City Council Minutes 09-26-1977
September 26, 19 7 - 7:30 P.M.
Members present: C. JOMson, A. Grimsmo,P. White, G. Walters, D. Blonigen
Citizens Comments:
Rick Longley informed the cOilllcil of h's intentions of occupYing the new
Glass Hut building by the end of Septe ber and hopes to have the blacktopping
of the parking lot completed by then. If the weather becomes illlfavorable to
complete the parking lot, he requested an extension of up to 6 months time to
complete the blacktopping and 1andscap. ng.
A motion was made by P. White, second y D. Blonigen and illlanimously carried
to grant Mr. Longley up to a 6 month e tension of time to complete the parking
lot and landscaping provided a $6,000 ond is posted to cover the estimated
1. Public Hearin - Review of 1 8 Preli
Bu et.
The cOilllcil reviewed the preliminary b dget for 197$ which will require a local
tax levy of $643,707.00.
As part of the budget review, a public hearing was held to determine the possi-
ble allocation of 197$ Revenue Sharing Funds of approximately $68,995.
A motion was made by G. Walters, secon by A. lkimsmo te accept the pre-
liminary budget as presented with the ti1ization of 197$ Revenue Sharing
Filllds towards the City Hall building P oject.
In favor: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, G.
P. White
D. Blonigen expressed opposition to th allocation of Revenue Sharing Funds
and therefore opposed the motion.
2. Review of Furnishin s for Senior Ci tiz ns Center.
Currently the senior citizens center h s approximately $4,925 built up in
their own funds and additionally $796 as accumulated as a result of opera-
ting the information center.
The senior citizens center board has ap roved the following improve-
ments and equipment for the new center:
Electrical wiring
Partition between ceramic
woodworking area
Dishwasher, refrigerator
Pool Table
6 Tables
6 Dozen Chairs
$ 500
/"', c I;s~>.,)
Mrs. Caroline Ellison informed the COilll il of the senior citizens center
intention of applYing for Federal Grant Funds to install handicapped bath-
rooms in the new center building. The enter will be applYing for a $5,000
grant for this purpose and other variou improvements.
3. & 4. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit Variance from Minirm.un Lot
Size without Cit Sewer and Wate and Buildin Permit - Dr. Joel Erickson.
Dr. Joel Erickson is proposing a pet ospital to be built on the east side of
Highway 25 and approximately 600 feet south of the I-94 interchange.
Currently, this property is zoned as 3 (Regional Business) and the
permitted or conditional uses of a B-3 do not mention a Pet Hospital.
In fact, no zone currently mentions a. et hospital as a conditional or
permitted use. As a result, the PI . g Commission recommended the
ordinance be amended to allow a Pet Hospital as a conditional use within
a B-3 zone with the following conditi
1. No outside pens or kennels.
2. .Annual inspection by City's He th officer at owners expense.
3. All animals must be leashed.
4. Treatment would be limited to mall domesticated animals.
5. Side yard setbacks would be 20 feet instead of 10 feet.
6. No outside storage of carcassel .
Additionally, Ordinance section 10-3-4 C) requires that any parcel that does
not have city sewer and water must be t least 2! acres in order to allow a
private septic tank and well. Dr. Eri kson' s parcel is 1. 39 acres and would require
a variance from this provision.
P. White made a motion, second by A. G imsmo and unanimously carried to amend
Ordinance Section 10-13-4(I) to allow Hospitals as a conditional use in
a B-3 zone with the following conditio
1. No outside pens or kennels.
2. Annual inspection by City's He th officer at owners expense.
3. All animals must be leashed.
4. Treatment would be limited to mall domesticated animals.
5. Side yard setbacks would be 20 feet instead of 10 feet.
6. No outside storage of carcasse .
and to approve the building permit for Mr. Erickson's Pet Hospital as a condi-
tional use with the granting of a vari ce from the provisions of
Section 10- 3-4( c) for septic tank inst lations. (See Ord. Amendment
$-15-75 #37).
5. Consideration of Buildin Permi t - Lan Pro ects.
Land Projects, a partnership, is propo ing to build a 2,400 square foot
detached bank facility on Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Block 6 of Upper MOnticello
for the Wright County State Bank.
The facility is intended to house the right County State Bank's main insur-
ance office and to handle deposits and withdrawals.
A motion was made by P. White, secondy D. Blonigen and unanimously carried
to approve the building permit for Lan Projects, Inc. contingent upon final
approval of plans by building inspecto and city engineer.
Consideration of Buildin Permit - He .
Dave Heskins is proposing to build a acility for his business, He skins ,
Electric, just to the south of Zahler the Industrial Park.
Mr. Heskins was previously granted a ariance on the side yard setbacks in
an industrial zone to allow a buildin to be built within 10 feet of the pro-
perty line.
On a motion by D. Blonigen, second by
to approve the building permit for Hes
of the plans by the building inspector.
7. Consideration of Buildin Permi t - 2-0,
Charles Ritze.
In February of 1976, Charles Ritze reg:
allow a truck garage be built within
granted the permit contingent upon a f
of the garage to screen any equipment
. White, it was unanimously carried
s' Electric contingent upon approval
ested a conditional use permit to
R-l zone. The City of Monticello
ce being constructed along the side
till stored outside.
The garage was built without a permit d the fence never erected, and as
a result, the council considered grant'ng the building permit requested now
only contingent upon a permit being p d for on the truck garage and the fence
erected as required.
A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by P. White and unanimously carried to approve
the residential building permit for a amily room and 2-car garage for
Charles Ritze provided the previous bIding permit for the truck garage is
paid and the shrubs or trees are plant d to screen any equipment stored out-
side as previously agreed to.
8. Consideration of Buildin Permit - Fai
Mr. Bud Fair is requesting a building
open framework structure to be built t
shade and sunlight to his nursery stoc .
ermit for Fair's Market to allow an
allow adequate amounts of rain,
Motion was made by D. Blonigen, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
to approve the building permit request d by Bud Fair.
9. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment
Bill Pemberton for a Roller Rink.
d Consideration of Buildin Permit-
Mr. Bill Pemberton proposed to build 11,700 square foot steel building for
a roller rink. The proposed building ould be on the north half of Lot 1,
Block 1 of Oakwood Industrial Park.
The area is zoned as I-I (Light Indust ial) and this zone does not allow
for a roller rink as a permitted or co ditional use. Initially, the Planning
Commission felt the use should be allo ed as a permitted use within the I-I
zoning district and held a hearing at heir last meeting to consider this
amendment. However, on the suggestion of Mr. Dick Dwinell, the
Planning Commission felt the useshoul be allowed as a conditional use as
opposed to a permitted use within an I 1 zone.
As a result of the above action, the anning Commission recommended
approval of the building permit, howe er, they indicated a planning
commission hearing would have to be he d on the conditional use permit
giving proper notice to property owne s within 350 feet on the condi-
tional use permit request.
G. Walters made a motion, second by P. White and unanimously carried to amend
Ordinance Section 10-15-4(D) to allow Amusement Places (such as roller rinks
and dance halls) and bowling alleys a conditional uses within an I-I zone
and approve the building permit reque ted for a roller rink subject to a
public hearing being held by the PI "g Commission and approval by the
committee of the conditional use pe "t. (See Ord. Amend. 8-15-75 #38).
10. Consideration of
Road #39.
River Meadow Apartments, a partnershi
and Bob Mosford, is proposing to buil
County Road #39.
of Parcel Alon East Count
consisting of Ralph Smith, Gary Wieber
a 30 unit apartment along East
The area under consideration is appro "mately 7.40 acres and is part of
a larger 20 acre tract of land. This subdivision results in two parcels
then of more than 5 acres and would h ve to meet the following subdivision
1. Review by Planning Commission and review and approval by the
city council.
2. Certificate of survey.
3. Park dedication requirements.
A certificate of survey has been prep ed and presented to the Planning
Commission and they have recommended pproval of the subdivision. Addi-
tionally, park dedication requirement would be adhered to in the form of
a 10% cash contribution.
At the public hearing on this propos ,the Planning Commission recommended
the area be rezoned to R- 3 in its ent rety rather than R-B (Residential
Business) and to allow a variance for one 30 unit apartment.
P. White made a motion, second by A. rimsmo to approve the rezoning of
the 7.4 acre parcel along County Road #39 from R-l to R-3 (Medium Density
Residential) and grant a variance to low (1) 30 unit apartment building.
In favor: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, P. White, G. Walters.
Abstaining: D. Blonigen.
(See Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 #39)
Consideration of Residential Street
At out last meeting, a petition was r ceived from the following property
owners requesting a street light just south of Riverside Cemetery and
east of River Terrace Park:
~don Sonju
Gerald Doerr
Ronald Goeb
It was decided to table any decision the specific request until an
overall street lighting plan could be developed.
A revised overall street lighting pl
Public Works Director indicating poss'
dential street lights. Previously, 1
intersections throughout the city duro
implementing the additional street li
was presented to the council by the
le locations for 31 additional resi-
street lights were installed at various
g 1977, and the council discussed
ts over a 3-year period of time.
A motion was made by G. Walters, secod by A. Grimsmo to authorize the
installation of up to 10 additional s reet lights during 1977 as requested
if determined to be needed by the Pubic Works Director.
In favor:
C. Johnson, G. Walters, A. Grimsmo, P. White
D. Blonigen.
12. Consideration of Cit 's
Recreation Pro am.
During 1977, the city council budgete. an amount of $2,200.00 as the City's
contribution to the school district's ;recreation program which is a part of
their community services fund.
A motion was made by G. Walters, seco
approve the payment of $2,200.00 to t
Consideration of Ordinance Amendment
Offices as Permitted Uses Within a B-
Whi te and unanimously carried to
recreation program for 1977.
o Allow Professional and Commercial
Limited Business District.
This amendment would allow profession and commercial offices as
a permitted use in a B-2 zone. Since B-3 and B-4 zones allow as
permitted uses all permitted uses wit in a B-2, professional and
commercial offices would also be pe .tted uses within B-3 and
B-4 zones. Currently these uses are nly allowed as "conditional uses"
in a R-B (Residential Business) zone d B-1 (Neighborhood Business) zone
and this would appear reasonable to low these as "conditional uses"
in these zones since they are quasi-r sidential areas. However, there is no
place that professional and commerci offices are allowed in a B-2, B-3 or
B-4 zone either as a permitted or con .tional use.
A motion was made by P. White, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried
to amend zoning Ordinance Section 10- 2-2(EE) to allow professional and
commercial offices as permitted uses .thin a B-2 (Limited Business)
District. (See Ordinance Amendment 15-75 #40).
14. Approval of Bills.
A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by P
approve the bills for September 1977
(See supplement 9-26-77 #1).
White and unanimously carried to
s presented.
A motion was made by P. White, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried
to approve the minutes of the special meeting held 9-8-77 and regular
meeting of 9-12-77 as presented.
1 I;;;. ~/7 7
Consideration of Chan e Order - 77-1
A motion was made by G. Walters, seco d by D. Blonigen and unanimously
carried to authorize the preparation f plans and specifications for black-
topping Chelsea Road and the new road proposed for construction under the
77-1 Sewer and Water Improvement Proj ct.
Consideration of Combinin Sale of I
The City's bonding consultants, Sprin sted & Assoc. have been previously
authorized to sell bonds in the amoun of $730,000 for the 77-1 and 77-2
Sewer, Water and Street Improvement P ojects planned by the City.
In addition, should the city council ecide to implement a permanent street
improvement program including curb, tter, and storm sewer, another bond
issue would have to be sold for appro Ornately 2i million.
The bond consultants have recommended that if the council should decide to
issue bonds in 1977 for such a street improvement program, all bonds should
be sold at one time, rather than sep ately.
The council consensus was to delay th original bond sale of $730,000 until
the council decides on whether to pur ue a permanent street improvement
18. Consideration of chan e orders - War "
John Badalich, city engineer, made an inspection of the 4th Street Warming
House to determine if the rafters use by the contractor are in accordance
with specifications. The contractor 0 stalled 2 x 4 truss rafters, while
the specifications called for 2 x 6 t ss rafters. The engineer requested
additional load specifications from t e contractor on the rafters and a change
order will be discussed at the next c uncil meeting if determined satisfactory
by the city engineer.
Review of Furnishings - City Hall.
A list of furnishings recently reviewd by councilman A. Grimsmo and City
Administrator, Gary Wieber, were disc ssed with the councilmen.
A motion was made by P. White, second y A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
to authorize the City Administrator to order the quantity of furnishings
listed. (See supplement 9-26-77 #2).
20. Leasehold Improvements - Dave Kranz.
Mr. Dave Kranz was authorized to complete the following improvements to the
back portion of the senior "lding being rented by him:
1. Concrete floor
2. Electrical
The total improvement costs will be u ed as a credit against his future
rental payments.
By council consensus, J. Miller will be asked to supervise and coordinate all
improvements done at the senior citize s building, both by Mr. Kranz and by
the senior citizens.
21. Petition for Cit Water - Dino's Othe World.
Mr. Floyd Kruse requested city water or his restaurant, Dino's Other World.
During 1976, city water was installed within a few hundred feet of his building
by running a service stub up from Mis issippi Drive. Mr. Kruse is now
petitioning for a 6" water service to adequately serve his fire protection
needs. The city engineer was instruc ed to study the feasibility of replacing
the 4" service with a 6" or the possi ility of extending a new 6" line from
the wastewater treatment plant to the front of his property.
Easements - 77-1 Improvement Project.
The city has obtained all necessary c nstruction easements, except for one
on the 77-1 sewer and water improvem t project.
One remaining construction easement i still needed from Mr. Earl Malone,
but it appears that a mutually satisf ctory agreement will not be reached
wi thout proceeding with eminent dom. procedures.
P. White entered a motion, second by . Walters and unanimously carried to
proceed with eminent domain procedure in an effort to obtain the neces-
sary easement from Earl Malone.
23. Miscellaneous.
By council consensus, all remodeling
industrial property will not require
prior to issuance. Only new construc
Planning Commission and council appro
City Administrator was instructed to
bili ty of requiring the grouping of r
throughout the city rather than each
mail box.
A special council meeting will be hel
salary schedules of city employees fo
Meeting adjourned.
uilding permits for commercial or
lanning Commission and council approval
ion or structural alterations need
heck with the Post Office on the possi-
sidential mail boxes at various locations
esidential property having their own
at 4:00 p.m. October 6, 1977 to review