City Council Minutes 06-14-1976 I I I REGULAR MEETING OF THE ONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL June 14, - 7:30 P. M. Members present: Denton Eric son, Stanley Hall, Dick Martie, Gen Walters. Member absent: Con Johnson Vacation of Streets in 1. Public Hearin Lauring Plat. As a part of the 1976-1 Impr vement Project, an easement is necessary through a propo ed plat of Mr. Roy Lauring. Mr. Lauring requested the ci through his plat and he woul easement. The easement runs road through the plat which by Howard Dahlgren, city pla June 14, 1976). y vacate all streets running be willing to grant the along an entirely new proposed as been reviewed and recommended nero (See supplement #1 - Because of the freeway, the orth-south streets would have little or no use and th one east-west street to be vacated will have little use once the proposed new road is completed. Additionally, Mr. Lauring requested (1) the city deed him a small triangle portion (less than 1,000 square feet), (2) the city to finance future street and utility improvements (as opposed to requiring immediate payment) and (3) his total ost for proceeding with sub- division plat not exceed $9 0.00 which is the deposit fee for application for subdivi ion plats or $20 per acre. This would eliminate the pa k dedication requirement of 10% of land of equivalent v lue of $32,750.00. A motion was made by Walter carried to vacate all stree plat and deed the land to M also deed to him for $1.00 less than 1,000 sq. feet. The consensus of the counci park dedication. Requireme value when the proposed pla 2. Public Hearing - Variance t a Manufacturin Concern in I , second by Hall and unanimously s running through Mr. Lauring's . Roy Lauring for $1.00 and he small triangle portion of was to not eliminate the t of 10% of land or equivalent is accepted. Allow a Stora e Garage for B-3 (Highway Business) Zone. Mr. Hugo Hillstrom requestel the city council grant him a variance to a 16' x 30' stdrage addition to his present structure for Electro-Industries, Inc. along State Highway #25. Since the area is no zoned industrial, a variance was needed for any additio s to a non-conforming use such as a manufacturing concern. Regular Meeting of City Council June 14, 1976 - cont'd. A motion was made by Walters, second by Martie and un- animously carried to approve a variance to build a 16' x 30' temporary storage shed with the stipulation that the building variance will be reviewed at the termination of Electro-Industries lease agreement on Dec. 31, 1977. I 3. Discussion and Review of Possible Minnesota State Highway Improvements along Hwy. #25 by Riverside Parks. Mr. Dave Smilanick of the MN. State Highway Dept in Brainerd discussed several improvements planned along and near the Riverside Parks. The following improvements would be done by the bridge maintenance crews rather than on a contract basis: 1. Install sidewalk from W. River St. to the bridge. 2. Repair bridge abuttment and install a chain link fence under bridge. 3. Remove steps by bridge leading to W. Bridge Park. The city is expected to maintain the new sidewalk, but the State will assume all costs of improvements. Expected completion date is August 1, 1976. 4. Consideration of Adopting Resolution Accepting Grant Funds for the Step I Facilities Plan. A motion was made by Hall, second by Martie and unanimously carried to adopt resolution accepting a State of MN. grant for 15% ($15,405.00) of total Step I Facilities Plan cost. (See resolution #1976-12). I 5. Consideration of Rezoning a Parcel in Block D, Upper Monticello for a Chiropractic Office. Dr. Kasper requested the rezoning of a parcel 65' x 76' located in Block D from R-B to B-4 for a chiropractic office. The purpose behind the rezoning request is that in a B-4 (Regional Business) there are no lot size requirements or set-back requirements, whereas a R-B (Residential Business) zone requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 sq. ft. and set-back requirements which would prohibit the use of this lot for the kind of development Dr. Kasper is proposing. Dr. Kasper also requested that parallel parking be allowed in front of his lot. Currently, no parking exists on approximately one half of the Jot frontage. I I The Planning Commission request and recommended a public hearing on this val of the rezoning request. Regular Meeting of City June 14, 1976 - cont'd. Motion was made by Martie, s cond by Hall and unanimously carried to approve the rezon'ng of the 65' x 76' parcel from R-B to B-4. (See Zonin! Ordinance amendment 8-15-75 #14). Walters made a motion, carried to approve the building permit and to allow not obstruct the exiting of by Martie and unanimously ation by Dr. Kasper for a parallel parking if it does fighting equipment. 6. Consideration of Mr. Jim Bo the City of Monticello. Mr. Jim Boyle discussed with the council his desire to have approximately 600 acres annexed into the city of Monticello. His proposed de elopment would consist of approximately 400 acres of r sidential and 200 acres of commercial property. I Dick Knutson, of McCombs-Knu firm, discussed the proposed is proposed to be developed residential construction stR of 1976. Approximately 300 be developed, along with a 9 son consulting engineering development. The project ver 5 years with initial ting as early as the fall orne sites would eventually hole golf course. A representative of Prestige Homes, indicated his desire to construct residential horn, Mr. Boyle's development. Mr. Jim Metcalf, attorney fo Mr. Boyle, stated that plans are under way on preparing a petition for annexation, which will be submitted to t e township for their approval, and if necessary, to the Mun'cipal Commission. Council consensus was basically in favor of the annexation, but many questions were rais d by council members as to possible additional costs th city would incur as a result of annexation. A motion was made by Walters, second by Martie and un- animously carried to table a, y action on proposed annex- ation request for one month 0 enable the city's consult- ing engineers to complete a feasibility report on possible sewer and water extensions t Mr. Boyle's property and determine some of the possile effects this annexation would have on the city of Mo ticello. I -. Regular Meeting of City Council June 14, 1976 - cont'd. 7. Presentation of Audit Report for the Year Ended Dec. 31, 1975. I Mr. Robert Mosford, of the CPA firm of Gruys, Johnson, Mosford & Assoc., reviewed the 1975 audit with council members. Martie made a motion, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to accept the audit report for the year ended December 31, 1975. 8. Appointment of Joint Fire Board Representative. A motion was made by Hall, second by Martie and un- amously carried to appoint Rick Wolfsteller as the city's representative to the Joint (3) Man Fire Board. 9. Consideration of Special Joint Meeting with the Civic Center Commission. The Civic Center Commission would like to meet in a joint session with the city council to review and up-date the council on its findings to date. Among the items to be discussed will be recommendations of square footage of building, possible site selection, review of costs and budget, along with selecting a date for a referendum. I Council consensus was to holda joint meeting with the Civic Center Commission and architect on Tuesday, June 29, 1976. 10. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for a 4 Family Dwelling by J. W. Miller. J. W. Miller proposed a 4 unit apartment at the north- west corner of 4th Street and Minnesota, Block 27, Lot 5. Since this is in an R-2 zoning district, a conditional use permit was necessary under our zoning ordinances. It would appear that all provisions of the current ordinances are adhered to except a setback variance would be necessary for a side yard requirement since it is on a corner lot. The variance would be 8'. The apartment complex is 3,744 sq. ft., 2 bedrooms each, and has 4 garages. 11. Consideration of Issuing a 3.2 Off-Sale License to John's Discount Foods. Martie made a motion, second by Hall and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of a 3.2 license to John's Discount Foods. I - 1 I I Regular Meeting of City Council June 14, 1976 - cont'd. 12. Presentation of Civil Doug Pitt, Monticello Civil the Civil Defense Emergency Plan, efense Director, reviewed Ian with the city council. If adopted, the emergency pI n is the first step nec- essary when applying for any grants for civil defense equipment, etc. Martie made a motion, second by Hall and unanimously carried to adopt the Civil D fense Emergency Plan as presented. 13. Review of Final Pa Motion was made by Walters, carried to pay all 10% retai tracts with the exception of supplement 6-14-76 #2). The council then discussed w an effort to resolve the car in the new liquor store. Co that the carpet installation settlement offer should be m Hall then entered a motion, animously carried to offer K price only, with no allowanc due to inferior workmanship. sts on Li uor Store Construction. econd by Hall and unanimously ages on construction con- Kjellberg's Carpet. (See at procedures to take in et installation problem sensus of the council was was not satisfactory and a de. econded by Walters and un- ell berg Carpet invoice for carpet installation 14. The minutes of the City Coun il held on May 24, May 25 and June 2, 1976 stand appro ed as read. Motion by Walters, second by Hall and unanimously carried to adjourn. ~v~ Rick Wolfste er Adm. Asst. RW/lg