IDC Agenda 12-17-1987 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELO MENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, December 17, 1987 - 7:00AM City Hall Members: Chairperson Harvey Kend II, Vice-President Shelly Johnson, Bud Schrupp, Arve Grims 0, Rick Wolfsteller, Dale Lungwitz, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Ron Hoglund, Bruce Gagnelius, Joel Winkelman and Ollie Koropchak. Scheduled Guests: Public Works Director John Simola and Building/ Zoning Administrator Gary Anderson. 1. Call To Order. 2. Approval of the November 18, 1987 IDC Minutes. 3. Review and Discussion of the Comparative Start-Up Costs and Water and Sewer Rates with City Staff members. 4. Election of 1988 IDC Officers: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Treasurer. 5. Other Business. . 6. Adjournment. . . MINUTE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPME T COMMITTEE LUNCHEON MEETING Wednesday, November 18, 1987 - 12:00 Noon Comfort Inn (Tree Lunge) Members Present: President Harv y Kendall, Ron Hoglund, Don Smith, Dale Lu gwitz, Joel Winkelman, Bud Schrupp, and 0 lie Koropchak. Members Absent: Shelly Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Rick Wolfsteller, Jay Morrell, a d Bruce Gagnelius. Guest: Erik Fjerdingstad. 1. Call To Order. President Harvey Kendall call d the IDC meeting to order at 12:30 P.M. following a lunch atered by Judy Kruse. 2. A roval of the October IS, 1 Ron Hoglund made a motion to minutes, seconded by Joel Win Schrupp late to the meeting. 87 IDC Minutes. pprove the October IS, 1987 IDC elman and passed 5-0. Bud Guest: Erik Fjerdingstad, Presid nt of NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. Mr. Fjerdingstad reported to the committee that he was well satisfied with the w rkmanship by Winkelman Construction and pleased ith the cooperation from the City. Bud Schlief was an excellent recommendation for a construction manager an was most grateful to him. Construction of the build"ng began the end of May, 1987 and was completed October, 1987. Production equipment arriving from Germany the lans are for production to begin the first quarter of next year. Mr. Fjerdingstad addressed two concerns: 0 e, the added cost for the required land fill and two, their landscaping cost were over $20,000.00. Erik is ell pleased with Monticello and the looks of their fac lity but questioned if all startup businesses could a ford the landscaping? To date NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. has hired a Vice-PreSident of Sales, two foremen, and a Personnel Director. The Vice-President and two foremen have received training in Norway. Dale Lungwitz nquired about the possibility of developing a network wi h Norway for other businesses to locate here. . 3. Review of Com arative Start-U Costs. Koropchak handed out the summa y of start-up costs and water and sewer rates from the respo se by the Cities of Buffalo, Elk River, Litchfield, and St. Cloud. Koropchak had mailed each city a letter asking them itO calulate the start-up cost in their respective commu ities based on the assumptions given. The IDC is concerned i Monticello's start-up costs in 'comparison with other communities creates a negative image to locate in Monticello. . . 3. Continued. The committee would like to h and to be sure we are compari Monticello rates hard-fast ru A recommendation by Joel Wink Rick Wolfsteller. Public Work Building/Zoning Administrator IDC prior to the next schedul for the IDC to receive inform if any recommendations need t Council before they approve y January. This recommendation The intent of the meeting is rate schedules and the ration applies to start-up costs for the City of Monticello's imag or existing businesses to exp is to set up the meeting and handed out to IDC members not IDC Minutes - 11/18/87 ve the Monticello rates retabulated g apples to apples. Are the es or can they be negotiable? Iman was to invite Administrator Director John Simola. and Gary Anderson to meet with the d IDC meeting allowing time tion. discuss. and evaluate be brought before the City arly rate schedules in was a consensus of the committee. o discuss the rationale of the Ie of the city ordinance as industrial businesses. Is one which encourages new nd in Monticello? Koropchak ail the supporting data as in attendance at this meeting. 9. Adjournment. Because the IDC meeting was r nning late. if was a consensus of the IDC to carryover the rem ining agenda items until the next meeting. The Novembe IDe meeting adjourned. . ~ \~G\.b~~ Ollie Koropchak. Executive Secret Monticello Industrial Development . . IDC Agenda - 12/17/87 4. ELECTION OF 1988 IDC OFFICERS: CHAIRPERSON, VICE-CHAIRPERSON, AND TREASURER. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Having contacted the following individuals and upon their approval, I recommend the fall wing names as nominees for 1988 IDC Officers: Chairperso - Shelly Johnson Vice-Chair erson - Treasurer Bud Schrupp Nominations from the floor wil also be considered. Joel Winkelman has agreed to remain on the ID , he began two years ago as the Chamber of Commerce representa ive and remained on the committee because of Chamber President S lly Martie's request. Joel brings to the committee his expertise as an accountant. Although, Joel is no longer a member of the C amber of Commerce Board of Directors, the IDC may wish to consider Joel as a permanent replacement for John Bondhus. Also, the co ittee may wish to keep up their tradition of a Chamber represen ative by considering Dan Carlson, 1988 Chamber President, as a IDI member. Dan is willing to be a representative of the Chamber. All parties contacted understand final decision rest upon the ID . . . MODERN QUIL TERS c. 623 Washington Avenue So. (612) 338- 987 November 23, 1987 Chamber of Commerce or City Council Monticello, MN. 55362 Gentlemen: We are going to move our plant fr lease is up on February 28th, 198 non-exist ant in our downtown loca new 'Hi-Tech Corridor' of Minneap burden. Minneapolis, Minn. 5541 5 m downtown Minneapolis. Our - reliable help is almost ion - and since we are in the lis, our rent is becoming a . We need about 20,000 square feet f manufacturing space and about 15,000 square feet of unheated at rage space. Our office needs are minimal. We have large machines that quilt to 95 inches. We make furniture pot holders and kitchen appliance covers, garments of all kinds, hor other items which include diaper b rolls of fabric in widths up oving pads; quilt for makers overs, mattress pads, casket e blankets, and a variety of gs! travel bags, accessories, of etc. We employ from 20 to 25 people and have been in business since 1950. If you have an existing building t at may fit our needs and are interested in having us in your to n, we would very much like to hear from you. Sincerely, ~ODERN QUI)TERS, IN:. -/ r:--tf:-.i_/;l ~ Foster S. Merrill President . FSM/sj . I-< bD Q) !=: bD :;t ',-i !=: Q) "0 ',-i >, 00 ....; I-< Cd .,-i ::l i=l "0 ,gij l?~ Cd Q) 0 Q)4-IU UI-< ,j.,J ::l ',-i Q) Q)!=:4-I i=l,j.,J>. I-<Cd4-1 OCOCd uaO .,-i:;t"O i=l CIl,j.,J........ OCllCllQ)U4-I....; U .,-i ',-i Q) ::l 0 Cd >. "0 bD ,j.,J ,j.,J ,j.,J 0 0 I-< 4-14-14-1""; I-< Q)O 0.0.000 0" 0" 0" a ::l 0 00 00 00 Q) I-< .0000 ~ ~ll") OOOM::lCdQ) .. 0 0 0 0. 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H r-i 00 0'1 E-< ('oJ ('oJ """ Z Z " l=l ~ 0 M 0 M (]) ~ ~ ~ ('oJ ('oJ ,.!<l ~ ~ m w (]) w m I-l I-l (]) UJ UJ ~ ~ W (]) H E-< [/) < ~ >:CI ~ '1j Z Z r-i 0 >< 0 >< (]) H sa H sa .,-i H E-< .... . ~ txJ ~ ~ ,..c:: H I-l I-l H H ~ I-l ~ U 0:: (]) (]) &S p::j (]) (]) W UJ ~ W ~ UJ ~ W ~ .,-i UJ ~ (]) 0 UJ ~ (]) 0 H <: 0- UJ H <: 0- UJ E-< iC . . I "~a/Qe City ob the COakotag" C"ty o~ CWotefttoWVt SOUTH DAKOTA 57201 October 23, 1987 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DAVE WOLSKY 26 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 605/886-6575 Dear Businessman, Is your bottom line evaporating ery rapidly? We believe that the business advantages tha South Dakota offers can increase your profit margin constderably. There are some big differences between Sioux Falls, south Dakota and Duluth, Minnesota in taxes. The cost of doing business in watertown, South Dakota is even better than Sioux Falls. Here are some comparisons between Sioux Falls and Watertown: Sioux Falls Watertown Real estate tax on a 5 million dollar $100,000 $ 92,600 . plant Electric Power 39,600 KWH with a 1,706 1,396 demand of 192 KWH Gas 4,000 CCF 1,489 1,244 Water 9,000 Cu. Ft. 63 59 We have a municipal power plant i rates costing approximately 3 cen present time. We think that you very profitable place to do busin we have a basic philosophy of mon ought to be able to keep it. The of state taxation in South Dakota Watertown with electricity s a kilowatt hour at the ill find South Dakota a ss. As our governor says, y--If you earn it, you following is a quick review and Minnesota. CORPORATE TAX SOUTH DAKOTA: MINNESOTA: $25,000 $25,000 6% 12% . Minnesota derives 5.9% of its rev nue from the corporate income tax. This averages out to $72.29 per capita. OVERALL STATE PER CAPITA TAXATION . PER CAPITA TAXATION RANK South Dakota $ 517 50th Minnesota $ 1,229 5th PERSONAL INCOME TAX . South Dakota None Minnesota $ 0 to $ 876 to $ 1,751 to $ 3,501 to $ 5,376 to $ 7,001 to $ 7,126 to $ 8,876 to $12,376 to $14,001 to $16,001 to $21,501 to $22,126 to $25,501 to $28,501 to Over $ 875 $ 1,750 $ 3,500 $ 5,375 $ 7,000 $ 7,125 $ 8,875 $12,375 $14,000 $16,000 $21,500 $22,125 $25,500 $28,500 $31,750 $31,750 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 1. 5% 2.0% 2.9% 4.8% 5.9% 6.1% 7.2% 8.3% 9.3% 10.0% 11. 0% 11.3% 12.3% 12.6% 13.7% 14.0% . South Dakota has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation, so the impact on the unemployment insurance fund and the demand for cost increases is the least here. 1985 Wage Base South Dakota $ 7,000 Minnesota $10,300 Estimated 1985 Average Tax Rate 1. 4% 2.6% . . WORKERS COM According to the 1984 Alexander rant & Co. survey of states business climates, the national eighted average workers compensation rate for manufactur'ng classifications is $2.77 per $100 of payroll. South Dako a and Minnesota were quoted as having the following rates: South Dakota Minnesota $ 1. 54 $ 4.26 WAGE The following figures are 1987 s manufacturing wages compiled by Statistics. South Dakota Minnesota $ 7.56 $10.01 atewide average hourly he Bureau of Labor 47th 14th If you desire any additional inf rmation concerning Watertown, South Dakota please c ntact me at the above address. Sincerely, · ~:::r Industrial . . . (Pop. 92,811) $314,863 38,250 94,230 Q4t7,34~ (Pop. 81,843) $100,000 none 19,500 6119,~ The Small Business Development Center of St. Paul, Minnesota, projected these tax fJgl.1reS for a mythical company with 100 employees, operating out of a $5 million plant, generating bIe profits of $fi.XJ,lXXJ. . What you see here a e just three of the reasons people all OV r this country - including the prest gious Chicago- based accounting fir of Grant Thornton - find South Dakota' business climate incomparable. Other easons include: · No personal ineo e tax · No personal pro erty tax · No business inve tory tax · No business fran hise tax · No unitary tax tIl Q) Q) 0 ...-l 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 >.. 13 . co ~ Q) -.;;t 0 -.;;t -l-l ~ N N -.;;t 0 ;::l ~ r-- 0\ \0 tIl 0 ...-l Q) U - N -.;;t r-- ~ 0 ...-l l(") -.;;t 0\ ~,..s:: -l-l Cll ...-l N ~ ...-l -l-l Cll ;::l - - - tIl ;:.:: l-I~ ~ Q) Cll .~ ~ ...-l ~ ~ Cll -l-l l-I Q)e ...-l Q) U ,..s:: ;::l -l-l ...-l Cll ;::l~ ~ 0'-' 0 U,l en >..1 Cl 0 Q) ...-l 0 0 ~ ,..s:: ~ ~ 0\ 0 .~ en ~ r-- r-- ~ ~ Q) 0 0\ 1Il Q) (J ~ "' -..... Q) .~ ...-l ~ 0 :oc ::- - - l-I . Q) ~ Q) >.. '-';::l l-I U,l l-I 0' 0 0 Q) t\l :oc "'0 CO ;::l <1l ~ ~ Cll ...-l H l-I CO 0 -l-l CO ;::l .~ Cll >.. C> >.. 0 tIl ~ (J -l-l ,.c .J: ,.c Cll ~ "'0 O...-l,..s:: ...-l <1l "'0 0 'J ;::l (J ~ en <1l -.;;t P"Cll - en (J tIl ..d Cll 0 <1l >..- <1l Cll <1l en ~ -l-l p.. -l-l"'O <1l ..... tIl ...-l 0 0 ..... ~ ;::l en ...-l en Cl 0 ;::l 0 0 ...-l < ,.c "'0 Q) 0 O...-l ...-l Cll ;::l <1l E Cl en uu 0 0 0 -l-l :oc P" en en "' <1l Cll 8 Cl 0 0 <1l <1l <1l ...-l -.;;t eN Cll .~ N <1l -l-l en <1l 8 Z ~1 >:: ~ co N ,.c ;E >.. 0 ~ -l-l 0 0 0 I1l t\l l-I 0 en l-I U) ~ \0 \0 N -l-l Cl -l-l E-l co \0 co en >.. <1l...-l <1l t\l ...-l N co ...-l ..... 0 t\l -.;;t 00 0\ <1l,.c ::- @' ~ <1l '0 . U,l en p::; ...-l 00 0 1Il CO 0 ~ -l-l ~ ...-l 0\ ~ ~ W 0' <1l N Cll "' ~I Cll en <1l .~ U,l Cll Cll \0 N 0\ ~ en l-I r--...-l ;::l N N ...-l :oc <1l en ::E ;::l ...-l N ~ (J CO...-l t:l 0\ N ~ ~ CO<1l ~ '0 0 ~ - - - E-l 0 Cll "' .~ ~ ~ ...-l ...-l >.. 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CO bO tIl l-< ~ A -<:t I'"'- a 0 A-<:t 1'"'-..-1 A U") U") 00 cO A CO CO A cO AI'"'- 0\ H .u ~ q,l ON <11 0 "1 .. ::l OM .. <11 .u 000\ <1l .u 00 '-D cO 0 ~ p., ...-1 ~ p., . ..-I A p., NA C/J p., .If') 0:: C/J p., If') ~ E--< . N 0 0 N' 0\ . N 0 CO 0 C""l CO ~ CO r-I C""l 0 0\ -::t r-- N -::t .j..J LJ") \0 r-I -::t r-- <ll .. ,.!:<: r-I r-- 0\ CO 0\ ~ C""l 0\ \0 0\ C""l <ll r-I C""l LJ") 0 r-I ~ <;IT <;IT .. <;IT r-I N <;IT <;IT -::t 0 0 -::t C""l CO 0 0\ r-- C""l "1:;l ;::j \0 0 ~ r-I r-- 0 CO N r-- CO r-I r-I 0 r-I 0 N r-I U N C""l -::t 0\ r-I N 0\ ~ LJ") N .j..J r-I C""l CO C""l r-I en <;IT <;IT --. r-I N -- --. + en . ~ 0 E-< ~ ~ Z ~ r-I 0 0 r-I r-- 0 C""l 0 r-I -::t LJ") r-I r-I CO 0 \0 ~ LJ") <ll -::t N 0\ \0 0 tJ CO M ..-l ..-l LJ") .,-i .. +J N C""l N CO ..-l ~ 0\ 0\ LJ") C""l 0 ~ C""l r-- N 1"'1 <;IT <;IT .. M N N <;IT <;IT <;IT ~ 0 CIl .,-i l-l cd P. ~ a 0 CIl 0 .,-i r-I U .j..J <ll cd .j..J 0 .j..J 0 r-I l-l E-< r-I 0 Q) P. r-I tJ CIl CIl CIl cd ..-l ~ Q) <ll ~ ;::j .j..J ;< 00 <ll ~ ~ E-< cd cd l-l .;j 0 0 E-< ::;:: E-< ~ E-< . "*~,~. . ,*", ". ~., Monti ello Industrial Develop ent Committee 250 East 8 oadway Monticello, Minn sota 55362 Phone (612) 95-2711 . November 16, 1987 Dear IDC Member: Our meeting this month is sch du1ed for Wednesday, November 18, 1987 at the Comfort Inn, 12:0 Noon. Because Representative Bauer1y was the only 1egis1at r who responded positively, Senator Adkins, Senator Davis, and Representative McEachern having other previous committ ents, I cancelled the legislative discussions planned for this eeting. I contacted Cargill's corporate person in charge of the Monticello plant, John O'Carroll, Director of Sales and Marketi g. Mr. O'Carroll is unable to attend this meeting; however, very receptive to meeting with the IDe. I have since contac Erik Fjerdingstad, President of NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. to j us. At this time, I have not received a response. Judy Kr is scheduled to cater our meal. . Enclosed is a copy of the age da, supporting data will be presented at the meeting. See you" Wednesday. Sincerely, QL~~ "VtCl\. o~ ..Q.~ Ollie Koropchak IDC Secretary Enclosures .