City Council Minutes 08-24-1977 I I REGULAR CITY COUNG L MEEI'ING August 24, 1977 - :30 P. M. Members present: C. Jolmson, A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen, P. White, G. Walters. 1. Public Hearin _ Assessments on 1 76 Sewer and Water I rovement Pro oect. The Public Hearing was opened to ci t" zen's questions. Roy Lauring inquired as to why commercial and in ustrial parcels would be assessed for a larger 10" water main vs. a 6" residential water main lateral. It was explained that a 10" water 1" e is considered normal for a commercial/industrial lot due to the r need for a greater flow demand. Rob Kline stated that he felt the se er and water would not directly benefit the Rod & Gun Club because t ey already have their own septic tank and well. His opinion was that the city should take this into consideration when determining the a sessments. Hugo Sonbaclmer inquired as to what mprovements were actually included in his assessment. G. Walters made a motion, second by to adopt a resolution certifying the Auditor as presented, prorated over (See Resolution 1977 #12.) . Grimsmo and unanimously carried assessment rolls to the COunty o years @ 7tfo interest. 2. Public Hearin - Variance from Side Wachter. d Setback Re uirements - Bruce Mr. Bruce Wachter is requesting a v riance to build a deck within five (5) feet from his west propert line for Block 1, Lot 2 of Griefnow Addition. This is a sidey rd and ordinance requires a ten (10) foot setback. I ! P. White made a motion, second by .. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the variance request to uild a deck wi thin 5' of the property line. 3. 4. & 5. Consideration of Ordinance Amendmen to Allow Glass Sales & Service as a Permitted use within a B-2 Limit d Business Zone. Public Hearin - COnsideration of a variance from 2% Acre Minimum Lot Size Re uirements for Lot Witho t Cit Sewer & Water - Rick Lon le . COnsideration of Buildin Permit- I Mr. Rick Longley requested the city amend their ordinances to allow Glass Sales and Service as a permit ed use wi thin a B-3 (Highway Business) zone in order that he mi t locate his "Glass Hut" on a parcel of property south of 1-94 an east of Highway 25 (see enclosed map). Currently there is no refer ce to this type of use in any zoning district. I I I 8 /~Lf J'17 The City Planner, Howard Dahlgren & A soc., recommended this use be allowed as a permitted use within a 2 (limited business) and also the ordinances relative to B-3 permit ed uses be amended to allow as permitted uses any use permitted in a B-1 or B-2 zone. Mr. Longley also requested a variance from City ordinance reqUlrmg any parcel not served by public water and sewer be at least ~ acres in size. The City Engineers did not eel there would be any problem in granting Mr. Longley a variance s. ce his lot was 2.03 acres, and as long as the state standards relat. g to septic tank distances from wells and property lines are adh red to. A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to: A. Amend ordinance section 10-1 2(DD) to allow Glass Sales & Service as a permitted use. a B-2 district and amend Qrd. Section 10-13-2(AA) to allow all permitted uses in a B-1 and B-2 district as permitte uses in a B-3 district; B. Grant Mr. Longley a variance from Ord. Section 10-3-4(c) to allow construction of an in .'vidual septic tank; and C. Approval of a building permi business contingent upon the Mr. Longley for future sewer (See Ord. Amendment 8-25-75 6. Consideration of A roval Dwelling - Tom Chock. Mr. Tom Chock requested approval of a duplex on Lot 5, Block 42, Upper for his Glass Sales & Service city obtaining an easement from and water main construction. 3.) for two building permit to construct nticello. The Building Inspector and Planning mmission have reviewed and approved the building permit applica ion. I Motion was made by D. Blonigen, seco d by G. Walters and unanimously carried to approve the building pe t for a duplex on Lot 5, Block 42. 7. Consideration of Final Plat - Anders Wilhelm Estates. Mr. John Sandberg requested approval of his 30-parcel, 15 acre plat just west of Hillcrest Addition and outh of Prairie Road. The plat has been approved by the PI . g Commission and City Engineer. Motion was made by P. White, second y D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the final Anders I ilhelm Estates plat as presented. 8. Review of Pro rovements to Ni w Senior Citizens Center. Councilmen A. Grimsmo and P. White w re appointed to meet with Senior Citizens Center Representatives to termine what improvements were necessary at the recently purchased on Motors Building. I I I 10. ~ fa. '-f J 11 Following is a list of improvements hat were reviewed by the committee along with Karen Hanson and Marie Pe erson: A. Partition to segregate shop ceramics area. B. Tiling of floor in ceramic ea. C. Electrical rewiring to bring in multiphase wiring. Separate meters will be inst led for Dave Kranz and Senior Citizens Center. D. Additional restroom. Buildi g currently has only one bathroom. E. Landscaping to be done in fr nt of building. F. Painting interior and exteri r walls. Council consensus was that in a workmanship manner. provide free labor Karen Hanson has indicated that for the necessary improvements. A special meeting of the Senior Ci ti ens Board of Directors will be held to make a decision as to the amunt of funds the center will allocate towards the improvements. ements done at the center be done Until the Senior Citizens committee the improvements and whether they ha towards the improvements, further co tabled. an determine the actual costs of e sufficient funds to allocate sideration by the council was 9. Consideration The council discussed adopting the iform housing code that would apply to all buildings either exist' g or intended to be built. Adoption of this code would provide he necessary tool for the building inspector to inspect any building th t may be substandard, and has the authori ty to order the building rep '. red, vacated or demolished as needed. At their last meeting, the Planning the code; however, their feelings we concentrate on rental units and sing definitely in need of repair. mmission recommended adoption of e that the code should be utilized to e family properties that are Because the adoption of the uniform within Monticello, P. White entered and unanimously carried to set 9/12/ tional meeting on adopting the unifo ousing code affects all property motion, second by D. Blonigen 7 as the date for a public inform a- housing code. Review of Walnut Street Mr. Gary Pringle, City Attorney, re ewedwith the council his recommenda- tions on the opening of the Walnut S reet crossing. Mr. Pringle stated that the railroad no longer disputes the fact that Monticello does own the property on hich the tracks are located, and they have agreed to support the cros ing when the matter comes before the Minnesota Public Service Commiss on for a hearing. I I I 13. Consideration Project. 12. D. Blonigen made a motion, second b G. Walters and unanimously carried to authorize the City Atto ey to proceed with the procedural steps necessary to obtain the cross' g on Walnut Street. 11. Consideration of Ado tion of Street Irovement Program. At a previous council meeting, the . ty Engineer was instructed to delay preparing plans and specifica ions that were previously ordered for a 2" overlay street improvement program in order to give the council additional time to study the possib'lity of a permanent street program including storm sewers and curb and gutter. The cost of a permanent street impr vement was estimated at $2,272,000 by the City Engineer's report. G. Walters made a motion, second by.P. White to hold a public hearing on 9/28/77 for the proposed perman t street improvement program including storm sewers, and curb an gutter at an estimated cost of $2,272,000.00. Consideration of Orderin Development Plan. In favor: C. Johnson, G. Walters, . White, A. Grimsmo Abstaining: D. Blonigen The Business District Development mmittee and the Planning Commission both have endorsed the plan and the recommendations contained therein. Both committees have also recommend d that priority be placed on opening up Walnut Street between th downtown area and the mall. Addi tionally, the Planning Commissi recommended the entire plan be implemented at one time rather t an in stages. The estimated cost of the project is $400,000, which i eludes the Walnut Street crossing. Discussion by the council should be ordered for the improvements necessary to mall. whether a feasibility study entire pr ject, or possibly on just the open Waln t Street between downtown and the The consensus of the council was to set up a meeting with the consulting planner, City Engineer, Business De elopment Committee, Planning Commission and council members to ther discuss the proposed Business District Development Plan' detail. for 1977 Li At the public hearing held for the 977 street lighting project, it was proposed to assess 50% of the p oject costs to abutting property owners along Hwy. 25. a total project cost of The proposed assessments would be b $32,510.00. D. Blonigen entered a motion, secon by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to hold a public hearing on the proposed assessments for the 1977 street lighting project on 9/1 77 at 7:30 P.M. (See supplement 8-24-77 #1) I I I 14. Approval of Bills. D. Blonigen made a motion, second b G. Walters and unanimously carried to approve the list of bills for Au st 1977 as presented. (See supplement '6-2Lr77 #2) 15. for 1 -2 Sewer A motion was made by A. Grimsmo, second by P. White and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of SS/77 as presented. 16. At a public hearing held 4-25-77, t e council approved the extension of sewer and water, storm sewer and appurtenant work to the proposed plat of John Sandberg, just west of 'llcrest Addition. Because the plat has been officiall ' made a motion, second by A. Grimsmo a resolution ordering final plans Sanitary Sewer, streets, watermain to serve the "Anders Wilhelm Estate 1977 #13) accepted and approved, G. Walters and unanimously carried to adopt d specifications for the 1977-2 d storm sewer improvement project " subdivision. (See resolution 17. storage of Council Meeting Tapes. D. Blonigen made a motion, second b G. Walters to recind the previous council action of storing council meeting tape recordings for only 6 months and extend the storage of ouncil meeting tapes to 3 years. In favor: Opposed: G. Walters, A. Grimsmo, C. Johnson . White, D. Blonigen 1$. Miscellaneous. The City Administrator was instruct d to report back to the council with a list of furnishings needed at the ew City Hall along with the estimated costs. A public hearing was also scheduled for 9-12-77 to receive input and recommendations as to how Monticel1 's 197$ allocation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds should be sp t. Council consensus was to have the g eral contractor for the 4th Street Warming House project submit to the council the dollar figure the City can expect to save on the alternate roof structure being used by the contractor. Meeting adjourned.