City Council Minutes 07-12-1976
July 12, 1976 - :30 P. M.
Members present: Con Johnson,
Martie, Gene Walters.
Members absent:
Stanley Hall, Denton Erickson.
1. Public Hearing - Assessments - 1975-2 Sanitar Sewer
Improvement Project.
A public hearing was held to review the assessment on the
75-2 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project. A total of seven-
teen 66' lots were serviced with each lot having an assess-
ment of $461.12.
A motion was made by Walters,
imously carried to adopt a re
rate of 7!% on the assessment
spreading the assessments ove
2. Consideration of Monthl
Red Michaelis, Monticello fir
salary of $100.00. He felt t
time consuming for the presen
call for the first hour and $
newly created Joint Fire Boar
fire department personnel on
status as a voluntary organiz
seconded by Martie and unan-
olution authorizing an interest
for 1975-2 Sewer Project and
20 years. (See Resolution
for Fire Chief.
chief, requested a monthly
at the job was becoming too
rate of pay, $5.00 per fire
.00 per hour thereafter. The
recommended not to place any
monthly salary due to its
Walters made a motion, second d by Martie and unanimously
carried to deny the request f r a $100 monthly salary for
the Fire Chief.
3. Consideration of Dog Pound.
Gwen Bateman, Monticello's
council the poor condition
supplement 7-12-76 #1).
A motion was made by Martie,
imously carried to authorize
city administrator to develop
a new dog pound and return to
catcher, discussed with the
the present dog pound. (See
econded by Walters and unan-
wen Bateman to work with the
plans and specifications for
the city council for further
4. Consideration of Off-Sale Non-Intoxicatin Malt Li uor
License - Monticello Li uors Inc.
Mr. Earl Lindenfelser, presi ent of Monticello Liquors, Inc.
requested a non-intoxicating malt liquor (3.2 beer) license.
Discussion was held on the p ssibility of developing guide-
lines for determining eligib e applicants for a 3.2 license
in the future.
Regular Meeting of City Council
July 12, 1976 - cont'd.
Martie made a motion, seconded by Walters and unanimously
carried to approve the request for a 3.2 license for
Monticello Liquors, Inc.
5. Consideration of 4th Street Park Improvements.
Mike Rajala, public works director, discussed the costs of
installing water lines into the 4th Street park for easier
flooding of the (2) proposed skating rinks. The estimated
cost was approximately $1,000.00, .
Gene Walters made a motion, seconded by Dick Martie and unan-
imously carried to proceed with the installation of necessary
water lines for the 4th Street park.
Discussion was held on erecting a warming house at the 4th
Street park. C. Johnson entered a motion, seconded by G.
Walters and unanimously carried to have the city administrator
obtain cost estimates and plans for a concrete warming house,
approximately 400-500 square feet. The estimates should
include the cost of a building with and without toilet
6. Report on Lignasan BLP and Its Use in Prevention of Dutch
Elm Disease.
Mike Rajala, public works director, reviewed with the council
the effectiveness and use of the chemical Lignasan BLP
on Dutch elm disease prevention. (See supplement 7-12-76 #2).
There still appears to be differences of opinion as to the
effectiveness of the chemical, but the consensus of the
council was that it may be well to offer this treatment to
the residences if possible.
A motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by G Walters and
unanimously carried to purchase the necessary injection
equipment and chemical supplies of Lignasan BLP for ex-
perimental treatment of Dutch elm trees. A seminar will
also be arranged in an effort to inform the local residents
of the chemical treatment and approximately per tree charge.
The public works director was also instructed to get cost
estimates of purchasing a trencher for use in controlling
Dutch elm disease through the roots of the trees.
7. Consideration of Deputy Registrar Appointment.
The Wright County Board of Commissioners has recommended
the appointment of various deputy registrars in Wright
County through the local city governments. (See supplement
7-12-76 #3).
Regular Meeting of City
July 12, 1976 - cont'd.
and unanimously
deputy registrar
Motion was made by Walters,
carried to accept the appoint 'ent of a local
as recommended by the Wright County Board of
The State Motor Vehicle Services Division will make the
final decision on new appoint ents.
8. The minutes of the city council meeting held June 28, 1976
were approved as read.
9. John Badalich, city engineer, reviewed with the council the
revised costs of extending sew r and water along west County
Road 39. Using the bid prices received on the 76-1 Improve-
ment Project by Orfei & Sons, here would basically be no
change in the estimated per pa cel assessment if the project
was renewed in this area.
Mr. Badalich will be obtaining
Orfei & Sons on the west Cty
meeting will be held at the ne
see if the property
the project.
revised cost estimates from
d. 39 area and an informational
t regular council meeting to
d be interested in renewing
Don Smith, of the Bicentennial
council that all activities of
showed a profit of approximate
600 buttons were sold and the
by approximately 550 people.
The committee's efforts will n w be directed toward establish-
ing a local Historical Society and upgrading the local
Historical Museum.
Commission, informed the
the Bicentennial celebration
y $75.00. Approximately
hicken dinner was attended
11. Dutch Elm Disease Removal.
The consensus of the council w s to obtain the services of
Berry Tree Service to cut down the difficult diseased trees
as needed.
Motion by Martie, second by Wa ters to adjourn.
Adm. Asst.