Parks Commission Minutes 02-20-1997
Regular Meeting w Parks Commission
Thursday, February 20,1997 w 4:30 p.m.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Robbie Smith
Fran Fair
Jeff O'Neill, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer, John Simola
1. Call meeting to order.
Chairperson Nolan called the meeting to order.
2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the regular meetin~ January 16, 1997.
passed unanimously.
Added items.
There were three items:
1. Signs in the parks
2. Name Outlot A
3. Public Works overload
Interviews for Parks Commission.
There were three applicants for the position vacated by Bruce Thielen's election to
the City Council. The people interviewed were Mike Lundquist, Rick Traver, and
Jeffrey Burns. All of the candidates were very qualified for the position and the
Commission discussed each one's qualifications in regards to what was most needed
by the commission at this time.
After discussing each applicant in length, Rick Traver was chosen to be
recommended to the City Council for the position.
Hockey AssociationIV ance Ellis - 6:00
Vance Ellis, Monticello Youth Hockey Association - YHA, had requested to be on the
agenda to review the Agreement of Understanding for the 4th Street skating rink
and warming house. Vance Ellis, Denny Taylor, and Ray Henningson came to the
meeting to represent the YHA. Ellis reported that their equipment to keep the ice in
skating condition was in need of replacement. He inquired if the City would be able
to help in this area. Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, stated the City could not
leave equipment at the rink for the YHA to use because of insurance restrictions.
The equipment would need to be operated by a City employee. Mack had the rink
attendants track the number of skaters using the rinks and found the use of the
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rink has greatly increased since the agreement was executed. Mack stated that it is
probably time for the City to take the responsibility of clearing the snow at the rink
but the YHA would still need to have some type of equipment for clearing ice
shavings during practice. YHA agreed this could be accomplished. It was discussed
and agreed that the YHA would still be responsible for the flooding of the 4th Street
Next the warming house was discussed, Mack had taken pictures of the facility to
demonstrate the needed repairs. The windows had been broken in the past and
replaced with blocks not glass so the inside of the building has no natural lighting.
This is also a safety concern because the attendant cannot see to supervise the rink
when inside the building and visa versa. Simola suggested a window be installed
where the window had once been. Staff will need to research what type of window
could be installed that would be stronger because of the possibility of being hit by a
hockey puck. Next O'Neill reported that the electric bills for the restroom area are
considerably higher than the electrical bills for the warming house at West Bridge
Park. This is because the restrooms are on the outside of the building and have a
separate electric heating system. O'Neill inquired if the warming house was
remodeled would the savings from the electrical bills eventually pay for the
changes? This was discussed and lead to the question, if this rink would be large
enough in a few years or if a new hockey rink and warming house should be in the
future plan? The Parks Commission would discuss this further at a later date to
decide if this item should be included in the long range planning goals.
The idea of hard surfacing the rink for summer roller blading use was also
discussed. This has been done in a number of communities with excellent results
because the rink area in the park can then be used all year for skating. The Parks
Commission stated this was an item that had been discussed and will be reviewed
again during budget meetings.
The consensus of the meeting was to have O'Neill revise the Agreement of
Understanding and take the recommendation to the City Council. A copy would be
sent to Vance Ellis. Mack would research the possibly of installing a window and
improving the ventilation in the building for the next season. There will be two
meetings a year, in September and March, with the YHA and the Parks Commission
to discuss the operations of the rink. (The YHA will contact the Parks Commission
to be on the agenda the month prior to the meetings.) This will be added to the
budget meetings for discussion on contracting snow removal and review of the size
of the facility.
Snowmobile Ordinance - update
Wanda Kraemer, Development Services Technician, reported the Police Commission
was in the process of developing a signed snowmobile route through the City. The
Police Commission had previously met with four officers from the Wright County
Sheriffs department in February and then scheduled a special meeting for March.
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The special meeting was scheduled to include the snowmobile clubs. At this meeting
the Police Commission, Wright County Sheriff's Office, and the Monticello
Trailblazer snowmobile club will decide the best route through Monticello. The
intent of the signed trail is to help avoid confusion for snowmobilers on route
through Monticello, to help protect the hard surface of the pathway system by
keeping snowmobiles off, and also to assist the Sheriffs's office in the enforcement
of the snowmobile ordinance. The Sheriffs department is meeting with all the cities
in Wright County to develop a uniform snowmobile ordinance throughout the
Prairie Restoration - update
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported to the Commission that Sonya Smith,
an intern from the University of Minnesota, will be meeting with city staff to create
a management plan for the prairie and savanna areas along the pathway system
from Prairie Lane to West River Street. Smith's internship is through the Scientific
and Natural Areas Program of the DNR. She is interested in an educational project
addressing a current natural resource. There is also an interest from Wright
County Parks Department and NSP for a management plan to restore prairie grass
and oak savanna areas at Montissippi Park and land around the NSP plant.
Status report on 1997 budget items
Per requested by the Commission a copy of the budget items was included in the
agenda packets. Chairman Nolan stated he would like to see a pathway plan so
there is a section completed each year. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator,
reported there would be an item going to council to recommending a feasibility
study of three pathway areas. He would keep the Commission informed on this.
There was discussion on the $12,000 storage/concession building in the budget for
the Meadow Oak Outlot A Park. Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, would bring
back design ideas and cost estimates to the March meeting.
9. Prioritization schedule
Jeff O'Neill, reported the City Council would be reviewing the list of projects and
budget items on Saturday, March 15,1997. The Council will be attempting to get an
overall view of priorities items that need to be completed.
10. Updates
Amending the subdivision standards to street widths.
Jeff O'Neill reported a meeting had been scheduled for February 27,1997 to
review the width of the street in new residential subdivisions. The
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Committee's object will be to write criteria for street widths.
West Bridge Park
1. Meeting on 1997 improvements - Jeff O'Neill reported that a committee
met to discuss the options on Bridge Park improvements. There is not
a completed plan at this time.
2. Storage of co mID unity band chairs - Jeff O'Neill made a request for the
community band to store about 20 chairs in the warming house during
the summer. The band will then use the park for their weekly practice
location. John Simola thought this could be a good use of the facility
and the chairs could also be used by other people reserving the
building. Roger Mack would order the chairs and a rack to store them.
3. Park Cleanup - John Simola, Public Works Director, reported he had
scheduled the Wright County Sentence to Serve for three days in June
to assist with clean up efforts in the Battle Rapids and Otter Creek
11. Added items.
Signs in the parks.
A sign should be placed in each park stating the name of the park.
B. Name Outlot A.
The park under the freeway overpass, Outlot A by Meadow Oak Subdivision,
should be named. A suggestions was made to have a name contest during the
pathway celebration.
C. Public Work "overload".
John Simola, Public Works Director, stated that the public works department
has so much general maintenance work in streets and parks to take care of
they cannot add more park construction projects at this time. He suggested to
the Parks Commission to consider contract help for future projects.
12. Ac:ijourn.
. Wanda Kraemer .
Development Services Technician
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