City Council Minutes 07-07-1977 Special
July 7, 197 - 4 P. M.
Members present:
C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, G. Walters, P. White.
Member absent:
D. Blonigen
1. Oath of Office - Phil White.
The oath of office of councilmember Pilip White was administered by
Gary Wieber. Dr. White will fill the unexpired term of Stanley Hall who
resigned due to a move of residence 0 tside of the city.
2. Review of Interior Decoratin
Angela Crawford, Chuck Lidqy and Herb Ketcham of the Architectural Alliance
were present and reviewed plans for t e interior decorating of city hall.
Mayor Johnson presented a color sched e prepared by Larry Weidt. This
schedule was then reviewed along with their earlier schedules presented
by the Architectural Alliance. The f llowing was decided:
A. TAA will do a new color sched e based upon the discussion held
at this meeting. Two changes from the Contract will be explored;
namely, to utilize vinyl wall overing in lieu of paint for the
wall finish in the majority 0 the rooms, and to urilize a 2$ oz.,
solid color, nylon carpeting hat would be glued directly to the
concrete floor, in lieu of th 42 oz. acrylic carpet over pad that
is in the Contract. TAA will obtain prices from the General
Contractor for the substituti n of the vinyl wall covering for the
paint and of the nylon carpet for the acrylic carpet, and will also
obtain a price for the deleti n of the carpeting and its installa-
tion entirely from the Contra t. This will give the City of Monti-
cello the option of having 10 al carpet suppliers bid on providing
the carpeting, if the city so desires.
B. The wood trim, wood doors and door frames, council table, service
counter, and other items in t e new city hall that are finished wood
(except the laminated roof de k and beams) will be stained a medium
dark oak color in lieu of the natural finish specified in the
Contract. TAA will look at v ious staining options and present
them to the council with the ew color schedule.
C. The recessed wood base will r main as a recessed base, rather than
being surface applied.
D. The council table will be mov d so it is centered on the front comer
of the council chamber rather than to the right as it is now.
E. Thin slat venetian blinds wil be utilized for sun control in the
perimeter offices, rather th draperies. TAA will recommend a
color for the blinds, based u on the recommended wall colors.
F. One coat of sealer to be util zed on laminated roof decking.
A special meeting was set for July 28, 19 7 at 4 P.M. to select final colors.