IDC Agenda 08-21-1986 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPME T COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, August 21, 1986 - 7:00AM City Hal Members: Chairperson Ron Hoglu Arve Grimsmo, Dale Lu Schrupp, Jay Morrell, Bruce Gagnelius, Tom d, Don Smith, Shelly Johnson, gwitz, Harvey Kendall, Bud Joel Winkelman, John Bondhus, idem, and Olive Koropchak. 1. Call To Order. 2. Approval of the July 16, 19 6 IDC Minutes. 3. Consideration to Execute th New Minnesota Business Re- tention and Expansion Progr m. 4. Consideration to Address th Industrial Businesses Concerns. 5. Consideration to Research, evelop, and Implement a New Industrial Development Info mationa1 Packet. . 6. Reports: Airport Subcommit:tee Det Scandinaviske Vinduscompaniet A/S Economic Deve10pent Financing Course Industrial Contacts 7. Other Business. 8. Adjournment. . . MINUTE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMEN Wednesday, July 16, 19 Comfort Inn (Tree COMMITTEE LUNCHEON 6 - 12:00 Noon House Lounge) MEETING Members Present: Chairperson Johnson, Ha Winkelman, Koropchak. Ron Hoglund, Don Smith, Shelly vey Kendall, Bud Schrupp, Joel ruce Gagnelius, and Ollie Members Absent: Arve Grimsmo John Bondhus Dale Lungwitz. Jay Morrell. and Tom Eidem. Guests: Tim Fitzgerald of IX and Ben Smith, HRA member. 1. Call to Order. Chairperson Ron Hoglund c lIed the lCD meeting to order at l2:25PM. . 3. Guest S eaker: Tim Fitz raId, Vice President of 0 er- ations. IXI Laboratories, Inc. Mr. Fitzgerald spoke of II's history. noting the company's 400 growth increase in 19 3-84. Companies with fast growths in short periods of time enerally do not surive long range plans. IXI started out in the personal (home computer software) who's market pl nged in 1984. now turning to the Fortune 2000 companie , their market target is inform- ation distribution. IXI mployed over 100 people at Monticello 20 months ago nd now maintain 12 employees. Finding it unfeasible to mploy 12 people in a 50.000 square foot structure. th y plan to utilize and/or retrain the remaining employees for employment at the Hopkins office which will increase the company's communication. IXI has a 35.000 square foot facility in Hopkins, employing abo t 80 people. Plans are to sell the Monticello facility or rent out the entire facility. Listing price as not been determined, however. Mr. Fitzgerald indicated approximately one and a quarter million dollars were invested in the Monticello facility. Consolidated plans are estimated to be completed by October 1st of this year. 986 IDC Minutes. prove the June 19th IDC y Kendall, and carried 2. A roval of the June Bud Schrupp motioned minutes. seconded by unanimously. 4. Reports. Accepted as written. . . 5. Other Business. Brief inquiries were made brochure, expansion of th apartment units in Montie pat ion in the airport joi of the progress of the IDe Golf Coarse, number of 110, and Becker's partici- t powers agreement. 6. Adjournment. It was a consensus of the committee to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. ~ \fl\ Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary Monticello Industrial . . . IDC Agenda - 8/21/86 3. CONSIDERATION TO EXECUTE THE NEW MINNESOTA BUSINESS RE- TENTION AND EXPANSION PROG A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND One of the IDC's 1986 go ls were to insure continued execution of an Industri l/Commerical Retention Program. The MinnDEED has provide the state cities with guide- lines and materials to i p1ement their new program. Briefly, the program f10 rmat includes support by the local government (Mayor nd myself), formation of a task force, sponsoring 0 ganization (IDC and Chamber of Commerce), recruitment a d training of volunteers, vol- unteers conduct survey, nalysis of survey, and follow-up. Materials furnished by testate include a training manuel, slide show, brochures, coordinator's video tape, vol- unteer's video tape, and a sample letter from the mayor, sample of news releases, and sample thank you letters. . We are on a time frame and the coding returned November 1, 1986, inord puted, thereafter, the returned to the cities gestive time for the ov weeks (actual survey ti differences I detect fr 1. Longer-detaile 2. Use of volunte 3. Survey not onl and retailers. 4. Computed by th s the surveys must be completed to the State Department by r, for the surveys to be com- omputed survey results will be or analysis. Estimated sug- r-a1l survey program is six e two weeks). Some of the m the past survey are: survey (See Supporting Data). rs. industries but for commerica1 state. According to the 1985-8. business listing, Monticello has approximately 66 se vice-related businesses and 13 industrial companies. I suggest we survey these businesses this year and other retail/commerica1 bus- inesses in the future 0 a yearly rotating bases. This computes a need for 15 volunteers who would survey five businesses, each urvey takes from one to one and one-half hour. . I support the Business because the survey inf community and is also ication process, howev from the survey is not remains useless. Ther to state that my perce nor are they being add being the key to the B Program. Retention and Expansion Program rmation is important to our art of the Star City Recertif- r, if the information gathered acted upon, the information fore, I take responsibility to tion is those concerns have not essed (Agenda Item 4). Follow-up siness Retention and Expansion . IDC Agenda - 8/21/86 My plans are to have the Mayor and myself support the program, the IDC and the Chamber of Commerce be sponsoring organizations. As a sp nsoring organization, I ask that you consider to vounteer one of your business employees to donate the"r time to survey five businesses. Volunteer's time includ s: Volunteer's training, make survey appointments, co duct survey, and tally survey. Volunteer's qualificati ns: Confidentiality and maturity. I will present the prog am to the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Tue day, August 19, and to their general meeting, Thursd y, August 21, 1986. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. Continue with previ us industrial survey and not implement the Minnesota Business Retention and Expansion Program Survey. 2. Discontinue either 3. Execute the Minneso Program Survey and the to conduct the survey. urvey. a Business Retention and Expansion DC member to sponsor one volunteer C. RECOMMENDATION. I recommend the IDC to . xecute the Minnesota Business Re- tention and Expansion P ogram Survey and sponsor one volunteer to conduct fi e surveys. . D. SUPPORTING DATA. New survey Old survey . . Name Addr Tele Pres . . 1. CITY OF MONTI CELL 0, MINNESOTA INDUSTRY CONTACT QJESTIONNAI RE of Company ess phone ent Conditions: Labor Needs (Quantity, Quality, Special Sk ills) Transportation Needs/problems (Air, Rail, water, Truck, etc. ) other Needs (Supplies, Capital, etc. ) re projections: Does your company plan to expand in 1986? Yes No Special needs for expansion (check) : financing transportation labor other: Please explain: City and State Issues of Concern (check) : code requirements product liability energy availability tax policies Workman's compensation other: Unemployment Compensation Comments: please provide us with names of your suPI; liers who may wish to consider a Minnesota location. ease note: All information will be trea e d on a confidential basis jointly th the Minnesota Department of Economic Ie velopment. I 2. 3. Futu 1. 2. 3. 4. * PI wi . IDC Agenda - 8/21/86 4. CONSIDERATION TO ADDRESS TH INDUSTRIAL BUSINESSES' CONCERNS. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Last February, I visited 12 as part of the Business Ret a summary of those visits w Star City Recertification R ment of FSI expansion plans feel a great loss in not ca retention program. However the decision was based on t Recent contacts with the re expressed 1986 expansion pI follows: Larson Mfg. - the 198 expansion plan for Mo two expanion plans of locations in South Da warehouse expansion i next few years. Jones Mfg. - expansio of our 15 industrial businesses ntion Program. From the survey re presented to you in the port. Since the announce- to Big Lake, I personally rying out the business Mr. Peach reassures that e availability of rail service. aining five companies who ns in Monticello are as 12,000 square foot warehouse ticello was integrated in the Larson Mfg's production ota and Kansas. A Monticello still anticipated in the plans to the Figenshau building. . Fingerhut Corporation - Monticello expansion plans will formally be anno nced with the next month. ,Electro Industries - the initial 1986 12,000-13,000 square foot expansion plan has been reduced to 5,760 square feet bec use of unavailable financing for expansions with t e increase of available vacant industrial buildings. FSI - warehouse expa sion in Big Lake, however, a Monticello expansion is still planned. WebAmerica - expansi n to Mr. Bidwell meant increase in number of employe In February he had 14 employees, and now has 31 emplo Several people within the concerned about the City's industrial development or survey indicated four indu visited expressed concerns Since that time another co code requirements for indu Listed below are specific . ommunity and the IDC have become incentives and attitudes toward xpansion. A recap of the tries or 1/3 of the industries about the City code requirements. pany has expressed the rigid trial development or expansion. oncerns: IDC Agenda - 8/21/86 . * Parking lot and land caping (Electro Industries) * Curbing and building permit fees (Bondhus Corporation) * Curbing and parking ot (WebAmerica) * Parking lot (Larson fg.) * Black top surface ve sus gravel for warehouse (FSI, 8/18/86) * No city incentives f (Wrightco almost incentives were water-sewer pro r business retention (Wrightco, 7/16/86) moved to Little Falls, as no city offered be help compensate their lem). * Low water pressure i (IXI and Larson Mfg.) the Oakwood Industrial Park I'm not suggesting the City code requirements be torn out, however, I believe it's time to address these issues. 1. Are some of the City code requirements too rigid for I-I or I-2? . 2. Does the Committee want further evaluation of Indust- rial codes by comp rison with other community codes? 3: Does the IDC suppo t that each company's need should be addressed indiv'dually, and if valid, agree that support should be iven to the company? 4. The IDC feels the remain neutral. are not valid, therefore, s. Does the IDC present them Council? he concerns are valid enough to City Staff and/or the City B. RECOMMENDATION. The recommendation is t expressed by these Indu reasons: One, do the c industrial development Second, the concerned I advised on how their co if they are being addre at the IDe address the concerns trial businesses for two main ty code requirements hinder nd expansion in Monticello? dustrial Businesses should be cerns are being addressed or sed. . C, SUPPORTING DATA. Survey results. Monticello Industrial c de requirements available at the meeting. (.. The Business Retention Survey nd a letter were mailed out in January, 1986 to fifteen 10 al industries. I visited tweleve of those industries in February which exposed myself to first-hand knowledge of the industrial businesses and their leaders. Monticello should be proud of the unique products being developed in our community and the people within those industrial parks. A thank you letter followed with a request of further information. *Rainbow Enterprises *Decorative Services *NSP Nuclear Plant Jones Mfg. *Fulfillment Systems, Inc. *Electro Industries, Inc. *Bondhus Corporation *WebAmerica * Denotes industries visited *Automatic Garage Door Company Wrightco Products, Inc. *Larson Mfg. *IXI Assemblies *Fingerhut Corporation *Clow Stamping Company SMA Elevator Construction Company Each industry will receive an updated copy of the Monticello Community Profile. Results of survey: . Labor needs - 14 reported lab r needs O.K. Transportation needs - 3 rai 8 Tru k 2 lar er airport Other needs - 1 Capital Need for choice of phone 1986 Company Expansion ~ syst 6 City and State Issues of Cone rn: City Code Requirements - 4 Water Supply - 2 Workman's Compensation - 10 Unemployment Compensation - 11 Product Liability - 2 Tax Policies - 4 . m - 1 Larson Mfg. Jones Mfg. WebAmerica Fingerhut Corporation Electro Industries Fulfillment Systems, Inc. . . . IDC Agenda - 8/21/86 CONSIDERATION TO RESEARCH. EVELOP. AND IMPLEMENT A NEW INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT INFO MATIONAL PACKET. s. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN . Having reviewed the IDC's 1 86 goals. I'm pleased to announce the only goal which has not been activated is the ID Informational Packet. My a ologies for delaying action. At one time. the IDC reco ended I contact Fran Voelker at SCSU to investigate the ossibility of a student intern. I was informed of optional ost factors: wages. travel time. and materials. Also. was a ked for a detailed account of the work description. I have r ceived an application from the Mass Communications Departm nt. intern application would be for winter quarter. I have tak n the liberty to investigate other options. At one time. the ity Administrator mentioned the possibility for an intern. nvestigating the possibility of a joint-effort. the City at this time. can not justify the need for an intern. My tho ght being. can the IDC justify the need for an intern? At the Chamber Board meeting. I asked for one volunteer to et up a joint committee between the IDC and the Chamber to urther investigate our alternatives. Linda Mielke is the Chamber volunteer. My plans are to recruit one volunteer from he Monticello Time's. however. I haven't contacted them. would also suggest one vol- unteer from the IDC. I hav gathered brochures from other communities. The committee will start with a brainstorm session and setting of thei objectives or goals. If the IDC objects to this plan to research. develop. and implement the ID Informational Packet. please so advise. The committee will present the IDC with t: eir recommendation. . . . 6. REPORTS. A. Airport Subcommittee - meeting was scheduled for F due to circumstances beyond meeting would have been amo Creighton, and myself. On Wednesday, August 20, th with the present airport 0 Johnson, and Jack Beaulieu Pat Blackhurst. This is an the above parties of the su State Aeronautics Division recommended site based on a Let me reinforce, this mean formal approval is part of study. IDC Agenda - 8/21/86 n airport joint-powers agreement iday, August IS, but was cancelled Tom Creighton's control. This g Bill King, Tom Eidem, Tom airport subcommittee will meet ers: Walt Wermerskirschen, Dean nd airport managers: John and informational meeting to inform committee's plans and that the as indicated a go-ahead on the surface observation, only. a surface opinion, only, and he master airport plan or B. Det Scandinaviske Vindu companiet A/S - On Tuesday, August 12, 1986, Erik Fjerd."ngstad telephoned to ask if I would contact Mr. Charles Meyer of Ferche Millwork, Inc., Rice, MN as he had not rece ved the price proposals from this company. I contacted r. Meyer and Mr. Pajala of the State Forestry Department. This being the only proposal left to obtain inorder for them to analyize their total production costs. Mr. Meyer will mail the price proposals to Erik or myself this wee. I will confirm this on Friday. Erik, thanked me for estimated cost information on CPA's, bookkeepers, ins rance and wages. etc. He and Mr. Starheim will b 8th or 15th, when we will needs. Plans are that 12- Minnesota and Monticello i I have not visited with Ma Mr. J~rgensen and his visi Vinduscompaniet's producti returning the week of September it down and address individual 3 representatives will visit late October. At this time, or Grimsmo of his visit with to one of Det Scandinaviske n plants, C. Economic Development F nancing - I will be attending the first week of the fina cing training session this Monday-Friday, August 25-2. Any new prospects that week will be handled by Tom Eid Enclosed is the week's agenda. D. Project Contacts - Fl ur City Ho es-Webway Ge r and Broach Me calf/Larson Ha ry's Auto Mo ticello Streetscape Mi nesota Sports Federation Mi nesota Farm Bureau