City Council Minutes 06-29-1976 Special SPECIAL MEETING OF June 29, I ONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL - 7:30 P. M. Council members present: Joint meeting with the Montice' 10 Civic Center Commission. Martie, D. Erickson, Council member absent: Civic Center Commission member Senness, Gary Wieber. Herb Ketcham, of the architect Alliance, reviewed the finding Center Commission with the Cit present: S. Johnson, Ruth ral firm of The Architectural and progress of the Civic Council. The site selected by the Commi sion was the Monticello Develop- ment Corporation site; however, additional land should be purchased to the east to enabl the building to be focused on Walnut Street. Reasoning f r this was to enhance the visual image of this site as i would be visible the entire length of Walnut Street. I Howard Dahlgren, city planner, to make it visible the length it a good site. However, he r Elementary school be the site of its location to Highway 25 Shelly Johnson, school superin Civic Center Commission, indic ing a bond issue for a new sch not certain whether they shoul school. Mr. Johnson said that new school built, the school d space. Consensus of council was to ar the school district Board of E possibility of the school sell meeting was tentatively set fo Additionally, the city adminis Gustafson who owns the house e ment Corporation site to deter in selling. adjourned. I GW / 19 felt by expanding the site f Walnut Street would make commended the Oakwood or the Civic Center because nd the retail areas. endent and chairman of the ted the school is consider- 01; however, the school is sell Oakwood Elementary if Oakwood was sold and a strict would not be gaining ange special meeting with ucation to consider the ng Oakwood Elementary. A July 19 at 8:00 P. M. rator was to contact Mr. st of the Monticello Develop- ine if he would be interested