City Council Minutes 06-22-1977 Special I I I MONTICELLO CI , SPECIAL June 22, 1977 - COUNCIL TING : 00 P. M. Members present: C. Johnson, Hall. G. Walters Also present: William Shackor, Bud Schru: p, Herb Ketcham, Chuck Liddy, Gary Wieber. 1. Review of Interior Decoratin Herb Ketcham and Chuck Liddy reviewed! options for the wood decking roofing material and it was council c nsensus to select the clear seal-primed decking. Also discussed were three color sche le options presented on carpeting, paint for interior, quar tile, ceramic tile, toilet parti- tions and plastic laminate for the se' vice counter and council table. Chuck Liddy indicated a reduction of ! 4,849.72 would be available if the council determined to purchase thi carpeting locally. It was decided to discuss the carpeting sele tion along with the other items on July 11, 1977 at 6:30 P. M. 2. Parking Lot Dino' s Other World. The parking lot at Dino's Other World has not been hard surfaced as required by Monticello ordinance. It was decided by council consensus to deny any extension of time to comp ete parking lot and liquor license would not be renewed July 1, 977 unless the lot was complete. Meeting Adjourned. GW/ns