City Council Minutes 07-13-1976 Special I SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL July 13, 1976 - 7:30 P. M. Members present: Con Johns n, Dick Martie, Gene Walters, Members absent: Denton Er'ckson, Stanley Hall. Bids were opened for the s Ie of $1,300,000 General Obligation Improvement Bon s of 1976, Listed below are the respective bids: BIDDER E. J. Prescott Bancnorthwest 1st Nat. Bank of St. Paul I Dain, Kalman & Quail N T INTEREST D LLAR COST RATE $ 67,155.00 5.8695 50,807.44 5.744 57,507.50 5.795 58,145.95 5.800 Motion was made by Gene Wa ters, seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously car ied to award sale of bonds to Bancnorthwest. Meeting adjourned. .. ~~ tv~ Gary eber City ~dministrator GW/lg I