City Council Minutes 09-12-1977 I I I REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 12, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. Members present: C. Johnson, D. Blonigen, A. Grimsmo, P. White, G. Walters Citizens comments: (1) Wilbur Eck felt that the consider holding a referr improvement project rathe was informed that a publi has been scheduled for 9- ity Council should seriously ndum on the proposed street than by council motion. Mr. Eck hearing on the proposed project 8-77. (2) Mike Melstad introduced h'mself to the City Council as the new YMCA youth coordinato for this area. (3) Lyndon Sonju presented a etition from (3) property owners along W. River Road reque ting the installation of a street light. (See supplement 9- 2-77 #1) The current policy has been to install stree lights at intersections only, but a motion was made by . Walters, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried t have the Public Works Director review the entire reside tial street lighting program and report back to the counci his recommendations for the area along W. River Stree . 1. Public Hearin - Pro osed Asse sments - 1977 Street Lighting Improvement Project. The lighting improvement proje been recently completed at a t assessment rolls propose to as costs against abutting propert A. Grimsmo made a motion, seco carried to adopt a resolution . improvement project assessment' 10 years @ 7!% interest. (See 9-12-77 #2). t for 1977 along Hwy. 25 has tal cost of $32,510.00. The ess 50% of the total project owners. d by P. White and unanimously pproving the 1977 street lighting rolls as presented payable over Resolution 1977 #14 & Supplement I.A. Public Hearings - Setback Variance Re uests. Variance re uest by Halsted Mr. Wehmann requested a setbac home to be built up to the wes Block 42 of Upper Monticello. mann: variance of 10 feet to allow a ern property line on Lot 10, I I I This lot abuts Chestnut Street and the variance the west property line which a uts the street. segment of street is platted b t has never been G. Walters made a motion, seco setback variance for Mr. Wehma westerly property line on Lot request is for This particular put in. d by P. White to approve a n to build within 5' of the 0, Block 42. Abstaining: In favor: C. Johnson P. White, G. Walters, A. Grimsmo D. Blon gen Variance Re uest by Mr. Jerome Nelson. Mr. Jerome Nelson requested a double garage within 5' of his Riggs Addition, Lower Monticel o. The existing house is located and the variance request the east property line. A motion was made by D. unanimously carried to approve by Jerome Nelson to build a do Riggs Addition. 2. Public Hearing - Pro osed use ariance to build a 24' x 24' property line on Lot 4, Block E, , from the west property line build a double garage 5' from n, second by P. White and the 5' sideyard variance request ble garage on Lot 4, Block E, f Revenue Sharing Funds - 1978. to get input from citizens of s of Federal Revenue Sharing been estimated to approach bur Eck stated that he would r a local police force. Sug- ded using portions of the monies ommuter parking lot and the ng program. stions, the public hearing was ade on possible expenditures dget is reviewed. 3. public Hearin - Consideration of Rezonin Block 6 of U er Monticello from &-3 (Medium De sity Residential) to B-3 (High- way Business). The purpose of the hearing was Monticello on the possible us Funds for 1978. The funds hav approximately $69,000. Mr. Wi like to see the monies spent f gestions from the council incl for city hall construction, a implementation of a tree plant Hearing no other citizens sugg closed with no decision being of the monies until the 1978 b The Wright County State Bank h Monticello and requested to ha B-3 for the purpose of buildin the north half of the block. s purchased Block 6 of Upper e the entire block rezoned to a detached banking facility on I 1- I The adjacent blocks to the eas B-3 and with the future open in that a commercial zoning would family. G. Walters made a motion, seco carried to approve the rezonin from R-3 (Medium Density Resid (See Ord. Amend. 8-15-75 #34) and south are currently zoned of Walnut Street, it would appear be more compatable than multiple d by P. White and unanimously of Block 6, Upper Monticello ntial) to B-3 (Highway Business). 4. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to Allow Sales of Motorized Vehicles in a B-4 (R gional Business) Zone. Denton Erickson, president of conditional use permit to allo vehicles for Lots 1, 2, 3 of B merly Electro-Industries). oon Motors, Inc., requested a open or outdoor sales of motorized ock 16 of Upper Monticello (for- Because Moon Motors sells and ervices Motor Bikes, Snowmobiles, etc. and as part of this busin ss, some of its products may be displayed in an outside area f r sales purposes, a conditional use permit would be required 1 "miting outside sales to 30% of the gross floor area of the pr~ncipal building. The ordinances do not specifically list a use similar to Moon Motors for deter- mining the number of parking s aces required, but Mr. Erickson did indicate that he would hav no problem in providing at least 16 spaces. A motion was made mously carried to service and sales that do not have by P. White, second by D. Blonigen and unani- approve a co ditional use permit for outdoor to Moon Moto s and to require 16 parking spaces to be hardsu faced with bituminous or concrete. 5. Consideration of Larson Mfg. num windows building on Park. Co., an assembly p and doors is prop the south half of Mr. Frank Daniels of Larson Mf the provisions of the ordinanc around the perimeter of the pa was that if in the near future were to be expanded, it would a portion of the curb barrier. Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, mously carried to approve the b and grant a variance eliminatin lot. Larson Mfg. Co. producing combination alumi- sing to build a 12,000 square foot ot 4 of Block 1 in the Industrial . also requested a variance from that requires a curb barrier king lot. Reason for the request the building and parking lot e necessary to remove at least econd by D. Blonigen and unani- ilding permit for Larson Mfg. the curb barrier on the parking I I I 6. Consideration of Variance for Auto Supply. When the initial survey of si signs were in violation of Mon overhanging signs, a sign on H missed. Since then, Harry's Auto Suppl tion and was allowed until Nov verhanging Sign - Harr 's s was taken to determine which icello's ordinance prohibiting rry's Auto Supply was inadvertently has been notified of the viola- 1, 1977 to take down the sign. Harry Bebo, owner of Harry's A to Supply, requested a variance from the provisions of the ord'nance since his business is located on a deadend street and withou the overhanging sign, could not be seen from Broadway. G. Walters made a motion, seco d by P. White to denY the variance requested by Harry's uto Supply. In favor: Opposed: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, P. White, G. Walters D. Blonigen 7. Consideration of Awarding Cont act on 1977-1 Improvement Project. On 9-8-77, bids were opened on the 1977-1 Sanitary Sewer, Water Main and Street Improvement Project with the lowest apparent bidder being Arcon Construction Co. of Mora, MN. with a bid of $353,616.95. (See Supplement 9-12-77 #5). Estimated cost of this project so the bid is over $100,000 les P. White entered a motion, seco' carried to award the contract Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Arcon Construction Co. in the a 8. Consideration of Ado ting Resol Specifications and calling for Sanitar Sewer Watermain and S or construction was $462,000 than projected. d by G. Walters and unanimously r construction on the 1977-1 reet Improvement project to ount of $353,616.95. roving Plans and 1977-2 At our last meeting, John Badal ch was requested to prepare plans and specifications on the above referenced project, which provides for improvements to Jo n Sandberg's Anders Wilhelm Estates. Total project costs have been e timated at $168,000. I I I Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, unanimously carried to adopt a and specifications on the 1977 Street Improvement Project and 10-6-77. (See Resolution 1977 second by C. Johnson and resolution approving final plans 2 Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and calling for bids to be opened 15) 9. Consideration of Resolution Se tin Sale Date for General o tion 1m rovement Bonds on 19 7-1 and 1977-2 1m rovement proje~ King Forness of Springs ted, In with the council the financing 1977-2 Improvement Projects. Mr. Forness recommended that b the sale of (1) bond issue. T 20 year assessments with a tax placed over a 15 year period. would be callable after 10 yea substantial amount of assessme Mr. Forness also recommended t of having all assessments agai at the time a building permit His recommendations were to ap etc. that are being served by future, but do not already hav development of homes occurs, t thus the city could issue bond ., city fiscal consultants, reviewed procedures for the 1977-1 and th projects be financed through e project would be financed over levy for the ad valorem portion Additionally, 45% of the issue s if the city has collected a t prepayments by then. at the council consider a policy st individual parcels paid in full s issued. ly this policy to subdivisions, ewer and water extensions in the housing developments. As the e assessments would be paid off, for a shorter period of time. Council consensus was to table any decision on the above assess- ment payoff policy until the n xt meeting. G. Walters made a motion, seco carried to adopt a resolution for the General Option Improve 1977-2 Improvement Projects in (See Resolution 1977 #16). d by P. White and unanimously etting 10-12-77 as the sale date ent Bonds on the 1977-1 and the amount of $730,000.00. 10. Consideration of Furniture and Fixtures for City Hall. Gary Wieber, City Administrato , presented a list of proposed furnishings for the new City H 11 to the councilmen. An allocation of $10,000 has b fixtures budget and it appears locally for approximately $6,5 Motion was made by P. White, s carried to have councilman A. ings needed with City Administ for the items by the next cou 9-12-77 #3). proposed for the furniture and can be purchased cond by G. Walters and unanimously rimsmo review the list of furnish- ator, and prepare purchase orders cil meeting. (See Supplement I I I 11. Consideration of Ado ting Ordi ances Relative to Delin uent Sewer and Water Accounts. A motion was made by G. Walter, second by A. Grimsmo and unani- mously carried to adopt an ord"nance amendment providing for shutoff of water service for non-payme t and certification of amount due to County Auditor for colI ction. (See Ordinance Amend- ment 8-15-75 #35). 12. Adoption of Assessment A list of delinquent accounts over 90 days past due were pre and certification. (See supple A motion was made by G. mously carried to adopt a reso sewer and water accounts for 1 collection. (See Resolution 1 13. Minutes. 14. uent Accounts. elative to sewer and water bills ented to the council for review ent 9-12-77 #4). , second by P. White and unani- ution certifying the delinquent 77 to the County Auditor for 77 #17). Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, second by D. Blonigen and unani- mously carried to approve the inutes of 8-24-77 as presented. Discussion on Warming nge Orders. r on the 4th Street Park Warming ge order in the amount of $318.00 urnace not previously included ill be inspecting the Warming roof rafters can be made out of specified in the plans. Mr. Heskins will obtain the co t savings that would apply to the change in rafter specification and present it at the next coun- cil meeting. Both change orders will be con idered at the next meeting. 15. Discussion on Landsca ing at New Cit Hall. Dave Heskins, General Contracb House project, submitted a cha for the installation of a gas in the base bid. John Badalich, City Engineer, House structure to determine i 2 x 4's vs. 2 X 6's originally Since the building has been removed from the parcel of land adjacent to the New City Hall, it was the consensus of the council to get a cost estimate from the contractor for landscaping the empty parcel to tie in with the landscaping around the City Hall. Rough grading and fill would e required before sod could be laid. I I I 16. Consideration of Final Payment to Orfei & Sons on 1976-1 Sewer and Water Improvement Project. 17. A. Grimsmo made a motion, seco carried to approve the final p 1976-1 Sewer and Water project Final Ins ection Report Mr. John Badalich, City Engine Improvement Project on Highway inspected. The contract was s and damages in the amount of $ Council consensus was to have contractor, Electric Repair an intends to deduct $3,700.00 fr liquidating damages for the c 18. Miscellaneous Items. A recent meeting has been held the speed limit on County Road Wright County Commissioners ha request and a study will be co to pursue efforts to get the s: from the Senior High School t d by P. White and unanimously yment to Orfei & Sons on the in the amount of $49,209.23. t Lighting Pro'ect. r, reported that the 1977 Street 25 has been completed and heduled to be completed by 6-26-77 0.00 per day can be levied. the City Engineer inform the Construction, that the City m the final payment as nstruction delay. on the possibility of reducing 75 (Broadway) to 30 M.P.H. The e been notified of the City's ducted. Council consensus was eed limit reduced to 30 M.P.H. Pinewood Elementary School. Because a conflict does not ex'st anymore, it was the council's consensus to change the second regular council meeting for each month back to the 4th Monday. A special meeting of the City at the Monticello High School public hearing on the proposed which covers a large portion 0 A motion was made by G. Walter mously carried to authorize th and his wife to attend the Ann in Bloomington in October. Meeting adjourned. Richard Wolfs eller Administrative Assistant ouncil will be held on 9-28-77 or the purpose of holding a Street Improvement Project, Monticello. , second by P. White and unani- funds necessary for the Mayor al Mayor's Conference to be held