Tuesday, May 28, 2019 — 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd
Absent: None
1. General Business
A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
B. Approval of Agenda
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the Consent Agenda with the
addition of 2V Consideration of approving application for a 4-dav tempora
liquor license for the Monticello Lions for the Music on the Mississippi
Outdoor Concert Series at West Bridge Park on Mav 30, June 27, Julv 25.
and August 22, 2019. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
C. Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting Minutes from May 13, 2019
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the regular meeting minutes of
May 13, 2019. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried
D. Citizen Comments
• Mark Spriggs, President of Monticello Help Center, notified the City
Council and staff of their intent to move out of their current space into a
larger facility. This is primarily due to shortage of storage space.
E. Public Service Announcements
• City Council and staff recognized Planning Commission Chairman Brad
Fyle for his dedication to public service.
• Walk `n' Roll is Saturday, June 8 from 9 a.m. — 1 p.m.
F. Council Liaison Updates
• Parks & Recreation Commission — Councilmember Fair provided an
update on the May 23 Park and Recreation Commission meeting. Items
included: 1) Update from Monti Arts on the murals being painted
downtown; 2) Par West Disc Golf moved to Montissippi County Park; 3)
Trail maintenance is in progress; and 4) Columbarium will be installed by
the end of June at Riverside Cemetery.
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G. Department Updates
• City Administrator Update - Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the
following items:
1. The fire station sales tax legislation was approved and signed into
law and will provide a savings of approximately $180,000.
2. New fire station project is on schedule.
3. Updated on Xcel Energy Preferred Plan that will relicense the plant
for at least another 10 years to 2040 with the possibility of 20 more
years. There will be formal review by Public Utilities Commission in
4. Provided summary of National Energy Institute Transportation table
5. The regular quarterly meeting with Xcel Energy is scheduled for
June 3.
6. The School District and city are planning an emergency response
drill for some time in August.
7. The crosswalk/signal system design at Washington and Broadway is
being reviewed.
8. Staff will be meeting with Wright County Sheriff's Office regarding
their local office location to school property.
Construction Update — Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works
Director, provided a construction update on the following:
1. 2018 Pedestrian Improvements: Sod had been place on 6th and 7th
Streets. The sidewalk has been poured at Bakken Street and will be
backfilled next. The trail along CSAH 39 is being graded and paved
later in week if weather allows.
2. The bridge of Fallon Avenue Overpass is being painted.
3. Fallon Avenue landscaping is taking place. Trees and most plants
have been planted and currently working on mulching the three
roundabouts. Irrigation is in process of being installed.
4. The Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex project is
progressing. The site is being graded and storm sewer has been
installed the gravel is being hauled in for the parking lot.
Public Works/Engineering Update — Matt Leonard provided his annual
update to the City Council. The update included an overview of Public
Works, information on 2019 capital projects, and future capital projects.
2. Consent Agenda:
Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding items L, S,
T, and U, and the addition of item V. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved
the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $553,542.87.
B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved
the hires for MCC and termination for MCC.
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C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property.
Recommendation: No report this cycle.
D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-37 accepting a donation of $500 from
CentraCare Health Monticello for Music on the Mississippi. Recommendation:
Adopted Resolution 2019-37 accepting the donation.
E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-38 accepting donations of $4,670 for
the Walk `n' Roll event. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-38
accepting the donations for Walk `n' Roll.
F. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit allowing exclusive use of
West Bridge Park and related assistance in conjunction with the Brewfest event
on August 17, 2019. Applicant: Monticello Lions Club. Recommendation:
Approved the event permit including city assistance, use of municipal
parking lots, street closures and waiving of special event permit fee and tent
fees. The approval is contingent on: 1) continued site plan and parking use
coordination with the Street Superintendent and Park Superintendent; 2)
appropriate signage and fencing in coordination with the Street and Park
Superintendents; 3) continued coordination with the Chief Building Official
on any tent permits that may be needed; 4) verification of trash and portable
bathroom services for the event; 5) verification of notification of affected
local businesses and residents within a 2 -block radius of the park by permit
holder no later than two weeks prior to event; and 5) event coordination with
Wright County Sheriffs Office.
G. Consideration of approving an application for temporary on -sale liquor license for
the Monticello Lions Club for their Brewfest event on August 17, 2019.
Recommendation: Approved the application for a temporary liquor license.
H. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for Church of St. Henry's Fun
Fest being held on August 24-25, 2019. Recommendation: Approved the
special event permit including use of tables provided by Park Department.
I. Consideration of approving applications for a 2 -day temporary liquor license and
a charitable gambling permit for Church of St. Henry's festival on August 24-25,
2019. Recommendation: Approved the application for a two-day temporary
liquor license.
J. Consideration of authorizing city staff to work with Wright County to establish a
second election precinct. Recommendation: Authorized staff to plan for a
second precinct.
K. Consideration of authorizing Classification and Compensation Study and
awarding contract to Keystone Compensation Group. Recommendation:
Authorized the Classification and Compensation Study and awarded
contract to Keystone Compensation Group.
L. Consideration of approving Ordinance 721 and Summary Ordinance 721 A for
publication for amendments to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to
Self -Storage uses, and Ordinance 722, an amendment to the Spaeth Industrial
Park Planned Unit Development District, and development contract for the Spaeth
City Council Minutes — May 28, 2019 Page 3 18
Industrial Park Planned Unit Development. Applicant: Ken Spaeth.
M. Consideration to acknowledge receipt of petition for annexation from Ronald
Denn, General Partner, Denn Family Properties, LP and Ronald and Lisa Denn to
proceed to verification of compliance with the Joint Resolution for Orderly
annexation. Recommendation: Acknowledged receipt of an amended petition
for annexation from Ronald Denn, General Partner, Denn Family Properties,
LP and Ronald and Lisa Denn.
N. Consideration of approving the purchase of a 2019 Kawasaki Mule 4 X 4 from
Osseo Powersports for $18,431. Recommendation: Approved the purchased
from Osseo Powersports for $18,431.
O. Consideration of approving an easement agreement with Speedway in the amount
of $1,928 for the 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project, City Project 18C001.
Recommendation: Approved the easement agreement with Speedway in the
amount of $1,928.
P. Consideration of approving pathway micro -surfacing improvement project and
awarding contract to MP Asphalt Maintenance in the amount of $22,576.
Recommendation: Accepted the quote and entered into contract with MP
Asphalt Maintenance for annual pathway micro -surfacing in the amount of
Q. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-39 authorizing the conveyance of city
property located at 707 West Broadway and dispensing with statutory
requirements for review by the Planning Commission and approving a contract
for private development with Charles Maue. Recommendation: Adopted
Resolution 2019-39 authorizing the conveyance of city property located at
707 West Broadway and dispensing with statutory requirements for review
by the Planning Commission and approved contract with Charles Maue.
R. Consideration of authorizing USAquatics to provide aquatic consulting,
engineering, and design services associated with the replacement of the existing
flume waterslide at the Monticello Community Center for $13,068.
Recommendation: Accepted quotes and awarded contract to USAquatics in
the amount of $13,068 for aquatic design and engineering services.
S. Consideration of approving purchase of epoxy floor for the new fire station
apparatus bay from SwedeBro in the amount of $77,950. Recommendation:
T. Consideration of approving purchase of security system for the new fire station
from Russell Security in the amount of $42,153. Recommendation: ITEM
U. Consideration of approving purchase of audio-visual package for the new fire
station from Tierney Brothers in the amount of $99,200. Recommendation:
City Council Minutes — May 28, 2019 Page 4 18
V. Consideration of approving application for a 4 -day temporary liquor license for
the Monticello Lions for the Music on the Mississippi Outdoor Concert Series at
West Bridge Park on May 30, June 27, July 25, and August 22, 2019.
Recommendation: Temporary liquor license for named dates was approved.
2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion
L. Consideration of approving Ordinance 721 and Summary Ordinance 721 A for
publication for amendments to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to
Self -Storage uses, and Ordinance 722, an amendment to the Spaeth Industrial
Park Planned Unit Development District, and development contract for the
Spaeth Industrial Park Planned Unit Development. Applicant: Ken Spaeth.
Mayor Stumpf removed the item and expressed concern that these types of
facilities will be used for self -storage or private use and not restricted for
industrial uses. He is not in favor of using our current industrial property for self -
storage when other industrial type businesses may want the space for an industrial
that would provide jobs. Steve Grittman, NAC, provided a brief overview and
noted that this type of storage is allowed in an I2 zoning, this amendment creates
definitions for Commercial Self -Storage and Industrial Self -Storage. He also
noted that both the IEDC and Planning Commission recommended approval.
Decision 1: Councilmember Gabler moved approval of Ordinance 721 for
amendment to the Zoning Ordinance establishing "Commercial" and
"Industrial" Self -Storage land uses, to adopt Ordinance 722 approving the
PUD District Ordinance Amendment the Spaeth Industrial Park PUD
District, and the Development Agreement for the Spaeth Industrial Park
PUD, based on findings in Resolution No. PC -2019-011. Councilmember Fair
seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Mayor Stumpf voted against for
reason listed above.
Decision 2: Councilmember Gabler moved to adopt Summary Ordinance
721A for publication. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
S. Consideration of approving purchase of epoxy floor for the new fire station
apparatus by from SwedeBro in the amount of $77,950.
Councilmember Hilgart removed items S, T, and U, and all items were discussed
together. Councilmember Hilgart wanted clarification on budget of all the fire
station items. Fire Chief Mike Mossey responded to the budget and that these
three items were most likely the largest pieces that they are bringing for approval.
Councilmember Hilgart questioned why staff did not obtain bids. Dan Klein
responded that he attempted to get bids but was unable to find anyone in State
who would do floor this size. This vendor also has contract for rest of flooring in
fire station. It is priced under consortium pricing so does meet bidding
Councilmember Hilgart moved to purchase of flooring system from
SwedeBro in amount of $77,950. Councilmember Davidson seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
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T. Consideration of approving purchase of security system for the new fire station
from Russell Security in the amount of $42,153.
Councilmember Hilgart questioned why the security system is being approved
when it was already included in the budget. Dan Klein, responded to the security
question that this approval was to approve the contract — even though it was
included in the budget. The city is contracting for these item instead of the
architect to save on design fees. The security system is included in the budget and
is not additional.
Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the security system from Russell
Security in the amount of $42,153. Councilmember Fair seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
U. Consideration of approving purchase of audio-visual package for the new fire
station from Tierney Brothers in the amount of $99,200.
Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the audio-visual package from
Tierney Brother in the amount of $99,200. Councilmember Fair seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Public Hearings:
4. Regular Agenda:
A. Consideration of accepting the 2018 Audit Report.
Jim Eichten, MMKR, presented a summary of MMKR's findings and summarized
the highlights of the city's audit. Mr. Eichten noted the following: clean opinion
on financial statements; certificate of achievement for excellence in financial
reporting; one finding reported; improvement general fund financial position;
improving overall city financial position; and continued evaluation of financial
reporting and related internal controls.
Councilmember Gabler moved to accept the 2018 Audit Report.
Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried
B. Consideration of a request for amendment to PUD and Development Stage PUD,
and preliminary plat for the development of Spirit Hills South, a 48 unit single
family residential in an R -A (Residential Amenities) District. Applicant: R.W.
Land Holdings, LLC.
Steve Grittman, NAC, provided an overview of the request. Mr. Grittman noted
that the site is surrounded by residential neighborhoods to the south and east and
that the city approved a preliminary plat for Spirit Hills in 2003. The new
preliminary plat is very similar to the original plat. The original plat was 50 units
the revised is 48 with some changes to lot size. The Planning Commission
recommended approval by a 2-1 vote. Commissioner Fyle voted in dissent, citing
concern with the access from Fenning Avenue. There was discussion regarding
access. Wright County has originally stated that the developer would need to pay
City Council Minutes — May 28, 2019 Page 6 18
for a right turn lane, however they have indicated that in lieu of a right turn lane, a
by-pass lane is recommended to support the proposed development access. Staff
modified condition to require that the developer work to address the safety
concerns for the access in compliance with Wright County's recommendation.
The following addressed the Council:
Roger Winkelman, RW Land Holders, the developer, introduced himself and
the desire to develop the parcel as soon as possible.
Rene McCullough, 8829 Fenning Avenue, expressed concerns with the
amount of units in the plat, speed and behavior of traffic along Fenning Avenue,
and future construction of the Fenning Avenue as related to future growth.
Seth Monroe, Rum River Surveying, noted that his company did the surveying
and engineering for the site. Mr. Monroe addressed possible problems that could
occur if the street access on Fenning Ave. was moved further south.
Aaron Stonestreet, 5835 Bison Circle, expressed concern about the increase of
traffic. He also mentioned that the speed of traffic on Fenning Avenue is high.
Mr. Leonard responded that the State sets the posted speed limit. Once the street
improvements are made and the development is completed, the city can request
the State to do a speed study.
Mr. Grittman also reviewed the revisions to pathway which included shifting a
proposed trail and lot line adjustments. Angela Schumann, Community
Development Director, added that in 2021 Wright County will complete
improvements to Fenning Avenue and at that time will work with the city on the
trail component.
Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the PUD amendment and
Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat for Spirit Hills South, based
on findings in Resolution No. PC -2019-012, subject to the revised conditions
as incorporated in Exhibit Z. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
C. Consideration of authorizing members of the Citv Council to narticinate in the I-
94 Coalition lobbying effort July 24-25, 2019 in Washington D.C. at an estimated
cost of $1,000 per participant.
Mayor Stumpf moved approval of Councilmember Gabler attending trip to
Washington D.C. and the possible addition of one staff member.
Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried
5. Adjournment:
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber
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City Administrator
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