City Council Minutes 06-02-1976 Special I June 2, 1976 - :30 P. M. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL Members present: Johnson, Member absent: Martie. Walters. I 1. Consideration of Section 8 Elderl Housing and Wally Houle. Mr. Wally Houle outlined for he council his pro- posed elderly housing project to be located next to Ridgemont Apts. The proposal consists of 36 units on one level with brick veneer. The building would contain a lounge area, but the use of a community room with kitchen facilities would have to be shared with the present Ridgemont apartment complex. Mr. Houle felt that the elderly would prefer a one Ie el structure rather than multi-level because of diffic Ity in negotiating the stairs. The 36 unit project as estimated to cost $600,000. He stressed the fact that he ould have 5 acres of land with plenty of parking spaces and that being located further from downtown than Mr. Bergstad's project would not cause any problems. Mr. John Bergstad discussed h's proposed 50 unit elderly housing project to be located at 4th and Cedar Street. The building would be (3) sto ies with a community room, laundry facilities and one elevator. Parking for 33 cars would be provided. Mr. Bergstad mentioned that a list of possible sites in Monticello for elderly housing had been reviewed with the Minnesota Housing Finance Ag cy personnel. Their opinion was that a community with good site selection near the downtown area would stand a better chance of approval. Mr. Bergstad indicated his willingness to compete with other proposed projects and let the MHFA decide which project was better suited for Monticello. The estimated cost of the 50 unit structur1e would be $1,231,000. Karen Hanson, senior citizen idirector, stated that in her discussions with the elderly, they preferred a location close to downtown, such as M~. Bergstad's development. Mrs. Hanson felt that placin the elderly project next to Ridgemont would result in la~ge concentration of low in- come and elderly in one area. Jean Powers, speaking for the HRA committee, felt that the Bergstad project on 4th and Cedar would be a better location because of its proxi ity to downtown, future I Special Meeting of City Council June 2, 1976 - cont'd. Senior Citizens Center and neighborhood atmosphere. Mr. Hib Hi].l and Tom Havrilla presented their opposition to the 4th Street proposal. Their main concern was that the proposed site was not large enough for a 50 unit development. Also, increased traffic resulting from the project would make it difficult for the elderly in crossing streets and for the neighborhood residents. Mr. Hill felt that the downtown area is moving to the west, and many of the churches are located west of Hwy. #25. Mr. Hill also reminded the council of a petition presented earlier by neighborhood residents who were opposed to the project on 4th Street. Mr. Bergstad stated that he had consulted with many of the petition signers and found that most were originally opposed to the project because it might result in future sewer line repairs with the property owners along 4th Street being assessed. He felt that out of the original 25 signatures, only 3 or 4 people were still opposed to having the project located on 4th Street. Mr. Dick Goranson, who lives next to Mr. Houle's proposed project, also felt that another housing project for the elderly next to Ridgemont Apts. would create congestion and traffic problems in the area. His preference would be for the 4th Street site. Roy Lauring and Ernie Hartwig both informed the council that they would have land available for an elderly housing project if other sites were to be considered. Mr. Lauring's land is located within 200' of the proposed 4th St. location and Mr. Hartwigf~ property is just east of the present Ridgemont Apt site. The city administrator updated the council on the Planning Commission's recommendations. The committee felt that both projects were acceptable with no preference stated for either one. After lengthy discussion by the council, Erickson made a motion, second by Walters to approve rezoning the 5 lots in Block G from R-2 to R-B, grant a sideyard variance of 10' and issue a conditional use permit for an elderly housing project, subject to approval of the application for elderly housing project funding by the MN. Housing Finance Agency. I I I I I I Special Meeting of City June 2, 1976 - cont'd. Opposed: Hall. Voting in favor: Johnson, Walters then entered a motio unanimously carried to rezon to Ridgemont Apts. from R-3 use permit for an elderly ho application for funding is a ckson, Walters. , second by Erickson and W. Houle's property next to R-B and grant a conditional sing project if Mr. Houle's proved by the MHFA. 2. A roving Feasibilit Consideration of Air ort Res Study for Joint Use Airport. G. Walters, Monticello's Joi t Airport Board Representative, briefly outlined the results of the recent joint airport meeting held with Buffalo, M pIe Lake, Monticello and State Aeronautics officials. Each city council was asked 0 consider whether they would be interested in supporting a joint feasibility study of a Regional Airport to be located somewhere between the three (3) communities. The feasibility study would be financed 80% with state funds and 20% by the local com- munities. The study was estimated to cost $30,000. A motion was made by Walters, second by Hall and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution approving participation by the city of Monticello in a joint feasibility study for a regional airport with Buffalo and Maple Lake. (See resolution #1976-11). 3. U date of Park Develo Discussion was held on the po sibility of installing underground sprinklers in the Bridge and Ellison Parks. A quote received by the P. W. Director estimated the cost for these systems at $8,041. plus $20.00 per hour for man and machine to install. The council felt that the par s do need a good system for watering, but that this w s too costly at the present time. The P. W. Director will be checking into other possibilities. Discussion was also held on someone to take care of the properly maintained. Johnson made a motion, secondl by Erickson and unanimously carried to negotiate with Ro~'e Greener for possible employment as Park & Historic, 1 Center maintenance super- visor. e possibility of hiring rks and see that they are Special Meeting of City Council June 2, 1976 - cont'd. The council discussed purchasing a grader attachment for the tractor to be used in the parks and gravel roads within the city. A used one could be purchased for $310.00. The matter was tabled for further study. I Motion by Erickson, second by Walters and unanimously carried to adjourn. R(Af~i~ Adm. Asst. RW/lg I I