City Council Minutes 06-27-1977
June 27, 1977 - 7:30 P. M.
Members present: C. Johnson, D. Blonige , A. Grimsmo, G. Walters.
1. Certificate of Occu anc - Silver
The city council members met with J. Miller, building inspector and
Paul Klein, fire chief, at the Silve Fox Motel to review the
completeness of the operation.
The owners of the motel, Stuart Hogl
a certificate of occupancy be grante
d and Earl Larson, requested
to open their establishment.
The building inspector and fire chie prepared a list of items that
needed completion before occupancy. !Of major concern by the council
was that smoke detectors were not in 'talled in all rooms and a kitchen
exhaust fan was not operational.
G. Walters entered a motion, second
to issue a certificate of occupancy
lation of all room smoke detectors,
all areas being used for parking wer,
Y A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
o the Silver Fox Motel upon instal-
he kitchen exhaust fan and when
Additionally, the remainder of the i ems noted by the building
inspector must be completed wi thin 3 days. (See Slfpplement
6-27-77 #1).
Consideration of
Silver Fox Motel.
roval of Commerc al Develo ment Revenue Bonds -
At a previous council meeting in Nov mber, 1976, a resolution was
passed giving preliminary approval t the issuance of commercial
development revenue bonds for the Si ver Fox Motel. These bonds will
be purchased by one or two banks and the city of Monticello would not
be liable for their payment should t e developers default.
G. Walters made a motion, second by
to adopt a resolution approving the
in the amount of $410,000 for the Si
1977 #9).
3. Presentation of 1976 Audit Report.
. Blonigen and unanimously carried
ommercial development bonds
ver Fox Motel. (See Resolution
Bob Carlson of Gruys, Johnson & Asso ., was present at the meeting
to outline the 1976 audit report.
After Mr. Carlson's presentation, a otion was made by D. Blonigen,
second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to accept the 1976
audit report as presented.
4. Consideration of Buildin Permit A 'oval - 12 Unit t.
Mr. Joseph LaFromboise dba Construct
permit for a twelve unit apartment.
utilizing an existing foundation jus
Belmar Apartments.
on Five is requesting a building
This apartment would be constructed
west of the apartment known as
At their last meeting, the Planning ommission recommended approval of
the permit contingent upon presentat on of a certificate of survey.
Also, a revised drainage plan was re uested by the Planning Commission
and has been approved by the city en . neer.
D. Blonigen made a motion, second by G. Walters and unanimously carried
to approve the issuance of a buildin permit to Construction Five for
the 12 unit apartment building.
5. Consideration of Rezonin Re uest - ern Youn ber .
Mr. Vern Youngberg requested that Lo 1, Block 2, Creekside Terrace, be
rezoned from R-l (Single Family Resi ential) to R-2 (Single & 2 Family
Residential) to allow for a double b' galow to be constructed.
At the Planning Commission meeting h Id recently, two area property
owners voiced objection to the rezon g request as they were concerned
that it may set a precedent for fut e requests to build duplex's or
other multiple family structures in he area.
The Planning Commission recommended pproving the rezoning of the lot
contingent upon the council's approv of a building permit for a 2 family
duplex at the same time. They also ecommend that future rezonings of
this nature be on a scattered site b sis only.
A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by . Blonigen and unanimously
carried to rezone Lot 1, Block 2, Cr ekside Terrace from R-l
to R-2 and approve the issuance of a building permit for a double
bungalow to Mr. Vern Youngberg. (See Ordinance Amendment $-15-75 #20).
6. Considerati0n of Purchase A roval-
The Monticello Fire Dept. has reques ed authorization to purchase
twenty-nine (29) fire proof coats at a cost of approximately $3,000
along with six hundred (600) feet of hose and nozzle for $1,000.
The coats are needed to replace exis ing coats which are getting worn
out and do not have the fire resist t qualities of newer coats.
Purchase of hose and nozzle would be to equip the existing fire trucks
with the standard equipment that was notice to be short after the
fire dept. took inventory.-
At their last meeting, the Joint Fir Board approved the purchase of
the hose and nozzle along with a rec mmendation that coats be purchased
up to the budgeted amount in 1977 or $1,275 which would allow for the pur-
chase of a dozen coats.
D. Blonigen made a motion to approve the purchase of 29 fire dept. coats,
600' of hose and 1 l~' fire nozzle. Died for lack of a second.
A. Grimsmo entered a motion, second D. Blonigen and unanimously carried
to approve the purchase of 12 fire d pt. coats, 600' of hose and a l~'
fire nozzle.
Consideration of I rovements at Was ewater Treatment Plant.
Mike Rajala, public works director, formed the council of the improve-
ments needed at the wastewater treat ent plant to the boiler system and
trickling filters. It would appear hat the repairs and maintenance
expenses to the trickling filter sys em would not be eligible for federal
funding since they are maintenance t e expenditures.
Additionally, there is a problem wit the sludge digester, and while the
majority of the expenditures necess to modify the existing digester
would be most likely eligible for fe eral funding, a new boiler system is
needed as soon as possible due to od r problem that exists and sludge
The cost of a new boiler has been es imated at $10,000 while the public
works director felt that approximate y $3,000 in repairs could be made
to the trickling filters to make the operational.
G. Walters made a motion, second by . Blonigen and unanimously carried
to advertise for bids for a new boil. r system at the wastewater treatment
plant and authorize the public works, director to make repairs to the trick-
ling filters as needed to make them perational.
8. Pro
b Chairman Bob Brown.
Mr. Brown updated the council on the Society's search for shelving and
displ~ cases for the Historical bui ding.
Mr. Brown had met with councilman D.! Blonigen to discuss possible ways
of building shelving and display ca es for the Society. Also, Mr. Brown
indicated that used 6' display case with glass sides and lighting could
be purchased for approximately $150 to $200 each.
On a motion by C. Johnson, and a se ond by D. Blonigen and unanimously
carried, authorization was given to Mr. Brown to spend up to $600 on the
purchase of display cases for the . storical Society building.
9. Consideration of Tree Removal and R lacement Costs - 1977 Dutch Elm
Since 1974 thec:ity has billed the roperty owner $45.00 for each
Dutch elm diseased tree removed. ing 1975 and 1976 replacement
trees were r:nade available ata minim cost of $10.00 in 1975 and
$15.00 in 1976.
The average cost of a replacement t ee and removal of a diseased tree has
been estimated at $210.00 for 1977.
G. Waltere made a motion, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
to charge a $70.00 fee to residents for a diseased tree removed which would
include a free replacement tree.
10. Consideration of A roval of Chan e rder for Additional Drain Tile
on Mississippi Drive.
Motion by G. Walters, second by A. G imsmo to approve the change
order #4 with Or$'ei & Sons for addi t. onal drain tile on Mississippi
Drive in the amount of $5,293.00. favor: C. Johnson, G. Walters,
A. Grimsmo. Opposed: D. Blonigen. See supplement 6-27-77 #2).
11. Consideration of Intoxicatin Li uor and Non-Intoxicatin Malt
Liquor Licenses.
G. Walters made a motion, second by . Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the following int xicating and non-intoxicating
liquor licenses:
Non Intoxicating On Sale Malt
Fee - $100
Monticello Wrtck
Monticello Rod and Gun
Intoxicating On Sale Liquor censes
Fee - $2,500
Monticello Liquors, Inc.
Wayside Inn
Joyner Lanes
Non Intoxicating Off Sale Malt quor Licenses
Fee - $15.00
Monticello Liquors, Inc.
Ernie's Bait Shop
Wayne's Red Owl
Maus Foods
River Terrace Trailer Par Store
Monticello Wreck
Wayside Inn
John's Discount Food
G. Walters also made a motion, seco d by A. Grimsmo and unanimously
carried to issue On Sale Intoxicat. g Liquor Licenses to the Silver Fox
Inn and Dino' s other World upon comp etion of all occupancy requirements
listed by the building inspector fo these establishments.
12. Consideration of
roval of Part T" e Office Hel .
With the addition of a deputy regis rar's office in city hall, a need
has developed for an additional par time individual to assist in handling
deputy registrar transactions along with secretarial duties.
c. Johnson made a motion, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
to approve the hiring of additional part time office help.
Street Improvement Project.
At our May 9, 1977 meeting, consult' g city engineer, John Badalich,
outlined a $2,973,160 improvement p oject for updating and improving the
city streets. Breakdown of the cos s is as follows:
Street reconstruction
Storm water drainage
Sanitary sewer
Water main
$1,5 ,700
12 400
$2 160
The council also discussed improvin
overlay without the curb, gutter an
estimated to cost approximately $lS
street project.
the streets with a 2" bituminous
storm sewer improvements. The overlay was
_ 225,000, compared to the $3,000,000 permanent
D. B10nigen entered a motion, secon
city engineer to prepare plans and
with seal coating where necessary.
try and correct some of the areas t
by A. Grimsmo to authorize the
ecifications for a 2" overlay mat
The engineer was instructed to also
at have existing drainage problems.
In favor:
c.. Johnson, A. Grimsmo,
G. Walters.
. B1onigen.
14. Fillin
At the last regular council meeting Stan Hall resigned as he is leaving
the city of Monticello. The resign tion was effective June 15, 1977.
D. Blonigennominated Romie Brauch
Dr. Phil White to fill the unexpire
nominations, D. Blonigen made a mot
d councilman A. Grimsmo nominated
term of stan Hall. Hearing no other
on, second by A. Grimsmo to close the
Voting in favor of R. Brauch was D. Blonigen.
Voting in favor of Phil White were . Johnson, A. Grimsmo, G. Walters.
Dr. Phil White was appointed to fil Stan Hall's unexpired council
term until Dec. 31, 1975.
15. Consideration of Ordinance Amendme s - Motor Vehicle and Recreation
Equipment Sales.
A public hearing was held by the Planning Commission at their last
meeting on a proposal to amend the current zoning ordinances to
require a conditional use permit fd outside sales in a B-3 or B-4 zone
rather than allow such uses as a p mitted use. The purpose of the amendment
would be to control outside sales donnected with the principal use of the
business to 3~ of the gross floor area of the principal building.
(p /~rJ /77
G. Walters made a motion, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
to delete Section 10-13-1(B), which allowed motor vehicle and recreation
equipment sales and garages accesso thereto as permitted uses in a
B-3 district and add the following endments to the Zoning Ordinances:
Amend ordinance Section 10-13- (E)-l as follows:
1. Outside services, sales and equipment rental connected with
the principal use is limite to thirty (30) per cent of the gross
floor area of the principal use. This percentage may be
increased as a condition of the conditional use permit.
Amend ordinance Section 10-14- (B) as follows:
(B) Open or outdoor service, s e and rental as a principal
and accessory use and incl ding sales in or from motorized
vehicles, trailers or wago s provided that:
1. Outside service, sales and equipment rental connected
with the principal use is limited to thirty (30) per cent
of the gross floor are of the principal use. This per-
centage may be increas d as a condition of the conditional
use permit.
(See Ordinance amendment 9-15-75 #3 ).
Senior Citizen Center Update.
At a previous council meeting, coun ilmen Stan Hall and Arve Grimsmo
were appointed to a committee to e 'lore the options available in
relocating the Senior Citizen Cente .
The committee looked into the possi ility of using a portion of the
Oakwood Elementary School building long with using the present city
hall as a future site.
Mr. Grimsmo informed the council th t it was the committee's opinion that
the best alternative at the present time would be to explore the
feasibility of enlarging the presen ci ty hall for the Senior Citizens.
A. Grimsmo entered a motion, second by G. Walters to have the
Architectural Alliance prepare prel minary plans for additional space
to the present city hall building.
In favor: C. Johnson, G. Walters, . Grimsmo
Abstaining: D. Blonigen
John Badali h.
Mr. John badalich, consulting city ngineer, reviewed with the council
the wastewater treatment plant repo t requested by the MPCA relative to
Monticello's NPDES permit reissuanc .
The report outlined the al ternati ve available to Monticello in an effort
to reduce the current effluent leve s being discharged from the
treatment plant.
The report recommended that the mos cost-effective interim remeqy measure
would be to treat the raw sewage wih more chem:i.cals at an estimated annual
cost of approximately $15 - 18,000. In addition to the first year costs
for chemicals, an additional $8,000 would be needed for equipment and
$9,000 for testing.
The report has been sent to the MPC for their review and comments.
Approval of Bills.
A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by G. Walters and unanimously carried
to approve the bills for June 1977 s presented. (See supplement
6-27-77 #3).
19. The minutes of the Re lar Council
The minutes of the regular council eeting held May 23, 1977 stand approved
as read.
20. Interior Decorator - City Hall.
M~or Con Johnson informed the coun il that he would like to utilize
$500 of his 1977 salary to hire Mr. Larry Weidt, an interior decorator,
to come up with ideas and suggestio s for decorating the new city hall.
Discussion on New City Dog Pound.
J. Miller, contractor for the new cty dog pound, informed the council
that the dog pOllnd plans did not in lude individual doorways from the inside
of the pound to the outside dog run .
Mr. Miller indicated that he would e willing to cut and install the
doorways in exchange for painting 0 the interior of the building.
On a motion by G. Walters, second b A. Grimsmo, it was unanimously
carried to authorize Mr. Miller to .1 stall the individual doorways in
exchange for painting of the interi r of the dog pound.
MOtion by G. Walters, second by A.
Rick Wolfste
Adm. Assist
to adjourn.