City Council Minutes 04-26-1976 I I I REGULAR MEETING OF THE ONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL April 26, 1976 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Con Johnson, De ton Erickson, Stanley Hall, Dick Mart'e, Gene Walters Mayor Johnson announced the meeti 1. Public Hearin Wate be taped. Construction. Presentation was made by John Badalich, city engineer. Mr. Badalich outlined reasons for improvement project such as inadequate water storage for eak demands and inadequate fire protection throughout th city. The storage reservoir, located in Oakwood Industrial Park, south of I-94, would be connected to the existing ater system by two feeder lines, on the east and west s'de by the city. The estimated construction co $997,000. Approximately 92 p having water available would $1616 per parcel for a total $848,000 would be placed on a Mr. EarlMalone inquired as to within the city are owned by that his abstract states that Administrator to have attorne posed water lines would be ru ts would be approximately rcels of land not currently e assessed approximately f $149,000. The balance of valorem taxation whether all platted streets he city. Mr. Malone indicated he owns the streets City check the abstract as pro- ning through Malone's property. 2. Public Hearin on Sewer & Wat r Extension - West Count Road 39. John Badalich gave presentati In order to serve the 27 parc 39 West, an interim lift stat because of the low elevations estimated construction costs able portion of these costs d of land to be served would am of $4863.00. Approximately 1200' of land ( County Road 39 presently owne Club would not be served by s status as a golf course. n on proposed improvement. Is of land along County Road on would have to be constructed of the existing homes. The ould be $148,600, The assess- vided among the 27 parcels unt to a per parcel assessment r 12 lots) fronting along by the Monticello Country wer and water because of its Regular Meeting of the Council April 26, 1976 - continued. Mr. Hib Hill, representing the Monticello Country Club, indicated that he would like to discuss with the Country Club Board of Directors the possibility of plotting this land into residential lots. If these 12 lots were added to the existing 27 assessable parcels, the individual assessment could be reduced to approximately $3,400.00 each. Mr. Howard Gillham, who owns 17 of the 27 assessable lots indicated that he would not be iqtavor of the project if the assessments would be $4800.00 per parcel. Consensus of the council was to continue the Public Hearing until May 10, 1976 in order to give the Country Club time to decide if they would be interested in sewer and water service. 3. Public Hearing - Request for Variance on Side Yard Set-Back Requirements for Arve Grimsmo. Mr. Grimsmo, whose home is located on Lot 1, Block 9,River Street, was requesting a variance to build an addition to his garage up to the lot line abutting Henn. St. (not currently being used). The 40' street right-of-way would be adequate for any future construction needs A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie and unan- imously carried to grant Mr. Grimsmo a variance to build up to the lot line on Hennepin Street. 4. Public Hearing - Request for Variance on Sign Requirements by Kentucky Fried Chicken. Discussion was held by the council on the merits of grant- ing variances from city ordinance for signs. Consensus of the council was that any sign erected within the city should meet with the current ordinance. Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to deny KFC a variance on sign requirements. 5. Consideration of Approval of Architect for Senior Citizen Center and City Hall. A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Hall and unani- mously carried to enter into a contract with Architectural I I I I I I Regular Meeting of the Council April 26, 1976 - continued. Alliance to do the programmin and schematic phases of the architectural study for the C'ty Hall and Senior Citizen Center; cost not to exceed $5,000.00 based on an hourly rate. The study will include possible site selections, basic designs, and cost estim tes for construction. The architectural fees for the co struction phase of the pro- ject wil] be finalized after he exact scope of the project is determined. The prelimina y study costs will be credited against the final architect's fee if the project is con- structed. 6. Consideration of Preliminar The preliminary plat of Greg November 18, 1975 Planning Co consisting of 4-6 acres, will proval - Roden Acres, oden was approved at the ission meeting. The plat, be subdivided into 5 lots. Motion was made by Hall, seco mously carried to approve Acres as presented. ded by Erickson and unani- preliminary plat of Roden in reserve for 7 . Consideration La Flake's A representative of Winkleman Enterprises, St Cloud, MN., outlined the proposed motel d velopment planned on Larry Flake's property located sout of 1-94. Mr. Flake stated that a liquor license would e needed in order to continue with the project, and reques ed that favorable consideration be granted for issuing a liq or license Discussion followed on the licenses before a building Dick Martie made a motion, s mously carried to hold a pub consider issuing a liquor Ii proposed motel development, legal opinion regarding issu permit is granted. gality of issuing liquor rmit is actually issued. conded by Hall and unani- :ic hearing on May 10, 1976 to ense to Larry Flake for the ontingent upon obtaining a nce of license before building 8. Re uest for Rezonin - Stuar Ho lund. Mr. Stuart Hoglund, along wi are proposing a 42 unit mote acre site south of 1-94. h three other developers, to be situated on an 11 Regular Meeting of Council - April 26, 1976 - canttd. Mr. Hoglund, who owns the land, requested that the 11 acres and an additional 20 acres adjoining the site be rezoned from 1-1 and 1-2 to B-3. Motion was made by Hall, seconded by Erickson and unani- mously carried to rezone the 31 acres from 1-1 and 1-2 to B-3. (See Zoning Ordinance amendment August 15, 1975) #10. I 9. Review of Civil Defense Emergency Plan. Mr. Douglas Pit~ Civil Defense Director, informed the council that the Civil Defense Plan for Monticello was not yet finalized, but would be ready for presentation at the May 10, 1976 council meeting. Mr. Pitt also requested that the council consider inst&lling (2) more fire alarm sirens in the city now that the city limit boundaries extend over such a large area. The fire siren is sometimes very hard to hear in the outlying areas. Mr. Pitt will be checking with the State Civil Defense Director about possible funding of additional sirens. 10. Consideration of Maintenance and Improvement of Public Road S.W. of Hillcrest Addition. Mr. James Eisele discussed the maintenance and upgrading of gravel road located south west of Hillcrest Addition. He requested that the city improve the road as it becomes impossible to maintain during the winter. I The council consensus was that it would not be economically feasible to upgrade the road beyond its present condition because of the small number of people living along the xoad; but the council will instruct the new Public Works Director to check into possible improvements that could be done within the budget. 11. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bandstand Bids. J. W. Miller submitted the only bid on the bandstand project for a total cost of $12,540.00. A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie and unan- imously carried to award bid to J. W. Miller for $12,540.00 with a completion date by June 15, 1976. 12. Pro~ress report by Bicentennial Committee. Jim Herbst updated the council on the restoration and repainting of the old fire truck. The restoration was completed at a total cost of $611.00. I I I I Regular Meeting of the Counci April 26, 1976 - continued. Bob Brown indicated that Historical site building on July 2, 1976. Carpet and selected; before the museum c useum to located in the have an opening dedication aneling still needed to be uld be set up. Don Smith informed the counci brochure covering eleven subj sale by July 4, 1976. Also i would be a list of the Bicent the celebration. that a Monticello history ctareas would be ready for eluded in the brochure nnial activities planned for A final inspection of the been made by O.S.M. and a ment of $8,145.00. 13. Consideration of Final Pa men Re uest for Maintenance Building - Donlar Corporation. 14. maintenance building had mmendation for final pay- Motion was made by imously carried to Donlar Corporation project. Erickson, approve th as final p econded by Walters and unan- payment of $8,145.00 to yment for maintenance building Consideration of Bud Annexation Board. roval for Monticello Orderl At the April 14, 1976 meetin , the Monticello Orderly Annexation Board approved a udget of $2,000.00 for 1976. According to the by-laws of and township board would als budget each year. Martie and unanimously for the Monticello of Monticello's share he Board, the city council have to approve such a S. Hall made a motion, secon carried to approve a $2,000 Orderly Annexation Board, th being approximately $1,770.0 15. Consideration of Mutual Fire Agreement. A tentative mutual fire aid Becker, Elk River, Zimmerman suggested by the City of Big approved by the Monticello F greement between Big Lake, and Monticello has been Lake, and received and re Department. Regular Meeting of the Council April 26, 1976 - continued. A motion was made by Martie, seconded by Hall and unani- mously carried to approve the tentative mutual fire aid agreement between Big Lake, Becker, Elk River, Zimmerman, and Monticello. (See supplement #1, 4-26-76.) 16. Consideration of Deletion of Ordinances on Contractors' License Requirements. A motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Walters and unanimously carried to delete ordinances Sections 3-8-1 through 3-11-8 on licensing requirements for contractors. (See Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 #11). 17. Consideration of Planning Commission's Request to have Planner in Attendance at all Regular Meetings. A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie and unani- mously carried to have Howard Dahlgren, city planner, attend all Planning Commission meetings deemed necessary by Com- mission chairman. 18. Consideration of Seeking Individual for Public Works Dept. Maintenance Position under CETA Program. A motion was made by Martie, seconded by Hall, and unani- mously carried to request (1) additional employee for the P. W. Dept. Maintenance position throughCETA program. 19. Approval of Bills. Martie made a motion, seconded by Erickson and unani- mously carried to approve the bills for April as presented. (See supplement 4-26-76 #2.) 20. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of city council meetings held on March 23, April 6, April 12, and April 15, 1976 were approved as read. 21. Consideration of Payment Request by Hood; Inc. on 1975-1 Sewer and Water Improvement Project. The total value of work completed to date by Hood, Inc. on the 75-1 S & W Project amounted to $636,153.23, less 10% retained (~3,615.32). Hood Inc. requested that approximately $55,000.00 of this amount retained be released. I I I I I I Regular Meeting of Council April 26, 1976 - continued. Consensus of the council was t retained on 75-1 S & W projec voucher to be prepared by city release 50% of the amount to Hood, Inc. Payment engineer, John Badalich. Motion by Martie, seconded by all and unanimously carried to adjourn. ~f!l~~ AdministrativeAssistant RW/mjq