City Council Minutes 06-28-1976 REGULAR MEETING OF MONT CITY COUNCIL June 28, 1976 7:30 P. M. I Members present: Con Johnson, Dick Martie, Members absent: None. enton Erickson, Stanley Hall, .ene Walters. Citizens comments: Ed Schaffer commented on the 1 felt that the county patrolmen forcing the speeding, parking cal police protection. He should be more strict in en- nd jeld violations. Lee Hatfield inquired as to a ossible Dutch elm disease treatment he had heard would p event the spreading of the disease. Preliminary investig tion indicates that the cost of treating elm trees wou d be approximately $130.00 per tree annually, but council instructed the Public Works Director to further check into such a program to see if it would be feasible for the c'ty to undertake. I 1. Consideration of awarding Project. John Badalich, consulting c'ty engineer, reviewed with the council the bids receiv d on the 76-1 Improvement Project. The low bidder on Section I of the improvement project (watermain, sewer, torm sewer and street im- provements) was Orfei & Sons, Inc. with a bid of $698,578.60. Section II of the project (construction of ground water reservoir, pumphouse and a purtenant work) had a low bid of $263,750.00 by Adol hson & Peterson, Inc. (See supplement 6-28-76 #1). 1m rovement Denton Erickson made a mot' on, seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously carried to award the contract for Section I of the 76-1 Improvement roject to Orfei & Sons, Inc. for $698,578.60 and Sectio II of the Improvement Project to Adolphson & Peterson, I c for $263,750.00. Dick Martie made a motion, animously carried to adopt to proceed with field stak junction with the 76-1 Imp is expected to start withi second by G. Walters and un- resolution authorizing O.S.M. ng and inspection in con- ovement Project. Construction 2 weeks. 2. Consideration of Resolutio Obligation 1m rovement Bon I King Forness, of Springste council the options availal the 76-1 Improvement Proje Setting Sale Date for General s of 1976. I , Inc., discussed with the to sell bonds to finance Regular Meeting of City Council June 28, 1976 - cont'd. Council consensus was to use the same method as pre- viously used for assessments, i e.; even principal pay-off spread over 20 years, with the city paying off the bonds over 15-16 years" The bonds are expected to sell at approximately 6i%, with the individual assess- ment rate of approximately 7!%. On a motion by Martie, second by Hall and unanimously carried, a resolution was adopted setting July 13, 1976 as the sale date for bonds totaling $1,300,000.00. (See resolution #1976-13). I 3. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit - Outpatient Pet Clinic. Dr. Joel Erickson, veterinarian, was proposing a small animal pet clinic to be located at the Monticello Mall. Since the current zoning ordinances did not have pet clinics classified as either a permitted or conditional use in any zoning district, it would have to be added as some type of use. A letter signed by the Monticello Mall tenants indicates that none were opposed to this business being located in the Mall. (See supplement 6-28-76 #2). I A motion was made by Hall, second by Martie and unanimously carried to amend the zoning ordinance to allow pet clinics as a conditional use in a B-3 zone with the following conditions: 1. Annual inspection by city health officer at owners expense. 2. All pets must be leashed. 3. Treatment to be limited to household pets. The motion also included approval of granting a conditional use permit to Dr. Joel Erickson for a pet clinic located in the Monticello Mall. (See zoning ordinance amendment 8-15-75 #16). 4. Consideration of Rezoning Approximately 9 Acres South of 1-94 Between Hwy. #25 and Marvin Road from R-3 to B-3. Mr. John Sandberg requested that approximately 9 acres located south of 1-94 and west of Highway 25 be rezoned from R-3 (medium density residential) to B-3 (highway business) . The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this I I I I Regular Meeting of City Counci June 28, 1976 - cont'd. request on June 15, 1976 and r commended approval be granted on this rezoning request. In a memo, Howard Dahlgren, ci y planner, also recommended approval of this rezoning requ st due to its proximity to other commercial areas. (S e supplement 6-28-76 #3). 5. Review of New On a motion by Erickson, secon animously carried to rezone 8. between Hwy. 25 and Marvin Roa zoning ordinance amendment 8-1 by Walters, it was un- 8 acres south of I-94 from R-3 to B-3. (See -75 #15). eration Mark Irmiter, liquor store man ger, updated the council on the first six weeks of oper tion in the new liquor store. A comparative sales analysis s sales increase for the entire period last year. (See supple ows approximately a 36% peration over the same ent 6-28-76 #4). Reaction in general to the new store has been excellent and an increase in trade from utside the local area has been noticed. . 6. Consideration of Settin 1975-2 Sanitar Sewer 1m Public Hearin for Pro "ect Assessments. John Badalich, city engineer, on the proposed assessments fo Improvement Project from Locus 6th Street. (See supplement 6 resented preliminary figures the 1975-2 Sanitary Sewer & 6th Street to Pine and 28-76 #5). The project was completed duri g 1975 and serviced four parcels (18 lots) including th new municipal liquor store. A motion was made by Martie, s carried to set July 12, 1976 a Hearing on the proposed 1975-2 cond by HaJI and unanimously the date for a Public Sewer Project assessments. Hood Inc. on 7. Consideration of Final Payment 1975-1 Improvement Project, The 1975-1 Improvement Project has been completed, in- spected and approved for final payment by our city engineers. The final payment amounts to $ 7,001.04, making a total construction cost of $659,320. 1 to Hood, Inc. A motion was made by Hall, sec nd by Erickson and un- animously carried to approve t e final payment to Hood, Inc. on 1975-1 Improvement Pro'ect for $37,001.04, less expenses incurred by the city. Regular Meeting of City Council June 28, 1976 - cont'd. 8. Approval of Bills. On a motion by Martie, second by Erickson, bills for the month of June were approved as presented. (See supple- ment 6-28-76 #6). I 9. The minutes of the city council for June 14, 1976 were approved as read. The Public Works Director will meet with the city council on August 2, 1976 to discuss any city problems and pro- cedures. A special council meeting was also scheduled for July 29, 1976 to meet with Jim Boyle, city engineer, and city planner to further study Mr. Boyle's annexation request. The consensus of the council was to erect a playground area in the 4th St. park similar to the ones constructed in Ellison and West Bridge parks as soon as the proper location can be determined. The council directed the P. W. Director to re-paint the crosswalk areas at the intersection of Hwy. 25 and Broad- way and to check into the possibility of having a "Right Turn Only" lane off Hwy. 25 on to Broadway Avenue. A tentative date of August 16, 1976 was set for a meeting with the city engineer, city council, officials of Region 7W and the county to discuss the Step I Facilities Plan being prepared by O.S.M. I Meeting adjourned. ~v~~ R CK Wolfstel r Adm. Asst. RW/lg I