City Council Minutes 10-25-1977 I I I REGULAR CITY C CIL MEETING October 25, 197 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: C. Johnson, D. Blonige , A. Grimsmo, G. Walters, P. White. Members Absent: None Citizen's Comments: Mr. Dave Heskins read a letter to th, council criticizing the City Building Inspector. Mr. Heskins felt there is a conflict of interest present in the Building Inspector's Department due to the fa t the Inspector is also a building contractor. In addition, he would 1" ke to see the city establish permanent office hours for the Building Inspec or so that he would be available on a daily basis. The council discussed the increasing work load of the Building Inspector in recent years and requested that this item be placed on the council agenda in 30 days to review the possibility of a full-time building inspector's position. 1. Public Hearin - Sewer and Water EKtensions - W. COunt As the result of a petition requesti g sewer and water extensions along W. County #139, an updated feasibi1it report was prepared by the Consulting Engineer, O.S.M. The project was estimated to cost $63,700.00 and would serve 37 parcels. A lift station would have to be con tructed for this extension bringing the proposed per parcel assessments cost to $3,$93.00 each. On a motion by G. Walters, second b P. White, it was unanimously carried to adopt a Resolution ordering prep ation of Plans and Specifications for the 197$ sewer and water improvemen s along W. County Road #39. (See Resolution #1977 - 25). 2. Consideration of Variance Acre Lot Size Minimum for Ci t Ordinance Relative to ;M- Sewer and Water. Mr. David Heskins requested a vari ce to build on a 100' X 320' (32,000 square feet) lot without city sewer and water. Monticello Ordinance Section 10-3-lr(C) requires a 2t acre mini lot size without city sewer and water. The variance request was for a port'on of Lot 1 of Block 2 of Oakwood Industrial Park. After reviewing the area with the C ty Engineer, it was felt that it would not be practical at this time to se ve the area with City Sewer and Water until further development occurs in the southern portion of the Industrial Park. A motion was made by P. White, seco d by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to grant Mr. Heskins a variance for a private septic tank and well system for a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, 0 ood Industrial Park. I I I 3. Consideration of Water EKtension to "no's other World. At the last council meeting, ility report was presented to the council on the extension of water to her World as a result of a Petition received from the owner, Mr. Floyd K se. Dino's Restaurant has a deferred assessment for a water service extension at the Northwest corner of his property, but because of the rough t rrain and woods, Mr. Kruse felt it would be too costly to hook up to this water service. Additionally, the requested water extension to the front of his roperty would provide the facility with a 6" water service for additional ft e protection. Mr. Kruse was informed ed $14,000.00 cost of the project and that all or a portion of the cos s would probably be assessed to him since this extension would not benet" t any other parcel of land. Because Mr. Kruse was not present at the meeting and did not indicate his feelings toward the project, a motia was made by G. Walters, second by A. Grimsmo to not consider extendin water to Dino' s Restaurant at this time. In favor: A. Grimsmo, Abstaining: P. White, 4. Consideration of Callin Water to Dr. Erickson's C. Johnson ort on Extension of Sewer and At a previous meeting, Dr. Joel Eri son was granted a building permit along with a variance to build a pet hosp"tal with a private septic tank and well on a lot less than the ~ acre mini required by city ordinances. Dr. Erickson would now like to cons"der the possibility of obtaining city sewer and water and has petit:i:lllI1ed or a hearing to consider the matter. Keith Nelson, Consulting Engineer, bly be served with sewer and water just west of Mr. Erickson's parcel and will likely be requesting city " dicated that this property could possi- number of ways. The property located "s now being proposed for subdivision ervices in the near future. The council consensus was that more ithan (1) property owner or parcel should request city services rather than i "tiating feasibility study's on a piecemeal basis. As a result, a motion was made by P. White, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to decline Mr. ickson' s request for a sewer and water feasibility study to serve hi property. 5. Consideration of Ordinance to Erratic Drivin . Mr. Jim Powers of the Wright County Sheriff's Department recorrnnended that an ordinance relating ving, squealing tires, unusual acceleration, etc. be city council similar to an ordinance previously on record. I I I When the current city ordinances wer' adopted in 1975, the old ordinance relating to erratic driving was eli . ated. A motion was made by D. Blonigen, se, ond by P. White and unanimously carried to adopt an Ordinance Amendm nt adding Section 9-1-7(A) and (B) relating to unreasonable acceleratio and erratic driving to the traffic ordinances currently in effect. (See Ordinance Amendment S-15-75 #42). 6. Consideration of Buildin Permit- reviewed the preliminary plans Holker. Mr. Ken Holker applied for a buildin existing drive in just west of the P to remodel and add on to the 66 station on Broadw~. Purpose of remodeling would be for p ofessional office space. This area is zoned as B-4 (Regional Business) and as such, professional offices would be a permitted use. At their last meeting the Planning and recommended approval of the pe Because of the extensive remodeling the council consensus was to treat mercial building permit and therefo adhered to, including landscaping roposed and change in use of the building, is application the same as a new com- e, require that all city ordinances be d parking requirements. Because Mr. Holker was not present t the meeting and final plans have not been submitted to the building insp ctor, A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by G. Walters and unanimously carri d to table this item until final plans are submitted for review. 7. A quarterly meeting was held with t e following department heads or repre- sentatives in attendance: Mike Rajala - Public Wo ,ks Department Mark Irmiter - Liquor Sore Manager Paul Klein - Fire Chief J. W. Miller - Building Inspector Don Hozempa - Sheriff's Department Gary Wieber - City Admi istrator The council discussed the landscapi g and blacktopping completed so far at the City's Maintenance Building wit the Public Works Director. Council consensus was to get cost estimates for installing a permanent curb barrier around the parking lot, rather than using individual concrete curb barriers. A quarterly fire department report as presented to the Council by Fire Chief, Paul Klein, and a 9-month li uor store financial statement was reviewed with the manager, Mark Ir ter. I I I 8. Discussion on Ste II Facilities Pl Keith Nelson of O.S.M. & Assoc. pre ented to the council for review a num- ber of application forms required f r Step II State and Federal Grant Fund- ing for improvements to the wastewa er treatment plant. Motion was made by P. White, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to table action on the application orms pending further review. 9. Approval of Bills. Motion was made by P. White, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month f October 1977 as presented. (See supplement 10-25-77 #1). 10. Approval of Minutes. P. White asked that the tapes be re 'ewed to determine if the motion made under item #9 in the 10-10-77 minut s is the same as recorded in the minutes. D. Blonigen also questioned the co leteness of the minutes for the special meeting held 10-6-77. P. White made a motion, second by G. Walters to approve the minutes of 10-6-77 and 10-10-77 as presented, provided item #9 is verified to be correct. In favor: Opposed: C. Johnson, D. Blonigen 11. Consideration of Chan Dave Heskins, General Contractor fo substituted 2 x 4 rafters plans. Previous Plans called for the used House to be used in the 4th Street at the Bridge Park site. . Walters, P. White, G. Walters House. the 4th Street Park Warming House, 6 rafters specified in the original ace from the Bridge Park Warming ark Warming House but now will remain As a result, a motion was made by P. White, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve a ch ge order on the warming house contract in the amount of $176.25 as follows: Addition for furnace Deduct for 2 x 4 rafter Net Change Order Am $318.00 l~t 75 ,$17 .25 12. Consideration of Transferrin Funds from Li uor store to Ci t Hall Construction Fund. Motion was made by G. Walters, seco d by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to authorize the transfer of $150, from the Liquor Store Fund to the City Hall Construction Fund. I I I 13. Demolition of Old Senior Citizens A motion was made by P. White, seco for bids on the demolition and remo In favor: Opposed: C. Johnson, G. Walters 14. Miscellaneous. /ojO?S/77 d by D. Blonigen to advertise locally al of the old Senior Oitizens Building. . Grimsmo, P. White, D. Blonigen Councilman D. B10nigen requested th t the City Council consider asking for a state audit of the city's books f om 1960 to 1977. It was mentioned that an annual audit of the books has be done each year by a C.P.A. firm of which a copy is already sent to the state auditor for review, and that an audit for this period of time could cost as much as $25,000. D. B10nigen then entered a motion r questing the state auditor's office audit the city's records for the pa t 6 years. Died for lack of a second. A special council meeting was sched ed for 11-7-77 at 8:00 P.M. to review L. Flake's building plans and reque t for a conditional use permit for a new car dealership south of 1-94. Meeting adjourned. RW/ns