IDC Agenda 06-19-1986
Thursday, June 19, 1 86 - 7:00AM
Dino's Deli & Pizza
Chairperson Ron Hogl
Arve Grimsmo, Dale L
Schrupp, Jay Morrell
Bruce Gagnelius, Tom
nd, Don Smith, Shelly Johnson,
ngwitz, Harvey Kendall, Bud
Joel Winkelman, John Bondhus,
Eidem, and Ollie Koropchak.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of the May
5. Consideration to Authorize
Sign to the City of Montie
Wrightco Products, Inc.
3. Guest Speaker: Jim
4. Financial Report and
Fundraiser Banquet.
of the 1986 Annual IDC
of the ID Freeway
Airport Subcommi
Det Scandinavisk;
Interspan Corpor
Construction Fiv
IXI Laboratories,
Vinduscompaniet A/S
7. Other Business.
8. Next Scheduled IDC Meeting.
9. Adj ournment.
Thursday, May 15, 1 86 - 7:00AM
Monticello Ci y Hall
Members Present: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Harvey Kendall, Dale
Lungwitz, Don S ith, Bud Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo,
Joel Winkelman, Jay Morrell, Shelly Johnson, and
Ollie Koropchak
Members Absent: Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius, and John Bondhus.
1. Call to Order.
The Monticello Industrial Dev lopment Committee meeting was
called to order by Chairperso Hoglund.
2. Approval of Minutes.
Harvey Kendall motioned to
minutes. Seconded by Arve
the April 17, 1986 IDC
and passed unanimously.
3. U date and Finalization of th
With the report of 101 ticket the committee
briefly discussed the price 0 tickets had
been reduced from the original price of $100.00. Don Smith
reminded Joel Winkelman to st ess ticket sales at the Chamber
noon meeting. Mayor Grimsmo stated he would arrive late at
the banquet because he had to convene the Board of Review
meeting at the City Hall. Harvey Kendall and Joel Winkelman
volunteered to be greeters. Joel Winkelman suggested the
possibility of printed progr s including a recap of the
year's development activities in Monticello. Don Smith
reported Lynn Smith would not be present at the banquet,
Mayor Grimsmo was asked to p esent the montage. The
committee suggested gratis i vitations be extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Langhau , Bruce Carlson, and Jim
Luchine. Mayor Grimsmo sugg sted Erik Fjerdingstad be
seated at the banquet head t ble.
Smith reported he had sp ke with Jack Peach regarding
expansion. Mr. Peach st ted four major reasons for the
Lake expansion.
1. Rail access plus UP
2. Construction of a s
not suitable for co
concrete office fac
3. High volume of semi
4. No complaints of th
4. Reports.
Accepted by the committee.
5. Other Business.
out of St. Paul.
eel building (warehouse and shipping),
struction next to the Monticello
truck traffic.
City of Monticello or the IDC.
Other committee members also
Mr. Peach. The general feeli
anti-Big Lake. however. hoped
not consider a second mortgag
economic development.
IDC Minutes - 5/15/86
tated they had talked with
g of the IDC was not to be
the City of Monticello would
as a financial tool for
Joel Winkelman announced the hamber of Commerce luncheon
meeting at 12:00 noon. today. at the new Monticello-Big Lake
Community Nursing Home.
Mayor Grimsmo reported the
would include the approval
and the Monte Club area. PIa
(Monte Hill) on line the year
Next Scheduled IDC Meeting.
Don Smith acknowledged the co
meeting. June 19. 1986 at noo
Luncheon meeting. Koropchak
meeting would be rescheduled.
Having been served lefsa. pro
Montana. the concensus of the
meeting. Meeting adjourned.
Olive M Koropchak
Executive Secretary for the
Monticello Industrial Develop ent Committee
27. 1986 City Council agenda
annexation of the Boyle Property
s are to have the new water tower
of 1987.
flict time of the scheduled IDC
with the Chamber of Commerce
hanked Mr. Smith and stated the
ided by the Lefsa Shack. Opheim.
committee was to adjourn the
Without knowledge of the colI
(See Exhibit I) the reported
105 compared to 113 in 1986.
attendance at the banquet was
therefore, only eleven ticket
As of this time, an increased
over 1985. (Note: There was
prices, however, no gratuity
Open for discussion are date
ticket price, other means of
No staff recommendation.
See Exhibit I.
cted donations expected in 1985,
umber of tickets sold in 1985 was
Interestingly, this year's
113 including eleven gratis tickets,
purchaser's weren't in attendance.
net profit of $536.47 is shown
an increase in the 1986 food
as been paid at this time.)
f the banquet. guest speaker,
evenue, Appreciation Day, etc.
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Based on a recommendation by R n Hoglund, Dale Lungwitz, Jeff
Hoglund, and Ollie Koropchak; he selective site for the ID
sign installation is at Fallon Avenue and Interstate 94.
Jeff Hoglund has staked the si e (appropriate footage from
the property lines) and NSP an Bridgewater Telephone have
located underground lines. Be ause the sign is within the
City Corporate limits and is ithin the City sign ordinance,
only, application for a permit is necessary. The City of
Monticello approves the site ocation, however, Mr. Gary
Pringle and Mr. John Franzen ecommend the ownership of said
sign be tranferred to the Cit of Monticello, with the IDC
maintaining maintenance respo sibilites. Two reasons for
this: legalities and insuran Since the sign will be
located in the right of way ( ity property), ownership of
sign is desired for City insu ance coverage. The City will
maintain a barricade at the e d of the paved road. The
sign is completed and ready f r installation.
1. To deny authorization of
Monticello, with the IDC main
ibi1ities, whereby, the sign
installation site.
ign ownership to the City of
aining maintenance respons-
ubcommittee must select a new
2. To authorize sign ownersh"p to the City of Monticello,
with the IDC maintaining main enance responsibilites.
Staff recommends authorizatio
of Monticello, with the IDC m
of sign ownership to the City
intaining maintenance respons-
Friday, May 23, 1986
City Hall
- ll:OOAM
Subcommittee members present w re Monticello Administrator
Tom Eidem, Big Lake Administra or Bill King, Jack Peach,
Dave Peterson, Harvey Kendall, and Ollie Koropchak. The
subcommittee interviewed Mr. T m Creighton of O'C~nnor and
Hannan as the law firm to deve op an Airport Joint Powers
Agreement. Mr. Creighton info med the subcommittee of O'Connor
and Hannan's history, policies, and expertise. Mr. Creighton
has experience in drawing-up j int powers agreements such as
for the Rite Cable TV which bo h Monticello and Big Lake are
participates. The joint powers is an agreement between com-
munities and in the case of an airport agreement this means
cities will delegate away uneq al portions of their city
powers. Number of votes per city may be determined by pop-
ulation, property valuation, etc. Mr. Creighton stressed the
importance of trust between co munities and City Councils.
Estimated time to draw up an greement is about six weeks
involving two or three meetin Mr. Creighton indicated he
would be the contact person, owever, an associate would do
the research (4-5 hours). Co t: Associate $65.00 per hour,
Mr. Creighton $95.00 per hour. (Does not include cost for
hearings, filing fees, courteporter fees, etc.). Estimated
normal hours for an agreement preparation is 27 hours. He
expressed the policy must be ellable to the public, as the
most controversial issue will be the economic impact the
airport will have on the surr unding communities.
The subcommittee's recommenda ion is for therespactiveCity
Councils (Monticello and Big ake) to each allocate $1,300.00
for the development of an air ort joint powers agreement be-
tween Monticello and Big Lake preparation of agreement by
Mr. Tom Creighton of O'Connor; and Hannan. The subcommittee
agreed to proceed with the jo nt powers agreement without
Becker's participation at thi time, since no representative
from Becker has attended a su committee meeting. The sub-
committee felt they have acte' in good faith, extending equal
invitations to the three comm nities. Becker does have the
option to join at a later dat. Plans are for the City
Administrators to present the proposal to their .respective
City Councils at their ear-lip. t Council-meetip.g$.
Monday, May 27 1986
The Monticello City Council au
approximately $1,300.00 for th
joint powers agreement. This
City of Becker joins in the pr
horized the expenditure of
preparation of an airport
ost would be reduced if the
Becker's Mayor Mike Doering wo 1d like myself to attend
Becker's City Council meeting, Tuesday, June 17, 1986, PM,
to advise and respond to quest.ons of the Council. Mayor
Doering expressed the Council as concerns of the recommended
airport site. The Monticello nd Big Lake City Staff sees
the issue at present, is wheth r to participate or not part-
icipate in the development of the joint powers agreement, not
the issue of site selection. herefore, staff invites Mayor
Doering to meet on staff's ti e for inquiry.
Wednesday, J
Mr. Steve Luck and Mr. Ron Ll
made an aerial observation of
This site is recommended by t
preliminary observation is th
Mr. Lloyd will send a confirm
in approximately three weeks.
yd, MinnDOT/Aeronautic Division,
the recommended airport site.
e Airport Subcommittee. Their
t the site looks very workable.
tion letter on his observation
Big Lake Administrator Bill K ng states the participation and
allocation of monies ($1,300. 0) for the airport joint powers
agreement appears on Big Lake s Council Agenda, Monday,
June 16, 1986.
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--<' ",.:," '.~':~.':'~':',,")::]~'''~~\..
..=.,.... ..:...... '. ,,,....;.Qd.i ':....".,
,- .
Phone (612) 295..2711
Metro (61 2) 333-5739
Arve Grimsmo
City Council:
Dan Blonigen
Fran Fair
William Fair
Jack Maxwell
Tom Eidem
Finance Director:
Rick Woifsteller
Public Works:
John Simola
Planning & Zoning:
Gary Anderson
250 East Broadway
Monticello. Minnesota
Cil'J 0/ monticello
MONTICELL , MN 55362-9245
June 13, 1986
Mayor Michael Doering
,Becker city Hall
215 Sherburne Avenue
Becker, MN 55308
Re: participation in the Air ort Joint Powers Agreement
Dear Mayor Doering:
The formation of the Airport
the Monticello Industrial Dev
The subcommittee organized an
1985. Invitations were exten
and to Administrator Bill Kin
develop a common goal to impr
between Big Lake and Monticel
be asked to participate and c
of an airport joint powers ag
The Airport Subcommittee has
The first meeting, set their
met with representatives fro
third meeting, toured the Mo
the fourth meeting, decided
purpose of preparation of an
and decided to ask the MN/DO
aerial observation of the re
fifth meeting, hired the OlC
an airport joint powers agre
The Airport subcommittee, th
city staff at Monticello fee
extending equal invitations
most unfortunate that you,
have not been able to attend
the process, the subcommitte
this three to five year proj
mayor may not read to allo
later date. If the agreeme
by other communities, a lat
Mayor Doering, I hope the c
efforts previously set fort
include Becker in the initi
ubcommittee was the result of
lopment Committee's 1986 goals.
held their first meeting November 1,
ed to Mr. Tom Scearcy, Becker,
, Big Lake, with the intent to
ve the existing airport on Highway 25
o. Communities interested would
ntribute toward the preparation
et on five different occasions.
bjectives; the second meeting;
MN/DOT Aeronautics Division; the
a, New Ulm, and St. James Airports;
o interview legal firms for the
airport joint powers agreement
Aeronautics Division for a preliminary
ommended airport site; and the
nnor and Hannan Law Firm to prepare
ment for an estimated cost of $2,565.00.
city staff at Big Lake, and the
they have acted in good faith,
o the three communities. It's
. Scearcy, or another Becker delegate
the meetings. Eight months into
will proceed without delay on
ct. The joint powers agreement
for additional participation at a
t allows for late participation
assessment will be charged.
mmunity of Becker understands the
by the Airport Subcommittee to
1 airport joint powers agreement.
Mayor Michael Doering
June 13, 1 986
Page 2
After the joint powers agreemen is prepared, I will send the
.City of Becker a copy. May the cities of Becker, Big Lake,
and Monticello continue to crea e a positive business climate
for the area. If you have any uestions, please call me at
Metro 333-5739 or (612) 295-2711.
~ ~.\<~~G
Olive M. Koropchak
Economic Development Director
cc: T. Eidem
B. King
file \,/"'"
Det Scandinaviske Vinduscom ani t A/S
Mr. Erik Fjerdingstad telephone Tuesday, June 10, 1986, and
confirmed his and Mr. Odd J~rge sen's arrival time to
Minnesota on Saturday, June 21. I have made motel reservations
for them through Sunday, June 29. Their plans are to be in
Monticello on Monday, June 23. An appointment at Bondus
Corporation has been arranged for Mr. J~rgensen and a tour
of the NSP Nuclear Plant will be arranged next week when
Harvey Kendall returns from vacation.
Interspan Corporation
Mr. Woodrow Langhaug delivered some company information Friday,
June 6. Due to a short notice of arrival, we toured the
Industrial Park and viewed ava"lab1e buildings from the exterior,
only. Mr. Langhaug is interested in leasing a part of the IXI
facility. Interspan Corporation is in the process of seeking
financial support.
Construction Five
Sometime ago, the HRA and the ity Council approved the Tax
Increment Finance Plan for Tax Increment District #5. On
Wednesday, June 25, 1986, Mr. ob Deike of Holmes & Graven
will meet with the city staffnd the developer to start
preparation on the development agreement between the Monticello
HRA and Construction Five. Co struction Five plans to build
a 24-unit apartment complex an a 30-unit apartment complex
on Block 1, Construction Fiveddition. The District was
created not to bond for the pu 'chase of land but to bond for
the street construction, sanit ry sewer and watermain, and
storm sewer. The District has been certified by the County.
IXI Laboratories, Inc.
On two previous occasions, I ha e met with Mr. Tim Fitzgerald,
newly appointed Vice President of Operations for IXL Mr.
Fitzgerald has informed me of lXI's plan to consolidate their
entire Monticello operations to the home office in Hopkins.
Target date for the completed consolidation is Fall '86.
Tentative plans call for an equipment auction to be held the
end of July at the Monticello plant. At present, approximately
twelve employees remain on staff at the Monticello facility.
As Economic Development Director, I will work with IXI to
fill their 50,000 square foot b i1ding. The building is
available for purchase or lease. Presently, Mr. Fitzgerald
has provided me with the bui1di g description but I haven't
received a purchase price nor lease agreement or options.
On the advise of Mr. Bob Deike of Holmes & Graven, the cert-
ificate of completion for Lot 7, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial
Park should be authorized if warranted. Second, the proper
channels should be taken to ins re that the proposed tax
increment will be generated and collected over the life span
of the District. These proced 'res are in process. I have
extended an invitation to Mr. itzgera1d to attend the IDC
meeting in July.
8. Next Scheduled IDC Meeting
Although, the IDC meetings are out of sequence and assuming
the committee is interested in having Tim Fitzgerald of IXI
as their July guest, my sugges ton is for a Wednesday, July
16, 1986 Luncheon Meeting. P1 ce to be announced. Please
respond at the meeting.
Mont!cal!o, Minn 56382
.,.,.:, ';'~,~.2"11
Please detach and retu n upper portion with your remittance. $
@ 1983. PRINTED IN u.s.....
Your Check is Your Receipt
IDC Agenda - 8/21/86
Last February, I visited 12
as part of the Business Ret
a summary of those visits w
Star City Recertification R
ment of FSI expansion plans
feel a great loss in not ca
retention program. However
the decision was based on t
Recent contacts with the re
expressed 1986 expansion p1
Larson Mfg. - the 198
expansion plan for Mo
two expanion plans of
locations in South Da
warehouse expansion i
next few years.
Jones Mfg. - expansio
of our 15 industrial businesses
ntion Program. From the survey
re presented to you in the
port. Since the announce-
to Big Lake, I personally
rying out the business
Mr. Peach reassures that
e availability of rail service.
aining five companies who
ns in Monticello are as
12,000 square foot warehouse
tice110 was integrated in the
Larson Mfg's production
ota and Kansas. A Monticello
still anticipated in the
plans to the Figenshau building.
Fingerhut Corporation - Monticello expansion plans
will formally be anno need with the next month.
Electro Industries - he initial 1986 12,000-13,000
square foot expansion plan has been reduced to
5,760 square feet bee use of unavailable financing
for expansions with t e increase of available
vacant industrial buildings.
FSI - warehouse expansion in Big Lake, however, a
Monticello expansion is still planned.
WebAmerica - expansio to Mr. Bidwell meant increase
in number of employees. In February he had 14 employees,
and now has 31 employees.
Several people within the community and the IDC have become
concerned about the City's incentives and attitudes toward
industrial development or expansion. A recap of the
survey indicated four industries or 1/3 of the industries
visited expressed concerns about the City code requirements.
Since that time another co pany has expressed the rigid
code requirements for indu trial development or expansion.
Listed below are specific oncerns:
IDC Agenda - 8/21/86
* Parking lot and land caping (Electro Industries)
* Curbing and building permit fees (Bondhus Corporation)
* Curbing and parking lot (WebAmerica)
* Parking lot (Larson fg. )
* Black top surface versus gravel for warehouse (FSI, 8/18/86)
* No city incentives vor business retention (Wrightco, 7/16/86)
(Wrightco almost moved to Little Falls, as no city
incentives wer offered be help compensate their
water-sewer prblem).
* Low water pressure 'n the Oakwood Industrial Park
(IXI and Larson Mfg.)
I'm not suggesting the City code requirements be torn out,
however, I believe it's tim to address these issues.
1. Are some of the Ci y code requirements too rigid for
I-lor 1-2?
2. Does the Committee want further evaluation of Indust-
rial codes by comp rison with other community codes?
3. Does the IDC suppo t that each company's need should
be addressed indiv dually, and if valid, agree that
support should be iven to the company?
The IDC feels the
remain neutral.
Does the IDC feel
present them to th
The recommendation is t
expressed by these Indu
reasons: One, do the c
industrial development
Second, the concerned I
advised on how their co
if they are being addre
are not valid, therefore,
he concerns are valid enough to
City Staff and/or the City
at the IDC address the concerns
trial businesses for two main
ty code requirements hinder
nd expansion in Monticello?
dustrial Businesses should be
cerns are being addressed or
Survey results.
Monticello Industrial c de requirements available at the
The Business Retention Survey and a letter were mailed out
in January, 1986 to fifteen local industries. I visited
tweleve of those industries i February which exposed myself
to first-hand knowledge of th industrial businesses and their
leaders. Monticello should b proud of the unique products
being developed in our commun'ty and the people within those
industrial parks. A thank yo letter followed with a request
of further information.
*Rainbow Enterprises
*Decorative Services
*NSP Nuclear Plant
Jones Mfg.
*Fu1fillment Systems, lnc
*Electro Industries, Inc.
*Bondhus Corporation
*Automatic Garage Door Company
Wrightco Products, Inc.
*Larson Mfg.
*IXI Assemblies
*Fingerhut Corporation
*Clow Stamping Company
SMA Elevator Construction Company
* Denotes industries visited
Each industry will receive an updated copy of the Monticello
Community Profile.
Results of survey:
Labor needs - 14 reported
Transportation needs - 3
r needs O.K.
Other needs - 1 Capital
Need for choice of phone
1986 Company Expansion -
er airport
m - 1
Larson Mfg.
Jones Mfg.
Fingerhut Corporation
Electro Industries
Fulfillment Systems, Inc.
City and State Issues of Con ern:
City Code Requirements - 4
Water Supply - 2
Workman's Compensation - 10
Unemployment Compensation - 1
Product Liability - 2
Tax Policies - 4
old To
Complete Office Supplies ~
Hon Steel Furniture
Monticello, Minn. 55362
(612) 295-3121 II'
~ 7191:b
Lynn R. Smith
116 E. River St. - P. O. Box 548
Monticello. MN 55362
(612) 295-2151
Monti ello
Industrial Develop ent Committee
250 East Boadway
Monticello, Minn sota 55362
Phone (612) 95-2711
June 3, 1986
Mr. Jim Ridgeway
% Wrightco Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 683
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Mr. Ridgeway:
This letter is a confirmation f r the scheduled Thursday,
June 19, 1986 Industrial Deve10 ment Committee meeting.
We will begin at 7:00 AM with a gratis breakfast at Dino's.
The committee extends the invit tion to you as part of their
Business Retention Program. Their thoughts are for you to
share with them changes and fut re plans of Wrightco, and
for you to express your's and W ightco's concerns regarding
the business climate of Monticello. Allow approximately
15 minutes, also the committee ay have some questions.
Jim. thank you for accepting the invitation and for accom-
modating the time change of this meeting. See you on the
19th of June, 7:00 AM. If you h ve any questions, please
call me at 295-2711.
\~\\ '\(,C'l.~(< ".(~', t~:,';",,:e. ,.}
Olive M. Koropchak
Executive Secretary
Industrial Development Committee
cc: file
FOR ' .
May 15, 1986
Dear Industrial Manager:
About one month ago I invit
Managers Club Meeting. At the t
I did not realize that May 30, w
Day and just after the celabrate
Since that time many of the
have made other plans for that
regretfully have to cancel the m
Club. The meeting was scheduled
9:00 a.m. Please cancel that da
to another Industrial
scheduling the meeting
s the Traditional Memorial
Memorial Day.
people invited to the meeting
emorial week, therefore I
eting of the Industrial Managers
for Friday, May 30, 1986 at
e on your calendar for the meeting.
I hope to talk with all the managers in this area again
to talk about some of the things we discussed at our first meeting.
()luru-W ;:]~~
Wayne H. Bidwell,
Plant Manager of
Web America