City Council Minutes 08-02-1976 Special I SPECIAL MEETING OF MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL August 2, 1976 - : 30 P.M. Council members present: Con Johnson, Denton Erickson, Dick Mar ie, Stanley Hall, Gene Walters. Motion by D. Martie, seco ded by S. Hall to adopt resolution to proceed with eminent domain proceedings for acquisition of an easement from Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Lindberg for the extension of sanitary sewer and water on the property describe in the resolution. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, S. Hall, D. Martie, G. Walters. Absent: D. Erickson. (ee supplement 8-2-76 #1.) of Eminent Domain. 1. Resolution Determining Ne Mr. Michael Rajala, pub]'c works director, reviewed his goals and objectives or the department with the ci ty council. 2. Review of Public Works D I A discussion was held re:ative to the various functions and performance of the P blic Works Department. Council consensus was to allow M . Rajala a limited expense account for necessary me tings with supervision of the Public Works Departm nt. Meeting adjourned. .. fA)w~. - GW / mj q I