City Council Minutes 05-09-1977
May 9, 1977 -
Members present: Con Jormson, Stan Hall,
ve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Gene Walters
Members absent:
1. Public Hearin - Variance for Side ardSetback - Ernie Hartwi .
Ernie Hartwig requested a variance to uild a house within 7'3" of the
west property line on Lot 11, Block 5, River Terrace.
The Planning Commission, with the unde standing that the structure was
either 7'9" or 6'9" from the property ine, recommended the variance be
granted if the building was 7'9" from he property line while
recommending denial of variance if 6' 9 r.
Subsequently, a survey has indicated t at the house will be 7'3"
from the line.
Hearing no objections, D. Blonigen ent red a motion, second by S. Hall
and unanimously carried to approve the sideyard variance of 2'9" for
Ernie Hartwig on Lot 11, Block 5, Rive Terrace.
2. for Side ard ariance - Ed Lane.
Mr. Ed Lane requested a sideyard vari a double garage within
5' of his property on Lot 1, Block 42,
Since the variance of 5~ would abut a ortion of Chestnut Street not
currently used, S. Hall made a motion, second by A. Grimsmo and
unanimously carried to approve the 5' ideyard variance requested by
Ed Lane for Lot 1, Block 42, Upper Men icello.
3. Consideration of Buildin Permit for a Du lex- Bud Kline.
Bud Kline has applied for a building p rmit to construct a duplex on
Lots g and 9, Block 10, Upper Monticel o.
The Planning Commission previously has recommended that the application
be approved and that the scaping requirement for this
development be waived.
Motion was made by G. Walters, second y A. Grimsmo and unanimously
carried to grant a building permit for Mr. Kline's duplex with a
landscaping requirement of $750.00 for trees and shrtLbs. Credit would be
allowed for existing landscaping.
At the last council meeting, John Bad ich presented a feasibility
report on extending sewer, water and s reet improvements to the
Oakwood Industrial Park.
George Phillips, representing Oakwood dustrial Park, inquired as to
whether the storm sewer and curb and tter could be eliminated from the
improvement project along with a porti n of the proposed water mains
which serve the purpose of looping the water mains only.
Mr. Phillips also inquired as to the p ssibi1ity of extending water
service only this summer if the sewer ould not be constructed.
John Badalich, city engineer, indicate that he would report back
to the council on the feasibility of e'iminating a portion of the
looped water mains in Oakwood, and tha water service could be
installed separately, but would be mor costly.
S. Hall entered a motion, second by A. Grimsmo to adopt a resolution
ordering O.S.M. to prepare plans and s ecifications for servicing
Oakwood Industrial Park with water and sanitary sewer only. Voting
in favor: C. Johnson, S. Hall, A. Gri smo, D. B1onigen.
Abstaining: G. Walters.
(See Resolution 197 #5)
5. Street Improvement Project.
John Badalich, city engineer, presente a preliminary report on the
costs involved on a complete street i rovement project. The report
discussed the construction of permanen 1y surfaced streets including
curb, gutter, storm sewer and other ut lities as required by
dividing the city into (2) sections.
The estimated costs of the improvement for each section are as follows:
Section I - Area West of Hwy. 25.
Street improvements
Storm sewer
Sanitary sewer
Water main
Section II - Area East of H
Street improvements
Storm sewer
Sanitary sewer
Water main
Total Section I & II costs
E~ "....t
-' I
Methods of assessing the improvements ere discussed. If all street
improvements for the entire project we e to be assessed on a front foot
basis, a typical 66' lot would be asse sed $2,415.60.
A possible method of assessing the sto sewer improvements would be
based on the area contributing storm w ter runoff. A typical residential
66' lot would have approximately a $73 .00 assessment under this method.
The minor sewer and water main improve
be directly assessed to benefitting pr
locations would
Council consensus was to table the rep rt for 2 to 4 weeks for further study.
6. Consideration of eration of Informat'on Center.
Previous council consensus was to have the senior citizens center
operate the information center for the summer of 1977.
A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried
to operate the information center for proximately 43 hours per week per the
following schedule:
Monday - Thursday
11 A. M. - 5 P. M.
11 A. M. - $ P. M.
10 A.M. - 5 P. M.
2 P. M. - 5 P. M.
The senior citizens would be paid the . imum wage of $2.10 per hour
wi th ~ the wage going directly to the . di vidual while the other t of
the wage being credited to the senior itizens center for future uses.
Consideration of Amendin Ordinance Se tion $- 2 Relative to
Permitted Trees to be lanted in a New Subdivision.
D. Blonigen made a motion, second by S. Hall and unanimously carried
to adopt an ordinance amendment under ection $-3-2 prohibiting any species
of elm trees from being planted within the City of Monticello.
(See Ordinance Amendment 8-1 -75 #29).
$. Consideration of Interior Decorator -
Discussion was held on the possibility of hiring outside professional
help in planning the interior furnis . gs for the new city hall.
Mayor Johnson and G~ Wieber will be hecking into possible alternatives
and report back to the council at a la er date.
9. The minutes of April 25, 1977 stand ap
Beer License - Lions Club.
G. Walters made a motion, second by S. Hall and unanimously carried
to grant the Lions Club a one (1) day eer license for their 4th of July
celebration planned in the West Bridge Park.
The Public Works Director requested th t the council consider making
3rd Street a thru street in Monticello Council consensus was to elimi-
nate the existing stop signs on 3rd St from Walnut to Elm, with the
north-south streets yielding to 3rd St
Meeting adjourned.
Rick Wo1fstel1 ,
Adm. Asst.