City Council Minutes 12-13-1976
December 13, 1976 - 7:30 P.M.
Members present:
Con Johnson,
Dick Martie,
enton Erickson, Stan Ha11,
ene Walters.
1. Consideration of Si n Ordinance Variances.
A petition was received at the
several downtown businesses req
overhanging sign ordinance effe
ast council meeting from
esting a variance from the
tive December 31, 1976.
A motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Martie and
unanimously carried to abide by the present ordinance pro-
hibiting overhanging signs over public right-of-ways, but
amend the ordinance to extend f r six months the deaiine
for removal.
The issue of a roof sign put up by Independent Lumber Co.
was also discussed. A motion as made by D. Erickson, second
by S. Hall to grant Independent Lumber Co. a variance assuming
their sign is considered sign. In favor: C. Johnson,
D. Erickson, S. Ha11, D. Opposed: G. Walters.
Preliminary Feasibility
Oakwood Industrial Park
Sewer Extension -
South of 1-94.
A petition was received from 0 kwood Industial Park,
Stuart Hoglund, Joyner Lanes a d Zah1er Lumber for sanitary
sewer extensions south of I~94.
John Badalich, city
sewer extensions to
ceptors and as such
possibily 1979.
this area
would be e
A determination by the EPA on
be classified as interceptors
spring of 1977.
Preliminary estimates of exten
1-94 at the present time are p
future, Federal funds could be
construction costs.
"ndicated that the sanitary
ould be classified as inter-
igible for EPA funds by
hich sewer extensions can
ould be made as early as
ing sewer service south of
aced at $197,000. In the
received for 90% of the
A motion entered by G. Walters, seconded by D. Martie and
unanimously carried to table a y further consideration of
a feasibility study for provid"ng sewer extensions to
Oakwood Industrial Park until determination is made by
the EPA on which sewer extensions will be classified as
interceptor lines.
Regular Meeting
December 13, 1976
3. Consideration of Holding One Regular Council Meeting
Per Month.
The council discussed the possibility of holding one
regular meeting per month on the second Monday of the
month. The council at present has regularly scheduled
meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month.
The fourth Monday would still be available for special
meetings as necessary.
The consensus of the council was to hold two (2) regular
meetings per month as in the past.
4. Review of Commissions and Other Appointed Offices and
A motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by D. Martie
and unanimously carried to abolish the Civic Center
Commission and thanking the members for serving on the
Other committees and commissions will be reviewed at the
first council meeting of 1977.
5. Consideration of Transfers.
D. Erickson made a motion, seconded by S. Hall and unani-
mously carried to approve the tramfer of $5,000 from the
Water Fund to the 1964 Water Revenue Fund and $1,443.14
from the 1974 Parking Improvement Fund to the 1974 G. o.
Parking Facility Sinking Fund.
6. Consideration of Salaries and Wages for 1977.
Various salary schedules for city personnel were discussed
by the council.
D. Erickson entered a motion, seconded by D. Martie that the
following salary schedules be adopted for 1977:
Mike Rajala
Dick Brooks
Walt Mack
Gary Wieber
Rick Wolfsteller
Mark Irmiter
Lynnea Gi1.lham
Mary 30 Quick
Karen Hanson
Opposed: All members.
yea r I y
per hour
per hour
Regular Meeting
December 13, 1976
Consensus of the council was to consider the employees'
1977 salary on an individual ba is.
D. Erickson entered a motion, s conded by D. Martie to
set Mike Rajala's 1977 salary a $14,000/yr. In favor:
C. Johnson, D. Martie and D. Er.ckson. Opposed: S. Hall,
G. Walters.
s. Hall made a motion, seconded by D. Erickson and unani-
mously carried to increase Dick Brooks salary to $13,860/yr.
s. Hall entered a motion, secon ed by D. Martie and unani-
mously carried to increase Walt salary to $12,200/yr.
G. Walters made a motion, secon by S. Hall to increase
Gary Wieber's salary to $21,500 yr. In favor: G. Walters,
S. Hall, D. Martie. Opposed: C. Johnson, D. Erickson.
G. Walters made a motion, secon ed by S. Hall to increase
Rick Wolfsteller's salary to $925.00 per month. In.favor:
S. Hall, G. Walters. Opposed: . Johnson, D. Martie,
D. Erickson.
D. Martie then entered a motion, seconded by D. Erickson to
set Rick Wolfsteller's 1977 sa ary at $12,000/yr. In favor:
C. Johnson, D. Erickson, D. Martie, S. Hall. Opposed: G.
S. Hall made a motion, seconde by D. Martie and unanimously
carried to increase Lynnea Gil ham's hourly pay by 20~ to
$4.15 per hour and Mary Jo's hourly pay by 20~ to
$3.45 per hour.
C. Johnson entered a motion to
for 1977 at $14,000/yr. Died
Hall made a motion, seconded b
Irmiter's salary at $13,200 pe
D. Martie, G. Walters, S. Hall.
set Mark Irmiter's salary
or a lack of a second. S.
G. Walters to set Mark
year. In favor: D. Erickson,
Opposed: C. Johnson.
D. Erickson made a motion, sec nded by D. Martie and unan-
imously carried to set Karen H nson's salary at $450.00 per
Regular Meeting
December 13, 1976
G. Walters made a motion, seconded by D. Martie and unan-
imously carried to approve the labor agreement between the
City of Monticello and IntI. Union of Operating Engineers
Loca~ #49 as recommended by the city council union negotiat-
ing committee members, Stan Hall and Con Johnson. Contract
to be effective upon signing by both parties. (See supple-
ment December 13, 1976 #1.)
7. Approval of Minutes.
The minutes of the regular council meeting held November
23, 1976, under citizen's comments, part (D) were corrected
to read as follows:
"The council had previously grandfathered in all
existing billboards for a period of 5 years and
likewise all sign permits for billboards pro-
viding they were erected within 120 days."
Being no other corrections or additions the minutes of
November 23, 1976 and November 29, 1976 stand approved
as presented.
8. Consideration of Resolution Applying for Airport Planning
D. Martie made a motion, seconded by S. Hall and unanimously
carried to adopt a resolution applying for an airport master
planning grant to prepare a feasibility study of a joint use
airport for the cities of Monticello and Maple Lake. (See
Reso~ution 1976-#25.)
Motion by D. Erickson, seconded by S Hall and unanimously
carried to adjourn.
ive Assistant