City Council Minutes 05-24-1976 REGULAR MEETING OF TH MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL I ! May 24, 197 - 7:30 P. M. ity engineer, reviewed inary plans and speci- provement Project. I Members present: Johnson, Eri kson, Hall, Martie, Walters. Members absent: None. 1. Consideration of Ap roval and Calling for Bids for 1 John Badalich, consulting with the council the preli fications for the 1976-1 I The 76-1 Improvement proje t includes sewer and water extensions along Mississip i Drive, Hillcrest 2nd Addition, Ritze Manor and oerr Estates. Also pro- posed for construction is a 750,000 gallon ground water storage reservoir, the Oakwood Industrial Park. For purposes of bidding, he project will be divided into two areas: 1. Sewer and water e tensions and street restoration. I 2. Ground water stor Bids will be received for each phase of the project or may be submitted for t entire project. The cost of the 76-1 impr are estimated to run approximately $1,252, 00 with a final completion date of November 15, 1976, except for the ground water storage reservoir, which 's expected to be completed by Ma y 1, 1 977 . On a motion by Martie, se animously carried to appr for the 1976-1 Improvemen as the bid opening date. A motion was also made by and unanimously carried t tract with Tri-State Dril the present lift station per quoted price obtained than bid this work as par, ond by Walters, it was un- ve the plans and specifications Project and set June 25, 1976 Martie, second by Walters enter into a separate con- ing Co. for remodeling of n Chestnut and River Streets by John Badalich rather of 76-1 Improvement Project. I Mr. Badalich estimates a ost savings of approximately $5,000 with a separate co tract. Regular Meeting of City Council May 24, 1976 - cont'd. 2. Consideration of Proposed Lighting Improvement Project. The State of Minnesota is proposing to install 20 lights at the interchange of 1-94 & Highway #25. The State also requested the city of Monticello install approximately 14 lights from the interchange to Broadway Ave. The cost of the interchange lighting was estimated at $30,000 and would be entirely financed by State and Federal funds. The 14 lights proposed for Highway #25 to Broadway are estimated to cost $22,500. and would be financed through city funds. The city administrator indicated that funds could be available for the city's share since construction would not be done until the summer of 1977. Discussion was also held on replacing the existing downtown lights to high pressure sodium. The conversion costs have been estimated at $250 - 300 per light, and if replaced would coincide with Hwy. 25 and interchange lighting. A motion was made by Walters, second by Erickson and un- animously carried to adopt a resolution entering into an agreement with the State of MN. to maintain 6 lights pro- posed for interchange #94 and order improvement for 14 lights along #25 from Int. 94 to Broadway Avenue and replace the existing downtown lights to high pressure sodium. (See Resolution #1976-10). I Dick Martie entered a motion, seconded by D. Erickson and unanimously carried to have J. Badalich, city engineer, prepare a feasibility report on replacement lighting for Broadway and new lighting from Broadway to 1-94 interchange. These projects would be bid separately from the State's pro- posed interchange lighting bid. I 3. Consideration of Proposed Joint Fire Contract with Township of Monticello. After discussion by the council on the proposed Joint Fire Contract, C. Johnson made a motion, seconded by Martie to approve the Joint Fire Contract with the Township of Monti- cello. In favor: Johnson, Martie, Erickson. Opposed: Hall, Walters. (See supplement May 24, 1976 #1). 4. Consideration of Biiilding Permit Approval - Richard Zahler Lumber Yard. J. W. Miller, city building inspector, discussed with the council Richard Zahler's proposal to construct a lumber yard in Oakwood Industrial Park. I A motion was made by Hall, second by Erickson and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of a building permit to Dick Zahler. Regular Meeting of City Counc 1 May 24, 1976 - cont'd. I 5. Consideration of Additional I Slow Pitch League. At the April 12, 1976 council ized up to $1,000 in expendit repairs for the ball park. A representing the softball lea mound and bases were also nee Since the expenditures by the fence repairs have totaled ab approval of purchasing the pi $217. Walters made a motion, second carried to approve the $217. ball league to purchase a I 6. Consideration of Election to Under Workmen's Compensation. In order to ensure coverage f while acting in the scope of made by Hall, second by Marti elect to have Workmen's Compe for the councilmen and mayor. rovements for the Monticello meeting, the council author- res for lime and fence the meeting, Ron Peters, ue, mentioned that pitcher ed. league so far for lime and ut $600, they requested cher's mound and bases for by Martie and unanimously xpenditure for the soft- her's mound and bases. r the councilmen and mayor heir duties, a motion was and unanimously carried to sation coverage available (See supplement 5-24-76 #2). 7. Consideration of Authorizing he HRA Committee to A ply for Home 1m rovement Grants f r Low Income Homeowners. Jean Powers, HRA chairwoman, to apply for Grant Funding to come families for eligible ho Before the committee could ap approval would have to be sec 5-24-76 #3). Walters made a motion, second carried to authorize the HRA be administered by the HRA to eligible improvement projects plication will be for $100,00 . iscussed the HRA's intent be distributed to low in- e improvement projects. ly for funds, city council red. (See supplement d by Martie and unanimously o apply for grant funds to low income home owners for The initial grant ap- 8. Approval of Bills. The bills for the month of Ma were approved on a motion by Martie, second by Hall and unanimously carried. (See supplement 5-24-76 #4). I Regular Meeting of City Council May 24, 1976 - cont'd. 9. Approval of Minutes. The mintues of the council meeting held May 10, 1976 stand approved as read. I 10. Historical and Information Center. Hall made a motion, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to approve payment of $5,935 06 to R-J Con- struction for remodeling work performed at the Historical Center. Motion by Hall, second by Martie to adjourn. ~fsuJ4~ Adm. Asst. RW/lg I I