City Council Minutes 03-28-1977 REGULAR METING I March 28, 1977 MONTICELLO C TY COUNCIL 7: 30 P.M. Member present: Stanley Hall, Ge e Walters, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo. Member absent: Con Johnson. 1. Public Hearin - Facilities Plant and Interce tor Sewer Re ort - Wastewater Treatment A public hearing on the recently ompleted Facilities Planning Report was held at the Monticello Junior High School. Mr. John Badalich, City Engineer, recommended immediate constructi from the existing sewer plant to and upgrading the present wastewa I The estimated cost of the $996,000 with state and federal f while upgrading the wastewater tr $2,019,000 with state and federal Mr. Badalich will be meeting with 1977, to review the report, and h of which recommended improvements federal funding. The public hearing was adjourned continuing at City Hall. S. Hall made a motion, seconded b carried to adopt a resolution acc Report as presented. (See Resolu 2. Consideration of Sewer & reviewed the report which n of an interceptor sewer line he western portion of the city er treatment plant. tor sewer line is placed at nding grants picking up $941,000, atment plant was estimated at funding. the EPA on Wednesday, March 30, pefully receive a determination are eligible for state and ith the City Council meeting A. Grimsmo and unanimously pting the Facilities Planning ion 1977 #1.) ension - Bud Kline. At the last city council meeting, Mr. Bud Kline requested sewer and water be extended to Lot 8, Bock 9. I A quote was received from Jerry's Excavating for the installation of the sewer and water for approx.mately $2,000.00. The extension of sewer and water would only benefit Mr. Kline's property and therefore he would be the only one assessed for the project. Since the property can be served with only a 1 inch water line and a 6 inch sewer line, the estimated cost is considerably less than similar projects completed during 1976. Discussion centered on whether this project should be assessed the same as the 1976 project (approximately $3500.00) on the basis of the cost of normal lines of 6" for water and 8" for sewer or to assess Mr. Kline for the actual cost, i.e. approximately $2,000.00. D. Blonigen entered a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmoto order the improvement project for sewer and water to lot 8, block 9 with the assessments to be based on the actual costs of the improvements. Voting in favor: D. Blonigen, A. Grimsmo, S. Hall. Opposed: Gene Walters. Council consensus was that improvement projects benefitting a smaller number of parcels should be assessed the actual costs of the improvements and not necessarily be based on that year's average comparable assessment. 3. Consideration of Street Light on Golf Course Road. At the last council meeting, a petition was presented signed by five property owners along Golf Course Road requesting the in- stallation of a street light. Dick and Marilyn Frie explained their request for street lights to be placed at the entrance to the Monticello Country Club and approximately half way between the Golf Club entrance and Elm Street on' County Road 39. Based on the issue of traffic safety rather than security, the Public Works Director and City Administrator recommended that a light be installed at the entrance of the Country Club. Considering the length of the road in question, S. Hall entered a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo to approve the installation of a street light at the entrance to the Golf Course and also in- stall a light approximately midway between the Golf Course en- trance and Elm Street. Voting in favor: G. Walters, S. Hall, A. Grimsmo. Opposed: D. Blonigen. The Public Works Director will determine the exact location of the street light. I I I I I I 4. Consideration of Rezoning Par el from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to 1-1 (Light In ustrial). Mr. William Seefeldt requeste in the northwestern portion 0 to 1-1. The purpose of the r Electro Industries to operate gineering business. that a site of 18.88 acres the city be rezoned from R-1 quest is to allow the firm, a light manufacturing and en- The preliminary revised compr hensive plan for the area is recommending light industrial zoning for the area. The Planning Commission, at t eir March 15, 1977 meeting recommended approval of the r zoning request because of its former use as industrial site location near a freeway not being conducive to single fam"ly residences, and the revised comprehensive plan recommendi g industrial zoning. A. Grimsmo made a motion, sec mously carried to approve the by William Seefeldt (Electro nded by D. Blonigen and unani- rezoning of 18.88 acres owned ndustries) from R-1 to 1-1. 5. Consideration of Approval of ree Purchases from Nelson Trees, Inc. Property owners who have had utch Elm diseased trees removed were given the option of havi g the trees replaced at a minimal cost. Nelson Trees Inc. has agreed 0 sell Monticello the varieties listed below at $45.00 each: Seedless Ash Green Ash Soft Maple Hard Maple Black Hills Spru e Colorado Spruce Norway Pine in diameter and 12 to 15 spruce and pine trees All trees would be approximat feet high with the exception which would be 4 to 5 feet. Motion by G. Walters, by S. Hall and unanimously carried to approve the purcha e of replacement trees from Nelson Trees at $45.00 each w"th the property owners paying $15.00 each. Property owners eligible will be those who had diseased trees removed in 1976 and 1977. 6. The minutes of March 14, 1977 council meeting stand approved as read. John Badalich, City Engineer, informed the council that to install additional outlets for ornamental lights to the light standards being constructed on Highway 25 would cost approxi- mately $4000.00. Council consensus was to not add the outlets to the existing project costs. Council consensus was to have the building inspector be re- sponsibile for enforcing the grading plans of any subdivision relative to building permit applications. Motion by A. Grimsmo, seconded by S. Hall to adjourn. 1iHo~1~ Administrative Assistant RW/mjq I I I