City Council Minutes 04-25-1977 I I I April 25, 1977 REGULAR MEETING OF MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL 7:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, S anley Hall, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters, an Blonigen. Citizens comments: Kacey Kjellberg, real estate age t for Charles Ritze informed the council that the rough gradi g has been completed on 8 lots in the western portion of R"tze Manor and requested that future building permit applicati ns for these lots be approved. Phil Ritze explained to the coun il the revised grading plan proposed for a portion of Ritze anor. S. Hall made a motion, seconded carried to approve the issuance on all of Block 1 and Lots 1-22, once the grading plan has been a The remaining lots in the easter have to be brought up to grade b could be issued. Mike Rajala inquired as to wheth held on a sideyard variance need on Lot 11, Block 5, River Terrae administrator was instructed to construction on this house until have been brought to the proper Y D. Blonigen and unanimously f residential building permits except Lots 5-7 in Block 2, cepted by the building inspector. portion of the plat would fore those building permits r a public hearing will be d for a house being built , by Ernie Hartwig. City ave building inspector stop the variance requirements ommittees. 1. U date on Railroad Crossing At W lnut Street. Gary Pringle, city attorney, upd to obtain a railroad crossing fo In his research, Mr. pringle fee own the streets in fee and if th located on was ever vacated, the street. Mr. Pringle also recomm to the railroad that there may b of crossings within the city bee ted the council on his progress the city on Walnut Street. s that the city does in fact street the railroad is city still actually owns the nded that the city indicate a necessity to open a number use of our growth. G. Walters made a motion, second d by A. Grimsmo and unani- mously carried to have Mr. Pring e set up a meeting with Burlington Railroad officials in an effort to resolve this matter. An attempt will be made to have the railroad prove ownership of the property on whi h their tracks are located. 2. Review of MPCA Meeting. John Badalich, city engineer, re iewed with the council the outcome of the recent meeting held with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency staff regarding Monticello's NPDES reissuance. I The MPCA is pleased with Monticello's long range plans of upgrading the wastewater treatment plant to meet the MPCA discharge standards, but indicated that remedies should be taken in the interim period to reduce the high BOD levels. According to MPCA records, violations of the NPDES permit started to occur at the time Wrightco Products started its operation in Monticello, although the reliability of the records may be low. The MPCA has indicated that future extensions of sanitary sewer will not be approved until an investigation is made on possible solutions to reduce the loading at the treatment plant. It was agreed that more reliable data would be gathered so that interim standards for the wastewater treatment plant could be set for the July 31, 1977 permit reissuance. A series of laboratory tests would be performed to determineif the use of an equilization holding tank would be effective by enabling the treatment plant to process the strong sewage during the slow periods. Also the tests would evaluate the effectiveness of using chemicals to reduce the BOD effluents. S. Hall made a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to authorize the city engineer to proceed with a testing study of the sewage at the treatment plant in an attempt to reduce the loading with the city requesting Wright- co Products to participate in sharing of the estimated cost of $6,000. I City administrator will inform MPCA of Monticello's study and set up meeting with Wrightco officials concerning sharing of testing costs. 3. Public Hearing - Sanitary Sewer Extension to Oakwood Industrial Park and along County Road 117 to Highway 25. John Badalich, city engineer, presented to the council a feas- ibility report on extending sewer, water, street, and storm sewer to Oakwood Industrial Park. The estimated costs of the improvements are as follows: I I I I Sewer Water Street Storm Sewer TOTAL EST. COST $391,000 58,000 230,000 181 ,000 $860,000 PORTION ON AD VALOREM $234,000 -0- 10,000 ? $244,000 POR ASS $43 A policy has not been establish d on what portion of the storm sewer improvement might be asse sable. A typical industrial park lot with 350' of frontage would be assessed, (not including possible storm sewer assessment), approximately $23,170 per parcel. Because of the uncertainty over whether the MPCA will approve any sewer extensions at the pre ent time, G. Walters entered a motion, seconded by D. Blonig n and unanimously carried to defer any action on the petitio ed sewer extension request. 4. Public Hearing - Sewer and Wate Extension to John Sandberg Plat. A feasibility report was prepar d on extending sewer and water to a plat proposed by John Sand erg just west of Hillcrest Addition. The total project costs were es imated at $168,000 with a per parcel assessment of approximat ly $4,247.00. Hearing no objections, a motion by A. Grimsmo, and unanimously sewer, water, storm sewer and s subdivision of John Sandberg co subdivision plat and permission tensions. was made by G. Walters, seconded arried to approve extending the reet improvements to the proposed tingent upon approval of his of the MPCA on future sewer ex- 5. Consideration of Rezoning Re tie t and Conditional Use Permit - Cedarcrest Apartments. At the June 2, 1976 council mee council approving the rezoning application for a 50 unit elder John Bergstad. The approval wa project by the Minnesota Housin has been given to Mr. Bergstad ment project and as a result, f rezoning lots 1,2,3,9, & 10 in granting a conditional in an R-B zone. ing, a decision was made by the nd the conditional use permit y housing project proposed by contingent upon funding of the Finance Agency. The approval ito proceed with a 38 unit apart- nal council action was necessary lock G from R-2 to R-B and t for an elderly housing project Motion was made by G. Walters, the rezoning of lots 1,2,3,9, & and grant a conditional use per econded by A. Grimsmo, to approve 10 in Block G from R-2 to R-B it for a 38 unit elderly housing LI/;) / l project to Mr. John Bergstad. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, G. Walters, A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen. Abstaining: S. Hall. 6. Consideration of Rezaing and Variance Request - John Sandberg. Mr. John Sandberg had applied for the following: 1) Rezoning of a portion of Lots 1 & 2, Block 30, Monticello, from B-4 (Regional Business) to R-2 (Single & 2 Family Residential). 2) Variance from lot width and lot area ordinance require- ments of 80' and 10,000 sq. ft., respectively. The proposed lot would be 68' wide and 8,976 sq. ft. in area. Since Mr. Sandberg's original request, another petition has been filed by 100% of the property owners in Block 30 requesting that the entire block be rezoned to residential. The Planning Commission felt that the entire block should be reviewed at the time of re- viewing the revised comprehensive plan. Because of the recent request by the residents of Block 30 and the possible review of the rezoning in the comprehensive plan, the petition request by Mr. Sandberg was withdrawn until the com- prehensive plan is completed. 7. Consideration of Existing City Hall Being Used as Senior Citizens Center. Karen Hanson, Senior Citizen Director, requested that the City Council consider making the present City Hall available for a senior citizen center after the new city hall is completed and also that the present city hall be expanded to provide an additional 1500 sq. ft. In addition to the Senior Citizens, the Fire Department has indicated their desire to have the entire city hall for fire department use. When the architect contract was approved for the new city hall, a provision was made for adding approximately 1000 sq. ft. to the existing city hall, but no decision was made relative to the future use of the building. A. Grimsmo and S. Hall were appointed to a committee to discuss with the school board officials the possibility of the senior citizens using part of Oakwood Elementary School as a center for their activities. The committee will also meet with fire depart- ment personnel and architect regarding the use and expansion of the existing city hall after the school board has been contacted. I I I I I I $. Lj'j' .- C.."iI<'! / ,/ J At their last meeting, the Planning Co 'ssion recommended approval of a building permit for Mr. Kline's duplex proposed to be built on lots $ and 9, block 10, upper Monticello. additionally, the Planning Commission recommended that the $1500 minimum landscaping requirement be waived for this development and the ordinance be amended to also include 2 family developments from the $1500 minimum rS uirement in the future. Mr. Bud Kline was not present at the plans, therefore no action was taken eeting to present his building his permit request. Council opinion was that the ordinance relative to landscaping requirements for duplexes should remain as is and t at each development could be reviewed on an individual basis for possible e emptions from the $1500 minimum re- quirement. 9. Consideration of Increasin Firemen's I Sum Retirement Benefits. The Monticello Fire Department is req esting that the retirement benefits, after 20 years of active service, be . creased from $4000 to $6000. This request has been reviewed and app oved by the Joint Fire Board. In accordance with the fire contract with the Township of ~~ntice110, this must now be approved by both boards. The levy required to increase the firJ en's benefits to $6,000 would average $344.00 per year over the next 10 years and would be allocated on the basis of valuation percentages hich currently allocates $6.5% of the costs to the city and 13.5% to Mon ice110 Township. A. Grimsmo made a motion, seconded by . B10nigen and unanimously carried to approve the firemen's lump sum reti ement benefit increase from $200 per year to $300 per year after 20 years 0; service. The above proposal must now be approve 10. Consideration of Informatio Monticello Township Board. Last summer, the information center was operated with the aid of the Chamber of Commerce but for 1977 the amber has indicated that they will not be providing the personnel to operate the center. The council discussed other alternati including using volunteers from the s the location out to a private indi vidu would take into consideration that the to hand out information. A third alte formation center open to the public, The senior citizens have indicated an for a modest houi'ly figure, which future use by the senior citizens s for the operation of the center ior citizen's center and renting or firm for a monthly fee which firm or individual would agree ati ve would be to have the in- t not manned. in working at the center aside in a fund for Council consensus was to have the seni r oi tizens operate the infor- mation center and have the city administrator meet with Karen Hanson to work out a sui table salary arrange t. 11. Consideration of Street Improvement Method. The council previously discussed various methods that could be used in upgrading the existing streets in Monticello. Among the methods dis- cussed, council opinion varied as to the merits of repairing the streets with a 2ft bituminous mat versus a complete street improvement program which would include curb, gutter and storm sewer. The 2ft bituminous overlay would cost approximately $185,000 while estimated costs of a complete street program have not been computed. John Badalich, city engineer, was authorized to prepare some cost figures on a complete street improvement program and report back to the council. A decision will be tabled until these costs are available for review. 12. Consideration of Resolution Accepting a Grant Offer from the FAA relative to a Maple Lake-Monticello Joint Use Airport. The FAA recently approved a $16,000 study relative to a Maple Lake- Monticello Joint Use Airport. This study is funded 9CP/o by the FAA and 5% by each conummity. The first phase of the study deals with finding a suitable location for a joint airport facility that meets the FAA requirements. Ralph Burke & Associates has been engaged by Maple Lake and Monticello to do the study. G. Walters entered a motion, seconded by S. Hall and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution accepting the FAA planning grant. Another motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by S. Hall and unani- mously carried adopting a resolution appointing the Commissioner of Taxation as agent for the City of Monticello to receive the federal grant monies and pay for the services of the engineers. (See Resolu- tions 1977, If3 and 4.) 13. Consideration of Amending Ordinance Section 8-3-2 Relative to Permitted Trees to be Planted in a New Subdivision. After reviewing the ordinance which lists various types of trees which are allowed to be planted in a new subdivision, the council instructed the city administrator to prepare a list of trees that should be pro- hibited. The ordinance would then be reviewed relative to amending the ordinance to list just those species of trees that should be prohibited in Monticello. 14. A. Grimsmo made a motion, seconded by S. Hall and unanimously carried to approve the bills for April, 1977 as presented (see supplement Lv-25-77 #l). I I I I I I 15. The minutes of April 6 and April 11 s and approved as read. Dave Heskin, contractor for the w . g house in the Fourth Street Park was given an additional 30 days to co lete the construction because of an illness by one of the subcontra tors. The construction was originally scheduled for completion b May 30th. Meeting adjourned. ff:lff1!~ Administrative Assistant Rwl mjq