IDC Agenda 04-16-1987
Thursday, April 16, 1 87 - 7:00AM
Monticello City! Hall
Members: President Harvey Kend 11, Vice President Shelly Johnson,
Treasurer Bud Schruppl' Arve Grimsmo, Dale Lungwitz,
Don Smith, Jay Morrel , Ron Hoglund, Tom Eidem, Bruce
Gagnelius, Joel Winke! man, Jack Peach. and Ollie Koropchak.
1. Call To Order.
Approval Of The March
IDC Minutes.
Consideration To Meet With
Team Members.
he Big Lake Economic Development
Consideration To Proceed
Petition For Interest Of
h Preliminary Procedures To
ro Phone Lines To Monticello.
5. Consideration To Appoint On IDC Member To The Promotional
Information Packet Sub-Committee.
6. Consideration To Initiate T e Possibility Of A Revolving
Loan Fund Or Another Financial Incentive For Economic
7. Consideration Of An Updated IDC Banquet.
NAWCO Minnesota,
Data Card Corpor
LLRW Facility
Joint-Airport Co
ission Report.
9. Other Business.
10. Adj ournment.
Wednesday, March 18, 19 7 - 12:00 Noon
Comfort Inn - Tre Lounge
Members Present:
President Ha
Johnson, Arv
Lungwitz, Jo
Smith, and 0
vey Kendall, Vice President Shelly
Grimsmo, Bud Schrupp, Dale
1 Winkelman, Ron Hoglund, Don
lie Koropchak.
Members Absent:
Jay Morrell,
om Eidem, and Bruce Gagnelius.
1. Call To Order.
The IDC meeting was called to order by President Kendall at
2. A rova1 of the Januar 22 and Februar 19, 1987 IDC Minutes.
Dale Lungwitz motioned to pprove the January 22 and February
19, 1987 IDC minutes, seco ded by Ron Hoglund. Minutes stand
Acce tance and Acknow1ed e
S stems, Inc. as Member of
Shelly Johnson motioned to
the IDC, seconded by Arve
by the committee.
ent of Jack Peach, Fulfillment
the IDC.
accept Jack Peach as a member of
rimsmo. The motion was approved
Consensus of the committee
Governor's Office with reg
for Koropchak to address the
to the proposed minimum wage
Don Smith reported to the
Bill King had contacted hi
meeting between the Montic
Members. The committee ag
cooperative efforts and go
and Koropchak are to come
to review.
ommittee that Big Lake Administrator
for the possibility of a joint
110 IDC and the Big Lake ED Team
eed to work- :with Big Lake for
d public relations. Mr. King
p with an agenda for the committee
4. Consideration to Acce t Plans for the IDC Ban uet.
Koropchak will distribute anquet tickets and letters to
members by April 1. President Kendall will firm up menu
with Bruce Gagnelius. The open bar will remain open until
the meal is served. Don S ith will take care of the montage.
Consideration of Wri
Mayor Grimsmo informed th
Plant was build the city
wherein, the cost recover
Mr. Bob Harris of Wrightc
because he was out-of-to
IDC when the Water & Sewer Treatment
eceived Federal and State Funding,
agreed upon by Industrial users.
unable to meet with the IDC
Consideration for the Cit
Interest as Possible Host C
Radioactive Waste Facility.
The committee discussed wha
meant and recommended Korop
additional information.
Consideration to Proceed wi
Petition for Interest of Me
The committee suggested to
Telephone Manager, to the n
IDC intentions and the IDC
with the local telephone co
IDC Minutes - 3/18/87
Proceed With
low level radioactive waste
hak proceed with interest for
h Preliminar Procedures to
ro Phone Lines to Monticello.
nvite Mr. Bob Rierson, Bridgewater
xt IDC to inform him of the
lans to have this a joint venture
8. Consideration of Notice to . he IDC/Chamber of Commerce
Promotional Packet Informat onal Meetin .
9. Reports: NAWCO Minnesota, I c.
Data Card Corporat: on
Reports accepted.
10. Other Business.
11. Adjournment.
Consensus of the IDC was to' adjourn. Meeting adjourned.
(). OJ :", II.- \,(\r\ - '<.0"\ c
Olive M. Koropchak, Execut ve Secretary
Monticello Industrial Development Committee
IDC Agenda - 4/16/87
3. Consideration to Meet with he Bi Lake Economic Develo ment
Team Members.
Enclosed is a letter and a ist of the Big Lake Team Members
which I received from Admin"strator King. We met on Monday,
April 13, 1987 and discusse the proposed agenda. Mr. King's
idea was to discuss common ssues shared by both committees/
team members, such as; metr phones, airport, and our philosophies
of development for the futu e. The meeting has tentatively been
set for Tuesday, May 12, 19' 7, 6:00PM at 'Russell's On the Lake'.
Please RSVP to me by April 30, 1987. Philosophies of development
means how we market Monticello to international companies and what are
Monticello's financial ince tives; and how does Big Lake market
themselves and what are Big Lake's financial incentives.
4. Consideration to Proceed with Preliminra Procedures to
Petition for Interest of Metro Phone Lines to Monticello.
Enclosed is the letter I a dressed to Mr. Rierson and
his response. Per our tel phone conversation, Mr. Rierson
suggested we not proceed w"th a petition of interest until
after the completion of th Contested Case Hearing. Mr.
Rierson stated he believed the Commission was not accepting
any further petitions, how ver, in my conversation with
Diane Wells, Minnesota Pub ic Utilites Commission, she
said it was perfectly OK t petition for interest at this
time but the Commission wo ld not start investigations until
after completion of the Co tested Case Hearing. They will
accept petitions and estim ted time for the Commission's
investigation of our petit on would be early 1988. The local
telephone company serving immerman did send a notice of
objection, however, Zimmer an has not been denied but is
obtaining additional infor ation. If the IDC would like to
proceed with petition, Mr. Steve Johnson has volunteered to
help, Mrs. Joy Swenson has volunteered, and I temporarily
have scheduled an organizaional meeting for Monday,
April 20, 1987 at 7:30PM a the City Hall. A representative
is invited to attend the p e-hearing on Monday, April 20
at 9:30AM in the Commissio 's Large Hearing Room, 7th
Floor, American Center Bui ding, 150 East Kellogg Blvd.,
St. Paul, MN. I suggest te IDC to decide whether to proceed
or not to proceed with pet tion of interest. Secondly, if
to proceed, select one or wo persons as a representative.
Thirdly, for myself to hol an organization meeting with
volunteers on prepared pet tion guidelines and procedures.
April 3, 1987
all ie Koropchak
Director of Economic Development
City of Monticello
250 East Broadway
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Ollie:
Subject: Joint Development Meeting
I have recently been in contact with Smith and Arve Grimsmo about
the possibility of arranging a joint de, elopment team meeting. It
seems to us that there are significant 'ssues that transcend
boundaries; the airport, annexation, an metro phones, are three.
Don Smith has informed me that you will be the contact person that
will set up the meeting for your team. As our contact, we would like
to extend an invitation through you, to your team, to be our guests
for a dinner meeting at 'Russell's on t e Lake' on Tuesday, May 5,
1987, at 6:00 p.m. We would hope to discuss, at least in brief, the
issues mentioned above, as well as, discussing our goals and
philosophies of development for the fut reo
We are not aware of who or how many le serve on your team. We
would appreciate your contacting us as soon as possible so that we
might make the reservations. If this e ening is not going to work,
please let me know. We look forward to this opportunity to work
Yours very truly,
City Administrator
City of Big Lake
LOCAL (612) 263-2107 METRO 333-3037
Montiel 110
Industrial Develop! ent -Committee
250 East B' adway
Monticello, Minn sota 55362
Phone (612) 95-2711
~,..'" ..,.,".
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March 25, 1987
Mr. Robert P. Rierson
Bridgewater Telephone Company
316 Pine Street
P.O. Box 298
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Mr. Rierson:
The Industrial Development Co
service provided to this comm
Company. As a community grow
to be addressed and altered t
to accommodate and encourage
As you know, one of the IDC's
of extended metro lines to Mo
interested in proceeding with
to join them on Thursday, Apr
scheduled for 7:00 AM, Montic
wishes to proceed as a joint
Telephone Company to meet the
Minnesota Public Utilities Co
Please RSVP at 295-2711.
~~, \<('),-c'?.0~""
Olive M. Koropchak
Economic Development Director
cc: File
it tee appreciates the fine
nity by Bridgewater Telephone
, the current needs may need
accommodate that growth; and
uture growth.
goals has been the consideration
tice11o. The committee is
their goal and they invite you
1 16, 1987. The meeting is
110 City Hall. The committee
enture with the Bridgewater
necessary guidelines of the
see you soon.
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April 1, 1987
Olive M. Koropchak
Economic Development Director
Monticello Industrial Developme t Committee
250 E. Bdwy.
Monticello, MN. 55362
RE: Koropchak Letter Dated
Dear Mrs. Koropchak:
In reference to the extension
Area to include Monticello, I
As a result of numerous petitio
Minneapolis area the Minnesota
has initiated a Consolidated Co
establish a final determination
the public interest to further
Calling Area.
The contested proceeding in thi
3 part project. In addition to
exchanges and the exchanges fro
been filed. The Commission ha
companies who serve ex=hanges a
Area to become a part of this p
the Minneapolis Calling
spectfully submit the
s surrounding the
ublic Service commission
tested Case Hearing to
of whether or not it is in
xpand the Minneapolis
matter is proposed to be a
the existing metro
where EAS petitions have
ordered all telephone
jacent to the Metro Calling
The Commission has further orde ed that all municipalities
in or adjacent to the Metro Cal ing Area be furnished with
a copy of this order. You'll f nd it enclosed.
At this time, I don't believe t e commission is accepting
any further petitions until suc time as the 3 part project
is completed.
I would be more than happy to me
Industrial Development Commissio
unavailable on the 16th. In vie
project is in the first stages 0
suggest you plan a meeting in th
keep you abreast of this matter.
t with the Monticello
, however, I will be
of the fact that the
development, I would
future and I will try
If you have any questions or req ire any further
information, please do not hesitate to call.
Robert P. Rierson
Robert P. Rierson ~
IDC Agenda - 4/16/87
5. Consideration to A
Information Packet
IDC Member to the Promotional
On March 24, 1987, Presiden Kendall and myself were among
the participants at a prese, tation by Mr. Steve Henning,
Henning & Associations, Mi eapo1is, an advertising and
design firm. Upon their su gestion of which I agree, they
recommend the IDC and the d amber of Commerce, independently,
determine their objectives for a promotional brochure and list
what information they would like in the promotional brochure.
Ideas would then be condensed and consolidated by a third
party. Suggestions would be made by the third party as
viewing Monticello from th outside. No committment or
contract has been made wit the firm nor will be considered
until our preliminary home ork is completed and a proposed
budget presented to the ci y, the Chamber of Commerce, and
the IDC. I would like one or two volunteers to determine
the IDC objectives and des ,red information, I see no reason
why this cannot be accompl shed in one meeting. Thereafter,
the Promotional Informatio Packet Committee will take over.
Consideration to Initiate
Loan Fund or Another Finan
he Possibilit of a Revolvin
ia1 Incentive for Economic
On some occasions, I have xpressed my concerns about whether
the City of Monticello (in 1uding myself) actively or aggressively
pursue economic deve10pmen I agree, Monticello is in an
excellent location along I terstate 94 and centrally located,
Monticello's tax base is god, Monticello's school system is
excellent, and Monticello 'as a high quality of life. But as
other state communities ha e or are developing organized
Development Corporations a d financial incentives, I see
Monticello sitting back an being passed up for economic
development, like it or no , finance is the bottom line
decision for expansion pla s. I would hope the IDC would
like to see Monticello rem in a leader in economic development.
I would like some support 0 investigate the possibilities
of Monticello setting up a revolving loan fund or another
type of financial incentiv I would encourage you
to ask questions of Big La e's proposed 40 million dollar
finance incentive. if we a ree to a joint meeting. I
would like to invite Mr. D ve Peterson, Minn DEED Finance
Consultant for our region 0 an IDC meeting to inform us
of alternative finance pro' rams. Mr. Peterson has indicated
his willingness to help se up revolving loan fund program.
My thought being to invite, Mr. Rick Wolfste1ler, Monticello's
Finance Director to this meting. I believe it's time for
the IDC to review it's pur ose and to review the Economic
Development Director's job description.
~.n .
Montic 110
Industrial Develop: ent :Committee
250 East Br adway
Monticello, Minne ota 55362
Phone (612) 95.2711
March 25, 1987
Mr. Dean Whaley
Vice President/Manufacturing
Data Card Corporation
11111 Bren Road West
Minneapolis, MN 55343
Dear Mr. Whaley:
This is a letter of confirmatio on the final arrangements
made by Supt. Shelly Johnson wi h your secretary on Tuesday,
March 24, 1987. Representative of the Industrial Development
Committee have reserved Friday, April 10, 1987, 10:00 AM for
their visit/tour of Data Card C rporation. You will be
visited by Shelly Johnson, Supt. of School District #882;
Harvey Kendall, Office Manager f the Monticello NSP Nuclear
Plant; Donald Smith, Editor/Pub isher of the Monticello
Times; Dale Lungwitz, President of Wright County State Bank;
and myself. We look forward to seeing you, Mr. Peterson, and
Ms. Beattie; and we are pleased with the opportunity to tour
your highly qualified manufactu ing operation.
If you have any further questio s, please contact Supt. Johnson
at (612) 295-5184 or myself at (Metro) 333-5739. I "thank you"
in advance, for your continued ospita1ity.
(~ ''\'v"\. "<--C"'\-. ~ cQ
Olive M. Koropchak
Economic Development Director
cc: File
M~ 0
Monticello City counci
Industrial Development
Chamber of Commerce Bo
Promotional Packet Co
and City Staff
rd of Directors
FROM: Ollie Koropchak, Econo ic Development Director
SUBJECT: Organizational/Informa ional Meeting on the Chamber
of Commerce and Indust ial Development Promotional
DATE: March 19, 1987
On Tuesday, March 24, 1987, 7:30 p.m., at the Monticello City Hall, an
organizational/informational mee ing will be held to investigate
the alternative options for a pr motional packet for the City
of Monticello. Mr. Steve Hennin of Henning & Associates,
Minneapolis, an advertising and esign firm, will give a one-half
hour presentation on ideas and e timated costs. No cost or
commitment is attached to this meting, nor are we obligated
to a future commitment. Mr. Gar Iverson of Park Press Quality
Printing will also attend. At t is time, the Promotional
Packet Committee consists of Lin a Mielke, Chamber of Commerce/
Security Federal; Julie Schmansk', Monticello Times; Iris Peter,
Comfort Inn; and myself. Others will be added to this committee.
Plans are to combine the goals a d objectives of the Community
Improvements Committee, a commit ee organized by the Chamber
of Commerce, with the Promotiona Packet Committee.
......::i..i1' >
Mantic 110
Industrial Develop ent ,Committee
250 East Br adway
Monticello, Minna ota 55362
Phone (612) 95-2711
fOR .
March 23, 1987
Governor Rudy Perpich
Minnesota State Capitol
130 Capitol
St. Paul, MN 55155
Dear Governor Perpich:
Mr. Jack Peach, President of ulfi1lment Systems, Inc., has
expressed his serious concern with the Employment Bill
which proposes to raise the m nimum wage by twenty-five cents
(.25~) the first year and thi ty cents (.30~) the following
year. The bill, along with teState's already high taxes
and high workman's compensati n rates, would constitute
Mr. Peach's final decision to relocate his company out-of-
Fulfillment Systems, Inc. emp
a great loss to the community
Peach has indicated that his
out-of-state relocation for t
account for the loss of appro
Governor Perpich, we are not
increase to the minimum wage
however, to weigh it against
jobs and the potential of a v
is of our prime concerns.
oys 150 persons and would be
of Monticello. Also, Mr.
tate competitors are considering
e same reasons. This would
imate1y 1100 state jobs.
pposed to the concept that an
ay not be duly deserving,
he potential loss of existing
cated 43,200 sq. ft. facility
Please make serious considera ion before enacting this
bill. Thank you for your tim
{.-'" 1\ . /'. (\ . n
~ ~,\"'OL~' ~
Olive M. Koropchak
Economic Development Director
cc: Senator Betty Adkins
House of Representative Bob McEachern
Mr. Jack Peach
7. Consideration of an U dated IDC
President Kendall has confi
a buffet with a preset sala
end of March, at this time,
or responses. President Ke.
program and I will attend t
out selling banquet tickets.
May 2 to May 9.
Agenda - 4/16/87
med the menu with Bruce Gagnelius,
Tickets were mailed out the
I have received some payments
dall and I will work on the
the other details. Please be
remember 1'11 be out-of-town
8. Reports: NAWCO Minnesota, nc.
Erik Fjerdingstad and Roald Starheim were in Monticello
the week of April 6th. They met with three builder/
contractors and w"ll receive bids and building proposals
by the end of Apr 1 with their decision to be made
the middle of May We met with Dave Peterson, Minn
DEED Finance Cons ltant and are in the process of
applying for a $2 0,000.00 Small Cities Grant Program.
A public hearing or application has been set for the
Monday, April 27 ity Council. A public hearing for
the Tax Increment Finance Plan is also scheduled for
the same evening.
Data Card Cor ora
Shelly Johnson, D
Kendall, and myse
Card's facility i
because Mr. Whale
out-of-town trip.
Nancy, she sugges
May 13 or 14, 198
date after your d
a mid-July decisi
LLRW Facility
The Monticello Ci
continue with int
community to proc
on hosting the Lo
This consensus du
Minnesota Legisla
Minnesota as a ho
Compact Commissio
Joint-Air ort Co
The Joint-Airport
They extended the
O'Connor & Hannan
plan with the nex
for hiring proced
Basil Schillewaer
County as the ex-
Airport Commissio
suggestions for a
n Smith, Dale Lungwitz, Harvey
f were unable to visit Data
Minneapolis on April 10th
wasn't able to return from his
Having talked with his secretary,
ed either Wednesday or Thursday,
,9:00AM. I will confirm the
cision. They are now looking at
n for narrowing the location to three
y Councils concensus was not to
rest at this time for our
ed withadditional information
-Level Radioactive Waste Facility.
to the lack of support by the
ive to volunteer the State of
t state/community to the Midwest
Commission met April 8, 1987.
legal contact to Tom Creighton,
adopted the Commission's work
major step to develop a plan
res for the Airport Engineer.
has been designated by Wright
fficio member to the Joint-
The commission is open to
name for the airport.