City Council Minutes 07-11-1977
July 11, 1977 7:30 P. M.
Members present: C. Johnson, D. Blonigen A. Grimsmo, G. Walters, P. White.
Mayor C. Johnson welcomed and introdu ed the new council member,
Dr. Phil White, who was appointed to fill the unexpired term of stan Hall.
Dr. White was sworn in as a councilman at a special meeting held 7-7-77.
1. Public Hearin - Variance on Accesso
Area Limitations.
Mr. Jean Brouillard requested a vari ce from the provisions of Monticello
Ordinance Section 10-3-2-(D)-4 which imits the total area of accessory
buildings to 1,000 square feet.
Mr. Brouillard currently has a garage that is 24' x 40' or 960 square feet
to the east of his residence at 336 E st Broadway and would like to build
a second garage in his rear yard of t e same size.
2. Consideration of Sewer and Water
At their last meeting, the Planning
variance with the stipulation that th
sonal use and not for Mr. Brouillard t
mmission recommended approval of the
second garage be used only for per-
A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by D: Blonigen and unanimously carried to
approve the variance request for Mr. rouillard to build a second garage
on his property for personal use.
ction Fee.
Current City Ordinances relative to S, wer and Water connection fees
indicate that charges would be made f r main line oversizing and for the
cost of the treatment plant when new onnections are made to the Sewer and
Water system. Since the current conn ction charges seemed quite severe in
addition to the amounts normally asse: sed to the individual property, a
new fee schedule was formulated equat. g commercial enterprises to a single
family residence to arrive at a hoolru: fee. By equating these facilities
to a single family residence, it woul eliminate problems incurred in trying
to determine equitable costs at time f development.
G. Walters made a motion, second by . White and unanimously carried to
amend Monticello Ordinance Section 7-2-1-(C) and (D) relative to Sewer and
Water connection fees. (See Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 #31).
3. Consideration of Amendin Ordinance
The current City Ordinance relative
a dog shall be kept for at least (7)
dog impoundment costs have been for
unclaimed dogs, the Council discusse
of impoundment to (3) days instead 0
o impoundment of dogs indicates that
days. Since the majority of the City's
leaning and feeding of the
the feasibility of reducing the length
Even though the majority of the dog "mpounding costs are related to housing
the unclaimed dogs, the cost per day per dog is relatively small. D. Blonigen
made a motion, second by P. White an unanimously carried to leave the length
of impoundment at (7) days.
COnsideration of Service Contract wit Minnesota Growth Exchan e.
The City's contract with Minnesota Gr wth Exchange is currently up for
renewal. Minnesota Growth Exchange, c. is a consulting agency that provides
technical and referral service assist ce to employers relating to behavioral/
medical problems of employees.
Purpose of entering into a contract . th Minnesota Growth Exchange, Inc.
to establish an employee assistance p ogram, is to obtain a higher level
of employee job performance in additi n to prevention of accidents,
insurance claims and grievances.
The net co st to the City through 6-3
State funding of $138.00.
78 would be $42.00, which includes
A. Grimsmo entered a motion, second b
to renew the service contract with
at $42.00.
D. Blonigen and unanimously carried
esota Growth Exchange until 6-30-78
for Second Council Meetin of the MOnth.
Due to the fact that the new Council
conflict on the Council's second re
MOnday, it will be necessary to set u
ember, Philip White, has a
ar meeting of the month, the fourth
a new day for this meeting.
P. White made a motion, second by G. alters and unanimously carried to
temporarily set the fourth Wednesday f each month as the second regular
Council meeting date on a trial basis,
6. Approval of Minutes.
The minutes of 6-27-77 were corrected to read that under item #l6,
D. Blonigen abstained from voting on he motion.
After making the above correction, th minutes of 6-22-77 and 6-27-77 were
approved as presented.
for Use of Present Cit Hall Buildin .
A letter was recieved from the Fire D partment members requesting that
the City Council consider turning ove the present City Hall-fire Barn to
the Fire Department rather than remod ling the building for Senior Citizens
use. (Supplement 7-11-77 #l). The re Department felt that with the present
growth increase of MOnticello, the D artment has been increasing its
activities and as such feels a need f r use of the entire building. They also
felt that if additional equipment wo d be purchased in the near future,
the present building would have to be expanded to accommodate the fire
fighting equipment.
C. Johnson made a motion, second by P White and unanimously carried to
reappoint a (2)-man committee consist g of Councilmen A. Grimsmo and
P. White to restudy the future use of the present City Hall building and
the future needs of the Fire Departm t and senior citizens center.
s. Department Head Quarterly Meeting.
A quarterly meeting was held by the uncil with the following department
heads in attendance:
Fire Department Chief
Sheriff's Office
Public Works Director
Civil Defense Director
City Administrator
Building Inspector
Various topics were discussed with e ch department head, including traffic
and parking problems, and the possib e need by the Civil Defense for
walkie-talkies in case of emergencie .
The Building Inspector asked the Co cil to consider adopting the Uniform
Housing Code to enable the City Buil " g Inspector to inspect private and
commercial buildings for building co e defects and violations.
The public works director discussed . th the council the current city policy
of picking up branches and debris fr m residential property owners. Council
consensus was to continue the presen program of hauling away branches and
limbs when time permitted.
Council also instructed the Fire Chi f, Paul Klein, to inspect the vacant
house located at Third and Cedar Str et and report back to the Council in
two weeks on whether the property is considered a fire hazard.
9. ent to Adol hson and Peterson
G. Walters made a motion, second by . Blonigen and unanimously carried
to approve the change order #2 to Ad lphson and Peterson, Inc. on the 76-1
Improvement Project in the amount of $35.00 and approved the final payment
of $30,327.00 to Adolphson and Peter on for the 76-1 Improvement Project
Section II, less $3,500.00 to be ret "ned until all items have been
completed (See Supplement 7-11-77 #2,.
10. Street I rovement U date - John Bad
At the last Council meeting, John Ba alich, City Th.gineer, was authorized
to prepare plans and specifications or a 2" overlay mat with seal coating
where necessary for a majority of th streets located in the old City limits.
Mr. Badalich reviewed the streets ne ding repairs with the Public Works
Director and discussed with the Coun il some alternate ways of improving
the streets, rather than with a 2" o'erlay.
Mr. Badalich will be preparing a wri ten report for the next Council meeting
outlining his recommendations and co t estimates.
By C01ll1cil consensus, the Public Wor s Director was instructed to
install an identification sign on th new Monticello Maintenance Building.
The City Administrator was also inst cted to set up another meeting with
the Masonic Lodge, owners of the Riv rside Cemetery, to discuss the
possible acquisition and operation 0 the Cemetery by the City.
Motion by P. White, second by A. Gri
Rick Wolfstell
Adm. Assistant