City Council Minutes 11-11-1976 I I I REGULAR MEETING OF THE NTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Citizens Comments: 7:30 P.M. November 11, 1976 Members present : Con Johnson, Dick Martie, enton Erickson, Stan Hall, ene Walters. Dennis Seitz and Bud Schrupp, re Retailers Association requested Christmas tree at the Historical addition, they requested permiss Building for Santa Claus approxi resenting the Downtown ermission to install a Information Center. In on to use the Historical ately 40 hours in December. D. Erickson made a motion, secon ed by S. Hall and unani- mously carried to grant the Down own Retailers Association permission to use the Historical Building for approximately 40 hours provided a damage depos't of $50.00 is made. 1. Consideration of Buildin Permit - Jls Restaurant. Jls Restaurant International has applied for a building permit to construct a restaurant at the corner of 7th Street and Cedar Street. All requireme ts of the city ordinances relative to parking and landscap'ng have been met. G. Walters made a motion, seconded by D. Martie and unani- mously carried to approve the building permit requested by Jls Restaurant International. 2. Pound Consideration of Acce and Warming House. Since no bids were received on onday, November 8, 1976 for the construction of a dog p und and warming house, a motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried to acce t written proposals on the (2) projects until 2:00 p.m. Monday, November 15 1976. 3. Consideration of Law Enforcemen Contract with Wright Count. Jim Powers, with the Wright Cou ty Sheriff's Department, discussed the proposed pOLice c ntract for 1977 with the council. G. Walters made a motion, seco ded by S. Hall and unanl- mously carried to approve the 1 77 police contract with the Wright County Sheriff's Departm nt for 16 hour per day coverage. Regular Meeting of the Council November 11, 1976 A motion was also made by D. Erickson, seconded by D. Martie to add 8 hours of additional protection on Friday and Saturday nights for the term of the contract. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, D. Martie, D. Erickson, S. Hall; opposed: G. Walters. (See supplement 11/11/76 #1.) 4. Consideration of Curfew Ordinance. The Wright County Sheriff's Department has requested the city consider adopting a curfew ordinance. The Sheriff's Department personnel indicated that a curfew ordinance would be a useful tool in dispersing minors who are loitering on public property. A motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by S. Hall and unanimously carried to adopt a curfew ordinance for minors 18 years old between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 #2.) under (See 5. Consideration of Setting Date for Hearing on 1974 Parking Improve- ment Assessments. Consensus of the council was to set November 29, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. as the date for the public hearing to review the proposed assess- ments on the 1974 Parking Improvement Project. 6. Consideration of Specifications for Tractor. D. Erickson made a motion, seconded by D. Martie and unani- mously carried to table discussion on tractor specifications for two weeks. 7. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the council meeting held October 21, October 25, and November 3, 1976 stand approved as presented. 8. Consideration of Final Plans and Specifications for City Hall. The final plans and specifications were presented to the council for review by Archi tectura 1 All iance. G. Walters made a motion, seconded by D. Erickson and unani- mously carried to approve the final plans and specifications for City Hall project. 1-:- ", I I I I I Regular meeting of the Council November 11, 1976 9. Discussion on 3.2 Beer License R strictions. According to an ordinance amendm 3.2 beer license would be grante operate primarily in the sale of ettes, beverages or soft drinks. nt recentiy adopted, a only to premises who food, beer. cigars, cigar- A motion was made by Gene Walter , second by Dick Martie, to "grandfather" the present own r of Ernie's Bait Shop a 3.2 beer license provided he m ets all other provisions of the ordinance. In favor: Joh son, Erickson, Martie, Walters. Abstaining: Hall. 10. Discussion on Street rovement - Hwy: #25. Plans for installing (18) new 25 watt high pressure sodium street lights on Hwy 25 and repl cing (7) existing fluore- scent lights to high pressure so' ium were reviewed by the council. Estimated cost of the omprovement was $27,635.00 Since a portion of the improveme t may be assessed to bene- fiting property owners, a motion was made by Martie, second by Hall and unanimously carried to hold a public hearing on the proposed Hwy #25 street lighting project at 7:30 P.M., November 29, 1976. 11. Consideration of Building Permi - Monticello Ceramics Building by Floyd Kruse. Mr. Kruse presented plans for r modeling the Monticello Ceramic building into a restaur nt. A site plan indicating the parking layout and landscapOng layout was also reviewed. Walters made a motion, seconded carried to grant Floyd Kruse a and approve the issuance of an viding the restaurant meets all by Martie and unanimously uilding permit for remodeling n-sale liquor license pro- state building codes. The license fee to be effective November 11, 1976, with issuance upon a certificate of ccupancy. Review of Preliminary Budget fa 1977 was tabled until next council meeting. Consensus of the council was to have the next regular meeting on Tuesday, November 23, 1976. Motion was made by Erickson, se onded by Martie and unanimously to adjourn. Ric Adm. Asst. RWjmjq