City Council Minutes 12-12-1977 I I I Monticello Ci Y Council Regular eeting December 12, 197 7:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, Arve G imsmo, Dan Blonigen, Philip White, Gene alters. Citizens Comments: Roy Lauring remin ed the council that a December 21, 1977 deadline had been established fo the removal of the patio deck erected by Ron White in violation of he city's sideyard setback ordinances. In addition, Mr. Lauring requested thi t the council deny any future requests by Mr. White for extensions of time t r removal. Motion was made by D. Blonigen, secon ed by P. White administrator to not grant any additi nal extensions of the deck on Mr. White's house. Vo ing in favor: P. White; opposed: G. Walters, C. Jo son. instructing the city of time for the removal A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen, 1. Review of Montissi Tom Johnson, Wright County Park A istrator, reviewed with the council various improvements planned for Mon issippi Park. Mr. Johnson indicated that total pro.ect costs for the improvements are estimated at $80,000.00 with the Sta e of Minnesota contributing fifty percent of the costs. Some of the improvements proposed in lude a picnic area with tables, grills, toilet building and three pi nic shelters. Also a tent camping area was proposed with rtulning water toilet buildings and picnic tables, etc. (See supplement 12-12-77 #1.) Mr. Johnson solicited recommendation made by D. Blonigen, seconded by P. approve the proposed improvement pl from the council and a motion was i te and unanimously carried to for Montissippi Park as presented. 2. Consideration of Final Plat A roval - Sandber South. John Sandberg submitted a final plat plan on his 8.28 acre commercial plat located southwest of the 1-94 interc' ange on highway 25. The plat consists of 8 commercially zoned lots. The final plat has been reviewed an ' approved by John Badalich provided the adjoining land owner to the sout of the plat, Mel Worth, deeds the necessary land to Mr. Sandberg in order that the state approvedaccess to highway 25 will line up with the pr osed road through the plat. A motion was made by D. Blonigen, s conded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the final plat 0 Sandberg South as presented prGlvided the road access agreement is comple ed with Mel Worth. f3. -1'-- -, Regular City Council - December 12, 1 77 Consideration of Law Enforcement Conract Jim Powers, of the Wright County Sher'ff's Department reviewed the proposed contract for Police Protection for 198 with the council. Essentially, the contract is the same as the 1977 contract except for the hourly cost increase from $7.25 to $9. o. Based on 365 days of 16 hour service and an additional 8 hours for' iday and Saturday nights, the contract would total 6672 hours for a ost of $60,048 or $5,004 per month. Mr. Powers explained that the 24% incr: ase was due to increased costs of operating the sheriff's department alo g with costs involved with the county court system. The Council discussed possible reducti n in patrol hours for Monticello due to the increased hourly rate but a mot on was made by P. White, and seconded by A. Grimsmo to approve the 1978 cont act for police protection with Wright County as presented. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, P. White, G. Walters. Abstaining: D. Blonigen. (See supplement 12-12-77 #2.) 4. Consideration of Re uest of Extension Variance. Ci ty ordinances require all overhangin June 30, 1977. Monticello Ford, Inc. 1977 to comply with this provision sin new location south of 1-94 near Highw signs to have been removed by as granted an extension to December 31, e the dealership was to move to a 25. Due to construction delays and other p oblems, Monticello Ford requested an additional 6 month extension to June 0, 1978 to allow for completion of his new building and avoid the expense of elocating the sign at his present location. (See supplement 12-12-77 #3.) A motion was made by D. Blonigen to de the second request for an extension of time to June 30, 1978. Died for la k of a second. G. Walters then made a motion, seconde by A. Grimsmo, to grant the additional 6 month extension requested by Monticelo Ford to 6-30-78. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, P. White, G. W ters. Opposed: D. Blonigen. 5. Consideration of A roval of Job Descri tion and Advertisin for Full Time Building Inspector. ~I- At the previous council meeting, approal was given to hire a full time building inspector and the city adminis rator was directed to prepare a job description for council review. In addition to the regular duties of in ection on buildings constructed within the city, the building inspector's work would inClude inspection of various city improvement projects, such as sewer and water extensions, curb, gutter, storm sewer and street improvem nts. 1- I l Regular City Council - December 12, 977 Discussion by the council included t e number of hours of work that may be required during a year and a 1700 hour minimum was recommended at an hourly rate of approximately $6.50 p r hour. This would result in a salary range of approximately $10,0 - $12,000 per year. G. Walters made a motion, seconded P. White, and unanimously carried to approve the job description for he building inspector's position as presented and to advertise for a f 1 time building inspector in accordance with salary guidelines r commended by the administrator in the agenda supplement. 6. Approval of Minutes. A motion was made by A. Grimsmo, se onded by G. Walters and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of 1 -2$-77 as presented. 7. Walnut street Crossin A letter was received from Burlingt n Northern, Inc. agreeing to the establish- ment of a crossing on Walnut street provided that all costs associated with the crossing are borne by the ity of Monticello. (See supple- ment 12-12-77 #4). Burlington Northern estimated the c st of installing the crossing at $54,$48.00. A motion was made by P. White, sec ded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to agree to the terms and ondi tions requiring the city to pay all costs involved subject to reviw of agreement by the city admini- strator, city attorney and consult'ng engineer with a project cost limit of $57,000.00. (S'''/f/~...~".,) (2. -11.-77 "3) 8. Review on Chemical Treatment ent at Dis osal Plant. John Badalich informed the council that he sent a letter to the MPCA r~questing an extension on the co letion deadline for the installation of chemical treatment equipment at the wastewater treatment plant. The MPCA required that this equipm t be installed in an effort to reduce the effluent discharge leve s at the disposal plant. Wrightco Products has been request d to obtain additional tests of their sewage strength in order to subst tiate the reduced levels. Mr. Badalich presented bids recei ed on the installation of the chemical treatment equipment but a motion as made by P. White, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried t reject all bids and send a letter of thanks to all bidders as this " tem will be tabled until a later date. Regular City Council - December 12, 1977 9. Final P A letter was received from Electric Repa r and Construction Co., contractor for the street lighting project, request ng a reduction in the liquidated damages from 74 dqys to 54 dqys because f rain, etc. (See supplement 12-12-77 #5.) A motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconde carried to penalize Electric Repair and $2700.00 as liquidated damages on the Hi. final payment, rather than 74 days as pe by D. Blonigen and unanimously nstruction a total of 54 days or way 25 street lighting project original contract. 11. Review of 1978 Sal Schedules - Offic Secretaries. s Liabilit Insurance. 10. Discussion on Public Officials - The council discussed whether or not in 'vidual councilmen can be held liable for their actions as members of e council. Council consensus was to have the city ttorney prepare an opJ.IDon on the councilmen's liability and whether addi ional insurance protection is needed. In addition, a motion was made by C. Jo imously carried to submit an applicatio quote presented at the next council mee son, seconded by P. White and unan- insurance coverage and have a At the last council meeting, a motion w s passed to increase the salaries of L. Gillham, M. J. Quick and N. Spiv by 15l2! per hour in 1978. Councilman Blonigen requested that the ouncil reconsider their raise and made a motion to increase their salarie per recommendation made by the City Administrator as follows: Gillham 35l2! per hour; Quick: 30l2! per hour; Spi vak: 30l2! per hour. Died for lack of a second. 12. Miscellaneous. The next regular counc 1 meeting was scheduled tor Tuesday, January 10, 1978, rather than Monday, J uary 9, 1978. Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried to adjourn. iid1fc:l~ Administrative Assistant RW/mjq