City Council Minutes 08-23-1976
August 23, 1976
7:30 P.M.
Members present:
C. Johnson, S. Hall, D. Erickson, D. Martie,
Gene Walter .
1 .
Consideration of Buildin
of Monticello.
it - 1st Ba tist Church
J. W. Miller, building inspec or, reviewed with the council
the proposed building plans a d specifications for the new
1st Baptist Church. The buil ing is designed primarily to be
used as a parsonage in the fu ure, but the question arose as
to whether residential or com ercial building codes should be
followed for this structure.
D. Erickson made a motion to pprove the building permit
as a residence. Died for a I ck of a second.
D. Martie made a motion, seco d by C. Johnson, to approve
the building permit as a resi ence with the stipulation that
the building be used as a par onage within 4 years. In favor:
C. Johnson, D. Martie, D. Eri kson; Opposed: S. Hall. Ab-
staining: G. Walters.
2. Consideration of Residential
A motion was made by D. Erick
unanimously carried to approv
imately 16 residential street
as essential by the P.W. Dire
stallation of 5-6 lights in t
on, second by D. Martie and
the installation of approx-
lights per locations depicted
tor. Also included is the in-
e city parks.
Consideration of Bin
Defer Assessments.
The P.W. Director will report to the Council on the costs
involved, if any, for install tion and the different type
of lights available.
After discussion, council con ensus was to table any decision
on the new bingo ordinance fo further review by the council.
Consideration of Resolution
Mr. Lonnie Worth has agreed t grant the city an easement on
his property to extend sanita y sewer and water to Mississippi
Regular Meeting of the Council
August 23, 1976
Drive for the 76-1 Improvement Project and requested that any I
assessments to his property be deferred until his land is
subdLvLded. Mr. Wor~ had prevLously connected to the sewer .
system and paid for the connection.
Motion was made by D. Erickson, second by G. Walters
and unanimously carried to approve a resolution to defer
assessments for sewer and water against Mr. Lonnie Worth's
property until such time the parcel is subdivided. (See
Resolution 1976 #18).
5. Consideration of Appraisal of Easement.
Mr. John Sandberg apprais~the easement the city of
Monticello requested of Mr. Kermit Lindberg at $1200.00.
(See supplement 8-23-76 #1.) A motion was made by G.
Walters, second by D. Martie and unanimously carried to
offer Mr. Lindberg $1200.00 for easement per appraisal.
6. Consideration of Change Order - 1976-1 Improvement Project.
A motion was made by G. Walters, second by S. Hall and
unanimously carried to approve change order #1 to
Adolfson & Peterson's contract on the 76-1 Improvement
Project for $235.00.
7. Consideration of Preparation of Possible Plans and
Specifications - Warming House.
After discussion by the council on the necessity of a
warming house in the 4th St. Park, a motion was made by
D. Martie, second by S. Hall and unanimously carried to
proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications
for a warming house of approximately 500 square feet.
8. Consideration of Appointment of Council Member to Attend
Governing Bodies Mutual Cooperation Meeting.
The consensus of the council was to appoint councilman
G. Walters to be the city's representative to attend
the Mutual Cooperation meeting on August 26, 1976.
9. Consideration of Participating in a County Dog Program.
The Wright County Board of Commissioners are interested
in finding out if cities and townships would be interested
in participating in a dog program whereby the county would
pay 50% of the cost of housing and destroying all un-
claimed dogs. (See supplement 8-23-76 #2).
Regular Meeting of the Counci
August 23, 1976
A motion was made by D. Erick
unanimously carried to inform
interest in participating in
more detailed information can
10. Approval of Bills.
D. Martie made a motion, seco
carried to approve the bills
supplement 8-23-76 #3).
on, seconded by S. Hall and
the County Board of Monticello's
county dog program providing
be obtained within 30 days.
Hall and unanimously
as presented. (See
11. The minutes of August 9, Augu t 16, 1976 stand approved
as read with the exception that the minutes of August 9,
1976, item #1, were amended t read that Walters and Hall
voted in opposition to the si variance request by Stuart
12. Liquor Store Landscaping.
S. Hall made a motion, second
carried to remove the tree
is obstructing the sign.
Discussion on Additional Pro
D. Martie made a motion, seco
carried to offer Red Michaeli
abutting the recently acquire
Mr. Michaelis to retain right
so long as it is removed by N
J. W. Miller, building inspec
an existing sewage septic sys
another building lot in Ritze
have City Administrator infor
must hook up to city sewer pr
30 days after it is available
Council members will be revie
ordinances and this item will
council meeting for any possi
d by D. Martie and unanimously
front of the Liquor Store which
ded by G. Walters and unanimously
$20,000 for his parcel of land
parcels on Broadway Avenue.
to the building, if he desires
vember 1, 1976.
or, informed the council that
em is presently draining into
Manor. Council consensus to
the property owner that he
sently being constructed within
ing the present city sign
be on the agenda of the next
Ie changes or revisions.
Councilman G. Walters will me t with Senior Citizen Director
Karen Hanson and members of t e Sen. Cit. Board to discuss
the possibility of having lac I Senior Citizens "man" the
Information Center.
Motion by G. Walters, second y D. Martie and unanimously
Rick WOlfste~
Adm. Asst. RW/ Jq