IDC Agenda 07-16-1986
Wednesday, July 16, 198 - 12:00 Noon
Comfort Inn (Tree Ho se Lounge)
Members: Chairperson Ron H glund, Don Smith, Shelly
Johnson, Arve Gri smo, Dale Lungwitz, Harvey
Kendall, Bud Schr pp, Jay Morrell, Joel
Winkelman, John B ndhus, Bruce Gagnelius,
Tom Eidem, and 01 ve Koropchak.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of the June 19 1986 IDC Minutes.
3. Guest Speaker: Tim Fit gerald, Vice President
of Operations, IXI Labo atories, Inc.
ID Freeway Si
Monticello St
Airport Subco
5. Other Business.
6. Adj ournment.
Thursday, June 19, 19 6 - 7:00AM
Dino's Deli & Pizza
Members Present: Chairperson Ron oglund, Joel Winkelman, Don
Smith, Dale Lung itz, Bud Schrupp, Harvey
Kendall, Shelly ohnson, and Ollie Koropchak.
Members Absent. Arve Grimsmo, To Eidem, Jay Morrell, Bruce
Gagnelius, and J hn Bondhus.
1. Call to Order.
Chairperson Ron Hoglund called the IDC meeting to order.
2. A roval of the Ma 15, 1986 I
Don Smith motioned to approve
seconded by Bud Schrupp, and p
1986 IDC minutes,
3. Guest S eaker: Jim Rid ewa, ri htco Products, Inc.
Mr. Ridgeway told the IDC that the egg business is changing,
once simulated with the wife a~ d eggs shells to the Sunday
brunch, to the frozen quiche, nd now to the 50-60 micro-
wave products. Monticello's f cility has 162 employees
(two shifts) and houses the fu ther-processing operations
for the company with other located facilities as the commodity
plants. Mr. Ridgeway's comment to Monticello's environment
is the city has no incentives for improvement. Regarding the
State, his concerns are the t 'x situation, Minnesota prices
on grain, and the export of a ricultural products. He sees
Minnesota as a high tecnologi al state, however, suggests a
state subsidy for product tra sportation to other states.
He views economic development as very competitive among
states and between cities wit in our state. Any plans for
a Monticello Wrightco expansi n are on hold. They utilize
their space to the maxium wit storage at a limit. Today's
hired employees have a higher degree of education or training
compared to the previous year when Wrightco did their own
training. Mr. Ridgeway expre sed the two main reasons for
Wrightco's merger with Cargil , Inc. as more exposure to
the industrial customer and h gher technological research.
Mr. Ridgeway expressed no dem nds of the IDC beyond his
concerns previously expressed
Financial Re ort and Anal sis
The committee will look at a
Monday). Consideration for t
of economic development aware
sponsor an Appreciation Day f
of the 1986 Annual IDC Fundraiser
y banquet date for 1987 (third
e guest speaker is a concentration
ess. The committee will not
r 1986.
Consideration to Authorize Own rshi
Sign to the City of Monticello.
Dale Lungwitz motioned to auth rize
ownerhsip to the City of Monticello
aining maintenance responsiblities.
Johnson and passed 8-0.
IDC Minutes - 6/19/86
of the ID Freewa
the IDC freeway sign
with the IDC maint-
Seconded by Shelly
6. Adjournment.
Joel Winkelman motioned to ado rn. seconded by Harvey Kendall.
and carried unanimously.
~~. \(OlQ
Olive M. Koropchak
Executive Secretary
Monticello Industrial
4. Reports:
A. ID Freeway Sign -
Have you noticed? The ID s gn was installed by Jeff
Hoglund in June at the desi nated site. The sign
looks good.
B. Monticello Streetscape
The streetscape project is
plan which was initiated th
downtown business owners an
Shardlow, and Uban were hir
proposed a streetscape stud
presented to the Downtown R
23, 1986, Tom Eidem, Rick W
Maus, and myself will meet
tools, and scale of project
proposed downtown redevelopment
ough efforts of some concerned
the city staff. Dahlgren,
d as consulting planners. They
and plan which has been
tailers Association. On July
lfsteller, Steve Johnson, Ken
o discuss project cost, financial
C. Airport Subcommittee -
The City Coucils of Big Lak and Monticello have each
approved funds of $1,300.00 for the preparation of an
airport joint powers agreem nt. Mr. Tom Creighton of
O'Connor and Hannan has bee informed to start development
of the agreement. (See Enclosure).
D. Construction Five -
Having met on June 25, 1986, with Bob Deike, Holmes & Graven
and the developer, Construction Five; the decision by the
developer was to delay con truction of the 24-unit apartment
and the 3D-unit apartment until Spring of '87.
The next IDC meeting will be h Thursday, August 21, 1986,
at 7:00AM, Monticello City Hal.
Cif';/ a/.m nficetlo
Office of the
City Administrator
30 June, 986
Mr. Thomas D. Creighton
O'Connor & Hannan
3800 IDS Tower
80 South Eighth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402-2254
At the conclusion of our meeting on F
the Joint Airport Subcommittee electe
city councils hiring the firm of O'Co
of a Joint Powers Agreement creating
city councils of Monticello and Big L
allocated a sum not to exceed one-hal
in your proposal. It should be noted
has not been represented at any meeti
the city of Becker is still included
is my understanding, however, that th
taken no action indicating a desire t
Agreement. Hence, the agreement that
you to prepare should be written to a
be flexible enough to include a third
at a positive decision.
Either Ollie Koropchak or I will serv
you during your preparation stages.
require additional information or mee
Thomas A. Eidem
City Administrator
cc: Bill: King
O. Koropchak'/
Airport File
Phone: (612) 295.2711
Metro: (612) 333-5739
iday morning, May 23, 1986,
to recommend to our respective
nor & Hannan for the preparation
n Airport Commission. The
ke have each, by formal action,
of the amount submitted
that, while the City of Becker
g of the committee to date,
n the overall concept. It
Becker City Council has
enter into a Joint Powers
the councils have authorized
commodate two cities, but
city should Becker arrive
as a contact person for
lease let me know if you
ings in order to get under
250 East Broadway · Monti ella, MN 55362-9245