City Council Minutes 05-10-1976 I May 10, 1976 Regular Meeting of th Monticello City Council 7:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, enton Erickson, Stanley Hall, Gene Walters, Dick Martie. Citizens Comments: Frank and Marie Peterson explai when connecting to city sewer a had been plugged in the street in their basement It was the that it was no fault of the pro recommended that they submit a any inconvenience cause~ to the 1. Rezoning Re uest for Elderly Ho Mr. Bergstad outlined proposed cluding reasons for the sit~ se of the planning commission cent quirements for the 50 unit proj I Mr. Bergstad indicated that he necessary, stating that he woul more than 33 cars. Mr. Hib Hill, representing the near the proposed project, voic His main concerns centered on: 1) 2) 3) Inadequate site for 50 Parking does not seem A 50 unit project woul sewer problem along 4t A multiple family dwel the surrounding reside 4) ed the problems they had d water. The sewer line ausing sewage to back up onsensus of the council erty owner and it was ill for the cleanup and administrator. Project - John Ber stad. roject to the council, in- ection The main concern red around the parking re- ct. slgn an agreement, if rent to tennants with eighborhood residents located d opposition to the project. units dequate contribute to present St ing would not fit in with tial homes. A petition signed by 13 propert owners opposed to the project supported Mr. Hill's pr sentation. (Supplement 5-10-76. I Karen Hanson, Senior Citizen Di woman of the Housing and Redeve senior citizens, spoke in favor. the project was very much neede hoped the council would act in ector, Jean Powers, chair- opment Authority and two of the project. All felt in the community and they avor of the project. Regular Meeting - May 10, 1976 (cont'd.) Some questions were raised on the merits of wood con- struction versus masonry and three story structure versus all units on one level. The consensus of the council was that more time was needed to study the impact the project would have on the neigh- borhood. I A motion was made by Stanley Hall, seconded by Gene Walters and unanimously carried to table a decision for one month to enable the city engineer to study the present sewer problem along 4th Street and to further study the proposed plans. A special meeting will be held in approximately one month on this subject only. 2. Continuation of Public Hearing on Sewer and Water Extensions along West County Road 39. At the April 26, 1976 council meeting, a decision was tabled until the Monticello Country Club could determine whether or not they would be interested in sewer and water service for approximately 1200' of property fronting on County Road 39. The per parcel assessment for this project could be reduced from $4863 to approximately $3367 if the Country Club was assessed for 12 parcels. Mr. Hill, representing the Country Club, informed the council I that at the present time, the club was in the process of ex- panding the golf course and would not be interested in sewer and water services for residential purposes. Until the future expansion layout was completed, they would not be in a position to determine how much land would be available, if any, for residential development. Mr. Howard Gillham, owner of 17 of the original 27 parcels to be served indicated that he was not in favor of the project at this time . Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to deny extension of sewer and water project along County Road #39. 3. Public Hearing on Vacation of Oak Street. John Albaugh, Monticello hospital administrator, requested the city vacate Oak Street to allow for additional access to their parking lot. (See supplement 5-10-76 #2). Mr. Pat Donahue owns the property to the east of Oak Street and in- dicated that he also would be in favor of the vacation. Martie made a motion, seconded by Walters and unanimously I carried to vacate Oak Street and deed to Mr. Donahue and the Hospital each, 40' of the street for $1.00 plus attorney costs with the stipulation that'the vacated portion be used for medical reason~, with the city to obtain utility easement rights I I I Regular Meeting of City Council May 10, 1976 - cont'd. over the entire 80'. The east 4 ' will be deeded to Mr. Donahue if his medical clinic plans are eveloped. 4. Consideration of Rezonin Northerl Intersection of from R-3 to B-4. is Ho lund Propert Road 75 and Count at Road 39 Mr. Hoglund requested that appro imately 2! acres of his 10 acre parcel be rezoned from R-3 0 B-4 to allow for future expansion of his machinery sales area. A buffer zone between the machin tial property to the north would acres out of the original 10 acr Additionally, machinery sales wo permitted or conditional use in expansion. Walters made a motion, seconded y Erickson and unanimously carried to rezone approximately ! acres of Curtis Hoglund's property from R-3 to B-4 per req est, subject to legal descrip- tion of the 2! acres. (See Zoni"g Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 #12). ry sales area and the residen- remain by only zoning the 2! s. Id have to be added as a B-4 zone to allow for A motion was also made by Ericks n, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to add machi ery sales as a conditional use in a B-4 zone. (See Zoning rdinance Amendment 8-15-75 #13). 5. Presentation by Ed McCulloch St En ineer on Pro osed 1-94 Lighti Mr. Ed McCulloch discussed the proposed 1-94 interchange light- ing the state will be constructing in 1977. The proposed lighting will consist of approxi ately 20 lights at a total cost of around $30,000. His reca endation was that the city also construct approximately 14 lights between the inter- change along #25 to the downtown area. The city's cost would be approximately $20,000. District Traffic Mr. Ward King of NSP recommended 'that the city should consider replacing the existing lights on ,Broadway with high pressure sodium at the same time since the! present lights are not very efficient. This replacement pro am would cost around $8-10,000. Erickson made a motion, seconded to have John Badalich, city engin Highway Department and NSP in pre for the city's share of installin lights along Highway 25 and Count y Hall and unanimously carried er, work with the State aring plans and cost estimates and upgrading the street Road 75. The City Administrator was instru ted to pursue the alternate ways of financing the project. Regular Meeting of City Council May 10, 1976 6. Presentation by Bud Schlief on Park Improvement Grading and Landscaping. Mr. Schlief was unable to attend the council meeting but had indicated his willingness to supervise the grading and land- scaping of the city's parks in accordance with the park development plan. Walters made a motion, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to hire Bud Schlief at $500 per week for approximately two weeks to supervise the initial construction of the city's park development plans, with Big Lake Gravel providing the necessary heavy equipment. The first phase of the park improvement program was estimated to cost about $5,000. I 7. Consideration of Chamber of Commerce Use of Informational Center. Walters made a motion, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried to let the Chamber of Commerce use the Informational Center as a public information center, rent free, with re- sponsibility for general up~keep and supervision of the building. The Center would not be designated as the Chamber of Commerce, I but rather as a Public Information Center. 8. Consideration of Proposed Joint Fire Contract with Township of Monticello. A motion was made by Hall, seconded by Martie to approve the fire contract with Monticello Township. (See supplement 5-10-76 #3). Discussion followed and the motion was with- drawn to enable the council to study the matter further. 9. Consideration of Alternate for Monticello Orderly Annexation Board. Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Hall to appoint the acting mayor as the alternate to attend the orderly annexation board meetings when mayor is unable to attend. Voting in favor: Johnson, Martie, Walters and Hall. Opposed: Erickson. 10. Approval of Planned Use Report - Federal Revenue Sharing. Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to approve expenditure of Federal Revenue Sharing funds for the period 7-1-76 through 12-31-76 for the Band- I stand Project ($13,000) and Historical Information Center ($3,481.). 11. The Council Minutes of April 26, 1976 were approved as presented. I I I REgular Meeting of City Counci' May 10, 1976 12. Land Ac uisition - Ground Wate The mayor informed the council Corporation will sell to the c Industrial Park for $1.00 if n Ground Water Storage Tank. Storage System. that the Oakwood Development ty 8.68 acres of land in the eded to construct the proposed 13. Curb and Gutter - Future 1m PO ement Projects. It was the consensus of the co ncil that curb and gutter be installed in all 1976 impro ement projects. A motion was made by Hall, sec nded by Martie and unanimously carried to install when requir d the State Highway Depart- ment specification "Design D" , urb and gutter in new sub- divisions. (See supplement 5- 0-76 #4). Meeting adjourned. :E:l~'i~ Adm. Asst. RW/Ig