel Homes
'-Winkleman Enterprises
- Miller Construction
,~ Cy Reinert Construction
~ Springstead, Inc.
The Mall Association (owners)
Ben Holmes Potato
- Quintin Lanners
)"L'" John Sandberg
/...:. IXI (Dee Johnson)
- The Minnesota Business Journal
- NSP Economic Development Manager R. Wr "ght
t~"" Holmes & Graven
- Lombard Properties, Inc.
""" Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc.
- Howard Dahlgren Associates, Inc.
c'" Hal Wehmann, Box 437, Annandale,
MN 55302
- Monticello Agency
- Mosford & Company
- Shelly Johnson
- Tri County Radio
- Metcalf and Larson
- Electro Industries
- Northwest Community Clinic
- James and Gruber
- Jerome Baeyen - Post Office
- 3 -
- White Dove Realty
- Jim Haman (Electric Supply)
- Blocher Outdoor Advertising
Co. Inc.
-. Harco Business Products
".,~ Construction 5, Inc.
Gary J. LaFromboise
- OWens Service Corp. (Pres.)
Robert H. OWens
- A.D.S.
- Dino's
- Maurice Hoglund
- Boyle, James
- Roy Lauring
- Sam Peraro
- Leifert Trucking
- Gas Co.
Ind strial Development Com. Agenda - 1/19/84
6. Discussion of S eculative Buildi
Construction, Rogers, MN. (A.P.)
Considered b Veits
I have been discussing the possi'ility of some type of spec
building with veits Construction! in Rogers. They would like
to construct a building of, say, 40,000 sq. ft., subdivide
the building into four 10,000 sq ft. sections, and sub-lease
them. Veits would like to have ptions to land on either side
for future expansion. Their onl request is that we have 50%
occupancy before they proceed wi h the project.
1. Proceed by having the financ ,sites, and building committee
meet with Veits.
2. The Director of Economic Dev lopment is currently working
with property location and p ospective tenants.
Recommend that both actions be p rsued. Locating and getting
commitments is critical to any f rther action. Veits are
willing to meet with the financ , sites, and building committee
after this meeting. I also fee the committee should not proceed
if we cannot get a true "spec" et up. By this I mean a building
with at least 5,000 to 10,000 s . ft. available at all times for
immediate occupancy.
None needed.
In ustrial Development Com. Agenda - 1/19/84
7. Consideration of Addin
Industrial Develo ment
ional Member to the Monticello
(A. P. )
On January 6, 1984, I met with
and Richard Wright, Manager of
States Power Company.
obert Stern, State of Minnesota,
conomic Development Northern
Mr. Wright indicated that NSP's Chairman of the Board would like
very much to see a member of th Monticello Plant become a member
of our committee.
Having an NSP representative on
access to the services availabl
Center. In addition, this repr
relations person.
the committee would give us
at NSP's huge Economic Development
sentative would be a good public
1. Look into the possibility 0 accepting an NSP representative
as a member of the I.D.C.
It is recommended that the comm'ttee pursue adding an NSP representative
as a committee member. I also ecommend that either Wayne Shamela
or Norm Ecklund be considered.
None needed.
- 5 -
8. Pro ress on Industrial Brochurel.
In us trial Development Com. Agenda - 1/19/84
(A. P.)
It was the consensus of the co ittee to proceed with an industrial
brochure. Since the December 1 , 1983, meeting, I have presented
a second draft to Gary Wieber. ! We made some refinements and
changes. We chose one style or' format for the brochure and
concentrated on producing an ey catching piece of literature.
During the first two weeks in J nuary, I have designed and composed
a brochure cover for the entire committee's comments.
As of January 15, 1984, I have
on both the inserts and the cov
of 1,000 brochures would be $70
better quality paper for the in
would increase the cost. I wil
by the February 16 meeting.
ids from four printing companies
r itself. The approximate cost
.00. We may want to use a
erts and also use photos. This
have more precise estimates, etc.,
1. Proceed with more precise e timates and also have the inserts
and brochure jacket camera eady.
2. Reject the current format, ausing the need for developing
a new style.
I have discussed the possibilit
people develop the brochure for
at $50.00/hr. It was suggested
our time to create our brochure
shows a typical brochure jacket
is recommended that the committ
proceed with printing, etc., in
Show (Minnesota Small Business
of having professional art/composition
us. Fees for this type of service begin
by these individuals that we utilize
Based on their advice, Exhibit I
with two different compositions. It
e adopt the most appropriate one and
order to meet the February 20 Trade
arketplace) deadline.
Exhibit II and Item #7, Agenda upplement for the December 15, 1983,
In ustrial Development Com. Agenda - 1/19/84
9. Consideration of Local Firms to be Used in Advertisin Testimonials. (A.P.)
During the December 15, 1983,
In particular, testimonials wer
We have testimonials in our vid
are excellent. What may be nee
with the prospect. Because we
an industrial brochure, the tes
the other inserts at a reduced
eting advertising was discussed.
considered to be very important.
0, the Monticello story, and they
ed is something that can be left
're in the process of developing
,imonials could be printed with
1. Utilize testimonials from m re businesses in Monticello and
update video presentation.
2. Utilize testimonials in typ from various businesses in
Monticello. Printed testim nials could be on separate
sheets or combined on one s eet.
It is definitely recommended to
is not as definite, however. A
testimonials on our video but h
impression in the prospect's mi
attracting these prospects, we
development centers. The more
better. It is recommended at t
in print. They can be printed
and at a reduced rate.
None needed.
utilize testimonials. The method
the present time, we do have a few
ve nothing to leave a truly lasting
d. If we are to be effective in
eed the ammunition to combat other
ays we have to show Monticello, the
is time to utilize testimonials
ith the other brochure material
- 7 -
10. Prospect Update.
(A. P. )
In discussing ways to make our
other members suggested having
Agenda. This would keep all me
etc. It would also shorten mee
wondering what the Director of .
the month. In the past, these tw.
In some instances the informati
short or other items are more P
In .ustrial Development Com. Agenda - 1/19/84
eetings more concise and productive,
ritten reports attached to the
ers informed of prospect progress,
ing time. A few members were
conomic Development did during
areas had been agenda items.
n doesn't surface because time is
1. Leave as agenda items, thus causing some committee members
to be in the dark on some m tters.
2. Attach a written account of where all current prospects stand.
Also give accounting of act'vities performed by the Director
of Economic Development dur'ng the month.
The ideas discussed were good.
practice with the City Administ
recommended for the committee b
of bi-weekly.
Exhibit III is attached.
In fact, they were already in
ator. The same practice is
t on a monthly basis instead
- 8 -
National Bushing was in contact with Dave Brinkman on January 6, 1984.
We discussed their plans for a ew building in Buffalo. The Food Mart
will require a large parking 10 , which covers their existing building.
The City of Buffalo is trying t. either buy their property outright
or build them a new facility. here was rumor that their plans in
Monticello would be cancelled bcause of this. This was not the case.
Mr. Brinkman assured me they still want to proceed with their ex-
pansion and relocation plans in onticello. However, they would like
to clear up the Buffalo deal first and then proceed with Monticello
development. Approximate time fame would be June/July 1984.
Alpana Aluminum has been in cont,
since I heard their deal with De
informed his Board of Directors
with Alpana. I have just recent
re-eligible for U.D.A.G. applica
Crown Iron Works. This is a Min
fencing materials that are used
At this point they are in the ve
cities for possible relocation p
ct with Mr. Donald Klitzka, president,
ano had fallen apart. Klitzka has
hat Monticello is willing to work
y told them that Monticello was
ions and would work with them.
eapolis based firm that manufactures
ith privacy fences and dog kennels.
y initial stages of looking into
Country Cabinets. This company's a commercial cabinet maker dealing
with large school, hotel, and go ernment contracts. They presently
have no sales force or advertisi g and rely solely on word of mouth
for business. It works because hey are approximately $1.5 million
worth of business behind. In No ember, Country Cabinets were thinking
of either relocating the entire lant (if the existing building could
be sold) or starting a second pI nt in Monticello, making components
for their parent plant. In Dece er they started working 24 hours a
day and will see how their union contract develops in the spring. This
would be a good company to visit s a committee. I will remind you
in the spring.
EMS Services, Inc. This Company i
old ambulances and sell and servi
are risky at this point. If thei
then they may be a viable prospec
hand, do we forget about pursuing
I will follow their progress.
less than a year old. They refurbish
e new units. I have a feeling they
projections for 1983/1984 hold true,
and not just a suspect. On the other
young and revelutionary new companies?
Odee Henrickson, a. representativ from Oakwood Industrial Park, the
Building Inspector, City Administ ator, Mayor, and the Director of
Economic Development met to discu s the issues Mr. Henrickson was not
clear on. Results of the meeting amounted to having A. Pelvit visit
with Mr. Henrickson and attemptin to clear up any misunderstandings
there were between the two partie. I explained in detail the items
needed to show the Building Inspe tor. After our meeting, Mr.
Henrickson assured me that he com letely understood what was required
of him in order to develop in Mon icello. I told him that Monticello
- 1 -
EXHIBIT II cont...
was willing to work with him by allowing up to a two-year
conditional use permit for curb and gutter. Mr. Henrickson
informed me he was working withitwo other cities on this same
development. Later I learned t'at one city turned him down
and the other wasn't agreeable 0 this proposal. In December,
a representative from Oakwood 0 fered to sell the property for
$1,000.00 less. I forwarded th message to Mr. Henrickson but
have had no response since.
Holstein Publishing Co. is a p lishing company dealing in dairy
breeding, etc. They are headqu rtered in New York and have a
branch office in the Minneapoli metropolitan area. The editor/
publisher is thinking about mov,ing its headquarters and the
associate editor lives in Monti ello. He would like to see the
headquarters moved to Monticell. Their needs at this time
are informational. We can prov'de all the things needed for
their business except local air ort traffic. This company is
also in the initial stages of r location planning.
Nystrom Manufacturing. Called ystroms and set a meeting for
January 18th. Will inform comm'ttee at meeting.
uniforms, especially
and doing extremely well.
nnot get their city to work with
aining are very expensive in
1 the help they can get during the
sses due to moving.
Pederson's Unlimited manufactur
hockey uniforms. They are six
They would like to expand but c
them. Moving, down time, and
moving. They are looking for
first year to help offset the
Pies, Inc. is a Minneapolis bas d commercial bakery that supplies
frozen pies for institutional use at hospitals, restaurants, etc.
They will need a 40,000 sq. ft. building with 12,000 sq. ft. of
freezer space. They will emplo nearly 50 new employees with
assembly type experience. They Ian to be relocated by August of
1984. We invited their Vice-President of Marketing and Sales and
Corporate Accountant to have lu ch with representatives of Wrightco.
The meeting went well. We are currently waiting for their plans
so we can proceed with a preliminary tax increment finance proposal.
Fulfillment Systems, Inc. (FSI). As you know, we are waiting for
Washington to pass judgement on he U.D.A.G. funding. If approved,
spring (April) construction is expected. If washington disapproves
the U.D.A.G., we will apply for he same amount through the Minnesota
Small Cities Development Progr If that would fail, another
alternative would be to get FSI to lease space from the Veits
spec building. This would be a last ditch effort to keep them in
Monticello and Minnesota.
There are other prospects. Howe er, at this time they are very weak.
If they start to look promising, I will inform you.
- 2 -
for I.D.C. and H.R.A.
- prepared agendas and suppleme
- Collected, updated, and retur
members' manuals.
- Completed recertification for the Minnesota Star City
- Started gathering information for a study of alternative
types of financing.
prepared a list of approximately 25 cities to contact in regard
to their success in attractin business.
- Met with Veits Construction a
- Met with and received bids fro four printing firms.
- Compiled list of names, addresses, etc., of radio, television,
and newspapers for publicity blitz. Will give to Gary Wieber.
- Prepared 1983 comparison budge and balanced 1983 accounts
and checkbook.
- Met with Petersons Unlimited.
- Mailed Christmas card to all a ea industries.
- Received and familiarized self
Small Cities Development progr
information on Minnesota
- 3 -
(+) Prepare report on comparison of! Business & Industry Growth in
Monticello to other communities.
(*) sponsor Economic Development Fa: on Local Business & Industry.
(+) Update study on Transportation Utilities.
(+) Review City Ordinances.
(*) Industry Appreciation Day and B
1984 Action Plan :
(+) Complete study of available financing tools.
(*) Attend major Manufacturing or arketing Trade Shows or Conventions.
(+) Encourage speculative building.
(*) Industry Appreciation Day and anquet.
(*) Make extensive mailing campaig .
(*) Update current mailing lists.
(#) Update, collate, and bind curr data plan.
(+) Update Retail/Commercial/Indus rial Building Inventory.
(+) Update Transportation and Util"ties Information.
(#) Review City Ordinances.
(*) Adopt advertising campaign for 1985.
(*) Update Industrial Development ommittee Brochure.
(#) Adopt 1989 5-year work program.
(#) Adopt 1985 Action Plan.
(#) Adopt 1985 Budget.
(#) Re-certify as a Star City.
(#) Locate and label all buildings in Monticello on wall map.
(*) Cold Call Program (calling on rospects in conjunction with mass mailing).
(*) Represents the Publicity, Prom tional, & prospect Sub-committee.
(+) Represents the Finance, Sites, & Building Sub-committee.
(#) Represents the Research & plan ing Sub-committee.