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City Council Minutes 12-23-1976 Special
December 23, 1 76
- 4 P.M.
Members present: Con Johnson, Denton Erickson, Stan Ha~l,
Gene Walters
Members absent: Dick Martie.
Purpose of meeting was to revi w bids received for the
Monticello City Hall on Decemb r 9, 1976. (See Supplement
12-23-76 #1 for complete bid t bulation).
Herb Ketcham and Chuck Liddy 0 the Architectural Alliance
indicated they had met with the two low bidders on December
17, 1976 to review the project and to determine expected cost
savings on additional alternates. The low bid of $419,992
by Peterson Construction of B 'ffalo was approximately $90,000
over the estimated cost of th project.
Mr. Ketcham and Mr. Liddy rev.ewed their findings with the
council. By computing the al ernate deducts in with the
base bid that the council fel could possibly be accepted,
$27,060 could be saved. Addi ional alternate deducts that
were not bid, but the council felt could possibly be accepted
amounted to $25,700 excluding consideration of eliminating
the basement. This would bri the bid down to $367,232.
Consensus of the council was
deducts that were not bid cou
extent. This matter was to b
trator with the city attorney
made on the City Hall bids.
Meeting adjourned.
GarJi~' LIJ ~
City Administrator
GW / mj q
o review whether alternate
d be considered and to what
reviewed by the city adminis-
before a decision was to be