IDC Agenda 05-14-1987 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEV LOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, May 1 , 1987 - 7:00AM City Hall Members: President Harvey Kend Bruce Gagnelius, Jay Joel Winkelamn, Arve Torn Eidem, and Ollie 1. Call To Order. II, Bud Schrupp, Shelly Johnson, orrell, Don Smith, Dale Lungwitz, rimamo, Jack Peach, Ron Hoglund, oropchak. 2. Approval of the April 16, 1 87 IDC Minutes. 3. Industrial Development Banq et Roundup. 4. Planned Industrial Developm nt Revolving Loan Fund. 5. Concept Approval for US WeE: or a Junior College or a High Tech Trade School. 6. Other Business. 7. Adjournment. . . mwrn3 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVE~OPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, April 16 1987 - 7:00 AM Monticello C"ty Hall I I . Members Present: President Ha vey Kendall, Bud Schrupp, Shelly Johnson, Bru e Gagnelius, Jay Morrell, Don Smith, Dale ~ungwitz, Joel Winkelman, and Ollie Koropchak. I Members Absent: Arve Grimsmo, Jack Peach, Ron Hoglund, and Tom Eidem. 1. Call to Order. President Harvey Kendall c lIed the IDC meeting to order at 7:10AM. 2. Approval of the March 18, Bud Schrupp made a motion IDC minutes, seconded by D unanimously. 987 IDC Minutes. o approve the March 18, 1987 Ie Lungwitz, and passed 3. Consideration to Meet with the Big Lake Economic Development Team Members. Bill King and Ollie Koropc ak met and set an agenda on shared community interest: airpo t, hospital district, market strategies, financial ince tives and the area's future growth. Koropchak asked f r an RSVP by the end of April, the joint Monticello-Big L ke meeting is set for Tuesday, May 12, 1987, 6:00PM at Ru sell's on the Lake. Bud Schrupp made a motion to accept th invitation, Shelly Johnson seconded the motion. The otion passed. . 4. Consideration to Proceed w Petition for Interest of M Koropchak reiterated the i supplement regarding the p for interest of extended a IDC commented on Mr. Riers it is time to go ahead wit made the motion for a comm and George Johnson to have petitioning procedures, Mr organizer from Zimmerman. the motion passed unanimou 5. Consideration to Appoint 0 Informational Packet Sub-c Koropchak asked for one ID write the IDC objectives a the Promotional Informatio Koropchak is to set up the . th Preliminary Procedures to tro Phone Lines to Monticello. formation provided in the agenda eliminary procedures to petition ea lines to Monticello. The n's letter and the IDC agreed petitioning. Shelly Johnson ttee of Ron Hoglund, Steve Johnson, an organizational meeting for Hoglund to check with the Dale Lungwita seconded the motion, ly. e IDC Member to the Promotional mmittee. member to volunteer to help d what the IDC prefers in Packet. Don Smith volunteered, meeting. IDC Minutes - 4/16/87 . 6. Consideration to Initiate he Possibilit of a Revolvin Loan Fund or another Finan ial Incentive for Economic Development. The IDC agreed Monticelloeeds to be better prepared for the qualified industrial p ospect (example: Data Card Corp.). IDC members Shelly Johnson I and Joel Winkelman will work as a committee to research the possibilites of a revolving loan fund or other financi 1 incentives. Koropchak is to set up a meeting with Dave Peterson. DEED office financial consultant for April 22 or 23. Also to include Arve Grimsmo. Tom Eidem. and Rick Wolfst ller. 7. Consideration of an U date Don Smith advised the IDC as the Board of Review mee will meet May 14 at 7:00AM and last minutes details. to Dean Whaley. Juel Peter Betty Adkins. Bob Stern. E and Win Borden. This to i suggested a possible disco for spouses. this for next IDC Ban uet Re ort. f the conflict of date (May 18) s that evening. The IDC for a recap of ticket sales Gratis tickets will be mailed on. Terry Beattie. Bob McEachern. ik Fjerdingstad. Roald Starheim. clude spouses. Joel Winkelman nt on a second ticket purchased year. . 8. Reports. Accepted. 9. Other Business. Koropchak asked Joel Winke setting up the financial b to assist Bud Schrupp in for the IDC. 10. Adjournment. Joel Winkelman made a motion to adjourn the IDC meeting. seconded by Bruce Gagneli Meeting adjourned. ~ \'Y\, ~ "'.(Ul ~ Olive M. Koropchak Monticello IDC Executive Secr . , ") ]/t -t ,I 0 1.,. t- O . U') '/J r- (/'1 -.:t .0 rl j .. ~ 0 iV1fd ), 00 <A- ~ .. n tl c/l <: J c. '.' tV rJ ;r MNr~ U') I J C;'" D ooN 1.000 0 2 . . . . . .j.J N 0\ r- 1.0 N OJ NM Noo r- ::l 0 N .. ~ N N <A- <A- l:Q ~ ..-I ~ ,-......-....--...,-.... i~ ~ 00 0l1')0l1') ::l .j.J o C""'l0 00 ~ u '\ !;j ::l I.O..-INr- "0 \ ....-I MI.ONI.O f 0 l1:l OC""'lN"," ..-I 0 ,... ,... ~ 0 p.., 00 0 ....; I . ,,~ ::l c: ..-I '-'" '-'" ,-",,-,,, .j.J l1') OJ .~ OJ~ ~ ^ ~ u r- u .j.J 00 U')U') 1"' J j d <: <A- .~ c: ~ c: 0\ 0\ 00 00 4-< .~ .j.J .~ . . 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"" ::l ~ l1:l ,.c 0 00 ~ ~ 00 ..-i ..-I 0. .--l.--l >:: l1:l 0 .~ "" c::..c: OJ u OJ OJ OJ >-, UU ~ .~ OJ OJ OJ o ::: ::l .1"1 00 U U .j.J OJ H U "" "" H '1"1 ~ .j.J ~ '1"1 '1"1 I OJ OJ ..-i ..c: ~ OJ o 0 OJ .j.J 0 OJ OJ .j.J.j.J "0 .j.J .j.J l1:l E--t ;> H 00 00 o.CiJ .j.J ~ U') 0- c: c: 0 c: c: .j.J OJ 0 >:: ~~~ ~~ 0 p:: ....; ~ E--t iC . ~:~. ,":?:?" ~~... ~.:.- '....' '.f.~: ~ I ~> ,. , ... " , . ~ . ";;;~'~;i.. Montic 110 Industrial Develop ent Committee 250 East 8 adway Monticello, Minna ota 55362 Phone (612) 95.2711 ~ . April 27, 1987 Mr. Dean Whaley Vice President/Manufacturing Data Card Corporation 11111 Bren Road West Minneapolis, MN 55343 Dear Mr. Whaley: . This is a letter on the arrangements made by your secretary, Nancy, and self. The Monticello Industrial Development Committee representatives plan to visit Data Card's Minnetonka manufacturing facility on Thursday, May 14, 1987, arri al time 9:00AM. We are allowing time from 9:00-11:00AM. The same scheduled IDC members, with the exception of ale Lungwitz, will be present. I'm in the process of finding a replacement. Please contact me if forward to our visit Looking Sincerely, ~ ~'~01C~ Olive M. Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: File . v~~ ~~6~ .\-\~ \~- ~~~- V\o ,\oVY--. ~ Vlo ~ G~ o ~ ~~~~ ~~ \{Y(-~ V~~ v ~ ~.~~\~ ~X ~ ~ ~~ c;C~ v ~cn ~\r~ . \ <="\5V\ / <)c\d, -, . \'--:L- ~ ~ \~ '\ ~ l\ y ~ \ \ -S ~ - ~?5~ ~~ ~ ~.~~'3~ ,,-,~.~~,,:'>'; ..;;~:~.~ ~.....~ ---. r'",~'" " .," . .~.~".. ......-.-~,;.::-.;r - Monti ello Industrial Develop ent Committee 250 East B oadway Monticello, Minn sota 55362 Phone (612) 95.2711 smr~ egg !!Jtf fCu.o.,e Dfvno,.nT April 27, 1987 Win Borden, President Minnesota Association of Comme ce and Industry 300 Hanover Building 480 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear President Borden: . This is a letter finalizing th Monticello Industrial Development Banquet, Monday, May 18, 1987, Monte Club, Monticello, Minnesota. The Monte Club is located off ast Wright County Road 39 along Township Road 118. Social hou begins at 6:30PM with dinner at 7:30PM. The program will i ediately follow the dinner at which time your speech is scheduled. Harvey Kendall, President of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee will intro- duce you. At this time, I don't have yo attendees, however, I will su May 11. I will be out-of-to are two gratis tickets and I' meet you at the Monte Club. please contact me at Metro 33 your contact person and other need be. r requested list of banquet mit a list to you the week of , May 2 through May 9. Enclosed under the assumption that I'll f my assumption is incorrect, -5739 or (612) 295-2711. I'm arrangements can be made if We look forward Thank you. and to hearing your presentation. Sincerely, ~ ,".. .... "'CY), \~~ t, ~ Olive M. Koropchak Economic Development Director . Enclosure: Two gratis ticket cc: File 1,.__- ..__