IDC Agenda 01-15-1986 . AGENDA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Wednesday, Janu Silver Fox Inn - 12:00 N OMMITTEE MEETING ry IS, 1986 onference Room on Members: Co-Chair Jay Morrell, C Bondhus, Tom Eidem, Bru Ron Hoglund, Shelly Joh Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, -Chair Gary Wieber, John e Gagnelius, Arve Grimsmo, son, Harvey Kendall, Dale on Smith, and Olive Koropchak. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the December 19, 985 Minutes. 3. Guest: Bill and Merrilyn Seefeldt, Electro Industries, Inc. 4. Airport Committee Report. 5. Industrial Development Financial Report. 6. Consideration of nquet Speaker. . 7. Consideration of Appointing Committee Officers. 1986 Industrial Development 8. Consideration of Reviewing Ind strial Development Freeway Sign Designs. 9. Other Business. 10. Adjournment. . . MINUTE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Thursday, December 19 Monticello Ci OMMITTEE MEETING 1985 - 7:00AM y Hall Members Present: Co-Chair Jay Mo re11, Tom Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Sh lly Johnson, Harvey Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Bud S hrupp, Don Smith, and Olive Koropchak. Members Absent: Co-Chair Gary Wi ber, John Bondhus, and Bruce Gagnelius. 1. Call to Order. Co-Chair Jay Morrell called t e Industrial Development Committee Meeting to order at 7:10AM. 2. Approval of Minutes. Shelly Johnson moved to appro e the November 20, 1985 minutes, seconded by Arve Grimsmo, and carried unanimously. 3. Pyro Industries, Inc. Report. The Committee accepted the wr tten report. Koropchak gave an updated report on the meeting with Mark Dayton, stating Tim Carlson left the meeting with a posit.ve go-ahead. However, as Tim Carlson contacted Everett Claw on the possible purchase of the Claw Stamping Building, Mr. C10w i dicated the building had been leased to a printing firm. . Carlson is now checking the feasibility of the Best-In-We b Building. The Committee advised Koropchak to continue positive correspondence with Mr. Carlson. . 4. Airport Sub-Committee Report. The Committee accepted the written report. Koropchak reported the airport tour scheduled for December 18, 1985 was cancelled and plans are to reschedule for uesday, January 7, 1986. Koropchak also informed the Committee f Jack Peach's donation of plane, fuel, and pilot for the tour. It was brought to the committee's attention that more than one half of the State's airport runways are not in a northea tern1y direction, is this a necessity for funding? 5. Ban uet S eaker Recruitment Mayor Grimsmo has received n Office regarding recruitment for the Annual Banquet. The busy schedule and the presen Committee's concensus was to Tom Eidem is to contact St. potential speaker with Mayor of the Governor until the Ja expiration date for confirma Grimsmo will pool efforts. a guest speaker and a Montie . eport. confirmation from the Governor's of Gov. Perpich as guest speaker Committee recognizes the Governor's tense legislation; therefore. the investigate a second speaker. au1 Mayor George Latimer as a Grimsmos continued recruitment uary 15th meeting. This being ion from the Governor. Eidem and nother suggestion was made to have 110 Industrial Activity Report. IDC Minutes - 12/19/85 . 6. Consideration of Industrial Deve 0 ment Freewa Si n Estimates. After a short deliberation the C mmittee agreed to a V-sign installation on either Thomas In ustrial Park Lot #9 or on Oakwood Industrial Park Lot #6, ith a sign message as follows: Welcome to Mon icello Industrial Sites vailable 295-2711 Bud Schrupp moved the authorizat'on to a Sign Committee of Dale Lungwitz and Ron Hoglund an authorization to Olive Koropchak to accept a bid from the local b siness, Jeff Hoglund provided the bid is within $100.00 of t e lowest bid. Seconded by Ron Hoglund and carried unanimously. Koropchak will present a stretch of the sign at the next meeting. 7. Consideration of MIDA Membershi . Don Smith moved for the Committ e to purchase the MIDA Membership for the Economic Development Di ector. Membership is $95.00 plus $10.00 for breakfast meetings e ery other month. Seconded by Shelly Johnson, the motion carr ed unanimously. . 8. Consideration of A the 1986 Industrial Develo ment Committee Officers. Co-Chair Morrell opened the flo r for 1986 officer's nominations. Jay expressed the co-chair arra gement with Gary Wieber had worked well the past two years but dec ined renomination. Don Smith expressed his desire to remain n the Committee but declined Chairperson nomination for appr ximately four years because of committments to the State Newsp per Association. Shelly Johnson declined Chairperson nomination because of the proposed middle school building project. The G mmittee agreed to table the nomination of officers until th January meeting allowing a Committee of Shelly Johnson and Co-Chair Morrell to discuss a possible shared chairpersonship with Gary Wieber and Ron Hoglund. The Committee expressed their continued suppport to the new officers. Ron Hoglund suggested the shared Co-Chair position should move up an organizational level or structure. Don Smith expressed the possible need for new blood in the Committee, not excluding women. 9. Other Business. Olive Koropchak announced the ate of the Chamber of Commerce Banquet as Saturday, January 18, 1986, at the River Inn, Cabarat with Social Hour at 6:30PM. Koropchak also reported on the ification, stating the procedu presentation for reviewal by t Monticello City Hall. Koropch Committees help and for their presentation. new procedures for Star City Recert- e includes a scheduled March 12, 1986 e State Star City Committee at the k asked for the Industrial Development illingness to participate in that . 10. Adjournment. Bud Schrupp Jm)ved to adjourn t~ e meeting, seconded by Don Smith, and carried unanimously. IDC Minutes - 12/19/85 Guest _ Bob Rierson, Brid ewater Tel hone Com an . Bob Rierson reported on the Big Lake and Zimmerman, Metro EAS traffic studies of November and Octo er, 1985, also indicating a proposed one-line businesS rate of $55.65 and residential rates between $32.35 and $56.90 per month ompared to today's residential rates of seven to eight dollars per onth. Mr. Rierson expressed his feelings that Metro EAS would not expand but decline. . ~ ~ \<~~.~~ Olive M. Korochak ~ Executive Secretary. Monticello Industrial . The ID Committee asked Mr. Rierson, how the Committee could respond to a prospective industry or busine s interested in the Monticello location, regarding the avilability of metro lines. Mr. Rierson responded that FX (Metro) lines are available, as many as a company wants. Installation cost of FX lin s would be $500-$600. with a monthly rate between $180-$200. per month. Watts lines are also available, but Mr. Rierson indicate that watts lines are not cost effective within an 80-100 mile rad.us with intra-state rates of 41 cents per minute. Mr. Rierson sated that Bridgewater Telephone Company is willing to provide any s rvice that a customer wants providing they are willing to pay for it. Mr. Rierson suggested to the Industrial Development Committ e that if Zimmerman votes yes on the Metro EAS than Monticello shou d follow with necessary procedures for Metro EAS. Shelly Johnson exp essed the Committee's feelings that the Monticello community needs to ompete. Following the report, Mr. Rierson xpressed his interest to become a member of the Industrial Developme t Committee. . ~ . . . Big Lake - Metro S Traffic Study for November 1, 1985 bi ling period indicates: . There were 18.9 messages per ain station to the metro area. . 272 out of 2567 main stations (11%) made no calls to the metro area. . 52.33% of the main stations m de less than 4 calls to the metro area and account d for only 10% of the toll messages to the metr, area. . 35% of the main stations made 81% of the calls to the metro area. . The average toll billing per main station is $13.40. . 52% of customers had average metro toll costs of $3.37 per month. . 82% of customers had average metro toll costs of $7.06 per month. . The average metro toll call costs $.70 and averages five minutes in duration. z ~ VV\ 'M-<l,\- vVl ~ ,j ~ .. ATTACHMENT 4 Page 1 of 2 Traffic Study for October 1, 1985 billing period indicaes: o There were 21.3 messages per main statio to the metro area. o 85 out of 1336 main stations made no calls to the metro area. o 54.6596 of the main stations made less than 9 ca1ls to the metro area and accounted for only 20.9596 of the t01l me sages to the metro. The average cost of 9 calls is $5.54. o 3096 of the main stations made 6896 of th calls to the metro area. o The average toll billing per main station s $16.19 per month. .0 The average cost per minute of toll call 5 12t. . ..- . j~ V ~A " (/[1< h-d ) ~i~~ :7 )1 'Yf '< Q.. ./ tA_ f -/ j/~ -tj -q ~- {!{} ..-y?/liY'--/ /&<1 t / ,,; l'-"rt-v (,'-- '(::.-'[<./' - r? . . A~'u;Lj -< 11- , C~:>1' ~ ; 6r G au "-'- J~rJf ~ / '( p _ :).00 / IV ~ l~ hi J / -<_ tuc<- ! ~- L/ Z'T)'/~<<~ ,? ~ LJ ",d.; ,to /crn~~"' c'~. lV';c~'lc, ~ /c~ LC't(~ 1iJ ~fls 11 f/c ------ // P /I );<<- () u}.'J-. ) /1 C/~I / ~k,/~- . ,/ J .-- rtl- ,- /'. /I (y'7 rY (rH ;1(f (.,<./vt--/A.01. ,!:.;J ~1'.rI - . "- ./ t-wbvd-- C;;/c:6. ....... <II ;/_~Y/N-~ ~ <;)1- ? 1-1 ;., ~s (" f -' ;:'f//~ 5/> y Oc;J L-- 0''"''--- 0- C);/?, r h f A (/i~) /<1- 'i I~ 1[/0-4'1 ~h, J)~. ~+-._I, S1 SJ. r.~ /-jo w I ~ ) ~dA ~r '5c '\-t~d )!-tcuf ,7L r;IJlIf-'?'7'<-</t/ t /.7CL.J (-rt./.- r fp >r!eJ~~~ff~ fn:-} ~~ ----- / . ID Agenda - 1/15/86 . 4. AIRPORT COMMITTEE REPORT. On Tuesday, January 7, 1986, toured Mora, New U1m, and St. were Tom Eidem, Bill King, Ja Information we received from and genuine, and focused arou A brief summary follows: portion of the Airport Committee James Airports. Tour members k Peach, and Olive Koropchak. he three cities was consistent d airport development procedures. 1. Approximate Total Co ts A. Mora 1.4 mil1io ALP approved in 1978 B. New Ulm 2.5 mil ion C. St. James 1.6 m 11ion 2. Procedure - Master P an A. Feasibility Stud B. Comprehensive St dy C. Environmental Pack Study D. Historical Study E. ALP (Airport La out Plan) F. Zoning (by loca government" 18 months to 2 years before approval . G. Land Acquisitio (at least one year) H. Funding I. Design and Cons ruction Advise: 1. Engineer and Contra A. Do preliminary B. One who knows F C. Use local or st D. One who will st E. Engineer to do tors omework dera1 and State Airport Regulations te firms y with the project ai1y inspections (this was stressed as key factor) F. Watch for chang orders 2. Land Acquisiton A. Toughest part B. At least one ye r C. Start with Pub1 c Relations now - contact landowners and press. D. Costliest E. May require cou t decisions F. Use local appraisers, not state 3. Hire full-time employee to oversee project . 4. Do not deviate fro ALP A. Do complete p1 n (runway, 1ights\hangers, terminal, land, beacons, etc.) B. Costly and tim 1y to deviate from plan. . 5. Funding A. Federal - toughes B. State - 2/3 C. Involve State an. for voting power D. Minn Dot Aeroaua and helpful to w ID Agenda - 1/15/86 requirements us Senators and Representatives ic Division extremely easy rk with 6. Clarify who owns and operates airport. . . ID Agenda - 11/15/86 . INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT INANCIAL REPORT Summary of Receipts an Disbursements December, 1985 Beginning Checkbook Balance 1/2/85 Receipts: Banquet Chamber of Commerce Donation TOTAL RECEIPTS . Disbursements: Allen Pe1vit Expenses Mfg. News Inc. Postmaster River Inn Ben Franklin Monte Club (banquet) Monte Club (tip) Monticello Office Products Monticello Printing Dept. of Development (pins) Lynn Smith (gift) River City Video Update Monticello Country Club (Fall Day) Catering Dinner (Fall Day) Monticello Liquor Store (Fall Day) River Inn (Prospects) Olive Koropchak (MIDA Members ip) River City Video Update TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS Transferred to Saving Accounts Ending Checkbook Balance 12/29/85 Ending Savings Account Balance Security Federal 12/24/85 Wright County State Bank 11 29/85 TOTAL CHECKBOOK AND SAVINGS $ 571. 02 $10,860.00 2,500.00 13,366.00 13,931. 02 1,952.64 70.50 44.00 54.38 6.49 1,852.00 185.00 4.34 69.18 30.00 98.00 1,100.00 524.20 350.00 67.54 38.87 95.00 113.95 6,656.09 6,791.87 13,447.96 $ 483.06 3,141.73 9,947.52 $13,572.31 * Not included in the 1985 Financial Report Receipt Donation - Government City 4,000.00 Disbursement Direct Payment to City 11,175.00 . . ID Agenda - 1/15/86 6. CONSIDERATION OF SELECTING A BA UET SPEAKER. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. At the last ID meeting, it was esignated that Mayor Grimsmo was to continue efforts with th Governor's Office to recruit I Perpich as banquet speaker, dea line date being January 15, 1986. In the meantime, Tom Eidem was' 0 contact George Latimer's office as a potential banquet speaker. At this time, Latimer's office has been contacted and a 1etler as mailed to the Governor's office. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. If Governor's Office respon s favorable, make final committment with Governor Perpich. 2. If Governor's Office respon with St. Paul Mayor George C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff reommends that arrangeme as the Industrial Banquet Spea ation is due to the fact that can be obtained. . D. SUPPORTING DATA. None . make final committment ts be finalized with Mayor Latimer er on May 19, 1986. This recommend- o firm committment from the Governor . . ...~, . , :.~:~,'J . Cit';! 0/ Office of the City Administrator I ontice/to Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 December 31, 1985 Ms. Ella Thayer Office of the Mayor city of St. Paul 347 City Hall st. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Thayer: The City of Monticello, in coope ation with the Monticello Industrial Development Commission, annually holds a dinner to raise funds which the commission can utilize for economic development and industrial procurement. Each ye r a prominent Minnesotan is selected as our featured speaker I have been asked by the Develop list of potential featured guest. Based upon his popularity when h would very much like to include ent Commission to prepare a for their selection in mid-January. spoke at Rotary in 1983, I ayor Latimer in my recommendations. I respectfully request permissi n to include Mayor Latimer on my list of potential speakers. The banquet will be Monday, May 19, 1986, at 6:00 p.m. at t e Moriti Club in Monticello. Dinner, of course, will be prov.ded for Mayor Latimer and his guests. We request that His Ho or speak for 20 to 30 minutes, after dinner is concluded. ,We enerally have 125-160 guests in attendance. I would genuinely appreciate re e1v1ng information on the Mayor's availability as soon as possibl. Also, please include information with respect to an honorarium. Please contact me if you require additional information. yours, U- Thomas A. idem city Administrator TAE/bs 250 East Broadway · onticello, MN 55362-9245 , ..". ,~, ~~~,""""."""."~."" 'I~~:-W' .. --r. . " . .... .".'.,'.. . Phone(612) 295-2711 Metro (612) 333-5739 Mayor: ANe Grimsmo City Council; Dan Blonigen Fran Fair William Fair Jack Maxwell Administrator: Tom Eidem Finance Director: Rick Wolfs teller Public Works: John Simola Planning & Zoning: Gary Anderson . . 250 East Broadway Route 4, Box 83A Monticello, MN 5536? .... ~~ '-l' \ . g ~ Cit'j monticello MONTI ELLO, MN 55362 January 8. 1986 Ms. Patricia Johnson Governor's Director of Sch~duling Office of the Governor State Capitol St. Paul, MN 55155 Dear Ms. Johnson: The Monticello Industrial Governor's full schedule w as 1986 is an election yea a speaking engagement at t Development Fundraiser. Mo evelopment Committee recognizes the th legislation in session. however, the Governor may want to consider e Annual Monticello Industrial day evening, May 19. 1986. Our Industrial Development Committee is comprised of twelve independent businesspersons who contribute time. leadership. and enthusiasm for business retention and for the economical growth of Monticello. The Committee only receives contributions from the City Government and the City Ch mber of Commerce. therefore, their prime source of revenue is the fundraiser. The spirit of the organization is not to, no do they. rely on public or government funds. The $]5 plate fundraiser has previously featured prominent Minneso ans as guest speakers. Donald McCarthy, NSP Chairman of he Board and Mark Dayton, your Economic Development Commi sioner were among those guest speakers. Monies are used for national magazine advertisement. industrial mailings. labor surveys, recruitment of prospective industries, and Star City rograms. The Industrial Development invitation to the Governor would appreciate a committ ,questions, please contact 5739. Thank you. Committee extends a honorary gratis and his guest. The Committee d response. If you have additional e at (612) 295-2711 or (Metro) 333- Sincerely, ~ \f'vt,~ 9-s~ Olive M. Koropchak Economic Development cc: file . 10 Agenda - 1/15/86 7. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING THE 986 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OFFICERS. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. At the last ID meeting, Co-chair designated to converse with Gary; consideration of a shared Chairp Schrupp as Treasurer. At the t~ information has been related. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. Gary Wieber and Ron Hoglund Schrupp as Treasurer. providin said persons. Morrell and Shelly Johnson were Wieber and Ron Hoglund on possible rsonship for 1986, with Bud e of agenda preparation, no share Chairpersonship, with Bud nominations are accepted by 2. Start a new selection of no inees at the ID meeting. 3. Table ti1 next ID meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff has no recommendations at this time because of no report from the Committee. . D. SUPPORTING DATA. None . . ID Agenda - 1/15/86 8. CONSIDERATION OF REVIEWING IND STRIAL DEVELOPMENT FREEWAY SIGN DESIGNS. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. At the last ID meeting, I 'as asked to obtain designs for the industrial park sign and t award the bid locally, if bid was within a $100.00 of th, lowest bid. Two designs are included with the agenda a ong with the total cost estimate for the project. It is my intention to award the bid to Jeff Hoglund Sign, Montice 10, as his bid of $1,600.00 is $500.00 less than the next bid. Ron Hoglund and bale Lungwitz suggest Lot 6 or ot 9 in the Industrial Park as the installation site. Because our sign is to be installed within the City limits and falls within the City Sign Ordinance, according to Gary Anderson, City Zoning Administrator, we need only to apply for a c ty sign permit. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. To accept Jeff Hoglund ' s Bid on Design Option A for $1,600.00. 2. To accept Jeff Hog1un Bid on Design Option B for $1. 600.00. 3. Do not accept Jeff Ho lund's Bids and seek new bids. 4. Do not erect an Indus rial Development Sign. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends Jeff Hog for $1,600.00 to be insta Monticello. Staff also r for face panels because 0 be Spring of 1986 (soon a D. SUPPORTING DATA. 1. Estimated Cost. 2. Option A Design. 3. Option B Design. . und's bid on either Option A or B led on Lot 6 or Lot 9, Industrial Park, commends the 1/2 inch M.D.O. Plywood durability. Installation date to possible, ground and weather permitting). FROM JE}<'"{i' EOGl,UND SIGN INQUIRY NO. HfT' 1 :BOX 210 YONTICEI~O VN. 55362 DATE 12-30-85 TERMS TO DELIVERY CITY" OF MONTICEl,LO PRICES QUOTED ARE F.O.B.: 2 8FT HIGH 161<"1' l,ONG SIeN .ll- ~ X ,-90 }V;.A SONITE "PAl-TEll,S ( orf:! 1'r:-D-O PLYWOOD ) * TREATED WOOD CONSTUCTIO . * CHOICE OF COpy & COLOR. * I"NSTAT,Um ON CHOICE OF SI~~E IN V SHAPE TOTAL NATEHIAL, LLOR, ETC. $ 1600.00 LITHO IN U.SA. / TOPS. FORM 3448 .),,' ,'":",., i \.I. ~ \.t!, l. \" . 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