City Council Agenda Packet 07-24-2006 AGEN A REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday July 24, 006 - 7 p.m. CLOSED MEETING AT 6:30 P.M. TO DISC SS PENDING CONDEMNATION LITIGATION ON A VR SITE WITH CITY A TORNEY Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, len Posusta and Brian Stumpf I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of July 10, 2006 regular Co cil meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of July 17,2006 special Co cil meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and co 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of appointment of elect on judges for the 2006 primary election. B. REMOVED. C. Consideration of approval of easemen agreement for MMC Land Company. D. Consideration of approval of contribu . on from Dick SlaislSenior Center for Riverfest Expenses. E. Consideration of proposal to repaint t e top of first stage digester cover and to paint bottom of second stage digester cover t wastewater treatment plan. F. Consideration of approval offeasibilit study for drainage ditch improvement project between Kampa Circle and Monticell Country Club Golf Course. G. Consideration of approval of the final ading plan and specifications and authorize the advertisement of bids for grading portion of the Otter Creek Industrial Park. H. Consideration of approving Change 0 der #4 for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, City Project No. 2004-0IC. 1. Consideration of review of bids for Ri erside Cemetery Fencing, City Project No. 2006-17C. 1 Agenda Monticello City Council July 24, 2006 Page 2 J. Consideration of accepting the feasibi ity report, set public hearing date and authorize the preparation of plans and pecifications for the extension of Dalton Avenue (Formerly School Boulevard) and the westerly road (Dalton Court) adjacent to the proposed A VR site. 6. Consideration of items removed from the con. ent agenda for discussion 7. Public Hearing on certification of delinquent tility accounts for 1 st quarter 2006 to the County Auditor. 8. Consideration of settlement agreement/land e change - A VR Site. 9. Consideration of interim approval for signage for Best Western Motel. 10. Consideration of providing input on budget p ocess prior to development of preliminary budget. 11. Consideration of authorizing Madden and As ociates to revise City personnel policy and personnel ordinance. 12. Update on TH 25 and River Street signal syst m removal and TH 25 corridor traffic analysis. 13. Consideration of providing staff direction in r gards to future mini-storage request for Kjellberg Mobile Home Park. 14. Consideration of cost estimate and schematic rawing for placing swans on the water tower. 15. Consideration of terms of sale of remnant par el ofland resulting from re-alignment of Otter Creek Road ~ Tom Holthaus. 16. Review of annual sidewalk inspection report d consideration of acceptance. 17. Consideration of replacing John Deere skid st er loader. 18. Review of proposal for Cedar Street Lighting Project and consideration of award of contract. 19. Consideration to install lights on the new CS 2004-01C. 20. Consideration of approving payment of bills 21. Adjourn. 18 interchange bridge, City Project No. 2 MINUT S REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday July 10, 006 -7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, T m Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Plede:e of Allee:iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 .m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE T E MINUTES OF THE JUNE 26, 2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a end . The following items were added to the agenda. 1) Request from Home Depot for a one-time exemption from the 7 a.m. construction start ti e allowed by ordinance; 2) Lights on School Boulevard; 3) Discussion of placing a swan in tead of the Monticello logo on the water tower; 4) landscaping on ASTS site; 5) Weeds on the Krutzig property; 6) Process for selecting candidates for City Administrator po ition; and 7) Bids results for the 2006 sealcoating work. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO PLACE THE QUEST FROM HOME DEPOT FOR A ONE-TIME EXEMPTION TO THE 7 A.M. C NSTRUCTION START TIME ON THE CONSENT AGENDA AS ITEM #5D AND T MOVED ITEM #8 A WARD OF BID FOR THE CEDAR STREETIDUNDAS ROAD 1M ROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2006-02C TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS ITEM #5E. G EN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO SLY. laints. 4. No one spoke under citizen comments. s. Consent Ae:enda: A. Consideration of approving hires and dpartures for MCC. Recommendation: Approve the hires and departures as ide tified. B. Consideration of a resolution accepting ontribution from the Monticello Lions Club for Pioneer Park improvements and Fire Department equipment. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution accepting the cont 'bution from the Monticello Lions Club. 3 C. Consideration of a resolution acceptin a contribution from the Land of Lakes Choirboys for Fire Department Equip ent, Riverfest Committee and the Monticello Community Center. Recommendatio : Adopt the resolution accepting the contribution from the Land of Lakes hoirboys. D. Consideration of a request by Home epot contractor for a one-time early start (6a.m.) Recommendation: Authori e the early start time of 6 a.m. for Saturday July 15, 2006. E. Consideration of award of bid for the econstruction of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and the constru tion of Dundas Road from Cedar Street to Edmonson Avenue, City Project No.2 06-02C. Recommendation: Award the contract for the Reconstruction of Ced Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and Dundas Road from Cedar Street t Edmonson Avenue to Latour Construction of Maple Lake, Minnesota in the amountof$846,855.82. Tom Perrault noted that on item #5B the brea down ofthe donation was $5,000 for Pioneer Park and $4,500 for the Fire Department. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE HE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS #5A THROUGH #5E. GLEN POSUSTA SECO ED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c nsent a eoda for discussion None. 7. Public Hearin on vacation of a Jefferson Commons. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provided the background information explaining that since the Muller Theater site was being expan ed by the addition of land from Outlot C the existing drainage and utility easement along th old boundary line was no longer needed as drainage and utility easement was provided al ng the expanded boundary line. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Thee was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed easement vacation. May r Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE SOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITL YEAS MENT ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, JEFFERSON COMM S. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO SLY. 8. Consideration of award of bid for the Recon truction of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and the construction f Dundas Road from Cedar Street to Edmonson Avenue Cit Pro.ect No. 2006-0 C. Approved with the consent agenda. 4 9. Consideration of authorizin urchase of shared vehicle for the BuUdin and Eneineer Departments. City Engineer, Bruce Westby presented a list fvehicles the City could purchase under the state contract and 2001 model used vehicles b sed on NADA guidelines as a means of comparison to determine whether the City sh uld purchase a new or used vehicle. He noted a new vehicle would generally have a three y ar warranty and used vehicle most likely would not. In his comparison his used vehicl s had mileage of75,000. After reviewing the information, the Council questioned what was the difference in cost between purchasing directly from the dealer and going off the stat contract. John Simola indicated it was equivalent to 1-2 years of depreciation. Staff as looking for direction on whether the City wanted to go with a new vehicle or a used veh'cle and what type of vehicle they felt was appropriate. After those determinations were ade staff could come up with more specific information to allow for a more valid compari on. Staffs preference would be for a four-wheel drive vehicle. Brian Stumpf felt a used vehicle would be the ost feasible and recommended authorizing staff to locate a used four-wheel drive vehicle ot to exceed a certain dollar amount. Wayne Mayer felt staff should look at specific used v hicles rather than certain models that way you could more accurately determine the price dif rence between the used vehicle and what was available on the state contract. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO HAVE STAF EXPLORE OVER THE NEXT TWO WEEKS WHAT WAS AVAILABLE FOR U ED FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES AT A PRICE NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 PLUS AX. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO ' SLY. In further discussion Glen Posusta questioned hy the Council approved a new vehicle for the Parks Department but was looking at a use vehicle for the Building/Engineering Departments. Wayne Mayer stated that if the sed vehicles that were found were close to the state contract in price range staff should bri g the matter back to the Council. 10. Consideration of a roval of settlement/Ian associated site plan. The site plan was not ready for this meeting an will be considered by the Council at a future meeting. 11. De artment Activities Re ort MCC - Kitt altos MCC Director, Kitty Baltos provided a report n the activities of the Community Center which covered improvement/changes to the fac lity; membership growth, and the results of a survey done among the membership as to what they liked about the facility and changes they suggested. She also discussed the room r tals for 2006 and how they compared to the same date last year. Through June of2006, 95 670 visitors had come to the community center. Kitty Baltos then answered questions m the Council concerning activities and programs. 5 Added Items: Lights on School Boulevard: Glen Posusta asked th t the City look at placing additional lights on School Boulevard. He felt this area with the heav traffic volume, the presence of the schools and pedestrian traffic was inadequately lighted at the resent time. The Council suggested that the Public Works Department come back with a street Ii hting program that would outline when areas would get additional lights and cost estimates t fund such a program. John Simola pointed out that putting additional lights on School Boulevar would require construction of a new lighting system as they could not provide service by feeding ff the developed area. Wayne Mayer asked whether the lights would be placed on the north or so th side of School Boulevard. He felt additional lighting was needed especially in the cross, alk areas. ASTS Building Site: The concern was that the buildi g has been up for over a year and there is no landscaping in and the area is covered with weeds. Building Official Gary Anderson indicated the property owner had been notified about getting e weeds cut and is also working on getting permananet signage in place. Clint Herbst felt the n ed to get the landscaping in should be emphasized. Logo for Water Tower: Sometime earlier the Counci had discussed whether a picture of a swan should be placed on the new water tower instead oft e Monticello logo. The Council asked John Simola to get a schematic drawing and a price for m ing that change. 2006 Sealcoating Work: John Simola indicated that he area covered by the proposed sealcoating work was ih Street from Cedar Street to Washington Street, School Boulevard from Fallon Avenue to Edmonson Avenue and the Rolling Woods and Wildwood Ridge developments. Three bids were received with the low bid being from Allie Blacktop in the amount of$43,957.62 which was below the amount estimated. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AWARD THE CON RACT FOR THE 2006 SEALCOATING WORK TO ALLIED BLACKTOP OF MAPLE GRO E, MINNESOTA IN THE AMOUNT OF $43,957.62. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE OTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Krutzig Property: Council expressed their concern a out the weeds on his property on the east side ofTH 25. It was also questioned when construction ould begin on the site that he had purchased from the City. Rick Wolfsteller will check the agree ent for the date construction is to commence. Glen Posusta questioned the bill from Tatanka ardens. Ollie Koropchak indicated it was the plantings in the median along Broadway. City Administrator Applications: The Council reque ted that a copy of all the applications be given to each councilmember and they set a meeting date 0 Monday, July16 at 5:30 p.m. to narrow down the list of candidates. 12. Consideration of a BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE P YMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. M TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 Closed Meetine: At this time the Council went into closed session relat ng to the performance review of the City Administrator . 13. Adjourn. The closed session ended at 8:30 p.m. at whic time the meeting was adjourned. Recording Secretary 7 MINUT S SPECIAL MEETING - MONTI ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday July 17,20 6 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Ma r, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. for the purposing of narrowing down the list of candidates applying for the City Administrat r position. After review of the applications, the Council dir cted the City Administrator to arrange interviews with the top three candidates. The in erviews would be scheduled for Tuesday, July 25, 2006 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Rick Wolfsteller, Recording Secretary 8 Council Agenda - 7/24/06 SA. Consideration of a 2006. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The primary election for state offices is sched led for September 12, 2006 with a general election scheduled for November 7,2006. As part of the election process, the City Council must appoint judges to serve at the election. ttached is a list of judges that we will be selecting from for the primary election. Thei appointment is contingent upon completing the necessary training. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Appoint the election judges as listed i the attached document to serve for the 2006 election contingent upon completion 0 training.. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The attached list is a pool of individuals that t e City can draw from for the primary election. It is the recommendation of the City Adminis ator that the Council approve this list of individuals to serve as election judges. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Election judge list. 9 2006 ELECTIO ~ JUDGES NAME ADDRESS Anderson, Fred 122 Marvin Ell ood Road, Monticello, MN 55362 Ashfeld, Gregory 1515 Oak Rid e Circle, Monticello, MN 55362 Bondhus, Joan 3 Riverside Ci cle, Monticello, MN 55362 Brandon, Joan 164 Jerry LiefE rt Drive, Monticello, MN 55362 Brauch, Donna 701 W River S .PO 122, Monticello, MN 55362 Broekemeier, Ron 1440 Oak Rid~ e Cir, P01326, Monticello, MN 55362 Bromberg, Janet 172 Jerrv LiefE rt Drive, Monticello, MN 55362 Clausen, Lucille 320 W BroadVl ay, PO 145, Monticello, MN 55362 Custer, Edith 1410 Hilltoo D , Monticello, MN 55362 Dahl, Rosemary 1229 Sandy Lr , Monticello, MN 55362 Daniels, Mary 701 E 4th St, ~ onticello, MN 55362 DeMarais, Kristi 724 West Rive Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Doucette, Richard 1314 Prairie C eek Lane, Monticello, MN 55362 Fisher, Jamie 4663 Country ( ircle, Monticello MN 55362 Gauthier, Kaye 126 Hillcrest R j, Monticello, MN 55362 Gillham, Lynnea 915 W. BroadlJ ay, Monticello, MN 55362 Holley, Judy 660 Riverview )rive, Monticello MN 55362 Irvine, Jan 325 E 4th St, ~ onticello, MN 55362 Kraemer, Lori 648 Broadway Nest, Monticello, MN 55362 Mayer, Florence 110 Craia LanE , Monticello, MN 55362 Mcintire, Arlene 1120 West RiY er St, PO 516, Monticello MN 55362 Moody, Judy 118 Kampa CiI cle, Monticello, MN 55362 Nesland, Merrijo 330 Third Strel t East, Monticello, MN 55362 Quick, Richard 113 4th Street ::iE, Monticello, MN 55362 Smith, Jeanette 604 Vine Lane Monticello, MN 55362 Smith, Randy 109 Craie Lanl , Monticello, MN 55362 Solberg, Darlene 11693 Spruce )rive, Monticello, MN 55362 Soltau, Rita 624 E River St, PO 53 Monticello, MN 553362 Sonju-Thielman, Patricia Ann 1344 Prairie CI eek Lane, Monticello, MN 55362 Stokes, Opal 215 Locust St, PO 626, Monticello, MN 55362 Suchy, Sandy 890 Briar Cour , Monticello, MN 55362 Wefel, Diane 4561 Cobblest ne Ct., Monticello, MN 55362 Wolff, Lorraine 1201 Golf Cou se Road, Monticello, MN 55362 --... --- -----...-- . -..---.. - ----" ,.... 10 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 5C. Consideration of a royal of easement a eement for MMC Land Com an . (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider approving he final agreement between the City and MMC (O'Ryan's/Riverview Plat) relating to purch se of easements and right of way necessary to widen CSAH 39 and make other improveme ts to the interchange improvement. The terms of the agreement and associated c st of land and easements is consistent for the most part with original budget expectations. How ver, a relatively small amount of land was added and it is suggested that the City and MMC sp it the cost to remove the land divider adjacent to the O'Ryan's access at CSAH75. Removal 0 this median will occur upon completion ofthe project and will allow full turning movement on and offCSAH 75. The developer has agreed to this arrangement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt agreement ... 2. Motion to deny adoption of agreemen ... C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternat ve #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of agreement. 11 AGREE ENT AGREEMENT made this 14th day of June, 006, by and between MMC LAND COMPANY, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability co pany ("Owner") and the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporatio ("City") relating to the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1C. 1. Permanent and Tern orar Easement. Contemporaneously with this Agreement, Owner will execute and deliver to the City the foHo a. Temporary construction ease ent on Lot 3, Block 1, River View Square, a copy of which is attached hereto as E hibit "A"; and b. Permanent right-of-way ease ent, permanent drainage and utility easement, and temporary construction easement on Lot 1, Block 1, River View Square, a copy of which is attached h reto as Exhibit "B," 2, Consideration. Upon execution and d livery of this Agreement and the Easements, the City will pay Owner $96,800.00 as c mpensation for the easements. 3. 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1C shall be in i e following amounts: 123436vOZ 1 12 Parcel Amount Lot 1, Block 1, River View Square $63,842.00 Lot 3, Block 1, River View Square $48,433.00 Lot 1, Block 2, River View Square $109,322.50 Owner hereby waives any and all procedural and s; bstantive objections to the assessments, including, but not limited to, any rights of the Own r to hearing requirements and any claims that the assessments do not constitute a special benefit r that the amount of the assessments exceeds the special benefit to the Subject Property. The ab ve assessments are hereby adopted on the date this Agreement is signed by the parties. 4. Deferral of Assessments. a. The above assessments for th CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange Project will be deferred without interest until Janua 1,2011 at which time the assessments will then be payable over ten (10) years, i cluding interest commencing January 1, 2011 at the rate of four percent (4%) er annum simple interest computed on the unpaid balance with the first installm nt collectable as part of the payable 2012 taxes. b. If any parcel is subdivided pri r to January 1, 2011, the assessment for that parcel will be equitably apportio ed to individual lots on a square footage basis in accordance with Minn. Stat. 429.071. As each subdivided lot is either sold or developed, whichever occurs irst, the apportioned assessment for the lot will then be payable over ten (10) yea s, including interest commencing July 1 of the year the property is sold or develo s, with the first installment collectable as part of the following years payable t es (or the next year if the transaction occurs 123436vOZ 2 13 to late in year to certifY assessmen' to county). A lot is "developed" when a building permit is issued. c. The assessments on any par el or subdivided lot not sold or developed by January 1, 2011 shall then be payab e over ten (10) years, including interest at the rate of four percent (4%) simple int rest computed on the unpaid balance commencing January 1, 2011, with, e first installment collectable as part of payable 2011 taxes. 5. Median. City will at its expense re ove the easterly portion of the median on CSAH 75 by October 1,2006 in order to allow full unrestricted access to Owner's gas station. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknow edged before me this _ day of , 2006, by Clint Herbst and y Rick Wolfsteller, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a innesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority gran d by its City Council. Notary ublic 123436v02 3 14 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) 55. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledge before me this ~y of ~I U-;'A ~ 2006, by Richard E. Williamson and John V. R an, Jr., the Chief Executive Manager and the Chief Financial Manager, respectively, of MMLand Company, LLC, a MiImesota limited liability company, on behalf of the limited liability c mpany, Grantor. e BRYAN WM. HUBER NOTARY P\aJC. MINNESOTA My CGlIIlIllaIon EJpns J8l\ 31,2010 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNuTsON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 TMS 123436v02 4 15 EXHIBI "A" T AGREE ENT GRANT OF TEMP RY EASEMENT MMC LAND COMPANY, LLC, a Minnes ta limited liability company, "Grantor," in consideration of One Dollar and other good and va uable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporatio , the Grantee, hereinafter referred to as the "City," its successors and assigns, a temporary cons ruction easement over, across, on, under, and through the land situated in the County of Wrig t, State of Minnesota, as legally described on the attached Exhibit "A." TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the same, unto t e City, its contractors, agents, servants and assigns, commencing upon execution of this docum nt and expiring December 31,2007, together with the right of ingress to and egress from e temporary easement premises, for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, r pairing, and maintaining the property of the City, at the will of the City, its Successors and as igns. Grantor hereby grants the uses herein specified without divesting itself of the right to use a d enjoy the above described temporary easement premises, subject only to the right of the Ci y to use the same for the purposes herein expressed. The City, its agents and assigns, will rest re the described property to a condition as nearly equal as possible to that which existed prior to onstruction. 123436v02 1 16 The above named Grantor, for itself, its su cessors and assigns, does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that it is well seiz d in fee title of the above described easement premises; that it has the sole right to grant and con ey the easement to the City; that there are no unrecorded interests in the easement premises; an that it will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenant. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor. hereto has signed this document this _ day of ,2006. By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNfY OF ) This instrument was acknowledged before e this _ day of 2006, by the of MMC Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability ompany, on behalf of the company. Notary ublic THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 TMS/srn 123436v02 2 17 EXHIBI TO GRANT OF TEMPO Y EASEMENT That part of the following described parcel of land .n the City of Monticello: Lot 3, Block 1, RIVER VIEW SQUARE, a cording to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright ounty, Minnesota. Which lies within the following temporary easeme t for construction purposes: That part of Lot 3, Block 1, RIVER VIEW QUARE, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Record r, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies southeasterly and easterly of the following escribed line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence South 88 degre s 50 minutes 32 seconds West, assumed bearing along the south line of said Lot 3, 1 0.99 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Nor 45 degrees 39 minutes 06 seconds East, 95.25 feet, to its intersection with a line dra parallel with and distant 72.00 feet west of the east line of said Lot 3; thence North 00 egrees 44 minutes 47 seconds West, along said parallel line, 161.62 feet, to the northerl line of said Lot 3, and said line there terminating. Except that part which lies wit in the existing platted drainage and utility easements. Said temporary construction easement to expire De ember 31,2007. 123436v02 3 18 EXHIBI "B" TO AGREE NT GRANT OF PERMANENT AND EMPORARY EASEMENTS MMC LAND COMPANY, LLC, a Minnes ta limited liability company, "Grantor," in consideration of One Dollar and other good and val able consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does ereby grant unto the COUNTY OF WRIGHT, a political subdivision of the State of Mi nesota, the Grantee, hereinafter referred to as "County," its successors and assigns, the followi g easements: 1. A pennanent easement for street, dra nage and utility purposes over, on, across, under, and through the land situated in the County 0 Wright, State of Minnesota, as legally described on the attached Exhibit "A." INCLUDING the rights of the County, its co tractors, agents, servants, and assigns, to enter upon the pennanent easement premises at all r asonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair, and maintain said street, drainage an utility systems over, across, on, under, and through the pennanent easement premises, together ith the right to grade, level, fill, drain, and excavate the permanent easement premises, and the rther right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth, and other obstructions interfering with he location, construction, and maintenance of said public street, drainage and utility easements. 123436v02 1 19 20 A permanent easement for drainag and utility purposes over, on, across, under, and through the land situated in the County of Wri ht, State of Minnesota, as legally described on the attached Exhibit "A." INCLUDING the rights of the County, its ontractors, agents, servants, and assigns, to enter upon the permanent easement premises at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair, and maintain said drainage and uti! ty systems over, across, on, under, and through the permanent easement premises, togethe with the right to grade, level, fill, drain, and excavate the permanent easement premises, and th further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth, and other obstructions interfering wi the location, construction, and maintenance of said public drainage and utility easements. 3. A temporary construction easement ver, across, on, under, and through the land situated in the County of Wright, State of Minneso , as legally described on the attached Exhibit "A. " TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, unto he County, its contractors, agents, servants and assigns, commencing upon execution of this do ument and expiring December 31,2007, together with the right of ingress to and egress from the temporary easement premises, for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, epairing, and maintaining the property of the County, at the will of the County, its successors nd assigns. Grantor hereby grants the uses herein specified without divesting itself of the right 0 use and enjoy the above described temporary easement premises, subject only to the ri t of the County to use the same for the purposes herein expressed. The County, its agents a d assigns, will restore the described property to a condition as nearly equal as possible to that which existed prior to construction. 123436v02 2 20 I The above named Grantor, for itself, its su, cessors and assigns, does covenant with the County, its successors and assigns, that it is well sized in fee title of the above described easement premises; that it has the sole right to gra t and convey the easements to the County; that there are no unrecorded interests in the easem nt premises; and that it will indemnify and hold the County harmless for any breach of the fo I egoing covenants. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Granto hereto has signed this document this _ day of ,2006. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) G TOR: MM, LANDCOMPANY,LLC I By: Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledge before me this _ day of 2006, by th of MMC Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability ompany, on behalf of said company, Grantor. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFfED BY: CAMPBElL KNuTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone; 651-452-5000 TMS/cjh 123436v02 I Notar Public 3 21 123436v02 EXH BIT "A" TO GRANT OF PERMANENT TEMPORARY EASEMENTS That part of Lot 1, Block 1, River View Sq are, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, shown as Pare I No.5 on the plat designated as WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY LAT NO. 55, on file and of record in the office of the Wright County Recorder, Wri t County, Minnesota. Together with a Permanent Drainage and tility Easement lying East of said ParcelS as shown on said plat. Together with a Temporary Easement sho n as TE 5 as shown on said plat. The Temporary Easement shall expire on Dece ber 31,2007. 22 4 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 5D. Consideration of a roval of contribution rom Dick Slais/Senior Center for Riverfest Block Party Expenses. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a donation from the Di k Slais/Senior Center in the amount of $1 00 to go towards defraying expenses related to the iverfest Block Party. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of fun s, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donar on and its use. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authoriz use of funds as specified by the donor. 2. Do not approve the contribution and r turn the funds to the donor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administ atar and the Finance Department to adopt the resolution accepting the contribution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution. 23 City of M nticello RESOLUTION NO. 2006-56 RESOLUTION APPROV NG CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pu suant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizer s and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in ccordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provis ons ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons an j or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONORlENTITY Dick Slais/Senior Center DESCRIl TION Cash do ation VALUE $100 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the ci y's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby mds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described ab( ve are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. The contributions described ab( ve will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbUl sing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose. 2. DONORlENTITY Dick SIais/Senior Center RECIPI~NT City of Monti( ello/MCC PURPOSE Riverfest Block Party expenses Adopted by two-thirds vote of the City Cou cil of Monticello this 24th day of July, 2006. ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator resolution approving contributions.doc: 7/17/2006 Mayor 24 SE. the Bottom of the Second Sta Treatment Plant. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The second stage digester at the wastewater treatmnt plant was taken down recently for a 5 year routine inspection. Much of the second stage igester cover paint appeared to be in poor condition. The bottom of the cover, however, that portion exposed to the corrosive atmosphere was in very poor condition. The cold tar epoxy eating had failed and the bottom of the cover was rusting and exposed to the atmosphere in the tank. Additionally, there was some piping repairs needed as well that the inspection revealed. This cover was painted in 1994. Along with the problems found at the second stage igester cover, for several years now we were having some problems with the outside coating on the top of the first stage digester. Paint was pealing in many areas and the many touchups had also been failing, this cover was painted in 1995. Based upon this information, Chuck Keyes, anager of the Waste Water Treatment Plant for Professional Services Group, solicited proposa s from 2 companies to blast and repaint the bottom side of the second stage digester cover, d the necessary piping repairs in the second stage digester and blast and repaint the top of the lrst stage digester cover. Estimates for the work were in the mid-$40,000's under the state req irement of$50,000 for bidding. Two proposals were received for the work, one fro Gridder Construction Inc, Buffalo, MN, for a total of$61,900.00 and a second proposal from Ri e Lake Construction for $49,600.00. PSG is seeking authorization from the City Council 0 proceed with the painting of the 2 digester covers and the piping repairs based upon the low pv posal of $49,600.00. To delay painting the inside of the second stage digester cover could allo more corrosion to take place, additionally it is not the easiest thing to take the second stage dige ter off line, drain it and clean it and have it ready for inspection and or painting. There are ade uate funds in the sewer access fund to cover these repairs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize P G to move forward with the low proposal of $49,600.00 from Rice Lake Construction, h ve the painting done to the digester covers and the piping repair as stated above. 2. The second alternative would be not have t e digester covers painted at this time or to split the work in to two separate projects. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works D rector and Chuck Keyes, Manager of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, that the City Council a thorize the painting and repairs done to the digester covers as outlined in alterative 1. 26 Council Meeting - / /2006 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposals from Rice Lake Construction an Gridder Construction. 27 GRIDO CONSTR., INC. 399D 27th St Se (763) 746-9D70 Buffalo, MN 55313 (Fax) 559w3736 Improving Amerla IS Water Quality since 1970 Monday, July 10, 2006 City of Monticello Chuck Keys 1401 Hart Blvd. ~onticello,~ 55362 Re: Quotation for WWTP Monticello, Minnesota Dear Mr. Keys: Gridor Construction, Inc. has looked over the cost to ut out and remove unused gas pipe, weld up pipe penetration. and remove caulking from construction join s so painter could sand blast and paint over joint If required that jOints need new caulking, the caulk and lab r to install would be extra. Our Lump Sum bid price is $61,900.00. This includes labor and matelials. Painting Completed per Quotation: Gridor Cost Estimate: TOTAL: Please contact us for any additional information if needed. Sincere1y, Ih4 vo/l ~ pa- 7ktJe..1~ Project Assistant $54,800.00 $7,100.00 $61,900.00 28 Primary Tank Top - Scope of Work: 1. Protect the tank by covering/temporary filling in the annular space at cover pe~imeter. 2. Sandblast off alJ existing paint from cover to an SPC #6 ~ Commercial Blast. 3. Properly test and dispose of the spent sandblast d. 4. Prime all sandblasted surfitces with one coat ofh'gh quality, chemical resistant epoxy such as Tnemec series 66 at 5 mils dft. 5. Apply one intennediate coat of chemical resistan. epoxy such as Tnemec series 66 at 5 mils dft. 6. Apply one top coat m high quality, chemical resi tantlUV resistant urethane such as Tnemec series 73 at 3 - 4 mils dft. Total Bid Price for Primary Tank Top: / l tJO().~ Secondary Tank TQP - Scope of Work: I. Sandblast off all existing paint from cover to an 2. Properly test and dispose of the spent sandblast s d. 3. Prime all sandblasted surfaces with one coat of hi h quality. chemical resistant epoxy such as Tnemec series 66 at 5 mils dft. 4. Apply one intennediate coat of chemical resista t epoxy such as Tnemec series 66 at 5 mils dft. 5. Apply One top coat ofhigh quality, cbemical res'stantJUV resistant urethane such as Tnemec series 73 at 3 - 4 mils dft. Total Bid Price for Secondary Tank Top: :.I ~ 7T E1.3&tJ. -- Secondary Tank Attic Area - ScoPe of Work: 1. Spot sandblast all rusted steel surfuces on tank c iJing area and roof trusses to an SSPC #6 _ commercial blast. 2. Brush/sweep sandblast all remaining coated area with in the tank attic area. 3. Remove sand,. test and dispose of properly. 4. Spot prime all spot basted areas with one coat of hemical resistant epoxy such as Tnemec serles 66. 5. Apply one finish coat to complete attic area. inel ding root; ceiling, and structures sucb as roof trusses with one coat of chemical resistant epoxy Dch as Tnemec series 66, Total Bid Price for above scope of work: tJ" 136t)(), - Seconda Tank Uaden;ide Roof Area & Skirt - S '0 1. Rig interior tank as necessary to get to work area. 2. Sandblast aU carbon steel surfaces on underside 0 roof cover to an SSPC # 10 - near white blast. 3_ Remove all spent sandblast sand, test and dispose f properly. 4. Apply three coats of chemical resistant epoxy sue as Tnemec series 66 for a total film thickness of 12 -15 mils dft Total Bid Prico for above scope of work: at>.. dd OtJt) -- ) 29 PROPOSAL June 27, 2006 Project: Painting of Primary and S condary Digester Covers WWTP Monticello, MN VeoHa Water 1401 Hart Blvd Monticello, 55362 ATTN: Office: Cell: Fax: Chuck Keyes (763) 295-2225 (612) 219-1701 (763) 295.4779 PROPOSAL TOTAL $ 49,600.00 Bid Clarifications: - Primary Digester - White metal BI st exterior top of cover, apply one coat of Macro-poxy 646 and one coat of Pol~rethane [nish - Secondary Digester - White metal, last exterior top of cover, apply one coat of Macro-poxy 646 and one coat of Pol}'Urethane nish White Metal Blast bottom of cover nd apply two coats of Magna Lux 304 Commercial Blast Attic and apply 0 coats of Macro-poxy 646 Add manway and cover similar to xisting to aid in ventilation of attic - Work to be completed ASAP - be~ re heat and shelter are required this fall. - Digester covers to be painted in pi ce - No Bond is included - can be ad de for 1 % - No building permit is included. - Tax is included. - Proposal valid for 15 days Rice Lake Construction Group !lOA 4v-- Mike Andresen Project Manager 30 SF. Council Agenda: 7/24/06 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN Club Over the years the existing drainage dit h between Kampa Circle and the Monticello Country Club Golf Course as filled in with about a foot of sediment and debris, as well as becoming choke with all sizes and species of trees and plants. Per Council's direction on June 12th, a feasibility study was prepared to examine the costs to construct drainage improvements in this area. The feasibility study, which is attached, inc udes a full description ofthe project and a preliminary cost estimate for the wor required to establish a uniform and maintainable drainage ditch in the area etween Kampa Circle and the golf course. As you'll recall two residents from K pa Circle addressed the Council on June 12th and stated that stormwater runoffi not properly conveyed within the existing drainage and utility easement t erefore they are experiencing standing water and the depositing of debris with' their back yards during periods of heavy rain. In an effort to address their concerns, Public Works staff recently removed a soil dam at the 42" storm se er outlet from CR 39 to allow stormwater runoff to be contained with'n the existing ditch during moderate rainfall events. However, this will onl contain stormwater in periods of moderate rainfall. Stafftherefore reco mends proceeding with this project as quickly as possible to provide positive rainage within the easement during heavier rainfalls, preventing temporary ooding in the resident's back yards. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the feasibility study for a rainage ditch improvement project between Kampa Circle and Montice 10 Country Club Golf Course. 2. Deny approval of the feasibility stu y. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Ad inistrator, the Public Works Director and the City Engineer that the City Cou cil approve alternative action #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Study (attached). 31 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 5G. rove the Final Gradin Plans and S ecifications and Authorize the a P rtion of the Monticello Business Center of onticello Pro'ect No. 2006-18C (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the June 12,2006 City Council meeting, the Council authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for grading a porti n of the Otter Creek Industrial Park to further develop the park and to accommodate the d ve10pment of the A VR site. The project includes grading a portion of the current 35 acre City-owned property at Chelsea Road and Dalton Avenue as well as an additional 47 acres to the south. The City is purchasing 52 acres at this time, however the additiona 5 acres is all contained within a wetland area. The City has authorized the purchase of the property for this project from John Chadwick and Jim Bowers and staff is in the process f finalizing the purchase and anticipates closing on the property by the end of Augu t, 2006. City staff is also finalizing the A VR land settlement agreement and is addressed 'n a separate agenda item. Street and utility improvement for the project site are also be ng addressed in a separate agenda item. Improvements would include grading the ro dways (Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court and segment of Dalton Way), rough grading of e adjacent lots, construction of a pond along the west side of the site and restoration. Or ing operations will include filling the mining area that was previously used for ag egate production. The soils onsite are primarily sandy with topsoil on the surface. It is anticipated that sufficient material can be generated from the site to complete the ading and that material will not need to be hauled in to the site from an off-site source. There are also several stockpiles of material that are being analyzed with the site grading for an appropriate use. Funding for this project will be provided fro City funds to be recouped with the adjacent lot sales and tax base generated fro the business park. Grading operations are proposed to start in eptember, 2006, in order to provide access to the A VR site and to accommodate A VR's r quest to begin construction this fall, so it is imperative that the Council consider authori ing proceeding with the project at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the final grading plans and pecifications and authorize the advertisement for bids for grading a ortion of the Otter Creek Industrial Park. 2, Do not approve the plans and specifi ations at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that th Council authorize Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Project Map 32 F:\da glWJrdproc\l006 Council Agendas\7-14-Q6 CC ,,~ndal.5GOt~r(reetA.pprovt Gn,dlng PJan-071406,doc SR. A rove Chan e Order No.4 for the CS Proiect No. 2004-1C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda: 7/24/06 The attached change order is required to re 'se the quantities for placement of topsoil in the bottom of the wet ponds, placement of t e concrete washout material in the bottom of pond 5, a reduction in the contract pay item ~'Traffic Control," and elimination of the subsurface drain tile. During construction it was decided that the i place soils beneath the ponds would not provide wet ponds and would be acting as in ltration ponds. In an effort to establish vegetation in the wet ponds, it was determin d that they should be lined with l' of topsoil and in addition, the remaining concrete was out material shall be spread in the bottom of pond 5 increase the likelihood that the wet p nds could hold water. The concrete washout material was not usable material in e embankment and would have had to be removed from the site at city cost. The contractor was instructed to over-excav te the pond bottoms and bring the grade back up to plan using topsoil and the concree washout material. The granular material that was excavated will be used within the p oject limits thereby resulting in a savings by reducing import of borrow material. The co tractor has agreed to the contract price of $2.50 for common excavation to excavate th sand out ofthe pond bottoms. Placement of topsoil in the bottom of the ponds was fro onsite topsoil and was paid for in the common excavation when it was previously xcavated. The total quantity of additional common excavation is 14,412 cu yds. This aterial is currently stockpiled in pond 5. It is anticipated that it will be used as emb ent material for the roundabout thereby reducing the cost of the borrow material for e roundabout. The actual saving will be determined when the change order for the m dab out is negotiated with the contractor. The contractor requested that they be allowe to use temporary paint on 1-94 for the traffic control change in Stage 2 Phase 1 ins ead of temporary plastic tape. This change was requested due to the potential issues wit application of temporary tape in colder temperatures. Since the contract documents equired the use of temporary tape, the contractor and the engineer agreed to a price reduction for the substituted material. This price reduction will be $5,200 and will be d ducted from the lump sum traffic control item. The supplemental agreement is provid d in the supporting data. The contractor has been directed by the engi eer to not install the subsurface drain tile on the project. During construction it was det ined that there was enough granular material onsite between the existing emba ents and the crushed concrete from the A VR site to build all of the embankments w'th granular material. This eliminates the need for subsurface drain tile and results in cost reduction of $41 ,328. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.4 in the ount of$847.00 2. Do not approve Change Order No.4 C'\Doc~mellt.f and .'ktting$ldami.gm ingeriLocaJ &ttingslTemporory Ihttr1k!t FU~s\OLK31A'(jN rrM-CSAHl8C04-07J406-chang8 onk,. #4.doc 34 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends selecti g Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Change Order No.4 Supplemental Agreement for Traffic Contro Change C; \Docu~nts and Settingslda'Ml.flYOS ngeJ'I(.AXal StlltflgslTl:rhporary Internet FileslOLJd\AGN rrM-('"SAHI8C04.07U06-cha~ onk,. /U..dac 35 JUL-20-2006 12:12 JUL-20-06 THU 11:59 AM WSB & ASSOCIATES RL LARSON EXC INC 7635411700 P.04/08 FAX NO. 320 654 1021 P.04 '"~;/'~,~N~f:j~,.:'::i~.\,.,'~;:#:,:_:::f!::,;:::',:,' ' , ,~H 18Jl-94I~TEReHANGE IMPROVEM!NiS s.P. NO. 8680.1,38 ' COvN'TV PROJECT NO. 86-13-0&12 ' , ,ClTY,I)ROJECT NO. 2004.o1C ,CITY O,F MO,NTICElLO. MN 'wsaPROJeGT NO. 11549-12' , OWNER: CITY:OF'MONnceLLO , 50S WALNUT S.TREET, SUITE 1 , MONTICELLO, MN 5S3$Z R.LARSONEXCA VA nNG,INC. , ~ -12TH STReET SS S~ CLOUD, MN $6304 LJMENT OEseRlPIION; , YOl) A"~E DIRECTE.D TO MAKE me: FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE. CONTRACT :, " CONTAACi,OUANTITIES ARE MOOIF,IED AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED DETAIL , : ,IT IS UNDER~nOOD THAT THIS, CHANGE ORDER INClUDES ALL AOOITIONAL cas $ AND TJME EXTENSlONS \l\fHICJ-f ARE IN ANY WAY, SHAFE, OR ' ,FORM ,ASSOClArED WITH THE WORK El.EMENT5 DESCRlago ABOVE. ' , , , C'HANm~ IN CONTRACT PRICE: ,ORJG'INAL CONTRAcT P~ICE: 58,275,988:16, ,:0 IGINAL CONTRACT TJMg; , $558'.302.50 N CHANGE t=ROM PREVIOUS cHANGE ORDERS: sa,834,290,/\$, ' NTRACT TIMe: PRIOR TO THIS,CHANC;E ORDER: ,$47.00 /'.l 'INCR,EASE WITH CHANGe; OReeR: $8,835,137.66 G N'rRAC"f 'rIME W1Tl-1 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS " " ,'PREVI,OUS.CHANOE: ORDERS: 'CO~'TRA.GT PRICE PRIORTO TfHS CHANGE ORDER: , : NET INCREASc OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: 'CONTRACT PRICE 1M'rH A1.L APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: OEREK $CHMIOT. Fl.E.. PROJECT MANAGER 5131 r.?OO?: , . o 5/3112007 o 61:3112007 _. -- , ,RJ:;C.OMMENDEO BY; INSB & ASSOCIATES, INc. ENGINEER. R. L. LARSON EXCAVATING. INC. CONTRACTOR . AP~ROV!:iD BY: CITY ENGINEER , C.lTY ADMINISTRATOR DA'lT: DATE 36 K.:\IH.f:4&.1J\A_~frvetIonAdml"""~f' t'"'1'I~ "'1II'i'''M I..'~....... " JUL-20-2006 12:12 JUL-20-06 THU 11:58 AM WSB & ASSOCIATES RL LARSON EXC INC 7635411 700 FAX NO. 320 654 1021 P.02/08 p, 02 .. . ..,. ',: " .: 'c. :::.:.::.:.:.::,.:.::.":,;:'::;~:.:.;C~/(NttE::d9~'.' b>4.::D~i~J~:~::::t:,::'''<.\':''"~,, :::/.i:,::;- .<):\:::. . ..," . .. !.'. '::" ......,.j..:..(: ,.:::..;: ;-'. ,". :::-.i:. '.: ~;. '.: ':~::>'/ ":;:.i..-':: .:.: 'j ;...::'1.:: .:;:':;':.: ):: '.';:'.:,~..,.::::: ':..,';;..;':"" r::' ::",,:' \,':'L.~',:".<...:'.". ;':". : <',...,:'::: .;..\':" . ':. CSA.Hfsn-94INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS . ..' . ..... .... .....,... .. ........ . S.P. NO"S1580-1.3S . : COUNTY PROJEcT NO. 8&'18.0612 . CIJ'Y,P.ROJECT NO, 2004-01C CITY OF MONTICEl.LO. MN . . WSe PROJECT N'O. 1546.12 '.,-"',;t:..':',"'\" 1114/2008 me p~OJeCT 1'.10.1546.11' ';DOED ITEMS . Item No..' Oescription 278 COMMON EXCAvATION '2751 SEEDING 280 MULCH MA TI:RIAL IYPE 3 28"1' DISK ANCHORING 282 COMMERCIAL FERTIUZERANALYSIS 24-1Z.24 283 . AGRICULTURAL LIME 284 seeD MIXTIJRE ~10 Qty Unit Price Extended Amount 4.412 CUYD $2.50 $36.030.00 5 ACRE $105.00 5525.00 10 TON $200.00 $2,000.00 5 ACRE . seo.OO $300.00 1000 POUND SO.20 $200.00 10 TON $25.00 $250.00 410 .POUND $7.00 S2,.S"fO.OO $42,175;00 . =--------... TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.3 . I)EL'ETED ITEMS . It&<l\ NQ, . Descri"tion Qty Unit Price Extended Amount 2S\il: TRAFFIC CONTROL 290 4" PER.F TP PIPE'DFWN 1. LUMP SUM -$5.200_00 LiN.FT -S8.OO ($5.200.00) ($41.328.00) 166 TOTAL DELE1l:0 ITEMS CHANGE OROE;R NO.3. ($41,328.00). . '. TOTAL AOJ.USTMENl TO CONTRACT AMOUNT. . $847.00 37 MNIDOT TP-02134-04(2/99) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL AG EEMENT NO.2 Supp. To Contract No. Page 1 of 2 CONTRACTOR; R L Larson Excavating, Inc. ADDRESS: 2255 _12th Street SE St. Cloud, MN 56304 FEDERAL PROJE NA LOCATION OF WORK CSAH 18 at 1-94 in Monticello, STATE PROJECT NO. S.P.8680-138 GROUP NO. APPR. AMOUNT GROUP NO. APPR. GROUP NO. APPR. AMOUNT ORIGINAL E N/A SA TOTAL N/A WHEREAS: The Contract provides for, among other things, grading, bi 'nous surfacing, drainage, lighting, signing and striping, traffic signals, and bridge 86530, and WHEREAS: The Contract specifically calls for the use of temporary remo able pre-formed plastic tape pavement markings on Stage 2, Phase 1 of the Traffic Control Plans, and WHEREAS: The construction documents specifically identify the pay ite and quantities for the temporary removable pre-formed plastic tape markings, and WHEREAS: The contractor has requested the use of temporary paint pave ent markings in lieu of temporary removable pre-formed plastic tape markings, and WHEREAS: The Engineer has further determined that this constitutes a pa ent deduction as provided in Mn/DOT specification 1403. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED AND U DERSTOOD THAT: 1. All existing pavement markings in the corridor, including the yell wedge line, white edge line, and white skip shall be removed by the contractor and will be replaced in the same location using epo y paint. 2. The existing outside 4~inch white shoulder marking on 1-94 in bot directions shall be painted in lieu of removable tape. 8. Contract time will not be revised except as may be provided in M OT Specification 1806. 3. As a result of items 1 and 2, no black mask tape shall be required 4. The new yellow edge line and white skip stripe in both directions hall be painted in lieu of temporary tape based on the quantities outlined for Stage 2, Phase 1 shown in the plans on Tab 0, Sheet 4. 5. No payment shall be made for temporary paint used in lieu ofte 6. The payment deduction for the material substitution shall be at the negotiated Lump Sum and Unit Prices shown in the Estimate of Cost. 7. This agreement pertains only to Stage 2, Phase 1 portion of the pr 9. All other work will be completed in accordance with the original 0 ntract documents and completion schedule. 10. The Contractor shall not make any claim of any kind or character hatsoever for any other costs or expenses which he may have incurred or which he may hereafter incur in performing the work d furnishing and installing the materials required by this agreement. c:\ ocuments and Settings\dawn.grossinger\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3\SA TP-02134-04 2.doc 38 JUL-20-2006 12:12 JUL-20-06 THU 11:59 AN WSB & ASSOCIATES RL LARSON EXC INC 7635411700 P.06/08 FAX NO, 320 654 1021 P.06 MN/DOT TP-02'134-04(2/99) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATiON SUPPLEMENTAL A.G 'EEM,ENT NO.2, , Supp~ To Contract No. ~ 2563,.601 f-".- 2581.50) I , Item I L Traffic Control , R hi -;::-fi d ....1 . M:~::- ! I eItJ~a e n-= orme r astic , <UMng " t. I Removable Prefo~ed Plastic Marking , ' .. lack) , Lin. t, Page 2of2 ESTIMATE OF COST Increase'It 5 l-lierr, No. QUantity ! ~ 'Onit~rlte r i 2581.603 L--... (1) $5200.00 ~- (14,860) som (51,414) 1 $0.01 I , -~--~";--I Amount J -----; , ($5,200.00) ! ($ 48 '0)' ~,' I ,.6 'J ' i, ($514.14) ! Net Contract Decmase Amount ($5,86'2,14) '($5,862.74) TOTAL ON1RACT DECREASE A.MOU1>-rr Project E:'lgineer Montlce,lJo city Enginee, , I Oat~:...,_ ) , Dated:~_ NlA MI'lIDOT DSAE Approval Dated:___Nf^_ , Or.tracto'r ':,OalNd:~~~ 20-06' 39 K:\01546~1 I.A'dmin\Ccm.~ction Admin\SA TP.02134.04 2.doc 51. Consideration of Review of Bids for Ri 2006-17C. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may know, Riverside Cemetery was give to the City in 1996 by the local Masonic Lodge. The age of the Masonic members was in reasing and the difficulty of managing the cemetery became a monumental task. In additi n, Riverside Cemetery had some financial problems in the past which were also difficult for th lodge to overcome. The cemetery is being run as an enterprise fund wi h the only real revenue coming from grave sales. The City has been able to put away perpetua care funds for each grave sold and pay for the general operations of the cemetery. There are very little excess funds being put away for capital improvements. In late 2001, the Riverside Cemetery committee co pleted the rules and regulations documents and a long term plan for the cemetery. The City Co ncil approved the rules and regulations and the long term plan and turned over the over-sight of he cemetery to the Park Commission in late 2001. The long term plan for Riverside Cemetery laid out 3 items to be accomplished and put them in order of priority. In addition, another 7 items were i cIuded for future consideration. One of the major items on the long term plan was new fencin in front of the cemetery. This item also talked about fencing the east side of the cemetery ere it butts up against private residence as we would be soon adding graves in this area. Altho gh the fence was discussed several times by the Parks Commission, it was decided to wait until est River Street was reconstructed and the area was regraded to replace the fencing. In the beginning of 2005 the Park Commission d Park Superintendent began looking at alternatives for new fencing. Vinyl was ruled out a1 ost immediately and the recommendation was to go with aluminum powder coated fencing imilar to that at Hillside Cemetery, only shorter, 4 feet in height rather than 6 feet in height. ith 2006 and the initiation of the core city street reconstruction project on West River Stree it was time to move forward with the replacement fencing. Consideration was given to reu e the best sections of the old fencing along the east boundary rather than place chain link fence i that area. It was felt than enough fencing could be salvaged and reused along the eas boundary of the cemetery and the SandberglRiverside Plat. We will also be able to use some of the salvage fencing in a few areas of the north boundary of the cemetery along the ri ge adjoining the Mississippi River. The remaining sections could be sold to citizens mak'ng a donation to the cemetery fund for improvements. In late June, 2006, plans and specifications were d afted for bidding the Riverside Cemetery fencing using specifications similar to those at Hill ide Cemetery only with a shorter 4 foot fence. To obtain a cross section of prices bids were s ught on wrought iron, steel and aluminum fencing with an option to add decorative finials on e ch one of the types of fencing. Bids were due to be returned on July 13,2006. On July 13, 2006 bids were received from 4 separate fence companies. Three of the companies bid more than one type of fence. The lowest bid received was from Authority Fencing of 40 Council Meeting - / /2006 Monticello, MN, with offices in Clearwater for. aluminum fencing at an installed price of $36,995.00. The option for decorative finials on th aluminum fencing was priced at $11,895.00 bringing the total cost with the finials to $48,890.0 . At the bid opening, it was determined that the price from Authority Fence was very low and t at it was $8,330.00 below the 2nd bidder for the base aluminum fence, which was Town and C untry Fence out of Brooklyn Park, MN (the company which installed the fence at Hillside C metery). In checking the bid further with Authority Fence, it was determined that they had issed the markup on the fencing materials. Authority Fence indicated that they would stand be ind their bid and they did not want to forfeit their bid security. They had adequate funds bid in t e labor to install the fence and would do so. On Wednesday, July 19, 2006, the Monticello Park Commission reviewed the bids at a special meeting. The Parks Commission recommended hat the City Council award the project to Authority Fencing based upon their low bid of $ 6,995.00 for the 4 foot industrial strength aluminum fence similar to the Hillside Ce etery Fence. The Parks Commission recommendation was to not install the decorative fin"als. Funding for the fencing is recommended by the Cit Administrator to come from the Parks fund, which had excess revenue from the year 2005, ue to various capital expenditures being eliminated or delayed from their budget. Expendi ures for the Parks fund in 2005 were over $190,000 under budget, leaving sufficient balances t cover either alternative. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to award a co tract to Authority Fencing in the amount of $36,995.00 for the installation of a 4 foot al minum fence along the front of Riverside Cemetery. 2. The second alternative would be not to award the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin strator, Public Works Directors, Parks Superintendent and Monticello Park Commission t at the City Council award the project to Authority Fencing as outlined in alternative I for $36 995.00. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of recommendations from Larry Nolan, P ks Commission Chairman, copy of bid tabulation, map of front of cemetery (taken from cor city project plans), and sections of fence brochure. 41 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY LON AS PRESENTED At'lD APPROVED BY THE NOVEMBER TERM PLA1~ OUTLINE YERSIDE CEMETERY COMMITTEE 1, 2001 The Lon Term Plan is itemized below in order 0 rioritv: 1. Landscaping lIlaill elttrallce area alld ala" path towards flagpole The Committee would like to see the City w rk with a landscaper in developing a plan for this. The Committee was not aware of what expertise the parks staff had in this area and doesn't know whether the Park Department could do the work or whether they would have to go to an outside source. The Park Depart ent has indicated that they did the plantings at Ellison Park and that firms such as Steve's [ursery and Cedar Street Garden Center would help in preparing layouts and planting lists. 1. Spruci"g lip tlte entrance area illclmlillg b tter lighting for tlte area The Committee feels the brick columns by t e entrance are deteriorating and agree that the lighting should be incorporated in the landsc; ping plan (item #1). 3. Elltrallce monument with Riverside Celllet IY name on it The Committee wants recommends that t e monument has enough clearance for the contractor equipment to pass under. Therefo e, the monument would be incorporated with the archway at the entrance (item #7). 4. Puvillg ami widening of road This may be an expensive item to budget bu the Committee feels it is necessary. 5. New fencing The fencing would be across the front but it s also suggested that fencing be considered on the east side where the cemetery abuts priva e residences. 6. Plaming 3' shl'llb hedge in are(lS without ncillg The Committee recommends some sections here the shrub hedge should be planted, along the east side and a section along the west sid . The shrubbery is being suggested as the cost of fencing can get rather expensive. Howev r, it is felt that areas where the cemetery abuts private yards it should be fenced. The Co ittee feels the Public Works Department can detennine the height and type of fencing to e used such as 4' chain link or 4'+ wrought iron fencing. The location of the shrub would b from the side entrance going to the east and it . is_sugges.te:dlhat. aILc\-:crgre.enhclgene..pl ted.At the presenuime..nothing.is.lhere------- . -- 7. Arc/uvay at the elltrance The Committee feels Bailey Station on Cm nty Road 14 at Big Lake is very attractive and that something such as this would work \.vel. it was felt that this should be done as part of the entrance monument (item #3). C:,6ET""'WORDPROCRlVERSID<lo"S.'e"',..'..,.--e'...../-llla"-200' ''''!Xl - 1:6'0701 - PAGE 1 OF 3 . 42 8. Water/irrigation improvements The Committee suggests the City incorpora e additional irrigation as the cemetery expands to the west. 9. Clean lip secondary growth area along tit river The Committee recommends cleaning up th s area along the river bank to deter problems the City has had in the past with individuals par ing in the cemetery and climbing down the bank to go fishing, as \vell as the dumping of Ie ves, garbage, mattresses, etc. It was felt that clearing out the area \vould make any activi ies taking place there more visible to the public and law enforcement personnel. 10. PlaJlting of some flowering trees This could be covered under the landscapi g plan (item # 1). The Parks Department has recommended the dwarf variety flowering tees are not planted. 11. Placement afbenches alollg river ami the athway This would be incorporated in the memori 'I fund plan. The Conunittee suggests offering maintenance free benches such as recycled lastie materials to be set on cement pads. /2. Replace existillg shed The Committee recommends that when th shed is replaced that it should be moved to a more remote location towards the back oft e cemetery for aesthetic purposes. 13. Suggestion to elwiu off the otlter elltrllltce to tlte cemetelY The Committee is not in complete agree men on this item. One member feels that for safety and security reasons, chainingoffal1otheren rance/exits other than the main entrance should be considered. The member feels that iTyot force people to lIse the same entrance and it is well lighted. it is less likely that they will g into the cemetery for other purposes. Other members feel that chaining the entranc lexits that are used would make it seem unwelcoming. [t should be noted that at th present time the main entrance does not stand out that much and it may not be obvious to p .eple visiting the cemetery for the first time that this is the main entrance to use. Upon comp etion of the entrance area improvement, it will be more of focal point and this item can be looked at again at that time. Other Considerations and Items for Future Con ern: I. Acquisitioll of llllldfor future cemetelY de elopmellt Ih~.l&mmittee_,~Jhi~.is._.s9..lMthingJhaL ,cls..tQJle,aCCQlllplished within. the next fiy~ years. The Committee suggests that it will e important for the Public Works Director to initiate setting aside funds each year in the b tdget so that \\i-hen a suitable site may become available, the funding will be established for his purchase. It is preferred and recommended that the City acquire an open flat parcel of at least 10 acres for a future cemetery. The City would then be able to landscape and plot he site, as well as incorporate a pathway or \\i'alkway throughout the cemetery. C',SETH\WORCPRCC'RI\iEflSIOIIOl'g-te',.,.,."OW'er"'Y.ClsI1-2001 '''Cd . IZWQl . PAGE 2 OF 3 - 43 Coonc:ilM1lIutes ...,'. . ~2'JQiQ l. ,', ;'" """';:'i~,\':'t': .,'.:."..' ,',,. :~.,:),:: ,..,1:",,1':.:,'\':. ..'j." ,,,:";. ::'~",i' ':",: .:';" . "",,:,~': :,:'",,:::.) amendments to residential Lots and build. ng standards in the single family residential district. /':5'\.,.. E: ... ~ C......orisider:~tiB!hbfappr~vaior16'i1g.te.fui/<lhrtOi.ftllae'f6t'R.1veiSide.Gem~'~~;..< Recommendation: Move to approve the long term cemeterypi~~gGttt~~fdr'Riverside Cemetery as drafted by the Riverside Ce etery Committee. F. Ratify hiring of Program and Operation Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of Operation Coordinator for the Monticell oordinator for lvlonticello Community Center. y Dean to fill the fuIl time position of Program! Community Center. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE T SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C CONSENT AGENDA. BRIAN STUMPF D UNANINIOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the co sent aaenda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of resolution ado City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provided ackground information on the proposed 2002 budget and tax levy noting that since this is the mal meeting of the year, the Council does have to adopt a final budget and levy. The changes and modifications to the budget as discussed at the November 13,2001 budget workshop were revi wed. The street reconstmction funding was reviewed and there is, under the proposed budg t, approximately $587,000 for funding street reconstmction projects. It was noted that even with the budget changes the City would be levying the maximum allowed $6,498,079. There wa additional revenue in the. budget because of increase in MCC fees which was overlooked atlhe budget workshop. Because of that the Community Center was asking that funding be einstated for office constmction for MCC staff. The consensus ofthe Council was that the mon y should remain in the street reconstruction fund. Bruce Thielen stated that there is the perceptio that local government has all kinds of funds laying around and even the state governor is pushing t restrict the amount of funds a city can carry over from year to year. He asked the City Administ ator for public information to provide an explanation of the amounts and uses of the Ci '5 reserve funds. Rick Wo1fsteller acknowledged that the state is looking at those cities and coun ies having excess funds with the possibility of requiring them to use the funds rather than p~. ng th~1:r!: ~t_~~~_~~d_._ !f ~~a~ shq!:l!~h~pp~f.1,~!~ <:\ty \vouTdnotbe-seriouslyTmpacte-,i'sincelTrece,v s lIttle in the way of state aids. Rick W olfsteller explained that approximately $2,000,000 ofth reserve fund is used for cash flow since the City only received state aids in July and December. The remaining reserve funds are earmarked for various uses. For example there are se\l,er and water fund reserves and while these funds are not tied to a specific project at this time, as the nee for infrastructure improvements occurs, such as lift stations, forcemains, wells, etc these funds can be tapped for that purpose. Other funds have been reserved for items such as fire departmen equipment and acquisition of industrial land. 2 44 Riverside Cemeter FenceRe lacement Pro. ect (07/19/06) Below are some considerations for procee ing with the purchase and installation of a new fence for Riverside C metery on the north side of West River Street. . New fencing was recommended by he Riverside Cemetery Committee in 2001 as part of the 10 g term plan. Several sections of the existing fence are not in good c ndition This was reviewed and approved by the City Council (Decmber 10,2001). . This is an appropriate time to proce d with this project due to the work in progress on West River Str et including the side walk installation and removal of the exis .. ng old fence. The replacement fence will provide a fixed bounda i and "complete" the overall upgrade of River Street. . Some salvaged sections of the exist ng fence can be used on the east side of the cemetery to provide a neded boundary between homes and the cemetery. This was also re ommended in the 2001 Long Term Plan. Using the old fence for this purpose will result in saving several thousand dollars. . Several people have expressed inte est in purchasing sections of the old fence. \Ve are considering selli g unneeded salvaged sections of the fence and will place the money in the cemetery fund. This will reduce overall costs. . The low bid for the fence ($36,995 is $8,330 under the next lowest bid. This is a very good price. Wi h the increasing cost of aluminum and steel, costs are steadily increas ng and expected to remain so. Delaying this project can be expec ed to lead to increasing costs. . During 2005, Parks expenditures ere about $200,000 under budget. A small portion of this could be de icated to the cemetery fence. . The proposed fence is similar to th t installed in Hillside Cemetery which is functional and looks grea and has held up very well for the past several years. . In consideration of the above, the arks Commission recommended proceeding with the purchase and nstallation of the new fence at this time at a special meeting on July 19, 2009. Larry Nolan, Chairman Monticello Parks Commission 45 -... ! ."---""'-'~'- .........>~.',._".... ..-...-----.---.-.... -.... '(0 :E= .= Q..("of ("of - ..M W.... ~ ::::>>. 0"5 CI)'" of- 0 CD ~ \11 1- L . , ~ QI ".:J c," tJ :>. ~ C(! If 0 0 0 0 ~ 'l 'Z. 0 0 0 0 c.9 " g uj uj uj r M N CO :l _ In to M o ~ ~ M ll'i ll'i N Ox r-.. .... ..,. .... IllS _ 0 b4 b4 b4 b4 c~ 0 en ~ c QJ ~. ~ U en c CO CII C U ~ en c CO ..... CII c: .... :l U CII N In a. c t: 0 ~ N a. :if CO :l CO C a. ~ 0 III In "C In ~ a. g d In 0 In 0 Z z C N "0 0 t- O III t- O ~ <l> ~ ::Ii III Ici Q) 0 :l M cO 'tl Ici ci u. C to "0 ci a. c ~ 0 ~.:.; r .... :I 0 a. 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"j,.~'!!. ~__' ,.:.;>";'... ,........ t x....t. -,'. .., ""-""''-'?"~'I i..... . "''W~,:~:. '-~~f;lj~ ~ ~;' LECENO .... ~ ~ ~ o o o i'!~>.lO'<E C:NCR=:'-:: CURS .!.NO G'J'i'i:;.;; eRA ',E~ CRI'/E'N,\ r SA'NCUT AND "... TCI-i J 1/2' alT DRIVE'NAY PA~W:;I-H SA'M:lJT AND R=:,:>l.AC~ S" CCNCR:::O::: QRlvE'NA r SA 'NCUT 31 rul.lINCVS ;>-"/tMVlT (;:"1;LL CE:?trl) -'O.\lST v~LvE aoX' ~D.l.iST rR,\ME Ie i'!ING C"'S71NC Ii < i f 1 i : ~~~ t J . t i' ~ . i", I ~!~ ! i II' f I I~H -J ~ ~f:i d3 ;.fs 3,J t Iii! cc.-53 I.i ~ It~; I 111 .:;; "* e N . . Council Agenda: 7/24/06 5J. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included in your packet is a copy of the feas bility report addressing the extension of Dalton Avenue (formerly School Boulevard and Dalton Court within the Monticello Business Center (also known as the Otter Cr ek Industrial Park). The infrastructure improvements will facilitate the developme t of the second phase of the business campus for development by the City. The proposed 'mprovements will also provide access and utility service to the currently proposed A V site to be located at the southwest comer of Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court. The City has authorized the purchase of additional property for this project from John Chadwic and Jim Bowers and staffis in the process of finalizing the purchase and anticipates cl sing on the property by the end of August, 2006. City staff is also finalizing the A VR 1 d settlement agreement and is addressed in a separate agenda item. Grading of the proj ct site is being also being addressed in a separate agenda item. The proposed improvements extending Dalt n A venue from its existing terminus approximately 800 feet south and the const ction of Dalton Court from Dalton A venue northwest approximately 830 feet to the wes edge of the business campus. Dalton A venue is planned to extend to 90th Street tough the Spike (David and Mary) property and eventually extend through the YMCA p operty to CSAH 39. Dalton Avenue will terminate with a temporary cul-de-sac at the south end of the business campus. The grades at this location are steep and staff is viewing extending the cul-de-sac into the Spike property, where the grades flatten out. We have met with the Spike's and they initially are comfortable with the cul-de-sac ocated on their property. They will review this issue and let us know their decision wit in a week. As an alternate, the extension of DaltonW a , which would extend east of Dalton Avenue approximately 600 feet, is included in the fe sibility report, since the City is purchasing property east of Dalton A venue and that pro' erty could receive access from that street. The proposed improvements include constru ting the roadways as 44-foot wide urban streets with a bituminous pathway extendin along the east side of Dalton A venue connecting to the existing rail along Chelsea Road. Street lighting is included with the proposed improvements. Trunk sanitary sewer and watermain system are proposed to be extended within the roadways and will be sized to service the bu iness campus and the immediate area south to 90th Street for future development. The st rm sewer system will extend within the roadways and will be sized to accommodate development inside the business park. The storm sewer system will discharge to a pond proposed along the west side of the site and will outlet to the existing pond located south of Chelsea Road and west of Dalton A venue. This pond has an existing outlet to Otter Creek. The estimated project cost total $1,331,900 or the extension of Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court. The estimated cost for the alt mate construction of Dalton Way is 54 C ',o"cumt"ts u.M Selrln.gs~da\o\.l'll gmssln.~,.IWcal Sef1fngs\Tempomry '"lI!ntJ!I P"iIe5\OLKJIAGN trM-Da'tcmA~Ac:C't!plP"!a~Rpf~07]406 JOr; Council Agenda: 7/24/06 $391,500. Funding for this project will be p vided from City funds to be recouped with the adjacent lot sales and tax base generated om the business park. A VR would like to have Dalton Court const cted yet this fall, with the remaining improvements completed next year, so it is i perative that the Council consider authorizing proceeding with the project at thi time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the feasibility report, order th public hearing for August 14, 2006 and authorize the preparation of plans an specifications for the extension of Dalton A venue and Dalton Court. 2. Accept the feasibility report, order th. public hearing for August 14, 2006 and authorize the preparation of plans an specifications for the extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court and Dalton y. 3. Do not accept the feasibility report. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the City is proposing to grade a portio of the property east of Dalton Avenue, constructing the street and utilities along a p rtion of DaltonW ay would provide the City the opportunity to develop this additional are of the business park and will provide alternate access of the adjacent properties to. alton Avenue. It also may be beneficial to start construction of this segment this year as a potential cost savings for future construction cost increases. In addition, in 0 der to expedite the construction ofthis project yet this year, it is recommended to a horize the preparation of plans and specifications at this time prior to the public earing. Since the project is not proposed to be assessed under Chapter 429 State Statutes and the City has an agreement to purchase the entire property, it recommended to proce d with the plans at this time. Therefore, the City Administrator, Deputy City Administra or, Economic Development Director, City Engineer and Public Work Director recomm nd that the Council authorize Alternative No.2. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report 55 C :1JfX1Utlt!I1t.f Ilnd &ttl~g.s-'dawrll gt'Qssmfl~t''.!,..nc/Jt SettingjITt:rtrpo'i.'JI'V fnremer f'ilesIOLX.JIAGN rrM-DaltonAwAc(;~ptFeas8pr-on406.d(X' Council Agenda m 7/24/06 delin bills and certification 0 7. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO D: The City Council is again asked to adopt an ssessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to cert'fy the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are incl ed with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinqu nts from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Coun il also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account tha. is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent !tilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the ssessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent acco · ts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state st ute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the asse sment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the de quent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council opt the assessment roll as presented. All ofthe accounts are at least 60 days past due and h ve been given proper notice ofthis assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the ac ounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 ad . 'strative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on uly 10, 2006. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessm nt roll Complete listing of delinquent acco ts to be certified. 56 CITY OF MON JCELLO RESOLUTION N . 2006-57 RESOLUTION ADOPTING . SSESSMENT ROLL -- - . ---, ..- FIRST QUART R 2006 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as equired by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY TH CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1, Such proposed assessment, a copy of which i attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the sped assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. I 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) ual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2007 and shall bear' terest at the rate of6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessm nt resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessme t from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2007. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, t any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the wh Ie of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessm nt is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith trans 't a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on t, e proper tax list ofthe county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over' the same manner as other municipal taxes. ATTEST: Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of July, 006. Clint erbst, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 57 -. -. '.,:~ " clt:l ::i .., .-.0 ~". ~ ~ <:: 3: cl ~ '" '" '" '" "' ~ ::l >" og '" "' '" 5iJ? 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Consideration of settlement a reement/la e - A VR site. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the closed meeting of the Council held p . or to the regular Council meeting, the City Attorney reviewed with the Council the pro osed settlement agreement on the A VR site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the settlement agreement a presented, authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to sign the agreement n behalf of the City contingent upon final approval of the landscaping plan by he Community Development Director and specifying the rate for the trunk fees hat will be charged. 65 9. Council Agenda: 7/24/06 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The applicant is Best Western Motel. The applicant has submitted an application and the planning case is in review. However, the applicant has expre sed that time is of the essence. The earliest that the applicant can gain the necessary approvals, pres ming no appeal, is August 8th. This is not soon enough, as the applicant has noted that he needs to et construction started in time for the sign to be visible during the peak of the travel season. The ap licant believes it is worth the risk to begin installation prior to completion ofthe formal proces and run the risk of needing to remove the sign if the planning case outcome is not favorable. The ap licant was informed of the opportunity to install a temporary directional sign but he was not interest d because use of temporary signs is not consistent with Best Western franchise rules. Best Western (the former Comfort Inn) purchased a,sign which met the dimensions allowed by code for a sign placed on the westerly side of the original site. This original site was within 800" ofthe freeway and thus within the Freeway Bonus area, w ich allows sign area as large as 200 square feet. After the original sign was purchased, the portion 0 . the site closest to the freeway was sold to another party. Consequently, the location of the si . needed to be shifted to the east, which resulted in the sign falling out ofthe "Freeway Bonus Area" y about 150'. Please note that the sign is proposed to be ground mounted, so the sign height oes not require a variance. The applicant has been informed that the City very r rely considers approving permits for construction of signs or any other structures requiri g a variance or ordinance amendment without first completing the normal process which includes public hearing and Planning Commission review. The applicant understands the standard pro ocol but noted that he would like to bring this situation to Council at the public comments portion fthe meeting as soon as possible because time is of the essence. In response to the applicant's desir , it was decided to simply put the item on the agenda and provide back-up information to the City:Council accordingly. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to define the proposed sign as a tern orary sign, allowing sign to be placed at this location for a period of 40 days. If the City Council is inclined to allow the si to be constructed prior to completion of planning review, the Council could interpret he sign as "portable" based on the owners promise that he will remove the sign in the e ent it does not become eligible for permanent status via the normal planning process. Under portable sign status, the sign can be di played a total of 40 days per calendar year. This planning case item would then be revie ed during this 40 day period. If approvals are not granted for this sign as a permanent sign, then it would stay. If approval is denied, then it would need to be removed. The applicant h noted that he supports this option. 66 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 Although this alternative is very accommod ting for the business, this option would set a precedent for reviewing planning cases out f order and could undermine consistency in our decision making process _ __ ___ ___ _1__ _________ _. __ __ ____ __ ______ _ _.____ 2. Motion to deny the definition of sign as a po able sign and require that the applicant follow planning steps accordingly in order to obtai sign permit. This alternative would serve to protect the i tegrity of the planning review process and support the city's effort to maintain an imag of fairness and consistency. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If Council believes that the circumstances described by the applicant justify issuance of a permit allowing construction to commence as soon as possi Ie, alternative I is appropriate. If Council believes that maintaining a consistent process for pI ning review supercedes the applicant's desired timing, then Alternative #2 should be selected. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Best Western Sign Variance - Staff Contact eport B. Sign Exhibits C. IS-Day Application Letter D. Ordinance Information 67 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 Best Western Si n Variance - Staff Contact e ort On July 6th, Marianna Khauv spoke to Gary An erson and Angela Schumann at the City HaIIcouriter regarding a m-()nument~styrepyron sign thaI tbe-ResfWesfern-sougntto place on their parcel. The Best Western has no pylon signage on site, nly wall signs to be placed on the front and rear of the building. Based on the sign ordi ance provisions, the Best Western is allowed up to 300 square feet of total signage, hich can be utilized in wall signage only, or in combination between wall and pylon signa: e. Additionally, per the provisions of the code, the pylon sign allowed on this site cannot exceed 50 square feet in area and 18 feet in heig t, based on Chelsea Road as a major thoroughfare with a 30 mile per hour speed limi. The pertinent sign ordinance information is attached. This parcel is not withi the freeway bonus area. After reviewing the drawings with Khauv in co parison to the location of the parcel and the ordinance, Schumann and Anderson determi ed that the sign proposed would require a variance for sign area. The sign area represent d on the plan is approximately 180 square feet. The sign height is acceptable. Kha v had no information on the wall signs, so the total area of signs on site, including both t e existing and proposed, could not be determined. Anderson and Schumann indicated to Khauv tha in order to evaluate the request, a site plan illustrating where the sign would be placed n the lot, as well as the dimensions of all other signage to be placed on the property (w 11 signs) would be needed. Khauv indicated at that time a willingness to provide th needed information. Anderson also provided Khauv with information related to the bility to place a temporary sign on site in the interim. The applicant provided the front and rear sign ar a information on Thursday the 20th. According to that information, the area for each ign is approximately 33 square feet. The City still has no site plan information to detrmine setbacks. In summary - Total Sign Area Allowed: Total Pylon Area Allowed: 300 square feet 50 s uare feet, 18 feet high Total Existing Wall Signage: 66 s uare feet (approximate) * Staff is assuming that these wall signs ould be moved to the new Best Western location (former Comfort Inn) Total Existing Pylon Signage: Total Proposed Pylon Signage Area: o 180 square feet 68 Council Agenda: 7/24106 During the discussion at the counter, Schumann. nformed Khauv that all variance requests are heard by the Planning Commission 'n a public hearing, as required by local statute. Schumann provided Khauv with all appfcation materials. -....-...., .--,,-.---- -.--... ---.-.-...,.,....----- .."..-- Khauv inquired about the timing of the Commission meetings. Schumann indicated that although the deadline for applications for the Au ust 151 Planning Commission meeting had passed, due to the limited nature of the reque t (in terms of time required for review), and the ability to properly notice the public heari g, the application could still be reviewed for completeness for that cycle. Subsequent to that discussion, Schumann review d the application for completeness and issued the statutory IS-day notice letter to the ap licant indicating that the site plan and sign area information would be needed. The lette is attached. The Planning Commission is the Board of Adjust ent on variance requests. By ordinance, the City Council does not take action n variances requests, except in the case of an appeal of denial by the Planning Commissio . Staff feels it important to work with the property wner on this request, which is why staff tried to accommodate a quick turn-around 0 application processing. However, it is important to be consistent in following the proces prescribed by ordinance. 69 PAINT CAB1NET AND RETAINERS BLACK - -"'. ...--.. --.'" -....- -.-..".. ..-.. ,. -- .--- .-.. I ' (-1/2' STEEL SO. TUBE FRAME W'ITH ESCD-CLlP ASSEMBL Y, 4' CUSTOM RETAINE S AND FLEX rACES (rACES ARE EX1STlNG) INISHED CAB1NET DEPTH I ' CCIBlIElL~IEA lINN &}; ~TfJII1fIE~ CCESS PANEL ON BOTH SlOES PAQUE W'HITE VINYL INISHED POLE COVER DEPTH /-11C" STEEL SQ, TUBE FRAME SKINN D W'lTH ,063 ALUMINUM AN PAlNTED BLACK ESCD-CUP I.IlTH fLEX fACES 4' J' 'VIlIWJ .DlIlllRlk \lIP IIAVI/Ij -, lID' IIAVI/Ij mlMl llrArm 1011111[11. JIll Fl[ M: In'l[Sl!RlHiVfj W:lIlN CUl:lIr SIrJl4rt.R( IHaS 0IGN.t.t. Dt!J1GH. IS tk'F; !Xct.U5r't( PI(JPEJIrr or SCE< sot COAP ~ REPflOOUCI'lOH. OISmlCltmoti OIl I;lltIIIihOH OF lilts onION TO _ O/lf", ......... 0_.. J't.uH ~[S 01" \'OUItc.G,. at u!ir. 0' mnE fII.Nr5 1'0 cottn'RUCf A !KiN SUl..tR to !'HE Off( niflODt(Q Htltl' IN. IS rxPA(SSI.., rnIU.IDlN. -.0 SUC>I ......_ oec..... _ ...~ IS OU( ~CliUXJ .AS ~~TIOlII FOR nc rll.l[ ....., ~ "~tM!.0I:~, Saint Claud Yinnesota 56301 800 881 (320) 252-9400 DO' 1I1'[llVl~ IIl:NAIUl[ 70 5 m en ~ ;0 o ~ m ):> Z o Z en ~ r o z m ~ z ~ m o)>~ mz.... enoO} .,,_x oz.... ;00'" oEi loOen m--1 -Zm ZG'lm ~lJr- looen ;01"'"0 mm~ mOc: x~OJ Uimm ::l;oO Z' lD G'l - ..... Z m -l ~ :::j J: m en () 9 () c " lo en en m s: CD .~ :.f ~ Z :>-1 zo a)> CD-or=! rOZ ;r:.rm om,:; ~8:;U _<m Imi! ,,- I Z . m - :;u \ en \. . :E ~~ G)Ul ~~ ~~ com ~~ "'0> rO ffim Cl // 71 Jul.20. 2006 9 :39AM II I '" \. ()) " s: o Z --I - C1 m r- r o ... s: z ~ 11!1 ~ NlUD i II"~ $ qi IQi itS iji!ji ~ i Cl\ No.1639 P . 2 :z en ~ r;- I W I en ,~f .:.:(..;:... . tsi It. " ~f ...: ..,.. ~ ~~ 4 ~^ ;e ::;:. I ~ ~ ..:.t.--:. ..~ ~rti' " ~ ;5'1;' .-.; ,.-....., I ",,_1""'""'" <1" !. .t1a:1<!'Y/ :1 :j F)' '" =- r;I 0 t~ "~~ 3 !5' ':I ! ~~. ;~" '1-' ~,. ;;'} . .,~ ~:..; '?- :! ~$c:;..:t: G ! :- ! ~ ff ~ ("i""" ........1. ~ _ t ::to -a -;_ ~ ""'f': . a - ii ;;:1 CJ'V F ~~i?&"'~ II'. :{ .... w ~ ~;..: v, 1..-- ') !!i ~ -. ...J ile .f ~ ~ ~ i rv:-.._ a...... - f.. l2. ;.....JI...9,J.:~ ~ is - .("'1. :2..7."" ~" ~ if( ! ~- ~ $.''' '-h v \:. :0; "'-. .J .lJ.$ ~ ~ ;j:;""~J.. ~ ~.g 1:l ~, (J\ ~~Q{~ ~. ~4"~"~'~ .&. ~:ii' ~1!1 e .5 <i fi L,..-, .~:i- ~ ~I~ .~ _.. ::I ~ .~ fi~ 72 July 12th, 2006 MONTICELLO Marianna Khauv Best Western Inn 89 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Application for Variance to the Sign Ordinance tl r 89 Chelsea Road Dear Ms. Khauv, Thank you for your submission of an application for vari nce as related to the Best Western property located at 89 Chelsea Road. In a review of the submitted application mate11aIs by staf , it was determined that the application is incomplete until the City is in receipt of the following ite . Dimensions and illustration of all wall signage 0 . Site plan illustrating location of the proposed si [fthe above materials are supplied by Tuesday, July 18th, he City will consider your application complete for the August 1 $t Planning Commission meeting. In that case, your request will be heard in a public hearing before the Monticello Planning Commission at 6: 0 PM on August IS\ 2006. A meeting to review the staff report regarding your re nest has been set for Tuesday, July 25111 at 1:00 PM. Please contact me if you are unable to atten that meeting. We recognize and appreciate all of the time and effort inv lved in preparing the requested materials. Please keep in mind that planning staff may have additio al questions as your application moves through the formal review process. rf you have any questions on the matters mentioned abov ,please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely,,- '. l.: ~'[Y S. lL ~g(4~~tl~ '"_n_.____- cOl~~;;~tY__D~velopment Coordinator c: Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City AdministratorfComm . 'ty Development Director Stephen Grittman, NAC John DeZurik. Scenic Sign Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street. Suite l, Monticello, N 55362,8831 · (763) 295-27l1 · Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course ReI., Monticello, IN 55362 · (763) 295-3170 . Fax (763) 271-3272 73 exceeding a total 0 75 square feet and eight (8) feet in height are allowed in additio to the institutional or area identification sign identified in Sectio 3-9[E] la. ---- - - -- ---- {#n-4,-g-/TO/98n#44'T,5f22706)----- 2. Within the PZM, B~l, B-2 B-3, B-4, CCD, I-I, I~lA, and I~2 districts, signs are subject to the fo owing size and type regulations: (#298, 10/13/97) (#334,9/13/99) (a) Within the PZM dB- I districts, the maximum allowable square footage of sign are per lot shall not exceed the sum of one (1) square foot per fro t foot of the building plus one (1) square foot for each front foot f lot not occupied by a building, up to one hundred (100) sq re feet. Each lot will be allowed one (1) pylon or freestanding si and one (1) wall sign or two (2) wall signs total. (b) For buildings in w 'ch there is one (1) or two (2) business uses within the B-2, B , B-4, CCD I-I, I-lA, and 1-2 districts, and for buildings used for ommercial retail activities located within a PZM district and 1 cated on property adjacent to B-2, B-3, B- 4,CCD, I-I, I-lA, r 1-2 districts, there shall be two (2) options for permitted signs, as listed below in 2(b)i and 2(b)ii. The property owner shall select ne option, which shall control sign development on property. (#298, 10/13/97) (#334,9/13/99) i. Option A Under Option A, only wall signs shall be allowed. The maximum number of signs on any prin.cipal. uilding shall be six sign boards or placards, no more tha four (4) of which may be product identific ion signs. Signs may be displayed on at least two wall , or equal to the number of streets upon which the prop has legal frontage, whichever is greater. Each w shall contain no more than two product identific tion signs and two business identification signs. The total maximum area of wall signs shall be deterroin d by taking twenty percent (20%) of the gross silhouett area of the front of the building up to three hundred 300) square feet, whichever is less. If a principal building is 011 a comer lot, the largest side of the build ng may be used to determine the gross siLhouett area. For purp ses of determining the gross area of the silhouet of the principal building, the silhouette shall be defmed s that area within an outline drawing of the MONTICEl.LO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/55 74 principal 'uilding as viewed from the front lot line or from the lated public street(s). ---ti; -- m__ -Optil:>n .tJndero-ptionB~acomomattdnofwatrsigns-_m_- and a m 'mum of one (1) pylon sign may be utilized. The total number of business identification signs allowed ( hether wall or pylon) shall be at least two (2), or equal t the number of streets upon which the property as legal frontage, whichever is greater. Only two prod ct identification signs shall be allowed, and these wal signs may be only on one wall. The total maximu allowable sign area for any wall shall be determin d by taking ten percent (10%) of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building up to one hundred ( 00) square feet, whichever is less, The method fi r determining the gross silhouette area shall be as indica din Subd. 2.(b)i. Above. Pylon signs shall be regulated as in Subd. 4 below. For single or double occupanc business structures, the total maximum allowabl signage on the property shall be three hundred (300) squ e feet. For multiple occupancy structures, the total max mum allowable signage on the property shall be as det 'ned under Subd. 3 below. (#272,06/26/95) (#230, 06/22/92) (#247,03/14/94) (#265, 12/12/94) 3. Conditional Uses in Co ercial and Industrial Districts: The purpose of this section is to provide esthetic control to signage and to prevent a proliferation ofindivi signs on buildings with three (3) or more business uses. The City s all encourage the use of single sign boards, placards, or building dire tory signs. (a) In the case of a bu' ding where there are three (3) or more business uses, but which, b generally understood and accepted defmitions, is not considered shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use s 11 be granted to the entire building in accordance with overall site plan under 'the provisions of Option A or Opti n B (described in 2 (b) i and ii above) provided that: 1. The own r ofthe building files with the Zoning Adminis ator a detailed plan for signing illustrating locatio~ size in square feet, size in percent of gross silhouet area, and to which business said sign is dedicate . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/56 75 ii. No tenan shall be allowed more than one sign, except that in th case of a building that is situated in the interior of a bloc and having another building on each side of it, -.-.------..-..". .----..------.,.--. .- .. ------on:e~ign a1tb1f1rttowedonth~dCi1ie sign shall . .--.----.-"--,,.. be allow d on the rear provided that the total square footage f the two signs does not exceed the maximum a1lowabl square footage under Option A or Option B describe in 2(b)i and ii above. iii. No indiv dual business sign board/placard shall exceed twenty-fi e percent (25%) of the total allowable sign area. iv. An owne of the building desiring any alteration of signs, sign 10ca 'on, sign size, or number of signs shall first submit application to the Zoning Administrator for an amended sign plan, said application to be reviewed and acted up n by the Zoning Administrator within ten (10) days of a plication. If the application is denied by the Zoning dministrator, the applicant may go before the Planning Commission at their next regularly scheduled meeting. v. In the ev ot that one tenant of the building does not utilize e full allotment of allowable area, the excess may not e granted, traded, sold, or in any other way transferr . d to another tenant for the purpose of allowing a sign larg r than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total allowabl area for signs. VI. Any buil ing identification sign or building directory sign shal be included in the total allowable area for signs. vii. Any sign that is shared by or is a combination of two or more ten ts shall be considered as separate signs for square Ii tage allowance and shall meet the requirements thereof. viii. All signs shall be consistent in design, material, shape, and me ' d of illumination. (b) In the case of a b Iding where there are two (2) or more uses and which, by general y understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may b granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site pIa indicating their size, location, and height of all MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/57 76 signs presented to e Planning Commission. (#396,7/28/03) A maximum offiV1 percent (5%) oftbe gross area of the front - ---- -- --------------sifuouette-shaUa lyto-the--prirrcipai-buiiding(:;) w hl;;l I;; Lhe----- aggregate allowabl sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. In the case of applying this conditional use pennit to a buildin ,the building may have one (1) pylon or freestanding sign i entifying the building which is in conformance with this ordinanc . For purposes of determining the gross area of the silhouette of th principal building( s), the silhouette shall be defmed as that are within the outline drawing of the principal building(s) as vie ed from the front lot line or from the related public street(s). For shopping cente of greater than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square fi et of aggregate building square footage and greater than twen . (20) acres in site area, two freestanding signs may be permitted . der this section. The applicant may construct two pylon-style sig in conformance with this ordinance, or in the alternative, ma construct one pylon-style and one monument~ style sign. When is latter option is chosen, the monwnent sign shall be no greater an eighteen (18) feet in height nor more than one hundred (100) quare feet in area, and the pylon may be no greater than fifty (5 ) feet in height and four hundred (400) square feet in area. (#396, 7/28/03) (c) Signs for promotin and/or selling a development project: For the purpose of promo . g or selling a development project of three (3) to twenty.five (25) eres, one sign not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet 0 advertising surface may be erected on the project site. For pr ~ects of twenty-six (26) to fifty (50) acres, one or two signs not to xceed two hundred (200) aggregate square feet of advertising urface may be erected. For projects over fifty- one (51) acres, one two, or three signs not to exceed three hundred (300) aggr gate square feet of advertising surface may be erected. No dim en ion shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet exclusive of suppa 'ng structures. Such signs shall no remain after ninety-five (95) percent of the project is develope . Such sign permits shall be reviewed and renewed annually the City Council. If said sign is lighted, it shall be illuminate only during those hours when business is in operation or when e model homes or other developments are open for business p ases. 4. Pylon Sign: The erection f one (1) pylon sign for any single lot is allowed under the foIlowin provisions: MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/58 77 (a) Location: No pylon sign shall be located closer to the property line than as allowed 'n Section 3-9 [C] 7, In the case ofa comer lot, both sides fron' g on a public right-of-way shall be deemed the-front. ------------ ... (#269, 5/8/95) (b) Parking Areas, Driv ways: No part of the pylon signs shall be less than five (5) feet fro any driveway or parking area. (c) Area, Height Regula ions: Collector HEIGHT FEET 30 25 16 35 50 20 40 100 24 30 50 18 35 100 22 40 125 24 45 150 26 50 175 28 ROAD CLASSIFICATION Major Thoroughfares Freeways and Expressways 55 200 and above NA 50- 100 32 Highway 25 22 1. In the case f subject property directly abutting State Highway 25 pylon sign area may range from 50 sq ft to 100 sq ft de ending on total lineal feet fronting Highway 25. 3.03 fe t of pylon sign area is allowed per every 10 feet of line frontage with the following exceptions: 1) all propertie may erect a pylon sign with a sign area of 50 regardle s of front footage abutting Highway 25, and 2) the maxi urn pylon sign area shall not exceed 100 sq ft regardless of total lineal footage of property abutting Highway 25 (#173,4/10/89) (d) Definitions: Defmiti DS of road classifications apply as defined by the official comprehe ive plan as adopted. (e) Application: The Ie 1 at which the sign control system applies is MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/59 78 determined by the e of road, as defIned above, which directly abuts the subject pr peTty. I -------------i; -------In--the-eas . efs-ubjeet--p-repe-rty-direetly-a-bu-tting--mefe-than- --------- one (1) ro ,each designated by a different road c1assificati n type, the less restrictive classification shall apply in d ennining sign area and height. ii. Actual si height is determined by the grade ofthe road from whic the sign gains its principal exposure. iii. Area as det rmined by the formula under 3 (c) above, applies to ne (1) face of a two (2) faced pylon sign, or two (2) fac of a four (4) faced sign. etc. iv. A bonus a owing "freeway standard signs" (200 sq ft in area and 32 high) in a commercial or industrial area is available t all businesses located within 800 feet of a freeway bu do not abut a freeway. (1) Electronic Message oards may be allowed in the B-3 and B-4 Zoning Districts and on those parcels within the CCD Zoning District which have irect frontage on Trunk Highway 25 south of 4th Street, as a part 0 the freestanding or pylon sign display provided that: 1. The sign c plies in all other respects with the sign regulations f the Zoning Ordinance. ii. The sign do s not create a traffic hazard or a nuisance. iii. The sign do s not flash its message, although continuous scrolling te t is allowed. iv. The sign m ets all requirements of the City's Building and Electri a1 Codes. v. The sign do s constitute a separate or additional freestandin sign support structure. The sign must be otherwise lowed under this ordinance as a pylon sign or must be a p rt of an allowed pylon sign plan as defined herein. vi. The electro . c message board portion of the sign does not constitute ore than fifty percent (50%) of the allowable pylon sign ea, or seventy (70) square feet, whichever is MONTICELLO ZONING ORDrNANCE 3/60 79 Page 1 of2 Propose Sign Location 80 http://l56.99.28.84/servletlcom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceN e:CustomParcel&ClientV ersion:3.1 &... 7/20/2006 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 10. Consideration of Providin Preliminary Bud2et. (10) et Process Prior to Develo ment of A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may know, staff has begun the pro ess of development of departmental budgets for 2007. In conjunction with this process, so' e weeks ago staff began a comprehensive review of current operations and made a st at identifying cost saving or efficiency improvement measures. This extra effort as initiated in response to general Council direction provided since early in the tenure of the current Council. Identification of ideas will be forthcoming in conjunction with pr sentation of the draft budget. In addition, we hope to identify measures f performance that will enable us to track changes in efficiency or cost/per service 0 er time. These indicators will be added to the budget and used as a management tool for ouncil decision making in the future. To assist staff in setting the preliminary bu get, City Council is asked to provide general direction to Council with regards to expen itures for 2007. Attached is budgetary information provided by Rick to staff reg ding the process and the current budget situation. Given the information provided in Rick's emo, please be prepared to provide staff with direction in the following areas and other eas as you desire. 1. Identify projects of particular impo ance that staff should consider when preparing the budget. Are there areas ofserv'ce or improvements that deserve attention or added investments in 200n 2. Identify potential areas for cost red ction. Are there services that you believe could be scaled back, significantly reduce or eliminated? 3. Identify potential for shifting the m er is which services are funded. Would you like to explore funding more servic s through user or utility fees versus funding via property tax? 4. Should we explore new revenue so ces such as development of franchise fee program paid by Xcel Energy to de elop funds needed to pay for street lighting improvements? 5. What should be our goals for goals or utilizing increases in tax capacity? Reduce tax rate and direct staff to i entify potential alternatives for achieving this goal? Maintain tax rate using added capa ity to fund existing services at same level and or increase funding for projects/operafons of particular importance. 81 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 Budget Time line and process input. In addition to working on the request abov ,please review proposed Council workshop dates below for conflicts. Identify potenti adjustments to the process that you would like to see occur. Is Council interested in cond cting a longer more involved review of department budgets? A more involved rev ew at the"front end'would provide Council with a better understanding of departmental opera ion requirements/budget requests and perhaps result in greater efficiency when making p chases. · July 14th - distribution ofb dget worksheets, 6 month reports, and memo from Rick W olfsteller. · July 24th - council meeting: iscuss agenda item outlining budget objectives; may want to set a prelimina workshop for council (possible date of July 31) · July 27th - department head orkshop - discuss budget process; provide resource materials. (2:00 P ). · Aug 4th - final date for dep ent heads to submit budget worksheets · Aug 21 st_ Monday regular C meeting date suggested for first budget workshop (If Council woul like to do a comprehensive budget review (3.5 hours) a workshop cou d be scheduled for a date of your choosing. · Sept 11 th - final council meet ng to approve preliminary levy (could be approved earlier) · Sept 15th - date that prelimin levy must be certified to County Auditor · Dec 11 th - council approves fi allevy for 2007 B. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Rick Wolfsteller budget memo. 82 TO: MEMO Department Heads, Supervisors, an Staff FROM: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administratr DATE: July 14, 2006 RE: 2007 Budget Preparation With summer in full swing, that must mean it is ti e to begin preparation of the 2007 budget document. The City Council must adopt a prelimi ary 2007 budget and set the tax levy requirements for next year by September 15. It is ssumed that the new council will want to review the proposed budget in more detail at one 0 more workshops, so it is important to have the preliminary budget document available early e ough to schedule sufficient time for not only the staff to review the information but to also have it available for the Council in sufficient time to meet the deadlines. While staff and department heads will need to be orking on the budget worksheets prior to our council meeting on July 24, we will be asking the ity Council at that meeting to provide the staffwith any budget objectives they would like to see us work towards and possibly even set up a preliminary budget workshop meeting on or duri g the week of July 31. While I think we can all assume that this council will again be looking a ways to keep the budget and resulting tax levy at a or near its previous amount of $6,750,000 it may be helpful to have the council provide their objectives prior to compiling the actual preli inary document. In anticipation of council direction, staff should make every attempt to keep he budget numbers in line with 2006 and even look for ways to lower items if possible. To begin with, our 2007 tax levy for debt service r quirements is scheduled to increase by over $360,000 because of additional debt payments on t e community center and with the new addition of the 1-94 interchange bond payment. To even keep the debt levy at this amount, we would have to eliminate a levy that we have had in lace for years relating the wastewater treatment plant loan in the amount of $582,000 by ssuming that our sewer access fees will cover this amount in the future. As you can see, even wi out any other cost of living increase within our operational budget, compared to 2006 we woul be increasing the dollar amount of our levy by over 5 percent just to cover additional debt pa ent requirements. At this time, the state has not imposed any levy lim tations on the city for next year. Although the state doesn't have a limit, we can all assume the ouncil has their own limit in mind. If current valuation and new construction values are ything like the past few years, we should see 83 2007 Budget Preparation - Page 2 our tax capacity values increase 8 to 15 percent w ich means that we could actually raise 8 to 15 percent in actual dollars and still not increase taxe for the citizens. Although it is too early to tell what the total budget requirements might be, I hink it is safe to assume that the council will not want our tax capacity rate to be higher than las year but possibly even lower. To accomplish that goal, and considering the fact that debt service needs to increase the dollars by 5 percent, other operational increases could not exceed 3 to 5 percent on an average if we want to keep the tax capacity rate the same. Attached you will find budget worksheets that pert in to your individual department or funds. As in the past, there will be some items that I will e preparing, such as depreciation and health insurance costs, along with an estimate of salary a benefit allocations for most departments. In regards to salaries and benefits, please note if there are any additional positions you are requesting; otherwise I will have that information f1 r those line items and you do not need to complete those sections. If you are changing seaso al or part-time employees or anticipate an increase in those categories, please note those on th worksheets for me. Also attached to the worksheets are copies of the fi st 6 months expenditure guidelines with more details that may be helpful for you to determi e what expenditures have taken place so far within your budgets. If anyone would like a copy 0 last years budget worksheets as a reference, please let me know and I can get them to you. At this time, I am requesting that all budget worksh ets and documents be returned to me by Friday, August 4 by 4:30 pm to allow adequate tim for the finance department to assemble and complete the preliminary budget document that the ouncil could begin to review by end of August. At this time, it would be my intent to ass ble a preliminary budget document and review with staff and department heads prior to dist 'buting the budget to the council for their first workshop. This additional time would allow u to make modifications, if necessary, before the council sees the first draft. If anyone has capital outlay items that you would li e to include in the 2007 budget, but do not have a department worksheet to complete, simply In e a list ofthe items, i.e. furniture, equipment, etc., and return the list to me. I will see hat it gets incorporated into the proper department budget. As a reminder, any capital outl. item should be identified as to exactly what is being proposed, i.e. new pickup truck, new c mputer, lawn mower, etc., so a list can be prepared for the budget document. It is also recom ended that you keep a list detailing the items that make up the budget line item amounts for services and charges that you insert on your budget worksheets. If anyone has questions regarding the budget works ets or a specific expenditure, please contact me or someone from the finance staff for more info ation. Your cooperation is needed in completing the budget worksheets as soon as possibl so that we can keep on schedule on having our first workshop towards the end of August. Pleas note that there are plans for a department head meeting the last week of July with an opportuni y to ask questions about the budget. Attachments: Budget worksheets Expenditure guidelines 84 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 11. Consideration of authorizin Madden an Associates to revise Ci personnel ordinance (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In an effort to enhance personnel administra ion staff is requesting that Council consider an expenditure of $4,500 to $8,000 for the purp se of making revisions to the personnel policy and personnel ordinance. This cost estimate was provided by Susan Hansen based on a detailed review of inconsistencies prepared y Dawn Grossinger. The revisions are necessary to eliminate redundancy and conflicts betwe n the two documents. As part of this process, the documents will be updated to achieve co sistency with state and federal rules governing personnel management and practices. Final y, additional provisions will be added or clarified to reflect current practices and it is possible hat new provisions will be incorporated as needed. Please note that all amendments to oth documents will be reviewed by the Personnel Committee and ultimately review d for adoption by the full City Council. This is an ''unbudgeted item" that would need to be funded via city reserves. This is a housekeeping matter that is long 0 erdue. Updating these documents, though somewhat costly, will result in improved cl 'ty and efficiency when dealing with personnel matters, It is expected that this improveme t to our personnel administration documentation will ultimately result in a cost savings in the long run. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize Frank Madden an Associates to work with staff and Personnel Committee in revising and updating Per onnel Policy and Personnel Ordinance. Cost of project to range from $4,500 to $8,000. 2. Motion to request that staff request pr osals from other consultants capable of revising personnel administration documentatio The range provided by Susan Hanson fr m Frank Madden and Associates appears reasonable and she is very capable of co pleting this project successfully and on a timely basis, however, Council has the option . f asking other firms for a quote. 3. Motion to deny immediate authorizatio but place consideration of this project in the 2007 budget. 3. Motion to deny authorization to Frank adden and Associates to work with staff and Personnel Committee in revising and up ating Personnel Policy and Personnel Ordinance C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Selection of Alternative #1 will allow staff 0 get moving quickly on a project that is long overdue. However, if Council so desires, ouncil may wish to take a more deliberate approach and select Alternative #2 or #3. 85 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of report from Dawn Grossinger idenffying current inconsistencies between Personnel Policy and Personnel Ordinance. ffi MEM MONTICELLO TO: Rick Wolfsteller, City AdmiJ'l~..t ator Dawn Grossinger, Deputy Cit~ 'lerk &.-:;, FROM: DA TE: November 2,2000 RE: Revisions to Personnel PolicYI The City currently has both a personnel policy and < ipe sonnel ordinance. Unfortunately they arc not in agreement on all provisions. It is my understundil~g hat it is not required to have both documents but if the City does want both, can the City have a pqrs nnel ordinance that would adopt the personnel policy by reference rather than list all the provisions ~h t are also contained in the personnel policy. That would mean there \vould only be one documentl th' t would have to be updl.lted if personnel procedures change. As it is now there are some provisions in the ordinance hat are not in the policy and some provisions in the policy that are not in the ordinance. These inc~ud : 1) Citizen requirements: 2) Age requirements: 3) Veteran's Prelerence; 4) EmployeeSj w 0 are related to each other: 5) Physical & Mental Fitness; 6) Qualification requirements; 7) Pr0!vis'onal appointments; 8) Leave of absence without pay: 9) Resignations; 10) Solicitations and 'ller may be others. I don't know which of these you feel should be incorporated. Attached is a draft of a personnel policy. The areas al:ld d arc in bold. There are some areas that you may want to discuss with the Personnel Committee 0t ot er staft' as to whether any or all of these areas should be included. Also no changes were made to d~CU ulated sick leave/vacation provisions. Although these were discllssed. I did not find any ofhciul action on changing this provision. This is another item that will need to be discussed by the Pcrpo ncl Committee: PROVISIONS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR INC. U. ION IN THE POLICY: 1. Dat" Practices Advisory - The Plymouth persbl1l el policy has this section. It basically states that employees may be asked for int()rmation tha is classified by law as private or contidential and it explains ho\\/ the city may use that inton-no. ion. (Page I-I of Plymouth Personnel Policy) 2. Are physical exams required for any of tile citv p sitions such as in the Public \Vorks Department? Ifso should that be included in dle olicy. Although the city has an Akohol and Drug Testing policy there is no reference to it In t1e personnel policy. Is this something thut should be referenced? (Page II-I of Plymouth per onne! Policy) Monticello City Hall. 505 Walnut Street, Suite J. Monticello. M. 55 62-8831 · (763) 295-2711 . Fax; (763) 295-4404 Oftice of Public Works. 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, ,N 5 362. (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 'Ol Rick Wolfsteller November 3.2000 Page Two 3. The Plymouth Personnel Policy in Section 3-1 I to 3~1-3 spells out who is eligible for employee benetits; that employees represented by a bargaining unit are not eligible for benefits other than those covered within the bargainmg greement; and reserves the right of the city to change or modify employee;: benefits. Would t is be appropriate to add? 4. Some personnel policies allow the employees t donate vacation/sick leave to another employee. Is this something the Personnel <I'o mittee "vmlld want to consider? 5. The city does have a deferred compensation nl< 1 that its employees can utilize. Should this be referenced in the policy. 6. On page 6 of the city's personnel policy #2 it sates. "The employee shall be considered a regular employee of the City upon ol1icial ndtif cation by employer that the probation period has ended:' Does we really do this? In #4 dn tle same page. it says "Supervisors shall attempt to conduct performance evaluations at regulnr iltervals:' Is regular a specitic enough term to use here? 7. On page 7 Section VIII Residency. There is no eference that the Public Works employees must reside within a certain response time to [he work place. Should that be included? 8. Page 18 of the personnel policy requires that hll 'ull-timc employees be required to retire upon reaching the age of 65. I don"t believe the city an require a retirement age for employees except maybe the police or firefighters. 9. On page 18. it states that all accidents involviog 'ity equipment would be reviewed by a review board and it sets out procedures for the r view board to use. Is that actually done? 10. Page 20 - Telephone usage. If the city still wunt to keep this provision in. they might want to expand it to cover the e-mail technology as w~11. t I. Under XXI DISCIPLINE (page 20). Should the e be additional elaboration on the procedures? The Plymouth Personnel Policy gets fuirly dethil d and I.::ven states that each appeal must be in writing and \vhut information the appeal mUSl co tain. (See Plymouth Personnd Policy 4-5) 12. 51. Michud has a provision that spdls out what t e city \vill reimburse the cmployee for conferences and seminars. Is there;: any interest i adding that provision to our policy? 13. St. Michael's personnel policy also includes prp,-, sions tor employees receiving any girts from individuals or tirms having any kind of relutin'iship with the city. They also detine a contlict of intcrest and activities or situations emplo)' cfS re restrictl:d Irom because they would be a contlict of interest. Is this something the Pefs nnel Committee feels should be included? 88 Rick Wolfstellcr November 3, 2000 Page Three J did not include in the personnel policy the follow'n items that were covered in the personnel ordinance: I) Relationship to other city personnel; Q) isting of reasons for dismissal; 3) Solicitation by city employees; 4) The combining of the duties bf he Clerk-Treasurer and Administrator; and 5) Veteran's preference. If the Personnel Committte eels any of these should be included. they can be added. Is it the intent that the city' s personnel policy wi II ~e definitive document that addresses all possible concerns or is more just a basic olltline with city st~ff nterpreting things not specifically addressed in the policy? If it is meant to be fairly comprehensiv;. t en the Personnel Committee may want to make additional revisions to the policy covering some of the items noted above. The revised personnel policy that is attached is pretty bare bone. . et me know what provisions YOll feel should be added or deleted. . Attachments: Revised Personnel Policy Sections of Plymollth/St. Michael Persol nel Policies 89 12. U date on TH 2S and River Street si al s stem removal and TH 25 corridor traffic analvsis. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN This item is for informational purposes nly, though staff would welcome any input the Council has to offer in regards to preparing a TH 25 corridor study. At the City Council meeting on 6/12/06 he City Engineer was authorized to investigate the removal of the existing s'gnal system at TH 25 and River Street and any related intersection geometric odifications. In addition, Council requested staff to consider the systemati effects to traffic along the TH 25 corridor from 1-94 to the Mississippi Ri 'er as related to these modifications. Several informal traffic counts have sin e been conducted at TH 25 and River Street to allow staff to better understand the directional movements and the volume oftraffic using this intersection uring peak hours. Staff has also been investigating possible geometric treatme ts that can be used to deter, eliminate or reroute traffic at this intersection. The City Engineer plans on presenting a proposal to the City Council in late August. This proposal will: · Examine potential issues and ou comes associated with modifying or removing the signal system at T 25 and River Street. · Explore various geometric modi lcations that could be applied at or near this intersection to control traffi better, regardless of whether the signal system is left in place or not. T ese modifications will include those as proposed during the Police Com ission meeting on May 17, 2006, as well as new ideas. · Provide estimated costs associat d with signal system modifications or removal, as well as each of the eometric modifications explored. · Provide recommendations to the Council as to whether the signal system should be removed, modified or left as is, and which ofthe geometric modifications studied are reco ended, if any The estimated costs for preparing a com rehensive traffic study along the TH 25 corridor from Chelsea Road to CR 11 c also be presented to the Council in August should the Council wish to study this issue in more detail. Modifications can be made to the interse tion of TH 25 and River Street at any time, pending City Council approval. T is is because the operation ofthis intersection will not be affected signific tly by the opening of the interchange at CSAH 18 and 1-94. However, should e Council wish to authorize a comprehensive traffic study of the TH 2 corridor it would be best to wait until well after the new interchange at CSAH 8 and 1-94 opens to allow meaningful traffic data to be gathered. This is becau e it will take a month or two after the interchange opens for drivers to determi e the route that works best for them. 90 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 13. Consideration of rovidin staff direction in re Kiellbere Mobile Home Park. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Brian Southwell representing Kjellberg Wes Mobile Home Park met with staff regarding a potential request for 80 mini-storage comp ents to be constructed on the trailer park grounds and intended to serve park residents Prior to completion of application materials, it is requested that Council provide expec ations with regards to the necessity of upgrading the mobile home park to matc zoning district regulations in conjunction with development of the mini-storage fac. .ty. As you know there are aspects ofthe Kjellberg West facility that are not consisten with regulations governing mobile home parks. These non-conforming conditions are allowe to continue because they pre-date the current ordinance governing operation ofthe Mobil Home Park and thus are "grandfathered" in. The code does require that at time of expans'on of use, Council does have the latitude to first require that non-conforming conditions be c rrected. The applicant's decision as to whether or not to pursue development of the mini-sto age will likely be affected by Council direction in this regard. Attached is an excerpt from the city code tha identifies regulations governing mobile home parks. There are likely to exist lawful non- onforming conditions associated with regulations that have been highlighted in the attachment. If Council so desires, a detailed survey of all non-conforming conditions can be provided. To summarize previous action by Council re ating to the park, a number of years ago, at the East Park, a storage building was allowed to e constructed by conditional use permit even though the entire East Park was not required 0 come up to code. A recent request for a accessory maintenance building at the West ark was not approved. At that time, Council requested an inventory and potential upgrad ofthe mobile home park prior to approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion requesting that staff complet a detailed inventory of non-conforming conditions and require that the mobil home park be brought up to code in conjunction with an application for a CUP allowi g development of a park user mini-storage. 2. Motion to table providing specific di ection at this time and request that staff complete a detailed review of current conditio s and provide a report to Council accordingly. At such time Council will determine 0 what extent the existing park will need to be brought up to code. Under this alternative staff would ned to visit the site and complete a detailed review of the site noting all instances of viol tion of standards. Staff would be checking for lawful and unlawful violations to set ack, building code, and other performance standards listed in the code. 3. Motion to accept an application for a UP allowing development of a park user mini-storage without the requirement that non-conforming conditions be corrected. 91 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Alternative 1 would be the selection most c nsistent with previous City Council action. Although development of a mini-storage fa 'lity for use by residents would likely improve the operation and livability ofthe mobile home ark, Council may wish to withhold consideration of an application without a complete review and associated upgrade of existing conditions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Excerpt from zoning code regulations gove ing mobile home park operation. Areas of potential nonconformity noted. 92 CHAPTER 9 "R.4" MOBILE HOME P SECTION: 9-1: Purpose 9-2: Permitted Uses 9-3: Permitted Accessory Uses 9-4: Conditional Uses DISTRICT 9-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the "R-4" bile home park district is to provide for mobile home users and directly related u es, 9-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in an "R-4" district: [A] Mobile home park (independent r dependent) 1. General Provisions: (a) No mobile home r residential purposes shall be permitted on any site within the city of Monticello WIless said site is part of an approved mobi e home court or unless it is located on land purchased by the obile home owner served by utilities as required by state I w, and such land has been, prior to passage of this ordinance, pecially developed and formally platted for the placement of obile homes. (b) Mobile homes sha I not be used for residential purposes in the city if they: i. Do not co form to the requirements oftbe Vehicle Code ofth State of Minnesota. ~ ~ 11. Are in an sanitary condition or have an exterior in bad repair. iii. Are struct ally unsound and do not protect the inhabitants against all elements. iv. Do not ha adequate sewage facilities as required by the City C WIdl in accordance with Pollution Control Agency re lations. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 911 93 (c) All land areas shat be: ~ ~ + Adequatel drained. 1. ii. Landscape to control dust. ee from refuse, garbage, rubbish, or debris. 111. (d) No tents shall be sed for other than recreational purposes in a mobile home park ( e) There shall be no utdoor camping anywhere in a mobile home park. (f) Access to mobile orne parks shall be as approved by the City. (g) All structures (fen es, sidewalks, roads, storage, cabana, or other) shall requir a building permit from the Monticello Building Inspecto . ~ The area beneath mobile home coach shall be enclosed except that such enclosur must have access for inspection. (h) (i) Laundry and clot ng shall be hung out to dry only on lines located in Council approved areas established and maintained exclusively for th purpose. G) Where the mobile orne court is dependent, it shall have an adequate central c mmunity building with the following features: i. . ng areas and machines ii. Laundry w shing machines iii. Showers iv. Public toil ts and lavatories Such buildings sh 11 have central heating and be maintained in a safe, clean, and anitary condition. * Site Plan Requirements: 2. (a) Legal description d size in acres ofthe proposed mobile home court. (b) Location and size f all mobile home sites, dead storage areas, recreation areas, 1 undry drying areas, roadways, parking sites, MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 9/2 94 * ~ and all setback di ensions (parking spaces, exact mobile home sites, etc.). (c) Detailed landscap ng plans and specifications. (d) Location and wid h of sidewalks. (e) Plans for sanitary ewage disposal, surface drainage, water systems, electric a service, and gas service. (f) Location and size of all streets abutting the mobile home park and all driveways; om such streets to the mobile home park. (g) Road constructio plans and specifications. (h) Plans for any and 11 structures. (i) Such other inform tion as required or implied by these mobile home court stand ds or requested by public officials. (j) Name and address of developer or developers. (k) Description of the method of disposing of garbage and refuse. (1) Detailed descripti n of maintenance procedures and grounds supervISIOn. (m) Details as to whet er all of area will be developed at once or whether it will be eveloped a portion at a time. 3. Design Standards: (a) Site: i. Each mobi e home site shall contain at least four thousand ( ,000) square feet of land area for the exclusive se of the occupant. Width: N less than forty (40) feet. Depth: No less than one hundred (100) feet. ii. Each mobi e home site shall have frontage on an approved r adway and the comer of each mobile home site shall b marked and each site shall be numbered. (b) Setbacks: 1. No unit shll be parked closer than five (5) feet to its side lot lin s. not closer than twenty (20) feet to its front lot line, or ithin ten (10) feet ofits rear lot line. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 9/3 95 '* (c) ~ ~ MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ii. No unit, of street parking space, or building shall be located wit in thirty (30) feet of the exterior bOWldary of any mob'le home court. Parking: 1. Each mobil home site shall have off-street parking space for 0 (2) automobiles. 11. Each mobil home shall maintain a hard surfaced off- street parki . g lot for guests of occupants in the amount of one (1) s ace for each five (5) coach sites. Hi. Access driv s offroads to all parking spaces and coach sites shall b hard surfaced. (d) Utilities: 1. All mobile omes shall be connected to a public water and sani sewer system or a private water and sewer system app ved by the State Department of Health. ii. All installat ons for disposal of surface storm water must be ap roved by the City. iii. All utility c nnections shall be as approved by the City. iv. The source ffuel for cooking, heating, or other purposes at ach mobile home site shall be as approved by the City. V. All utilities hall be underground; there shall be no overhead w res or supporting poles except those essential fo street or other lighting purposes. Vi. No obstruct on shall be permitted that impedes the inspection fplumbing, electrical facilities, and related mobile ho e equipment. V11. The metho of garbage, waste, and trash disposal must be approve by the City. Vlll. Owner shal pay any required sewer and connection fees to the City. (e) Internal Roads and treets: 1. Roads shall be hard surfaced as approved by the City. 9/4 96 Council Meeting -07/24/2006 14. Consideration of Cost Estimate and Sche atic Drawin for Placin Swans on the Water Tower. (lS.) B. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the last council meeting, the City Council request d that the Public Works Director look in to replacing the 2 Monticello logo's on the new water ower with a picture or drawing of a swan. The name Monticello was to stay in place in 2 locatio s. I contacted Mark Rolfs with Boonestro, the Project Engineer for the water tower project, the ollowing day and asked him to check in to the cost of making a change in the logo. He discusse this with the contractor and the contractor indicated he would not price the change until we got im a drawing or photo of the swan and the background we wanted. Mark indicated, howe er, that based upon his experience, the production of the logo artwork and full size stencil is about $5,000.00 and the stencil for the logos on Monticello's water tower are complete at t is time, Therefore, we can assume that if the artwork and or stencils are not more complex t an the logo it would cost us approximately $5,000.00 to change. Rather than select a swan photo and send it directl to Mark and the contractor for pricing I thought it would be more appropriate at this time to ave the council select the artwork or photo. In order to keep it relatively simple, I searched for p otos or drawings that showed a single swan on the water or in flight with good definition and a d ker background than the color of the water tower, I have included the selection of those photo for your review. We do not have a lot of time to get this completed as the tower painting wil begin shortly and it will take some time to reduce a drawing or a photo to a stencil to be used b the painters. It is suggested that if you still wish to have the swan we select one of these phot s and give a price range for which you are willing to spend to change from the logo to the sw . We can then have it priced and make a decision immediately as to whether to have the work done or not. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to review the closed photos and select one for pricing by the contractor and if it is within the range of price given, we will move forward with the swan. If it is above that price range, we wi 1 not move forward and switch back to the Monticello logo. 2. The second alternative would be take as uch time as you wish to select the swan, possibly holding contest amongst the citie citizens, this would cause a delay to the painting of the logo and would most likely rei ult in an exurbanite price for remobilization to paint the logo. 3. The third alternative would be to stay with the existing Monticello logo's on the water tower. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The only recommendation made by staff at this ti e is to not delay the project or remobilize such as outlined in alternative 2. Cost can be sign'ficant as the tower will be totally contained for the painting operation. 97 Council Meeting - 07/24/2006 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of various photos of swans. (May be delivered separately from agenda) 98 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 15. Consideration of terms of sale of remna t arcel of land resultin from re-ali nment of Otter Creek road - Tom Holthaus (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is in process of completing the develo ment agreement governing the Pineview Plat. As you may know, transfer ofland to the d veloper will be required in conjunction with the westerly shift/realignment of the Otter Cre k Road. This realignment was needed to create a safer 90 degree intersection. The land that is available due to the shift, plus additional land, is intended to be transferred to the develop r thus enabling creation of the 5th lot. The cost to purchase the land to the City was $2.75 er square foot. The City purchased 2,596 square feet at a total cost of$7,139. The amount fland expected to be transferred to create the 5th lot is 5,011 square feet. If the City charges t the same rate it paid, the developer would need to pay the City $13,780 for the land neede to create the 5th lot. If the City were to simply recover the cost to purchase land for reali ent, the cost to developer would be $7,139. At this time the City has not formally vacated he Otter Creek Road right-of-way. During previous formal discussion on this atter during the decision relating to platting/lot width variance, staff recollects that Counci was going to consider asking the developer for compensation, however the amount was ne er identified. The developer has expressed that one of th economic factors encouraging redevelopment of the site and associated demolition ofthe co venience store was the expectation that the remnant parcel would be provided to the d veloper at no cost. Unfortunately, financial information is not available to substantiate e need to obtain the remnant land at reduced cost. Due to the size of the remnant parce which is undevelopable, the parcel has little value to the City if not attached to the adja ent plat. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve sale of subject 1 d to developer at a rate equal to the cost paid by the City ($2.75/Square foot) to ealign Otter Creek road. Total cost of the land under this option is $13,780. Pleas note that the price paid by the City although reasonable may not represent the" oing rate" as the City typically ends up paying a premium for land when needed for oad realignments. 2. Motion to approve sale of land at a flat amount equal to the amount paid by the City to shift the road ($7,139) 2. Motion to approve sale of subject I d to developer at a rate less than Alternative #1 or #2 above based on the finding th t the addition of this land to the plat at a reduced rate contributed toward financial vi bility of a redevelopment project. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: Council should set a value that it believes is appropriate considering the nature of the project and associated conditions. Factors to cons der include the price paid for land to realign Otter Creek road as well as added project osts associated with redeveloping the site. 99 Council Agenda: 7/24/06 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plat information showing land transfer. 100 aRAPHIC :!CALi: " I ( IN P'!!T) ~1~~\;~ :!:: '" I _ ~1TER CREEK ROAD , 11 sqft ACA TIDN AREA 25' RAO 6 .' I '--. \:' ~ ....:... ...~*'~:.\~...... -' ,'" fyf"II'":..."'''' ,..,' " ... 1'4 ~,},,~:~'I":.. ~ t"~:~f,,~ .. I 7 REMOVE EX PA VEMEN T 8 Sil1. y (/iV'e- (Or {J :' ,"" 'I ,/ :"",,,"".. ....~,:..\ ........... IA~B"==.J!t!i i!!Ii ~"''''~''''''i.".:~~~ CH, of Monticello Otter Creek Road 11 ~ 1c 7-~ "': /''1; t..~::...\,. 4.....~:...~,' ~ I,",;' ,,4 , " ,"'i' , ',_, I :... ""'~/~,' ~ '-..- . 2 :5 .., ;' :... ,-..-,:,..':... " r ,4 ....: '''''',. '- ,., ... .: 1 Dol. OCT 17, 200& VACAnON EXHIBIT 101 Council Meeting - 07/24/2006 16. ort in Consideration of Acce tance. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Each year the City inspects the condition of the boul vard sidewalks and those sidewalks located on our property throughout the community. Thi is usually completed during the summer months so that adequate time is made available for e City and/or property owners to take care of the needed repair of the sidewalks. For sidewalk located on the "grid" the City will repair or replace up to 2 sidewalk panels per property at n cost to the property owner. The "grid" sidewalk is recognized as an area serving more than just the local neighborhood. Additions and subtractions to the "grid" are approved by City Co ncil. Many of the sidewalks on the "grid" were constructed using 75% City money and 25% assessment to the property owner. If any sections of the sidewalk on the "grid" are in need of otal replacement the City would again share in the cost to replace those sidewalks at the 75% / 25 Yo rate. This year we had 49 panels that need maintenance r repairs and many that need monitoring for the future as they could become candidates for rep ir or replacement. In addition, we have 9 panels to be replaced at various locations. Most of t ese are for sidewalk on the "grid" and are 2 panels or less and the City is taking steps to r lace these panels. There are a couple of replacement locations that are off of the "grid" and ity staff will be dealing with those property owners to have them make those necessary repairs Should those repairs not be made by the property owners, we will bring them back to you a a later date to set a public hearing to order the repairs. The sidewalk grinder purchased last year has worke well in reducing trip hazards and it will be put to work this summer on many of the vertical rise and trip hazards shown in the report. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to review the report and accept it as drafted. No changes are proposed to the standard specification for which the inspection, maintenance and replacements are done. 2. The second alternative would be to review the report and request changes prior to the acceptance by the City Council. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Dir ctor and Street Superintendent that the City Council reviews the report and accept it as outlin in alternative 1. City staff will then move forward with correcting the problems noted in the r ort. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of 2006 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report. 102 MONTICELLO . . v.tIIt 20 6 ANNUAL S DEW ALK INSPECTIO REPORT Completed: July 18, 2006 By: Karen Ludvigson 2006 ANNUAL SIDEWALK NSPECTION REPORT TABLE OF C NTENTS ITEM PAGE Sidewalk Inspection Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Summary ......................................................... 5 Repair and/or Maintenance Items .., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2006 Sidewalk Reports .............................................. 9 C:\OocUl11l;nt!i and Sctlings~awn.groS!lingt2"\Local Sl1ti..ngs\Tmlpor~ Internc:t f'iles\OLlO\sidl,.'Wlllklf)()6.wpd. _ PAGE 2 OF 20- CITY OF MONTICELLO SIDEWALK INSPECTION CRITERIA I. DEFINITION A pedestrian walkway (either bituminous 0 concrete) is a smooth, continuous, horizontal plane generally 4' to 5' wide, parallel to curb r street driving surface in both boulevard width and vertical height with a cross-slope of2%to 4% to promote water drainage. It should be free of hazards to pedestrians, bicyclists, d snow removal equipment such as, but not limited to, cracks, settlements, protrusions both horizontal and vertical, such as heaved panels (whole or partial), tree limbs, and verhangs. There should be pedestrian ramps where sidewalk meets curb on all new and ajor restoration construction. II. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MAINTE ANCE AND CRITERIA FOR REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT A. Recommendations for Maintenance 1. Drainage Property owners will be enc uraged to maintain drainage from the sidewalk areas and will be notified w en poor drainage is observed during the annual inspections. 2. Small Cracks and Holes Such defects larger than 1/ "but less than 3/4" will be recommended to be sealed or patched using app oved materials. This will increase the longevity of the sidewalk. 3. Overhangs and Hazards Property owners will be ask d to correct any temporary hazards such as signs, mail boxes, tree branches, r rocks or debris on the sidewalk or in the path of a pedestrian which could c use a trip, fall, or head injury. B. Cause for Repair or Replacement 1. Any vertical sharp rise in sidewalk panel over 1/4" in height which could cause a person to trip or c uld catch maintenance equipment shall be cause for replacement of the pan 1. C;\Documeuts and Setting!l\i.lawu.gro~ing~ Scttings\TcmpOrary Inta'Uet File!;\OLid\'sidewll1k.2006,wpc..l - PAGE 3 OF 20 ~ I 2. Any section of a sidewalk wh~ h has settled so as to collect water shall be replaced or repaired by jackin (when feasible). 3. Any holes exceeding 3/4" in di eter and any cracks exceeding 3/4" in width and more than 1/4" deep shall e repaired using approved materials. 4. Any sidewalk panel having a eries of wide cracks and holes so as to make repairs not practical shall be r placed. 5. Any sidewalk panels with sh crowns or heaving which could cause a trip or fall when the sidewalk is et or slippery shall be replaced. 1. Any sidewalk replaced shall 0 nform to standard specifications for sidewalk construction as recommende by the City Engineer. 6. Any sidewalk panel that is eeling or spauling so that loose material is consistently found on the sur ce shall be replaced. C. Replacement of Sidewalk C;\DocUlIiffits and Settings\dawn.grOSSin~t2"\LocaI Sdting!l\Tempormy [nt/;rod. FiI.:,:s\OlK.1\<iidewalk2006,WfX,1 _ PAGE 4 OF 20 - CITY OF MONTICELLO SIDEWALK REPORT 2006 SUMM RY The 2006 Walk-through inspectio of the on-grid and off-grid sidewalks was completed on Jun 1 - June 30, 2006 by Karen Ludvigson. In summary, there are 9 panels to emove and replace. There are 49 panels to be repaired and the r st of the report is dedicated to the locations which need to be mo itored for future movement or continued disintegration. C;\OQcumt'nts and Sdtilli!'\t.lllwn,~!linger\Loca1 Settings\lt:mpoTluy lnh:'C'Il.c1: Files\OLKj\Sidcwalk2006.wpd - PAGE 5 OF 20- C~\Doc\lm ACTION CODE R = REPAIR INDEX X = REPLAC NEEDED 2006 REP AIR/MAINl "'ENANCE REPORTS ITEM PAGE REPAIRS AND/OR ACTION NO. SIDEWALK SECTION NO. MAINTENANCE ITEMS CODE 3. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 12 -Fill ~ ap btwn 2 spauled panels @ 512 E Broadway R RAMSEY - WRIGHT 4. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 12 - Re~ air 3/8" lip between new panels & old in front R WRIGHT. NEW of 42 E. Broadway. - 1" II @ ped ramp SE corner of New & Broadway R 7. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 12 - 3/8" lip by gate valve, Y. way down block on E. R CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) Broadway.(Old Muller Theater) 8. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 12 - 148 E Broadway (Barber Shop) 3/8" lip btwn agg & R PINE (T.H. 25) - CEDAR mainll ne R -DrivE way on E Broadway btwn 148 & the Zoo - spaulad R -106 Broadway SE Corner- Spauled, also ped ramp 9. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 12 - In fr nt of Red's, right next to road (blvd), spauled R CEDAR - PALM & cra ked 10. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 12 -313 Broadway - 8 and Y. spauled panels R PALM - NEW 18. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 13 -7/8" ip in panel with exposed aggregate. Near 2 R LOCUST - WALNUT trees north of West Broadway (west side) of Walnut St -3/8" ip @ 2?? W Broadway (next to Salon) near curb y opening btwn bldgs and curb. R 20. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 13 - 3/8" lip @ 144 W Broadway (near curb) exposed R PINE(T.H.) - PINE aggre ~ate 21. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 13 -Fill c ack at 243 W. Broadway. R WALNUT - LOCUST -Fill c ack in front of 225 W. Broadway R -Fix p nel with 5/8" lip at corner of Walnut & W Broac way (near 201 W Broadway) R 22. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 13 -324 V Broadway 3/8" lip & cracked dwy panels R LOCUST - LINN 24. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 13 -Hole need filling in front of 549 W. Broadway. R MAPLE - MINNESOTA -531 V. Broadway -Replace 2 spauled panels. X -519 V. Broadway - Replace 2 cracked panels in drwy X 31. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 14 -Grim 1/2" lip north of tracks behind scrubs, in front R 4TH - RR TRACKS of gar ge, 4?? Maple St 38. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 14 -3/8" I P on a couple of panels @ Snyder's R 3RD _ 4TH -Grin< panel by tree, intersection of Walnut and 4th R SI. Y. lip 38a. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 14 -Rep< ir 2 panels North of tracks, 1 W' X 8" long gap R 3RD _ 4TH (sunn fresh) doltS. and Setlings\dll.wn.grlm.~inKCI"\U:lcal $i,.1tings\Temporary Interort Fil~'OLK.:3\sidewn.lk.2IJ()6.wpd -PA u_._.. _n_ KEY S NEEDED EMENT GE 6 OF 20 - ITEM PAGE REPAIRS AND/OR ACTION NO. SIDEWALK SECTION NO. MAINTENANCE ITEMS CODE 41. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 14 -Fill crac s near Dino's Deli south west corner R BROADWAY WEST - 3RD grind %" lip seven panels south of Dino's driveway R to be monitored. 44. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST 14 _ NW co ner of 25 & 75, the electric box is a tripper R SIDE & there's a big crack. R RIVER - BROADWAY - A spau ed crack in the same location. _ Lightin wires are hanging out of a light pole (at R the botte m) R - SW co ner of 25 & River St 3/8" lip in the pad ramp 45. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST 15 - Small \ oid near CB (near alley) R SIDE BROADWAY - 3RD 48. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST 15 -Remov and replace south ped ramp at entrance X SIDE to Town Centre on Hwy 25. Not done 5TH _ 6TH 50. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST 15 _ Grind) anel with 3/8" lip @ electrical hatch 9th R SIDE panel S uth from 7'h St. 7TH - 1-94 BRIDGE 56. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 15 -Grind p nel with 1" lip on the south side of the 1 ST R RR TRACKS - 4TH MN Bani driveway. 59. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 15 - Large unken area next to sq. utility hatch. X BROADWAY - RIVER 59a. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 15 _ Also large sunken area along south side of River X BROADWAY - RIVER St.@S corner of Hwy 25 & River St.. 59b. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 15 _ Large ap at driveway going into the WorkForce X BROADWAY - RIVER Center 'long X 6" wide X 1" deep. 60. CEDAR STREET (WEST SIDE) 15 -Crack II the following panels - R BROADWAY E. - 3RD 6.7,9,1 .16,17,18,19.22nd from Broadway. Small chunks Dut of walk. Spauling 65. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 16 - Repai wide gap between 2 panels. Cracked & R PINE (T.H. 25) - CEDAR spauled panels near Pine St 67. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 16 -Repair wide gap. spauled panels, & tripper by R PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT drvwy e1trance. in sidewalk (near US Bank parking lot) 69. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 16 -Fill cra kat 810 R PINEWOOD - ELM -Grind /8" lip @ 820 E 3'" St. R 72. 4TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 16 -Grind anels with 5/8" lip at SE corner of 25 and R Pine (T.H. 25) - CEDAR 4thSt. 73. 4TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 16 _ Need 0 fill 1" gap between 2 driveways (113-119 R CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) E 4th St 75. 7TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 16 _ Grind %" lip where MH is; a couple panels west of R CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) Cedar t 77. 7TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 16- -Fill in racked ped ramp at entrance to Cub Foods R PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT 78. 7TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 17 -3/8" Ii~ @ ped ramp heading south on SW corner R CENTER KMART DRIVE - LOCUST ofWal ut & W 7'h St 80. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 17 -Missing sidewalk 4 or 5 panels, across from 9808 X C.R. 39 EAST - C.R. 75 Hart BI d C~\O()cuments and SL1.ting!i\dawll.grogsing~\L()cal Sllttings\Tt;=IIlputary Internet Fill,.'S\OLKJ\side'Walk2006.wpd - PAGE 7 OF 20- C:\Docum ITEM PAGE REPAIRS AND/OR ACTION NO. SIDEWALK SECTION NO. MAINTENANCE ITEMS CODE 102. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 18 -Rem ve and replace spauled/broken panel X 5TH _ 6TH betwE en crosswalk and Community center entrance one p nel west of ped ramp. Not fixed. 103. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 18 - Fill racks where material has come out of @ R 6TH _ 7TH Libra \J exit. 104. 6TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 18 -Rep ir chunk out of walk @ ped ramp out of Exit of R WALNUT - WEST TO LIBRARY the Ii rary. PROPERTY LINE 105. 6TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 18 -Rep ir broken corner at the NW corner of 6th St. R WALNUT - FIRE STATION and'\ alnut. 4th panel west of ped ramp 107. WASHINGTON STREET (EAST 18 -Driv way badly cracked & falling apart (going into R SIDE) field rea.) 7TH _ 5TH 111. 6TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 19 -At in ersection of Walnut and 6th - Xcel damaged X WALNUT - PINE walk ast of hydrant 114. W 4TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 19 - Re~ air 2" wide X 3" long hole; 1 panel west of R MINNESOTA - MAPLE step @ church. 115. W 4TH ST (SOUTH SIDE) 19 - Grir d Y, " lip near corner of W. 4th St & Linn St. R L1NN- LOCUST 196. W 4TH ST (SOUTH SIDE) 22 -Cra ked walk @ Sunny Fresh Foods (near corner R LINN - LOCUST of Lh n & Locust) R -tripp er & cracked/broken corners btwn Linn & Locu t 199. W 4TH ST (SOUTH SIDE) 23 -Grin cl y," lip at exit (west side) of US Bank along 4th R PINE (25) - WALNUT St eots lUld Seuings\daWll.grossins:~\Locl1l Settillgs\Tcmpor!lI'y hlh::rn.et File.q\OLK.3\sidewalk20tl6.wptI -PA . .-- - - GE 8 OF 20 - 2006 REPO RTS INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 1. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -%" Ii P up 3 panels from ped ramp @ E Broadway & Washington. Took pic. WASHINGTON - HENNEPIN 1a. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 . Repl a e 2 panels around MH in walk at MMS, badly cracked. Took pic. WASHINGTON - TO EAST - Repl a e 2 panels with y." lip near MH. 2. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Moni t r 1/4" lip @ 618 E Broadway (1 panel) HENNEPIN - RAMSEY - Moni t r cracked side panel in ped ramp 3. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Moni r 1 cracked panel, 14'0 panel west of Ramsey St. 548 E. Broadway. RAMSEY - WRIGHT - Moni r 1 cracked panel, 10.h panel along S. Broadway side (204 Wright St) - Fill 1 "gap btwn 2 spauled panels @ 512 E Broadway - Moni tJr 1 cracked panel @ 524 E Broadway 4. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Moni or 3/8" lip between new panels & old in front of 424 E. Broadway. WRIGHT - NEW - Moni or 1 cracked panel at 426 E. Broadway. - Moni or 1/4" lip at 454 E. Broadway (6th panel W of Wright St) -Monit r 1 cracked @ 201 New St (along the Broadway side) -1" lip ~ ped ramp SE comer of New & Broadway 5. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Moni or crack in ped ramp @ SW corner of Palm & Broadway NEW - PALM -Monit r crack in mainline - 4 panels from SW corner of Palm (going west) -Monit r 1 cracked panel - 17 panels from Palm. 6. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Moni or 1 cracked panel @ Peterson Grismo Chapel PALM - CEDAR 7. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 3/8" ip by gate valve, % way down block on E. Broadway. (Muller Theater) CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) - Moni or spauled chunk to East of drwy into WorkForce Center. - Moni or crack East of driveway (2 businesses west of Cedar St) - Monl or cracks in aggregate (SW corner of Cedar & Broadway) west of ped r, mp. 8. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mon tor crack - panels 4 & 5 east of Hwy 25. PINE (T.H. 25) - CEDAR - Mon tor crack by light pole in this same location. -1481 Broadway (Barber Shop) 3/8" lip btwn agg & mainline -Drive NaY on E Broadway btwn 148 & the Zoo - spauled - 200 Broadway - lip in walk -106 Broadway SE Corner - spauled! Broadway side, also ped ramp 9. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1.6/30 - 261 . Broadway monitor 2 panels have small cracks CEDAR - PALM -In frc n t of Red's right next to road (blvd), spauled & cracked 9.a BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 419 E . Broadway monitor 2 panels have cracks in their new sidewalk. WRIGHT - NEW 9.b BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -537 . Broadway monitor 1 crack in sidewalk (in their driveway they didn.t RAMSEY - WRIGHT make cuts for sidewalk) 1 picture. 10. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 319 E . Broadway monitor 1 crack in driveway sidewalk panel and 2 other PALM - NEW panels have cracks on their mainline sidewalk. - 313 E Broadway 8 and % spauled panels 11. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 801 W. Broadway - monitor 1/4" lip by driveway. ELM - CHESTNUT 11a. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo it or cracked ped ramp ELM - CHESTNUT 12. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 90e W. Broadway - monitor crack by driveway. CHESTNUT - PINEWOOD BK PATH C:\I)()L"UIIltnts and S=ings\dawn.gTO!i'iinger\Local Sdtings\TemponlIY lntemet Fi1~\OLKJ\sidewa1k2006.wpd - PAGE 9 OF 20- -.. -- -- -- -- IN5PECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 13. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 726 Vi . Broadway - monitor 1/4" lip east of house at new walk. ELM - VINE - 718 Vi . Broadway - monitor spauling by driveway. 14. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 636 Vi . Broadway - monitor two settled panels. VINE - MINNESOTA 15. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Manit r cracked panel west of 530 W. Broadway. MINNESOTA - MAPLE - Manit r 1 cracked panel at 501 W Broadway. - Manit r panels 5 & 14 from Maple St. 16. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 1/4" Ii @ 413 W Broadway MAPLE - LINN 17. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 1/4" Ii at east edge of the driveway at 324 W Broadway needs to be LINN - LOCUST monito ed. - Manit r 1/2" lip in front of 324 W. Broadway Pic. taken. -Crack & lip at telephone pole near Post Ofc. parking lot 18. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 7/8" Ii, in panel with exposed aggregate. 2 trees North of west Broadway LOCUST - WALNUT (west s de) of Walnut St - Moni r 1 cracked panel @ 214 W Broadway - 3/8" Ii D @ 217 W Broadway (next to Salon) near curb by opening btwn bldgs c nd curb 19. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Manit Dr cracked panel between 107 & 113 N Broadway. WALNUT - PINE (T.H. 25) - Manit Dr crack and slight lip west of door at 113 N Broadway (3x6" chunk out). - Manit Dr cracked panel (near 21<1 tree) about 6 panels East of Walnut St. 155 E roadway. - Moni or 1/4" lip Oust east of cracked panel) 155 E Broadway. 20. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 1/4" I P @ 150 W Broadway (1 panel E of tree) PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT -3/8" Ii @ 144 W Broadway (near curb) exposed agg. -1/2" Ii @ 108 W Broadway exposed agg. 21. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Fill 1 cracks in front of 225 W. Broadway. Also 3/8" lip btwn agg & WALNUT - LOCUST mainli e - Fill 1 gap at 243 W. Broadway. Also a whole bunch of cracks in front of apts - Fix p nel with 5/8" lip at corner of Walnut & W Broadway (near 201 W Broad f3Y) 22. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Moni or cracks east of entrance to Assist to Sell. LOCUST - LINN - Moni or cracked panel @ 354 W Broadway - 324 ' V Broadway 3/8" lip & cracked driveway panels - Larg cracks. Pictures were taken. 23. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Moni or spauled walk by Trinity Lutheran. LINN - MAPLE -Rem ve and replace one panel west of driveway at Trinity Lutheran. Badly era eke d. broken corner & 3/8" lip. - Moni, or the 10 cracked panels. 24. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -Monit )r ped ramp @ NE corner of MN & W Broadway MAPLE - MINNESOTA - Man! or needed two panels east of Minnesota St., broken corner. - 549 N. Broadway - monitor lip where new sidewalk meets old. - monl or holes in front of 549 W. Broadway. - Moni or cracked panels in front of 549 W. Broadway. - 531 N. Broadway - replace2 spauled panels. - 519 N. Broadway. Replace 2 cracked panels in driveway - Monl or 1/4" lip 13 panels from ped ramp (203 MN St) Broadway side 25. ELM STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 1/4" i P 300 block GOLF COURSE ROAD - 3RD STREET 26. ELM STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K. 3RD - BROADWAY WEST C:\DocQrnl,2ll'i and Sdtings\dawn.gr()~inftl:~ Sdtings\Tcm{Xlf1UY Inttntd Files\OLKJ\!lidewnlk.2006.wpd -PAGE IOOF20- - - -- - ..-- INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 27. MINNESOTA STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Cor ner of Minnesota and 6th - southeast corner damaged by Charter - have 6TH _7TH (VACATED ROW) them IX. - 1/4" ip by hydrant to be monitored. OK 28. MINNESOTA STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K. 7TH (PLATTED) - 7TH (AS PAVED) 29. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.K. BROADWAY WEST - 3RD 30. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mon tor 1/4" lip south of first driveway south of 3rd Street. 3RD _ 4TH 31. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -1/2" Ii P north of tracks behind scrubs. in front of garage 4?? Maple St 4TH - RR TRACKS 32. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mon tor cracks at 503 Maple St RR TRACKS - 6TH - Mon tor cracks & small lip in 1 panel at driveway to 515 Maple St 33. LOCUST STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mon tor crack fifteen panels north of Broadway. BROADWAY WEST - MID BLOCK - Cra ked panel & 1/4" lip just South of driveway into apts. - 2 cr cked panels between two driveways 34. LOCUST STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mor itor crack fifteen panels north of Broadway. MID BLOCK NORTH OF BROADWAY - BROADWAY WEST 35. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Lip twn curb & walk btwn rh St W & entrance into Holiday Station. 7TH _ 6TH -Crac ed panel in ped ramp (1 panel South of exit form Holiday) -Mon tor 1 cracked panel btwn W 6th & W rh St 36. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -Ram p on ped ramp @ 5th & Walnut (across from Comm Center) 5TH - RR TRACKS 37. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -0.1<. RR TRACKS - 4TH (PAST LIBRARY) 38. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 3/8' lip on a couple of panels @ Snyder's 3RD _ 4TH -grin lip @ tree along Walnut (Snyder's) - Rer ove and replace panel by tree, intersection of Walnut and 4th St. betw en }S" lip. - Mo itor 9th panel south of ped ramp at 3rd St. cracked corner. -3 cr cked panels - 8 panels south of Snyder's entrance on Walnut St 38a. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -lip a the train tracks 3RD _ 4TH - Re air 2 panels North of the tracks, 1 y." X 8" long gap (Sunny Fresh) 39. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor crack at the southwest corner of the vacated building north of BROADWAY W. - COMMUTER LOT carp t shop. - Mo itor hole in l' strip of concrete at Monticello Carpet. O.K. 40. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Ja( e Patrick in need of major sidewalk repair. OK RIVER - BROADWAY 41. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor cracks near Dino's Deli south west corner (caulk?). BROADWAY WEST - 3RD - gri d y." lip seven panels south of Dino's driveway to be monitored. 42. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 1/4' lip at intersection of Walnut and 3rd to be monitored (NE corner). 3RD _ BROADWAY WEST - Cr ck seal (1" gap) 20" from Alley @ Corner Cafe 43. PINE STREET (T.H.25) WEST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - O. . RIVER BRIDGE - RIVER STREET 44. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - NV corner of 25 & 75, the electric box is a tripper & there's a big crack. RIVER - BROADWAY - A P auled crack in the same location. - Li~ h ting wires are hanging out of a light pole (at the bottom) - SV corner of 25 & River St 3/8" lip in the ped ramp - Cr c ked corner near north side of drwy alley, also the electric box (South side at this location also. C;\I)ocUl11enl'i and Settings\dawn.gmssingtr\Local Sc;ttings\Temporary Internrt Files\OLK...l\!iiJewalklOO6,wpd - PAGE 11 OF 20- - --- - INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 45. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - Moni or the cracks in front of the alley between Flicker's and Primerica. BROADWAY - 3RD . Took picture of a small void near CB (near alley) - Moni or utility box cover (spauling), by alley - 2" ga I corner of Pine & 3'" St (next to ped ramp) heading down 31ll St 46. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - OK 3RD _ 4TH 47. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - OK 4 - 5TH 48. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - Rem ve and replace south ped ramp at entrance to Town Centre off Hwy 5TH. 6TH 25. Nc t done. (y." lip) -Manit . r crack in ped ramp at SW corner of Pine & 6th. 49. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - Moni or 2 cracked panels Uust North of storm sewer MH in sidewalk) in 6TH _ 7TH walk a corner of 7'h and Pine. Also 1/4" lip 5 panels North of storm sewer MH. -Moni r crack in ped ramp at SW corner of Hwy 25 & 7'h St. 50. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - Moni or 1 cracked panel approx. 20 panels N of 1-94 lights 7TH - 1-94 BRIDGE - Mont or 1 cracked panel approx. 25 panels S of 7'h St - Repl ce panel with 3/8" lip @ electrical hatch 9'h panel South from 7'h St. took a picture. 51. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - O.K. 1-94 BRIDGE - OAKWOOD DRIVE 52. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - OK OAKWOOD DRIVE - 1-94 BRIDGE 53. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - Monl or pedestrian ramp at the northeast quadrant of 25 and 7'h (1/4" lip) 1.94 BRIDGE _7TH 54. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - Ped strian ramp at the northeast quadrant of 25 and 7'h needs to be 7TH _ 6TH manit red. (1/4" lip) 55. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 6/1-6/30 -O.K. 6TH - RR TRACKS 56. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - Grin panel with 1" lip on the south side of the 1 ST MN Bank driveway. RR TRACKS - 4TH . Man tor cracked panels 3,8,9 panels south from E 4'h & Pine St 57. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 6/1-6/30 -O.K. 4TH. 3RD 58. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - Fix Repair curb (SE corner of 3'" & Hwy 25) catchbasin and rebar 3RD _ BROADWAY showil 19. 59. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 6/1-6/30 - Larg e sunken area next to sq. utility hatch. BROADWAY - RIVER -Also large sunken area along south side of River St. @ SE corner of Hwy 25 & iverSt. - Lar~ e gap at driveway going into the WorkForce Center 3'long X 6" wide X 1" de p. - Loa at lip at Work Force Center, l' in from curb, from driveway to River St. 60. CEDAR STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Cra k fill the following panels - 6,7,9,12,16,17,18,19,22<><1 from BROADWAY E. - 3RD Broac way. Small chunks out of walk. Spauling. - Mori tor 1 panel with a 1/4" lip, to the west of the SW corner of Cedar St & E.3'"St. -Moni or 1/4" lip along the west side of Cedar St. 1 panel N of driveway (SE corne r of block- brick house on corner) 61. CEDAR STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K 3RD . 4TH C:\Docllm(JIt'l and Srttings\dawn.grossing.:.=r\U.x;w Sdlings\Temporary Int(rnd. fo'iles\OLK3\sid\.vr~k2(K)6.wpd - PAGE 12 OF 20 - ..- INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 62. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 1/4" lip at the south side of the driveway for the apartments to be 4TH - RR TRACKS manit red. . Man tor Two panels settled Yo" north of apartment's driveway third and fourth panel. _ 13th nd 16th panel north of apartment's driveway, monitor cracked panel. - 21" anel north of apartment's driveway, monitor 1/4" lip. _ Man tor cracked panel in ped ramp at entrance going into Maus Foods. 63. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Man tor 24 panels south of North approach in front of Photo One/Sunlife RR TRACKS _ 6TH E press. - Rep ace panel with Yo" lip nine panels south of said approach. 64. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Ren ove and replace panel twenty panels north of 7th St. 6TH _ 7TH 7/8' lip. 65. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Rep ir wide gap between 2 panels. Cracked & spauled panels near Pine PINE (T.H. 25) - CEDAR St - Moritor 2 - 1/4" lips next to DMV @ Help Crisis Center - Monitor 2 cracked panels @ Help Crisis Center 66. 3RD STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Man itor cracks panel 5 & 6 from corner of Cedar St & 31d St CEDAR - PINE (T. H. 25) - Mar itor 1/4" lip in same spot. - Mor itor gap west of US Bank driveway. 67. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Sn~ ers - 1 cracked panel - 4 panels East of corner of 31d & Walnut on 3rd PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT -US E ank - spauled walk. heaving near tree, tripper by drvwy entrance 68. 3RD STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K WALNUT - PINE (T.H. 25) 69. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Panel in front of 810 is cracked and needs repair.(13panels from driveway) PINEWOOD - ELM . Mo itor 1 cracked panel at 810 (20 panels from driveway) _ Mo itor 1 cracked panel 1 panel west of corner of Elm & E 3"' St - Grir d 3/8" lip @ 820 E 31d St 70. PINEWOOD SCHOOL PROPERTY 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor cracks. 3RD _ BROADWAY 71. 4TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor curb @ NW corner is broken up WALNUT - PINE (T.H. 25) 72. 4TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor crack 118 4th St. E. Pine (T.H. 25) - CEDAR - Mo itor crack 125 (?) E 4'" St - Mo itor lip at west side of driveway for bank. Took pic. . Gri d panel with 5/8" lip at SE corner of Hwy 25 and 4th St. 72a. 4TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 . Mo itor 7 panels are spauling (41 panels West from Walnut & 4th) WALNUT - LOCUST _ Mo itor cracked corner on the East side of the 1st entrance into Sunny Fres _ Mo itor 2 cracked panels - 9 & 10 panels away from 1 st entrance into sunn v fresh along W 4th St. 73. 4TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Ne ds to fill 1" gap between 2 driveways (113-119 E 4th St) CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) _ Mo itor crack in driveway sidewalk at 119 S 4th St. _ Mo itor cracked panels, TDS bldg, 5 & 7 panels E of Hwy 25. 74. 6TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -OJ. MAPLE - MINNESOTA 75. 7TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Mo itor 18 panelS spauling at the southeast corner of the cemetery. CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) _ Yo ' lip where MH is; a couple panels west of Cedar St. 76. 7TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -Mo itor 2 cracked panels in ped ramp W of entrance closed to Hwy 25. PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT -Mo itor lip on ped ramp edge on E side of entrance going into Holiday. _ 1 c acked panel in ped ramp @ SW corner of Hwy 25 & W 7th St. 77. 7TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Mcnitor 1 panel with crack, 10 panels east of Cub Foods Entrance. E. KMART DRIVE. WALNUT - Re air ped ramp at entrance to Cub Foods. (Cracked). C;\Documellts and Sdlings\dawn.grossingcr\l...QI,:al SL1ting,s\Temporary Int~d fild\OlK3\sid(.'WalkL()(k).wpd " PAGE 13 OF 20- INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 78. 7TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Monl or crack/chip by K-Mart 23 panels west of W Kmart Driveway. CENTER KMART DRIVE - LOCUST - Moni or crack 2 panels east of same driveway. -Moni )r 3/8" lip @ ped ramp heading South on SW corner of Walnut & W r~ St -SE c )rner of Walnut & 7th St (ped ramp) 2 cracked panels 79. RIVER STREET E. (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK RAMSEY - WRIGHT 80. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Man tor 1 cracked panel @ Hart & CSAH 39 (1" panel) C.R. 39 EAST - C.R. 75 _ Man tor 6 cracked panels - 12 panels from CSAH 39 _ Man tor 1 cracked panel (14 panels East of drwy @ 9749 Hart Blvd) right across the street from Mill Run Road. _ Man tor 1 cracked panel on ped ramp to the NW @ entrance into gas statio _ Replace missing sidewalk 4 or 5 panels across from 9808 Hart Blvd -Moni or 3 cracked panel (4,12,14 panels from dvwy) going into back side of AST ports shop near corner of Hart & Mill Run Road 81. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K PLAT LINE - MILL RUN RD 82. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Man tor 1 cracked panel (14 panels East of drwy @ 9749 Hart Blvd) right MILL RUN RD - C.R. 75 across the street from Mill Run Road. 83. COUNTRY AVENUE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -Moni or 1 crack in ped ramp @ corner of Country Ave & School Blvd. SCHOOL BLVD - FIELDCREST CIR 84. COUNTRY AVENUE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K FIELDCREST CIR - FIELDCREST CT 85. COUNTRY AVENUE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.K FIELDCREST CIR - PLAT LINE 86. FARMSTEAD AVENUE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K SCHOOL BLVD - PEBBLE BROOK DR 87. FARMSTEAD AVENUE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Mo itor 1 cracked panel south of drwy @ 8874 Farmstead Ave PEBBLEBROOK DR - FALLON AVE _ Mo itor 1 cracked panel in drwy sidewalk @ 8886 Farmstead Ave _ Mo itor 1 cracked panel in ped ramp between 9144 & 9128 Farmstead Ave - Mo itor 2 cracked panels at 8896 Farmstead Ave _ Mo itor 1 cracked panel at 8922 Farmstead Ave 89. WILDWOOD BLVD (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor 1 cracked panel next to path & ped ramp JASON (C.R. 18). TROY MARQ. DR. 90. TROY MARQUETTE DR (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor 2 cracked panels at 6393 Wildwood Way. Panels 28& 29 south WILDWOOD WAY - BAKKEN ST from Wildwood Way. 91. BAKKEN STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.~ . TROY MARQUETTE DR - DEER ST 91.a BAKKEN STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor 1 cracked panel at 6217 Bakken St END TO TROY MARQUETTE DR 16 ~ anels from corner of Bakken St and Troy Marquette Dr 92. BAKKEN STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ mo itor 1 cracked panel to right of driveway at 6095 Bakken St. DEER ST - BEAR ST _ mo itor 1 cracked panel in driveway walk at 6081 Bakken St. 93. INNSBROOK DRIVE (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - 0.1 . CHELSEA RD - PARK PLACE DR 94. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -0. CHELSEA RD - PRESCOTT DR 95. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -0. PRESCOTT DR - SOMERSET LN C:\I)(x;umellls and Set.t.ing!i'dawn.grossillg~l..oca1 Sdtings\Temporary Intdtl.d Filca\QLK3\sidn.ralk2006.wp.l - PAGE 14 OF 20 - INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 96. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK SOMERSET LN - INNSBROOK DR 97. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK INNSBROOK DR - SAVANNAH AVE 98. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK SAVANNAH AVE - WINDEMERE CT 99. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K. WINDEMERE CT - SUMMIT CT 100. CHELSEA ROAD (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K. T.H. 25 - SANDBERG RD 101. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK RIVER - FRONT 101a WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - N. of ade Patrick, near telephone pole, tripper btwn walk & curb a. RIVER - BROADWAY -1 1/4" gap in crack along W side of Walnut, 6 panels from NW corner of Broad ay & Walnut. 101a WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -Manit r lip between mainline walk & brick pavers (near three apple trees) 4TH _ 5TH -Monit r lip between pavers & curb in same spot (sunny fresh foods) 102. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - SeUI d panel next to sanitary man hole in front of City Hall. 5TH _ 6TH - Rem ve and replace spauled/broken panel between crosswalk and Comrr unity Center entrance one panel west of ped ramp. Not fixed. -Sout~ of driveway entrance to comm. center, lip btwn curb & pavers - SeUI d pavers @ comm. center, near ped ramp -Spor die trippers between pavers & curb 103. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Monl or 2 cracked panels @ Library exit. 6TH _ 7TH -3 spc s where material has come out of fixed patches @ Library exit. 103a WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mont or crack in ped ramp; just North of Holiday exit. 6TH _ 7TH 103b WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -Chur k out of driveway into trash garage (across from Comm Center drwy) 5th & 6th -Moni 0 r whole driveway has 1 small crack though center. 103c WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -1 cra ked panel just E of ped ramp north of tracks Tracks - 4th 104. 6TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Monitor panels at library doors. Small cracks at old entrance to library. WALNUT - 7TH Mon tor for emergency use only. -Man I or 1 cracked panel (6 panels East of Library entrance) - Rep air chunk out of walk @ ped ramp out of Exit out of library. 105. 6TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Rep air broken panel at the NW corner of 6th St and Walnut. 4th panel west WALNUT - FIRE STATION of pe ramp. - Set led panels all along 1st driveway into Comm. Center (coming from Wain ut) walk is good, just big lip between driveway & walk. 106. LOCUST STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -0.1<. 6TH - NORTH SIDE OF COMMUNITY CENTER 107. WASHINGTON STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Me nitor 2 cracked panelS (#12 & 13 North of RR tracks) 7TH _ 5TH . Mo itor NE corner of Washington & E 7'h St 1 cracked panel. - Dri eway badly cracked & falling apart (going into field area). 108. WASHINGTON STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.~. 5TH _ 4TH 109. WASHINGTON STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor 2 cracked panels near garage (panels 24 & 25 south of MMS 4TH _ 3RD entrance) C:\DOI,;Ulnents and Sd,lings\4awn.gtossipg(2"\LocaI S~n.ing!l\remporary lntt:i"tJ.et FiICN\OLIO\sidt,'wwk2006.wpc.1 ~ PAGE 15 OF 20 - - -- . .. INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 110. WASHINGTON STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Moni or a few cracked panels (south of east broadway @ MMS) 3RD - BROADWAY from C Jrner 1 st two panels, 10th panel, and 12'h panel. 111. 6TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ At in ersection of Walnut and 6th - Xcel damaged walk east of hydrant WALNUT - PINE . Monl or two panels with cracks located just east of the main driveway. -crac ed corner @jog in walk .11 panels E of entrance into Liquor store. 112. ELM STREET (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Monl or crack 11 panels east of Elm St @ the Legion. GOLF COURSE ROAD - 3RD - Moni or crack/chipped area in driveway. 113. W 3RD ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Man tor crack in ped ramp @ SE corner of W 3"' St & Minnesota St 3RD _ MINNESOTA _ Man tor panel in driveway between townhouses & corner house. 114. W 4TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Man tor crack in panel of ped ramp @ Hope E Free Church MINNESOTA - MAPLE NW ::orner of W. 4th St and Maple SI. Took Pic. -W'1i 13 panels from intersection of West 4th St & Maple. _ Yo" Ii 29 panels from intersection of West 4th St & Maple. _ Rep ir 2" wide X 3" long whole; 1 panel west of steps @ church. Took pic. _ Man tor crack 5 panels east of intersection at MN & 4th SI. 115. W 4TH ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Sun y Fresh Foods Property - monitor lots of cracked panels. L1NN- LOCUST _ Grin Yo" lip near corner of W. 4th St & Linn SI. 116. BADGER ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Man tor 1 cracked panel in ped ramp @ Badger St & Bakken St BAKKEN ST - DEER AVE 117. BADGER ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.K DEER AVE - 86TH ST 118. BISON AVE (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K 86TH ST. END 119. SPIRIT HILLS RD 6/1-6/30 -O.K MT CURVE BLVD - OVERLOOK LN 120. SPIRIT HILLS RD 6/1-6/30 -O.K OVERLOOK LN - MT CURVE BLVD. 121. SPIRIT HILLS RD 6/1-6/30 -O.K. MT CURVE BLVD - FENNING AVE 122. FENNING AVE 6/1-6/30 - O.~. INTERSECTION BADGER ST & 86TH ST 123. EAKERN CIRCLE NE 6/1-6/30 _ 43E5 Eakern Circle NE Monitor 1 cracked panel in driveway sidewalk. 89TH ST NE - 89TH ST NE _ 4447 Eakern Circle Monitor small chunks out of driveway 124. 89TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.~. EDMONSON AVE - TO END 125. 89TH ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.~. EAKERN CIRCLE NE - 127. COUNTRY AVE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.~. FIELDCREST DR - FIELDCREST CIRCLE 128. COUNTRY AVE (WEST SIDE) 6/1.6/30 -O.t. FIELDCREST CIRCLE - END 129. FARMSTEAD DR 6/1-6/30 _ MOlitor both ped ramps leading into Eagle Ridge Ln. They both have a EAGLE RIDGE LN - GOLDEN EAGLE crac ed panel. LN _ Monitor first 75 feet from Eagle Ridge Ln. Lots of cracked panels. - I g te valve could be lowered in same location. C:\Docummts and St.'tting.'l\UIlWti.grossinga-\Local Sdtings\TempoTI;II')' Inll1'Uet Files\OLK...1\!1idewalk200ft.wpd -PAGE 160F20- INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 130. FARMSTEAD DR 6/1-6/30 -O.K. GOLDEN EAGLE LN - EAGLE NEST LN 131. MEADOW OAK AVE (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.K. FENNING AVE - CSAH 75 (NEAR FREEWAY FIELDS) 132. CARLISLE VILLAGE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K. CSAH 18 - BAKKEN ST 133. BAKKEN ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K. GATEWATER DR - WEST 134. BAKKEN ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K GATEWATER DR - GATEWAY CIRCLE 135. GATEWAY CIRCLE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K 86TH ST NE . CUL DE SAC 136. 86TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K GATEWAY CIRCLE - GATEWATER DR 137. GATEWATER DR (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OX 86TH ST NE - 85TH ST NE 138. GATEWATER DR (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K 85TH ST NE - 84TH ST NE 139. 85'h ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K GATEWATER DR - CUL-DE-SAC 140. 84TH ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK GATEWATER DR - END 141. 86TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.K. GATEWATER DR - END TO WEST 142. GATEWATER DR 6/1-6/30 - O.K. BAKKEN ST - 86TH ST 143. OAKWOOD DR (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.l~. CEDAR ST - END IN CUL-DE-SAC 144. CEDAR ST (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -0.1<. OAKWOOD DR - CHELSEA RD 145. CHELSEA RD (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.~, CEDAR ST - HWY 25 146. OAKWOOD DR (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.~. HWY 25 - CEDAR ST 147. DEEGAN AVE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -OJ. ENTRANCE TO PIZZA PLACE - END 148. DEEGAN AVE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.~ . NEAR CULVER'S - HWY 25 149. DEEGAN AVE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mo itor 2 cracks next to ped ramp at intersection of School Blvd & Deegan SCHOOL BLVD - PARK PLACE DR Ave Arby's) 150. HAYWARD CT (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -0. . PARK PLACE DR - REDFORD LN C:\Ooc:umc;nts lIDd Sd.tings\d8wn,grossinK~ Sdtings\Tl,.'mporary Inttnld Filcs\OLKJ\.'iidew6.1k2006,wpd -PAGE 170F20- - -- INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 151 " PARK PLACE DR (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK HAYWARD CT - BIT PATH 152. HAYWARD CT (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK PARK PLACE DR - REDFORD LN 153. REDFORD LN 6/1-6/30 -O.K. HAYWARD CT - CUL-DE-SAC 154. PARK PLACE DR (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -O.K. HAYWARD CT - SUMMIT CT 155. PRESCOTT DR (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK PARK PLACE DR - BRENTWOOD DR 157. PRESCOTT DR (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK BRENTWOOD DR - END 158. SAVANNAH AVE (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.K. PRESCOTT DR - WESTON DR 159. SAVANNAH AVE (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - O.K. WESTON DR - INNSBROOK DR 160. SAVANNAH AVE (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Monit Jr 1/4" lip In ped ramp in front of 9893 Park Place Dr INNSBROOK DR - PARK PLACE DR 161. INNSBROOK DR (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Moni Jr crack in curb @ NE ped ramp @ corner of Innsbrook & Savannah PARK PLACE DR - SAVANNAH AVE 162. BRENTWOOD DR (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - OK INNSBROOK DR - PRESCOTT DR 163. SOMERSET LN (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Mani or 2 cracked panels south of drwy @ 10028 Somerset Ln BRENTWOOD DR - PARK PLACE DR 164 PINEHURST COURT (EAST & S SIDE) 6/1-6/30 -OK EW CTY RD 75 - CUL-DE-SAC 165. W 5TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK N EW LINN - MAPLE 166. EISELE AVE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK I' EW 85TH ST - 87TH ST 167. 87TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK I' EW FALLON AVE - CUL-DE-SAC 168. FAIRHILL AVE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK I' EW 87TH ST - EISELE AVE 169. REDFORD LANE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K. r EW SCHOOL BLVD - END 170. CEDAR ST (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 - Monl or crack in ped ramp @ 1.t driveway into Walmart SCHOOL BLVD - SOUTH 171. SPIRIT HILLS ROAD (NORTH & WEST 6/1-6/30 OKr EW SIDES) 172. ELK AVE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K. r EW BADGER ST - DEER ST 173. DEER ST ( EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK! EW ELK AVE - 21 PANELS INCLUDES PED RAMP C:\[)(w,."Uml;nts and Sdtings\dawn.g.rossing(!"\l...(x;w Sl'ttings\Tempor.-y Intt2'nd. Files\OLK3\sidC'Nwk.2006. wpd I - PAGE 18 OF 20- -- - -- - - - -- -. INSPECTIO SIDEWALK LOCATION N SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION DATE 174. CHELSEA RD (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 _ Monit r 3 cracked panels - 11 panels from Sandberg Rd (East) SANDBERG RD - HWY 25 175. WILDWOOD BLVD (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK N W JASON AVE - TROY MARQUETTE DR 176. GATEWATER DR (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K.N W BAKKEN ST. 86TH ST 177. BAKKEN ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K.N W GATEWATER DR - WEST END 178. 86TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK N~W GATEWATER DR. END 179. GATEWATER DR (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK NEW 86TH ST - 84TH ST 180. 84TH ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K. NEW GATEWATER RD - END 181. 85TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK " EW GATEWATER DR - END 182. 86TH ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK " EW GATEWATER DR - GATEWAY CIRCLE 183. GATEWAY CIRCLE (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K. ~ EW 86TH ST - CUL-DE-SAC 184. BAKKEN ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K. ~ EW GATEWAY CIRCLE - GATEWATER DR 185. MEADOW OAK DR (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K. ~ EW HWY 75 - FENNING AVE 186. E 3RD ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK r EW PINE ST - CEDAR ST 187. 7TH ST (CHURCH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK r EW IN FRONT OF CHURCH 188. GILLARD AVE NE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK EW 95TH ST - 94TH ST 188a 94TH ST 6/1-6/30 . Mon tor 1 cracked panel @ 6738 94'" St GILLARD AVE - GOLDEN POND LANE 189. GOLDEN POND LANE (S & W SIDES) 6/1-6/30 OK EW GOODRICH DR & 93RD ST 190. GOLDEN POND LANE (WEST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK >JEW 93RD ST & 92ND ST 190A 91"' ST 6/1-6/30 - Mor itor 2 panels in driveway at 9081 91"' St NE GINGHAM CT - HAUG AVE 191. GOLDEN POND LANE (OUTER SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K. >JEW AROUND LOOP 192. 92ND ST (SOUTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K. \JEW GOODRICH LANE & GOLDEN POND LN 193. E 3RD ST (NORTH SIDE) 6/1-6/30 O.K. Yo BLK FROM NEW ST - EAST 194. NEW ST (EAST SIDE) 6/1-6/30 OK E 3RD ST - Yo BLK NORTH ON NEW ST C:\DocuiUl'tlts and Sl,.1tings\dawn.grossingt2"\Local Setting!l\T~11J'Ofary Intcmd: Filt:lii\OlK3\sidewulk2006.wpd -PAGE 19OF20- SIDEWALK LOCATION INSPECTIO N DATE 195. LOCUST ST (EAST SIDE) BROADWAY TO Yz SOUTH 196. W 4TH ST (SOUTH SIDE) LINN - LOCUST 197. E BROADWAY (N SIDE) DAYTON - WASHINGTON 198. SCHOOL BLVD (SOUTH SIDE) CEDAR-EDMONSON 199. W 4TH ST (SOUTH SIDE) PINE (25) - WALNUT 6/1-6/30 6/1-6/30 6/1-6/30 6/1-6/30 6/1-6/30 C:\Docwnmts and Sctting!i\llIlWl~.grossinger\locnl Sdtings\Tcm[lQfDJY lntd'llet Fil~\OLK.J\sidewal}c2(M)I.'i.wpd OK SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION -Cracke d walk @ Sunny Fresh Foods (near corner of Linn & Locust) -tripper & cracked/broken corners between Linn & Locust O.K. _ Monit r crack in ped ramp @ driveway (east side) into Walmart -112" Ii~ at exit (west side) of US Bank along 4th St _ Monit r crack in panel in ped ramp @ Pine & 4th (south side) - PAGE 20 OF 20- Council Meeting -07/24/2006 17. Consideration of Re lacement of John De re Skid Steer Loader. (1.S., T.M.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Public Works Department is requesting auth rization to replace the existing 1997 model 8875 John Deere skid loader due to age and high re air costs. In June of 2005 the Public Works Department pro osed to replace the John Deere skid steer as $7,000.00 in repairs has been recently made to a achine valued at approximately $11,000.00. Much of the major repairs to this machine had to b done in a John Deere shop due to the level of difficulty for access and the requirement for m y special tools. The City Council denied the request to replace the unit due to the limited num er of hours on the machine (approximately 1,977 hours). Since June of 2005 we have spent again in excess f $1,000.00 in outside repairs and parts, this does not include our own in-house labor or travel ti e to and from Rogers, MN for repairs or the inefficiencies due to down time. Weare, there: ore, asking the Council again to consider replacing the John Deere skid steer loader this year. The Public Works Department has re-analyzed ou needs for skid steers and has modified our request to a smaller skid steer than previously requ sted. In addition, we are requesting a set of removable rubber tracks for the machine. Weare finding it necessary to do more work in our many ponds as they are now of the age that they do equire some cleaning and restoration. Many of these areas are only accessible to lighter eq ipment using tracks. The Public Works Department has evaluated two machines available on the State bid properly sized for the work intended. These two machines were the Caterpil ar and the Case skid steers. The piece of equipment having the best overall rating and the 10 est price was the Case 430 skid steer loader from St. Joseph Equipment in the amount of $30,2 2.00. Adding the necessary protective lexan door assembly for milling and jack-hammering and the optional rubber track assembly increases the cost by $4,345.00 bringing the total to $3 ,597.00 without tax or trade. St. Joseph Equipment has graciously offered us $10,300.00 'n trade for our 1997 John Deere skid steer based on the assumption that it is still in operating ondition when it is traded in. Therefore, the trade difference would be $24,297.00. Adding the x brings the total to $25,876.31. An amount of $32,000.00 has been placed in the 2006 budget for the purchase of this piece of equipment split equally between the Street Department and the Park Department. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize he purchase of a new model 430 Case skid steer loader from St. Joseph Equipment f Elk River, MN under State bid contract 435755 including the lexan protection door and the rubber tracks along with the trade in the 1997 John Deere skid steer for a total, in luding sales tax, of$ 25,876.31. 2. The second alternative would be not to purc ase a new skid steer. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, Parks Superintendent and Street Superintendent that the City Council authorize th purchase of the model 430 Case skid steer 103 Council Meeting - 07/24/2006 loader and trade in the 1997 John Deere skid steer as outlined in alternative 1. The Public Works Department has revised its original request from 2 05 to a smaller machine which would be more suited for our needs today and in the future. e have again evaluated the 1997 John Deere based upon our vehicle replacement policy propos 1 presented to the Council on January 21, 2005 and find it is not cost effective to kee the 19 7 John Deere in service. The average value of the 1997 John Deere is less than what we ar receiving for trade. Also, repairs keep increasing with this unit and the value keeps decre sing, which is a losing proposition for the City of Monticello. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the quotation from 81. Joseph Equipment der State bid contract 435755 for the model 430 Case skid steer loader, a copy of the specific tion on the Case, a copy of the equipment values from the machinery trader, a copy of the vehicle replacement policy proposal from January 21,2005 and a copy ofthe repair and parts ills excluding maintenance for the last year for the 1997 John Deere skid steer. 104 -,.~% fO......~~~~ ~!;: $~:~. '&- '-...J/ -*' ,';,., ,(> ';',;>. -"""'''p~ ~ i\%y . ~, ,,;4, <,f;:~- ~E~)l> ELK RIVER 16200 HWY 10 !NW ELK RIVER, M~' 55330 Phone:763-262"4474 Fax:763-262-42') 1 ~~,!t!l":l!I ~~~n ~~ EQutPh'lENT~ ~.i. X/QICIOO" .. Tom Moores City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, Mn. 55303 763295-3170 Reference: Quantity Description 1 We are pleased to quote the city (1) ?006 Case 430 skid steer loader per state bid co1tract#435755; Base Price hydraulic quick attach optional control handles suspension seat deluxe cab, heater and air conditionir 9 alarm pkg master disconnect and jump terminal case drain aux. Front elec. Controls foot throttle high flow hydraulics rotating beacon ride control .... hydraulic self leveling two speed drive motors blockheatef i~:::' ~;,@. i:~J) ~t:z;i~.t: i %:;W fn~ DATE 6/12/06 Quotation # Customer 10 Quote valid for 30 days Prepared by: Bill Greeley Sales Represenative Mobile: 612-865w3052 Total $20,900.00 $546.00 $194.00 $179.00 $2,536.00 std $94.00 $88.00 $80.00 $63.00 $1.162.00 $88.00 $343.00 $304.00 $673.00 1-' $3 1 .00 If you have any questions concerning this quotatior , please contact me at the number noted above. Approved By: Date: THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUS!NESSl 105 t ,ff") 4;; )l'l"', ELK RIVER ft,:i:~ !~i if: i~'~ ~:]~'~P~~';t;i"~@ ..",r,,;;. ,,,,.'C"'. ..,...., 'WJ1i ..' ..,,",~. .,' ,,%t,Jq;n~ }~~' "'JI'<<;;;,~?f::<I. ,.;:-". .':'-;~~'7-~~;;. ,::' ~. i;:;:;- -=,~ ".;.:.~~."~, '':''..::~; ;'.o:;~. .(:>- {.~. ~~~A~'t~~:~ :{;i::;\:;' 'llJ,>-'''- 16200 HWY 10NW DATE 6/12/06 ... ELK RIVER, MN 55 330 Quotation # Phone:763-262.447 Customer ID ~'J:;.&.,.:~W~~ 12 () U ~ P MEN 1',0 Fax:763.262.4251 ~ilil~l. . i.:U I'P'I"'V'"~ Quote valid for 30 days Prepared by: BiI! Greeley Sales Represenative Continued Mobile: 612~865~3052 Reference: Quantity Description Total rubber floor mat $30.00 72" low profile bucket $565.00 72" cutting edge $130.00 12.00 X 16.5 galaxy tires $263.00 36month I 3QOOhr full machine warranty $973.00 service manual $265,00 bucket cylinder reliefs $225.00 sub total $30,252.00 Trade, 1997 LX8875 NH Skid Steer $ (10,300.00) total $19,952.00 Options; lexan door assembly $850.00 solideal rubber track assy. With 10.00) 16.5 tires $3,495.00 Quote does not include applicable sale tax. ..... .... ... . ...... ..n...' If you have any questions concerning this quotation, please contact me at the number noted above. Approved By: Date: THANK YOU FOR VO JR BUSINESSI 106 4()() Series ENGINES You can depend on tho? Case 400 Series Skid Steers for outstanding performance. thanks to the power plants at the heart of these models The 410 and 420 feature the 4221M2 4-cylinder,134 cubic inCh (2.2 liter), Tier II certified engine that is quiet and powerful. A 40-amp alternator provides electrical power in the 410 and 420 models A large displacement. high torque engine powers the 430 and 440 The 4451M2 4-cylinder, 274 cubic inch (4.5 liter). Tier II certified engine offers plenty of torque rise to get you through tough jobs. The 430 and 440 feature a 95-amp alternator. The engines in the 410 and 430 skid steers are naturally aspirated, providing smooth, economical operation. Turbocharged engines in the 420 and 440 provide additional torque and quick response. They are ideal fOf high-altitude operation. excavating. or running high horsepower hydraulic attachments. such as cold planers or snowblowers. For running on optional tracks. working in wet climates, or on hilly terrain, the turbocharged 420 and 440 Skid Steers can't be beat when you're looking for high torque and immediate response in a compact package. Engineered for low operating cosu The Case Family III engines on the 430 and 440 models figure well into I L...._.____ --- ENGINE MODEL -~.~,~-~-"-'-"" CYLINDERS ~",.....--------" ,.~ '~_., ~."",,,-,_.,-_..,,"" NET HP (K1N) @ 1700 R M ~._~.-.----..-~'~ DISPLACEMENT CUBI Irl (L) .~,,--_....,'- MAX. TORQUE LB.FT I M) @ 1700RPM the low cost of owners ip equation. getting the job done wi h low RPMs for less wear and longer lifi . The integral water pump and oil co ler are easily accessed for service. etting you back on the job quickly, And piston oil cooling keeps the engi e running cooler for less wear 0 components. All skid steer engines f ature a 500- hour oil change recorn endation. The balanced cooling ystem on the 400 Series Skid Steer features an oil _ucoolef next tothefan-.,helpingtoeool both the engine and t e hydraulic system. A spa k-arresting muffler is st ndard on all 400 Seri s Skid Steers 410 420 430 440 422/M2 422T/M2 445/M2 <<5T1M2 -~,~,--.........~"'_._~-,.~"" .__......----'--".....,. 4 4 4 4 .~. ..--..--. ,-,---,""'-'...............',"-''''''~-,.,~-_..._.~~'_._-~ . 49 (37) 56 (42) 74 [55.2) 82 (61.1\ .....------.-...............'.. _._-~""'. -~_..............- ,........-----..,'-~-~. 134 (2.2\ 134 (2.2) 214 (4.5) 214 (4.5\ _.,--_.~-"~.,_............... 110 (149) 132 (119\ 236 (320) 263 (357\ Optional jump start terminals. combined with the master disconnect switch. aid in long-term storage, convenient cold weather starting and theft prevention. An engine grid heater option is also available on the 430 and 440 models to aid cold weather engine start.ups. On the two smaller models. glow plugs are standard. All Case engines in these skid steers come with one of the best warranties in the business- 2years12.000 h(')Ul'S.; 108 """'''''''', ',~,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,",_,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,:,,,,,,,,<__.,m,,,,,_',,.',,,~,..,,.,.......,,,_",,,~._m~<i""'''''.IIII''''''''''_.iIII''_~_r,m"'",~,,,,,,,,,.,", -.,",.,."'....'''''"'_'~i:!>lt "',."'"''''um.'~,''~~~'.,.',,:,;_.-W\ PO\I\.Ef~TRAJN Tandem servo-controlled hydrostatlc drive pumps are coupled directly to the engine f1yvvheel, delivering 100 percent of available engine power to pumps and components Direct coupled hydraulic pumps prevent power loss and COStly belt maintenance. Hydrostatic motors efficiently uansfer power through eXUa heavy-duty drive chains. Heavy-duty, single-piece, forged, induction- hardened carbon steel axles ensure reliability. lubed-for-Iife axle housings with protective seal guards offer long life and dependable performance. Heavy-duty radial piston drive motors offer greater tractive effort, improved reliability and efficiency. The 430 and 440 models, equipped with the two- speed option, provide faster travel speeds from a push-button two-speed drive. These two machines accelerate from 7.3 mph (11. 7 kph) in low range to 11.9 mph (19 kph) in high range. Push-button brake activation All Case 400 skid steers have push- button brake activation to allow operation of the loader arms without having to steady the machine. an excellent feature when work in on slopes The spring-applied hydra fie release (SAHRI disc parking brake c n be applied three ways: press th brake button on the right-hand insuu ent panel. raise the seat bar. or stop the engine. The low-effort excav tor-style conUals give you precise con ai, improving your productivity. An the conUols swing away for easy ntry and exit. For the ultimate in v tmty. standard auxiliary hydraulics all w you to operate a wide range of attac ments. A locking lever for the foot ped I provides constant hydraulic n for backhoe or trencher work. Heavy-duty, pre-stres ed drive chains are featured on all 4 Series Skid Steers. The chains on the 410 and 420 units are ASA'8 . On the 430 and 440 models, the hains are ASA #100. 9 109 i4'()() Series OPEI<ATOR ENVIRONiVENT operator comfort Case 400 Series Skid Steers are designed with features that help protect the operator. such as the standard retractable seat belt and ROPS/FOPS canopy with side screens. In addition to serving as an armrest the seat bar locks out the drive system and loader control levers and engages the parking brake when raised. There is a comfortable operator environment to suit every preference: ROPS/FOPS The standard RaPS/ FOPS has side screens and a rear window. For overhead protection from the elements, add the top window. Or, if you'd like a little more protection on the sides, add the sliding side windows Cab/FOPS This delu e cab option includes heat, sound and top and side win The premium deluxe ab option includes a heater and air conditioning sound pads, front do r, and top and side windows. Availa Ie on the 430 and 440 models only. Easy in, easy ,I ,!.,:.."",-,-"-,._,,,,- ".,'-"','-_.,''''".".,'',.._""'''''-~"...,..,' The 400 Series Skid teers offer easy entry and exit. Low-e ort servo- hydrostatiC controls wing away, A standard vinyl wat r-shedding seat (suspension seat op anal) keeps yoU comfortable during I g days on the job. For operator protectl n in certain applications. a Lexa . shatter-resistant front door is availabl Easy-to-read instru positioned on all 40 Series models. Now located on the right upright post for better visibility t the bucket. these panels are at the 0 erator's line of sight for quick refer nee to system functions. The pus -button park brake is located in this in trument panel. Overall. visibility is xceptional from the 400 Series seat You can easily see the bucket. tir and curb line. ,_,""-""'"'~~\:"I"':'"""'".':A''''r....',~,_,'''''d'\.__'~_'''''_~'P.'','''"'''''''!:III~_,~'''III'__,,,,,,,,~,,_;:",~,,.,'.'''_O;',,,"._.IO:Ii\~'''- EASE OF MAINTENANCE ~'IIIIo_'~I&"~:~;O'~_PIII__._____':..."""""--IIifj;jo~"',\~,",_,",~__,;_- Case 400 Series Skid Steers are designed to keep you on the job with built-in serviceability features for maximum uptime, All models feature a low SAE maintainability index rating. With easy access to ma' r components. maintenance. inspection trouble shooting and service re ir can be performed quickly, getti g the skid steer back on the jobs it . Many components are signed to save money and prevent do ntime. The hydraulic pumps are co pled directly to the engine to help pr vent power loss and costly belt mail tenance. Orderly hose routings k ep hoses organized and safe fro damage. Plated steel tubing is al 0 used to promote long life an aid in hydraulic cooling. One-stop daily check points The easy-tilt ROPS is just one of the reasons for the low maintainability index ratings, It is exclusive on Case Skid Steers. Simply remove two bolts and tilt the ROPS, and you have full access to the engine and other major components in just a minute or two SlTBrt design cleaner. Swing out the rear service door for a quick check of the coolant and hydraulic oil levels. And you'll appreciate how easy it is to clean the cooling system. Just pull out the radiator for easy access. And easy access means the checkpoints are more likely to be checked daily. contributing to longer machine life. Prerriurn filtration for longer life You'll get more years of operation from your skid steer thanks to the filtration systems on the 400 Series. The standard dual-element air cleaner system ensures extended air filter life. A 6-micron hydraulic oil filter provides added protection. FREE 100...t1our inspection A single location for aily check Case helps make sure you get the points saves time. II checkpoints biggest performance from your skid are easily acc ssed from the steer. Every 400 Series Skid Steer :', rear of the m chine under comes with a FREE 100-hour ltieloCkable ooa-ana -------lnspection.-ensurtng-thatyour skid behind the swing-out steer is adjusted to perform at its service door. There are optimal. most productive level. no sid s panels to remov . Open the rear hood t reach the fuel fill. oil Ills, engine oil dips tic and the air And. all Case 400 Series Skid Steers come with a one-yearl unlimited hour warranty. 11 111 112 CASE .00><5$IOU' PHT~!. ENGINE Model Case Family III 445/M2 diesel. Tier II certifled Type Cylinders Bore/Stroke Displacement fuel Injection Fuel Fuel filter Air intake Cooling Engine speeds (rpm) High Idle - no load Rated - full load Low idle <I-stroke, naturally aspirated 4 4.1 x 5.2 In (104 x 132 mm) 274 in' (4.5 L) Direct 112 Diesel In-line strainer Cross-noVl Liquid 2480;0:50 2300 1050 Horsepower per SAE J1349 Gross 80 (60 kW) @ 2300 rpm Net 74 (55.2 kW) @ 2300 rpm Peak torque @ 1400 rpm ENGINE COOLING Radiator Core type Core size area Rows of tubes Cap pressure Fan Diameter Ratio Water pump Style Flow Engine lubrication Pump 236 Ib.ft (320 N'm) Square wave serpentine 450 in' (.290 m') 3 13 psi (89.6 kPa) 20.4 in (518 mm) U:1 Integrai 48 gpm (182 Umin) Deep sump with plate cooler artdpressurlzed under-piston nozzles Pump operating angle ratings Side-Io-sice Fore and aft Oil filtration Rated 35' Rated 35' Replaceable. lull-now cartridge 430 POWEATRAIN SKI TIE STEER II CERTIFIED Drive pump Tandem, axial piston hydro tatic transmission w/integral charge pump drl en directly off engine flywheel Pump to engine ratio Displacement Pump now @ rated !pm Flow Charge pressure System relief 1:1 o I 2.81 in' (46 eel 29.8 gpm (113 Umin) Bi-dlrectional 60 psi (24.8 bar) 4350 psi (300 bar) Controls Servo Drive motors Fix d displacement radial piston Maximum displacement 28.7 in' (470 cc) Speed @ rated engine rpm @ max displacement Optional high speed Torque @ max displacemen and relief pressure Travel speed mph (km/h) Low range High range (optional) Final drive Drive chain Size Tensile strength 238 rpm 397 !pm 1. 752 Ib.lt (2383 N-m) 7.3 (11.8) 11.9 (19.2) ingle-reduction chain drive ASA'100HV 30,000 Ib (133447 N) Axles One-piece. forged inductio -hardened high carbon steel Torque @ raled rpm Diameter Length 4.633 Ib.ft (6014 Nm) 2.0 in (51 mm) .61 in [371 mm) Parking brakes ?eri~9~pplie~,hydr~uli(;rEl ease disc Engagement Depress on/off brake butta . raise seat bar. get off seat. or stop engir,e Page 1 of HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Standard equipment Pump Gear pump Displacement 2.2 in'/rev (36 eel Pump flow" rated engine rpm Total 21.0 gpm (79.4 Umin) Optional high flow @ rated engine rpm Total 31 gpm (1 I 7 Umin) Loader control valve 3-spool open-center series with power beyond port Relief pressure 3000 psi (207 bar) Port relief pressures /11 BRaise Hydraulic lines Tubing Loop hoses Hydraulic oil cooler Core type 3350 psi (230 bar) 37' JIC Flare SAE 100 R12 Two row in-line Hydraulic liIter 6 micron spin onreplaceable element on the return line withwarning indicator 113 INSTRUMENTATION OPERATOR EN' fJRONMENT OPERATING WEIGHTS Batter/ voltage Tilt RaPS/FOPS canopy Iside screens Unit equipped with 12.00 x 16.5 Solideal Hauler LCD hourmeter Water. shedding vinyl seat SKS tires, 66 in (1.6 m) short lip bucket. mechanical attachment coupler, full fuel and Fuel level LCD bar graph Seat presence switch 165 Ib (75 kg) operator 6,875 Ib (3119 kg) Warning lights 2 in (51 mm) retractable s at belt Shipping weight 6.207 Ib (2816 kg) Fuel level Seat bar w/lntegral armre ts Add-on weights Engine preheat PNO servo-assist. adjustal Ie, hands. only Side cab glass ~ 70 Ib (32 kg) Engine coolant temperature control levers Lexan@ door .50 Ib (22.6 kg) Engine oil pressure Hand throttle Glass door w/wiper .77 Ib (35 kg) Air cleaner res triction Suspension seat ~10 Ib (4.5 kg) Hydraulic charge pressure LOader control lockout sy tem Hydraulic filter restriction Front and rear halogen flo dlights Hydraulic oil temperature Floor cleanout access SERVICE CAPACITIES Parking brake Fuel tank 22.0 gal (83.3 L) Seat belt reminder CYLINDERS Engine oil w/filter 12.7 ql (12 L) Warning alarms Lift cylinder Engine cooling system 18 qt(17 L) Engine coolant temperature Bore diameter 2.5 in (63.5 mm) Hydraulic system Engine oil pressure Rod diameter 1.5 in (38.1 mm) Reservoir 7 1 gal (32.4 L) Hydraulic oil temperaMe Stroke 35.8 in (2066 mm) Total 13.3 gal (50.2 L) Hydraulic charge pressur!! Closed length 6,8 in (1190 mm) Chain tanks (per side) 6 qt {5.7 L} Seat belt reminder Bucket cylinder Bore diameter 2.75 in (69_9 mml ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Rod diameter 1.37 In (34.9 mm) Alternator 95 amp Stroke 14.61n (370 mm) Starter 2.7 kW Closed length 26.9 In (683 mm) Battery 12-volt low-maintenance 850 cold-cranking amps @ 0' F (-18' C) TIRE SELECTION Width Ply Treed Tire Over nre Size Rat:na Death Width Tires WeinhtO Solideal Hauler SKS 12.00 x 16.5 10 0.75 in 13.1 in 64 in 74lb 119mm) 1333 mm) (1.63m) 133.6 ko} Solldeal Hauler SKS (offset wheeO 12.00 x 16.5 10 0.75 in 13.1 in 71 in 741b (19mm) (333 mm) (1.80 m) {33.6 ko} Galaxy Beefy Baby" 12.00x16.5 10 0.81 In 12.4 in 641n 811b (21 mm) (315mm) (1.63m) (36.7 kQ) Galaxy Beefy Baby (offset wheel) " 12.00 x 16.5 10 0.81 in 12.41n 71 in 811b (21 mm) 1315 mm) (1.80ml (36.7 ko) Galaxy Hulk 12.00 x 16.5 12 1.37 in 12.0 in 64 in 100lb (35mm) (304 mm) (1.63 m) (45,4 kg) Galaxy Bulky Hulk 33/15.50 x 16.5 14 1.37 in 15.1 in 70 in 1241b (35mm) (384 mm) {1.78 ml (56.2 kg) .tlre weight does notnclude wheel weight 430 Page 2 14 114 ... --... --.. -- --- - ..-... -- ..... ~'-..................... ....". T~-'--'-"-'--" fr. //1 ;>' \\ "'-- ~ ~\\ ,..,.. --.----.. ". ! . 1\ a i ,."/----. : r--'. J+< i \ .-J 1 i & \ ; 0 H I I , , L ,-'---'~'--""--""---'--"' I I I \ B A \ I I , c I \ I .. DIMENSIONS A- Overall operating height wifoundryiexcavaling bucket - shorllip wl10w profile bucket - standard lip wl10w profile extended bucket - long lip Height to' B. Bucket hinge pin C. Top of rollover protective structure D. Bottom of level bucket, loader arm fully raised Overall length E. w/o attachment w/coupler F. wifoundry/excavating bucket on ground F. wl10w profile bucket on ground F. wl10w profile extended bucket on ground G. Dump angle at maximum height H. Dump height - loader arm fully raised wlfoundry/excavating bucket wl10w profile bucket wl10w profile extended bucket J. Reach -loader arm fully raised w/foundr/lexcavating bucket wl10w profile bucket wl10w profile extended bucket Maximum attachment rollback K. Bucket on ground L. Bucket at full height M. Wheelbase Ground clearance P. Bottom of bell an a. Angle of departure Clearance circle front R. less bucket S. w/66 in (1.68 01) four:dry/excavating bucket on ground S. w/6.6 in(1.66m\low profile bucket on ground S. w/6S in (1.68 01) low profile extended bucket on ground T. Clearance circle rear U. Rear axle to bumper v. Tread width, centerline to centerline NOTE: 'Equipped with 12.CO < 16,5 Solideal HaUler SKS lires 152.4 in (3.87 01) 158,0 in (4.01 01) 163.0 in (4.14 01) 121.5 in (3.09 01) 76.7 in (1.95 01) 114.2 in (2.90 01) 103.9 in (2.64 01) 127.2 in (3.23 01) 132.9 in (3.38 01) 137.9 in (3.50 01) 390 96.6 in (2.45 m) 93.1 in (2.37 01) 90.0 in (2.29 01) 21.3 in (0,54 01) 25.9 in (0.66 01) 29.7 in (0.75 01) 32' 84' 43.1 in (1.10 01) 9 in (229 0101) 28' 50.3 in (1.28 01) 767 in (1.95 01) 81.9!0 (2.0.8 m) 83.1 in (2.20 01) 59.1 in (1.50 01) 36.6 in (0,9301) 52.6 in (1.34 01) 430 P ge 3 of 4 7 \ . I j v ! ...1 PERFORMANCE SPECS Operating load Tipping load Breakout force Lift cylinder Bucket cylinder 2,000 Ib (908 kg) 4.000 Ib (1815 kg) 4,520 Ibf (20100 N) 5,4131bf (24 079 N) o In (0 mOl) Dig depth wlbucket flat Cycle time Raise Lower Dump Rollback 4.5 seconds 3.0 seconds 2.2 seconds 1.9 seconds NOTE: SAE raled lift capacilies- Breakout forca and cycle time measured with raled load in FIE buckel. Type OPTIONAL BUCKETS Foundryl Excavating Low Profile Low Profile Extended Utility/Light Material Manurel Slurry Heaped Width Weighl Capacity inch (01) Ib(kg) It'(m') 66 370 15.2 (l.G) (168) (0.43) 72 390 16.7 (1.8) (177) (0.47) 78 495 16.4 (2.0) (225) (0.52) 66 400 13,2 (1.6) (181) (0.37) 72 425 14.5 (1.8) (193) (0.41) 66 434 15.5 (1.6) (197) (0.44) 72 477 17,1 (1.8) (216) (0.48) 78 502 18.6 (2.0) (228) (0.53) 72 434 23.7 (1.8) (197) (0.67) 84 497 27.9 (2.1) (225) (0.79) 72 465 19.1 (1.81 (211) (0,54) 115 STANDARD EQUIPMENT OPERATOR'S COMPARTMENT ROPS/FOPS canopy w/slde screens Tilt ROPS/FOPS Instrument panels Water-shedding vinyl seat 2 in (51 mm) retractable seat belt Hand throttle Ergonomic hand controls Seat bar wl1ntegral armrests Loader control lockout system Floor cleanout panel Rear window w/emergency escape feature LOADER Radial loader arm design Mechanical attachment coupler OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT OPERATOR'S COMPARTMENT Vinyl suspension seat wl2 in (51 mm) retractable seat belt Vinyl suspension seat w/3 in (76 10m) retractable seat belt Electric auxiliary hydraulic control Glass front door w/wiper & washer Sliding side windows Air conditioning Heater (deluxe) Foot throttle Accessory power outlet Headliner LOADER Auxiliary front electric control Ride control Hydraulic attachment coupler Hydraulic one-way self-leveling HYDRAULICS High-flow auxiliary hydraulics 3000 psi (207 bar) - 31.0 gpm (117 Umin) Second auxiliary hydraulics Attachment case drain plumbing ENGINE Case Family III 445/M2 dies I Tier II certified Automatic fan belt tensioner Integral engine oil cooling Fuel filter wiwatfJ( trap Dual element air cleaner 95 amp alternator 850 CCA 12-volt battery Heavy-duty radiator POWERTRAIN I-lydostalC four v.t.eeI ctive Servo conlroled p..mps />SA. #1OCHS drive d1ain SAHR disc paIdrg bIakes ENGINE Coolant block heater Grid heater OTHER 2 speed ground drive Backup alarmlhorn package Rotating beacon Lift hookS Special paint Language decals Factory-installed tires - see p ge 2 Buckets - see page 3 BOlt"on bucket cutting edges 42 In (1 .07 m) and 48 in (1.22' 10) pallet forks Battery disconnect switchljun p start terminals Steel tracks Lift cylinder guards NOTE: All specifications are stated in accordance with SAE Standards or Recomm nded Practices. where applicable. NOTE:A.lfengines meet current EPAemissions requirements. IMPORTANT: CNH America LLC reserves the right to change these specifications y ithout notice and without incurring any obligation relating to such change. CNH America LLC does rot \Vaffant the safety or reliability or attacnments from other manufacturers Case IS a reglSle'ad t"damar< of CNH America LLC Any lraOemarks ",ferred 10 Mra:n, in as XI""on ""th goods andicr services of companies other Ihan CNH Amer'ca LLC are Ihe oroperty of lhasa res;l<lcti a companies. HYDRAULICS Auxiliary hydraulics 3000 pSI (207 bar) - 21,0 gpm (79,4 Llmin) Hydraulic circuit pedal lock Loader arm-mounted ISO fiat face connectors Auxiliary function lockout override Loader function lockout system Loader 11ft lockout override 3-spoclloader control valve Heavy.duty oil cooler Loader arm fioat position OTHER Integral bumper counterweight Lockable service access hood Single-point daily servicing Halogen lights. 2-front, 1 "rear Rear taillights CASE p~Ofn5l0HH PAHHER www.casece.com ~ CAS!! IS A BRANO OF CNH, '1oY"' A GLOBAL LEADER IN CONSTl'(UCTION EQUIPMENT, AGRICULTURAL EOUIPI\lEN AND FINANCIAL SERVICES. Form No CCE1200513 Replaces form no CCE8250405 P"nled in U S,A ~ 2005 CNH America LLC All Rights Reserved 116 0) Sg:~~i~~~ JOHN DEERE 13725 MAIN ST. ROGERS, MN 55374 (763) 428-4107 *LAND PRIDE *FELLING TRAILER .WOODSMAN Service Invoice ~ INVOICE DATE SOLD TO: r r GITY OF 1"01-IT1:CI::I..1..0 --, PAGE S H I P T o (~ ...; ';. ",,,'tX '. :,~.~~ . ,~:;0~7i WALNU'~~~~~~;fI, , ri,ON1'ICEL.L.~ 'M~I~S5362 .;:I~"_"...---b,....,',, L~"",,,,,,,..,"">r{I:.'.~. ':.." .. .' PURCHASE ORDER NO, NAME OIL & ~YD LEAKS, INSTALL NEW RAN MACHINE TO FIND LEAK. REPLACED ON NUTf.> TO PUL.L (.)F~l'Il;: OFF- MOTOr~S. MACHINE, CHECKED FOR OTHE~~F ASSE:rIBL..ED SHEET \"ETAL RE~r~:'~ 2 E6~:j252 2 M4'+2'5:1. 2 Me~V,35 ----~."...~.,. t 'I"IOB'7l1};I;--':'H:~:.. 2 1. '+H856 4 14H785 '+ 1 t.~1'17032 3 :l9H1731 3 MG140045 LOCK '~i~~...;,-i(\ l~ TOT ALL. A r: 0 r.::~ ;0:; "~~'t"'l ~p,~:C I AL.. Ol-;:DI:.F~ Fin , .~\\\ ENVIl'WI\II'IEI-IT?)L FEE ~.' 28.B4 LAD e77.HB l'ISC ;3. It ~5 ~~. 4~j I... :1. 0 ,t05.liJ0..-'.. ..38 .1,4 .. 0':) .ee ..51<1 .1' " "\?~ 4{.5)ffJ · t{ "I AI/iI rQ) IE (G . iff ~fir fRl --' ~~2005J,[jj I l'-,i __ CITYQ9~mmmtt~a7 Tho Chlltso AccO~; F~-RiiifAm.nca' , , ( _ ._"". _",.,__..~,m".'_. ft"._~,y""'._"._-".''''-~.''''._''' ..-.." ,. , TOTAL PARTS :. 15% ReTURN CHARGE ON ALL SPECIAL ORDER PARTS, ALL PARTS MUST BE RETURNED WITHIN 25 DAYS. NO RETURNS ON EL~CTRICAL ITEMS TOTAL LABOR MISC, CHARGES SALES TAX PLEASE PAY ... THIS TOTAL ... INVOICE NO, .- . , . -1' ,.J 6.. 9P.l 'h 9 ~J B. i?r:l 11!)~..i. 0JiJ . '76 . fj6 .36 .66 1.. ejp.) ., --.....".r....I='...L~ , / 128.. 8'+ 67'7.. i~(j 23.78 9.. ./ll:l 839.. ~)8- 117 I.e. . h /5 C'" HA,R' BE":R" ,",: 13i~5 AIN ST. ) '".i" : ,0' N' 5' ' 'i",}/ flR~r}E 2~:~~755314 JEERE.., '",,' "'" ,.'" Since 1916,.r ,Y;: ' rl~Ir{\(JFi1;:.~ONTJ:Cf'::Ll.,O l ' ~& ::505 WAl.N1cIT SHU::'f;;'f, . L ' o , . ;,' T Mornr.ii:FU...O t"1N. ~3~Y3;~.2 ,,~L ". ,~.. li , '-':us J *LAND PRIDE, *FELLlNG TRAILER , , *WOqOSMAN. fC n"j IJF \V{ONTICELI..O 5 H 0' I P T OL l , -'.QUANTi11ES J \LESMAN .' .....- RD. NO. PHONE 00371119 76:'~271-3276 -j TIME ,1r\lVp.lcg;..NO,: ' 0.1 ''<'~r",..._",~;;:1~70t.'rI-'' .' )ADEAED SHIPPED '610 ./1' , LIST PRICES NET - OFFIC EXTENSION USE ,--\;:) ~ -~ '7 . 25 PC ,. .': '1 ,;r~.25 'If**** :00 ,II- *-It'll-ll-'ll' 1 ';1 .25 1. :.,' j:O" ~', \ ,.." ','f" "":,+::.':~.C~( .-....,.,:...;.''''"-,'!':'' ~,"~ ~':.."""'::~:~7 -"". ~ . m Farm Plane si-lIP VIA W A Service of FPC Financw' Tho Charlo Account"". Rural America fS'6 RETURN CHARGE ON All SPECIAL ORDER PM S. AU. PARTS MUST BE RET1JRNED WITH1N 25 DjI,YS. '. NO RETURNS ON ELECTRICAL ITE PARTS TAX{..j13LE , PA" RTS ,J)J,QN,If:l,X,sl,,',.f, - 11ISC ~,~.wf'~l.\ MISe I\Im:rn~xr.mYL..r" l''''; '. "'j SALES TAX iQ!IY(O.fit'.lONTI~!:iLLO' ONt!eELJ.:di:~N' 55362."'.' c' c,;~~,~~'~::1~~!;,}~::C!:~:,.'A:~~:'l~'::r:":~3~J'~i;~i. . :,:'~ ~':G; ';::f~~;,~j:Ji,~::i;dh~;;~:'J::';'~' :ijl';i;'X.<:'t!L.~~:i:;~I~~; ~~~\ i ::" c . ..- .. .. '""r" IS~..........CHARBER l,ii;~ERS. ... ONSSlnClI1916 JC;' Ie 1 TY .IF 1'1GNT 1. C[LUJ l' !( S ~'.';,Y'i WAt.\I.IUT !:')Tm::ET, '0 - L o l'tmrnCELI..D 1"!N ~j!Y';::~)2 -. US T - oL j *)\~,*:~:~~l~. . ~~~ij\,~ :~:!;~~~~~\~~ ,'\~':: "~:\'~~ ~;,~~I~~,::;~~~;:t~ .ESMAN ORDER NO_ .., .-J QUANTITIES ~DERED SHIPPED BlO 1 :I ~~ .LAND PRIDE .FEWNG TRAILER toy/OODSMAN OF l'IONT J CELLO l fIlY s H I P T oL J i "'... INVOICE.oATE TIME- -'l:3Pf;:CC 5 Og: ::::4 INVOICE NO. 01 :3 (lS;07 l BIN PRICE$ OFFICE .- -.' ,- .lJ NET tlSJON USE ~ .. lIto.50 'II.:. . ~30 46 . ~';;o PC -'1. . !:",!';i 4. . 5~1 4.5~ PC .l'r9 .49 . ';)l3 PC .F MI:lf~:I;;.~:;q!:.~;'66 T 7:3;:~~34 I"m';)::)0:-;:l21 () * * iI. * .~.~. * -11-IHHHH('; 11- ('ii~'r:.N h..p n .It-* ,,'-ll:"lH(..lH~'*-1I- *'l~* -... ~. fs~~!!JF~J~~~ ~H1P VIA 1M Charge Accounl For Run! "",",rica '~...'-.I.(." ", '"N~S g~~~i~~1~ , rcrrv [JI",;' t'IONT reELL.D l ~ 50;:';. (..Jt~U\:\JT f3Tm:r~:l, L . D T r'!rlNT 1: [,EU..O I'"H'-I 5'.::;:3t.2 oL :-':~~~'~~~~". ~~,,!......~ ~''''--..,- ~. ' "._-,,-~~- *LANO PRIDE *FELUNG TRAILER *WOODSMAN us ~[TY OF MON1ICELI,O S H I P T oL l J J IIt,1"" <; :.:: M802'j"H)(:, MG~(;,,:5915:l ~':'i 21\M7:2 ~fj Ogj,-JiJ.::':26 1'1[19:3il-'T31:3 *.IHl"lH' * * * ,H~ * * .j} * (iF'EN i'1 '-F 7 #'l!-?,*IHi.II. #1H('1H 11ME 14 :06 INVOICE NO. 01 3:-504:;::7 PRICES OFFIC UST NET EXTENSION USE 4~! \ ,,:') ,I . . 4';1 1+';) PC ':;oq "-'1 ~2 I~;I . ~~)~) 59.00 PC la.,' ". + ~ '\. . 1: 1 ,-, II 2~l::, PC . ...:- r;, 10 .,:... lO f:... ~~.O PC ''4.1 .j f- -..'" 6. 7~i 27.00 PC _I n 1....1 \LESMAN ORDER NO. 21 QUANTITIES )RDERED SHIPPED BID 1- ;;~ 2 0'-' ,,,. Il- A,O. NO, PHONE C(l37~~:;071 1{,::;:'-271'<3276 ./ . - I -"",. ~.~,~"., 'Y"""'....:)~. .....',.. ~ ,~< "'~.' --:>"t~~fr'.("'"':..-.=r-'.~,~~"~~ i L'D FarmPlanl' C!J A Service of FPC Financial The O1aq:o AccoU~1 Fodlun! Amen.a SHIP VIA 15% RETURN CHARGE oN ALL SPECIAL ORDER PAR S All. PARTS MUST BE AETlJRNED ViITHlN 25 DAYS. ..... . NO RETURNS ON :.ELECTRICAL ITE S PARTS TP\X~\J),l_E PAfrf E; '..". -fii(..:.l"j.!:.'.ll' [~~.J) L E; 11 I EC ~if~nl1r~~! M [f;C 1~lfJJ<,ITrrXPi"hL [ SALES TAX 1,;/'2. 9~~i i..';'.~:',. . '" ;,". ',- : ." ,-'. 4:' S..... CHARBER ;~NDEERE · ONS Since 1916 l 1372 MAIN ST. ROG R5, MN 55374 (763) 428-4107 *LAND PRIDE *FELUNG TRAILER *WOODSMAN IG l'rY Dr: 1'10NT ICELl_O g 5;):'.:;; t.<Jl!t;..NdT STHH.: I , L o iJ'3 JCITY s H I P T OL OF ~'IOi\IT I CELL.O T r.ml\IT I C.ELLO i'1N 5~~i~:::(<~ oL J AlESMAN ORDER NO. ~d TIME 14: 06 INVOICE NO. 01 PRICES NET 3~04::.:7 QUANTfTlES ORDERED SHIPPED BlO LIST 1 .49 29 . ~iO .1:3 .49 29 . ~50 .13 :3" 1.0 6.75 " .t"~. 2 2lJ.M"l:240 08Hq.~:f26 1(j';)84~5;:: 1:J *'l~'l>.:.li,-!>:****..ll'* If-it: .j} OPEf.., M'-F 7 * >.10 * !i- -If. -It' * * ii. .li: .j} -f' :~~ . .,,"," , '~ ()~( TO P . ;" ';:' ! Coc!e: lnitinl rn t=arm Plan" W A $enlice of FPC FinMcia/ The CharS" A<:<:owIt For RIlrlII Americ. SHIP VIA 15% RET/JRN CHARGE ON All. SPECIAL ORDER PARTS, All. PARTS MUST BE RETURNB> WIlliIN 25 DAYS. NO RETURNS ON ELECTRICAL ITEMS . ~2 6'~ t:... :-;:~O 27.00 VEHICLE REPLACEMEN POLICY PROPOSAL PUBLIC ",,"aRKS QPARTMENT January 21 2005 The purpose of the guidelines is to create a means by which the department can efftciently evaluate the replacement of the depal1ments equipment. The goal is to maintain all equipment in good/safe/eft cient operating condition and rep lace equipment before it becomes a detriment or safety problem for the city. PROPOSAL: ~ All equipment will be evaluated at least two y ars before a possible replacement year. This will allow us to plan ahead for future budgets and wil give the city the flexibility of delaying replacement o f equipment if necessary. .. Pickups (Y2 ton, 3/4 ton and I tons) and light uty trucks are evaluated after 8 years of service for expected replacement at age 10 to 12 years. This includes a vehicle inspection by the city's mechanic or a reliable dealership, a trade in v ue of the vehicle is determined, and an estimate of how much longer the vehicle will perfonn effi ient service for the city. This will help decide when it will be most cost efficient to replace the ve icle. The vehicle will be inspected and evaluated every two years after the initial eight year insp ction. .. Other smaller motorized equipment such astr tors, skid steers, lawn mowers, etc. will be assessed after 5 years and every two years after the mit al inspection, with expected replacement at age 7 to 9 years. .. Attachments will be assessed annually as to u age, wear, safety, and perfonnance. .. If any piece 0 f equipment is found to have pos ible safety issues or excessive mileslhour associated with operation, that piece of equipment will ave first priority for replacement. .. Each year at the departmental budget meetin s the replacement schedule will be re-evaluated and shared with other departments. The equipme t replacement priority list will be determined at that time. .. Additional new equipment purchases will e done when it has been shown that departmental inefficiencies are occurring due to lack of equ, pment or that the cities public service needs are being negatively affected. .. Compact 4 x 4 pickups commonly used for off road constnlction inspection will be evaluated after 6 years with possible replacement at 8 years. ~ The city will attempt to sell all vehicies and quipment outright through a bid process once trade-in values are known. _ Page I or" 2 - :\"'C~t..,~.rr.:t.iC:E3W~ ~~~ ~ 'tOOS.o::: Zfh,)~ 122 ~ Projec~ed gro\vth may require keeping better rade-ins for backup use or transportation service. ~ Large dump trucks: evabated at 10 years of ge for replacement at 12 or 14 years. ~ Small loaders (non skid steer): evaluated at S years of age '.vith replacement at to to 12 years. ~ Large loaders: evaluated at LO years of age w'th replacement at 12 to 16 years. . :\-fotor grader: continue to buy late model us d; evaluate at 18 years of age \\/ith replacement at 20 to 22 years. ~ All trailers: inspect yearly with replacement s needed. . Specialized equipment: Inspect yearly with r placement as needed. ... . Vae-Con sewer cleaner: Evaluate yearly wit. estimated replacement at 12- 16 years. Also other wastewater treatment plant he vy duty rolling stock such as trucks, trailers and applicators. . Page Z or"::: . :'L~i.lIM~~t, C;E5"','II'tIN=l. o:!~~':l~~';W;;Q5~:. ~~f'~C5 123 SPECIAL REVENU FUND 2006 Budge Capital Improvement Re olving Fund COMMENTS: Misc. Professional Services: Comprehensive Plan Updat T&E Office Eauipment: PA system for Swan River Churc Capital Eauipment Skid Steer (1/2 for Street. 112 for Pa ks) Capital Buildinqs: PW Bldg Expansion III (Partial) Previously budgeted $100,000 Capital Vehicles: Fire Truck Reserve (year 6) Water Truck Replacement for Parks/Str ets Capital Other: Fiber Optic Feasibility Study 2006 BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund~Cap Imp. Rev:1/18/200 $100,000 $40,000 $8,200 $32,000 $250,000 $140,000 $65,000 Page 105 124 DEERE 8875 SKID STEER Pricing Information at Machine Trader.com High/Low/Average Page 1 of 1 Home I Register I Contact Us Show AV~J'agQsJ9r NQrth AmexicaQnly You searched for: DEERE listings where the mo ells exactly 8875 In the SKID STEER category Total number of listings found: Highest price found: Lowest price found: Average price: Average price w/out High & Low: Auction esults Prices 36 $14,750 6,500 9.137 9.049 Equipment for Sale Prices 14 $17,500 $10,000 $14,357 $14.458 Here is an aha~glance view of current "quick sa e", auction prices, and also current asking, or "retail", prices. We have done computations on both "Equipme t For Sale" & "Auction Results" listings for the type of equipment you specified. Above you see th average price found, the highest & lowest prices, and the average price computed again after throwing out the highest & lowest prices. For clarification, we've also displayed the number of lis ngs on which the computations were performed. (NOTE: Items without a price have bee omitted from the calculations.) Return to Pre ious Page Home CQPydghJ&_Lj!QalN.9Uc.e Pd _~c.yf_91i~Y SJt~tM_ap CQntac.LU.$ Copyright @ by Sandhills Publishing ompany 2006. AU rights reserved. http://www.machinerytradcr.comllistings/priceinfo.asp?catid 1 055&man=DEERE&md1'='887 5&guid=BF... 7/17/2006 125 1997 DEERE 6675 Skid Steer For Sale at MachineryTrader.co Page lof2 Home I Register I Contact Us .~~rTlglLIhi~ A...dd.T..9JM.cll.ine.s.pfJnter:em EriotQut 1997 DEERE 6675 Equipment Specifications Year Manufacturer Model Price Location SerIal Number CondiHon---- Hours Stock Number 1997 DEERE 6675 $7,500 St. Cloud. Minn sot a M06675X03008 USED 5000 58929 General Information 10X16 TIRES-POOR. 66" BUCKET Say you saw this 1997 DEE E 6675 on MachineryTrader.coml htlp:llwww.machinerytrader.com/listingsldetail.aspx 10 JD~5418636&gnid~ BFF140FED5 A2 4859 AAD... 7/11/2006 126 http://w EERE 8875 Skid Steer For Sale at MachineryTrader .cern Pag 1997 DEERE 8875 I Equipment Specifications Year 1997 Manufacturer DEERE Model 8875 Price $13,500 Location Rogers, Minnesota Serial Number M08875X030010 Condition USED Horse Power 61 Hours 3475 General Information Cab and Heat, 72" and 84" BKTs, 2 Spd. Cont 3Ct: Scharber & Sons, Inc. Mike Se harber Machine is oeated in: Rogers, ~ innesota Phone: (76 ~ )428-4107 Fax: (763 428-2700 .-.- ww .rnachinerytrader.com/l istings/detail.aspx.?O H D= 5470725&Prinr-: 1 &GUID=BFF740FED5A... 7/17 e 1 of I [997 0 12006 127 DEERE 8875 Skid Steer For Sale at MachineryTrader.com Page 1 of 1 DEERE 8875 l'101i" Home I Register I Contact Us :l21~m~iJ Ih\~ Acld To M~chiOgS 9flDt~1~~t Printqyt Equipment Specifications Manufacturer Model Price Location Serial Number Condition Horse power Hours DEERE 8875 $12,900 Rogers, Minnesota M08875X020145 USED 61 3200 General Information Cab and Heat, 72" BKT, 2 Spd. Say you saw this DEERE 887 on MachineryTrader.coml S~o.d SctLarbeC&-.S ns,Jm.._aMilSSag~ Con act: Scharber & Sons Inc. .,......_..._..._"__..",u___ .----.,,--.', --"..., ~-,.",,' Mike Sharber Machine is located in: Rogers, innesota Phone: (76 )428A 107 Fax: (763 428-2700 ReJlJm LQ,P .~yiQ.Y~P2g~ HQffiQ CQPyd9ht.&L..Q9idNQUc.Q,dvacY1"Ql\!;Y SIte. Map C<LotactVs Copyright @ by Sandhi 115 Publlshin Company 2006. All rights reserved. http://www.machinerytrader.comll istingsl detail.aspx?OH IF54 70728&guid~ B FF7 40FED5A2 4859 AAD... 7/17/2006 128 1999 DEERE 8875 Skid Steer Auction Result at Machinery rader.com Page I of I Horne I Register I Contact Us 1999 DEERE 8875 ~EmSllLIhi~ PrintQ.!J.t Equipment Specifications Year Manufacturer Model Serial Number Condition 1999 DEERE 8875 M08875X040749 USED Auction Information Auction: 5/24/2006 In Fergus Falls, Minnes ta Sold Price: $12,000 General Information bkt,cab,aux hyd Say you saw this 1999 DEERE 88 5 on MachlneryTrader.coml Conta t: Ri.tohie..Bcos.:._. uQtiont?~rs Machine was a ctioned in: Fergus Falls, innesota Phone: (218) 98-3004 Fax: (218)9 8-3003 Sit~tM~p CQntat;ttUs Hom~ CQPYri.ght&J"egaLNQticQ Copyright @ by Sandhills Publishing Co pany 2006. All rights reserved. http://www.machinerytrader.comllistings/detail.aspx?OHID=54 8651 &guid=BFF7 40FED5A24859 MD... 7/1712P2~ t 999 DEERE 8875 Skid Steer Auction Result at MachineryTr der.com Page I of 1 J'\ Home I Register I Contact Us 1999 DEERE 8875 ~EmF.tiLIbJs ~Jj(ltQyt Equipment Specifications Year Manufacturer Model Serial Number Condition 1999 DEERE 8875 M08875X040379 USED Auction Infonnation Auction: 5/24/2006 In Fergus Falls, Minnes ta Sold Price: $10,500 General Information bkt,cab,aux hyd Say you saw this 1999 DEERE 8 75 on MachineryTrader.coml Conta t: Rjtcbi~J~ro$--,- lJ~tlQ.De~J~ Machine was a ctioned in: Fergus Falls, Minnesota Phone: (218 998-3004 Fax: (218) 98-3003 Retl,l[f1 TQJ?re iQ!Js P.,9ge ~Qme CopyrighL&Legal~JQUc~ Pri_3cY_PQILcy SitELMap ContactUs Copyright@ by Sandhills Publishing ompany 2006. All rights reserved. http://www.machinerytrader.comflistings/detail.aspx?OHID 543 8652&guid""BFF740FED5 A24859 AAD... 7/17/2006 130 Council Meeting -07/24/2006 18. Review of Pro osals for Cedar Street Li htin Pro.ect and Consideration of Award of Contract - City Proiect 2006-02C. (J .S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This lighting project was part of the feasibilit study for the Cedar StreetlDundas Road Improvement project. The lighting portion of the roject consists of nine lights to be placed on Cedar Street, between Dundas Road and Chelsea oad. Dundas Road is not being lit with this project at the request of City Council. The lighti g package was bid separately from the street and utility construction primarily due for the in lusion of a maintenance agreement for the lighting system. City staff developed specifications for the ligh ing system centered around the equipment provided by Xcel Energy and Wright Hennepin E ectric on Cedar Street, School Boulevard, and Deegan Avenue over the past few years. Of the proposals we requested, only 1 was received and that was from Wright Hennepin Electric. Xc I Energy chose to delete this pole and fixture combination as well as others from their offerin as they consider it a unique pole and fixture combination. The proposal from Wright Hennepin Electric i for a lump sum project cost of $89,675.00 including all MN state sales taxes. A 15 year aintenance agreement is included at a cost of $15.85 per pole per month (the same dollar amo nt as School Boulevard and Deegan Avenue) which includes 2 fixtures, 1 pole and 2 brackets. This maintenance agreement does also include knock down replacements as past contracts with cel Energy and Wright Hennepin Electric have had. This means is if there is a knock down, t e City has to assist with follow up with the Sheriffs Department to determine the individual and insurance companies responsible. It also means once in a while Wright Hennepin may be nable to recover from an individual or unable to determine who knocked the pole down. The roject cost includes a spare pole and fixture to replace a knock down while we wait 6 weeks for replacement. The feasibility study for the project showed a co t of $108,680.00 for the street lighting portion of the project. This cost included a 10% continge cy and a 28% indirect cost. 1. The first alternative would be to award contract to Wright Hennepin Electric for the street lighting portion of the Cedar S eet project at a lump sum project cost of $89,675.00. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 2. The second alternative would be not to award the lighting project to Wright Hennepin Electric, but to look at other alternatives. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administra or, Public Works Director that the City Council move forward with the lighting portion of the edar Street project and award the street lighting to Wright Hennepin Electric as outline in alterna ive 1. 131 Council Meeting - 07/24/2006 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of cost section of feasibility study for the Cedar Street/Dundas Road project, copy of proposal from Wright Hennepin Electric, and emai from Xcel Energy indicating they would not bid on this project. 132 John Simola From: Sent: To: Subject: i Sieging Jr, Edward P [edward,pbl ging.jr@xcelenergy.comj Friday, July 14, 200610:17 AM John Simola RE: Request for Proposal for Orn mental Lighting for Cedar Street From Dundas to Chelsea Rd Johr., Thanks for the information regarding Cedar St~eet. I've ceen calking with my boss .::e<;arding che project a:-d we have determined Beause of the ur:ique pole and fixture combir,a:ion, that we wi.:..l not: be bidding on t:e p::,oject. Thank you giving us ,the opportunity to bid on the pro]e=:. Please keeP us in mind o~ future projects. Tna:;k yo'.!, E:d 133 , ~,....-,-- - . _.~, ~~.,.. -~ ! 5. FINANCI~G 5.1 Opinion of Probable Cost I A detailed opinion of cost for the proposed improvemeI 'ts can be found in Appendix B of this report. These opinions of cost incorporate 2006 constn ction costs and include a 10% contingency and 28% indirect costs. The indirect costs include legal, engineering, administrative, and financing items. A summary of the project costs is shown below. SEGJ.\.IENf 1: CEDAR STREET i Schedule A - Street Improvements : 5433,540 Schedule B - Scorm Sewer $95,920 I Schedule C - Watermain i $17 ,250 , Schedule 0 - Sanitary Sewer 1 $2,000 I I , S191,730 (Alt. No.1) Schedule E - Forcemain $240.020 (Alt. No.2) Schedule F - Street Lighting $108,680 Total Project Cost (Segment 1) $870,630 (Alt. No.1) $918,920 (Alt. No.2) SEGMENT 2: DUNDAS ROAD Schedule A - Street Improvements $220.210 Schedule B - Storm Sewer $110.730 Schedule C - Watermain I S18.730 Schedule 0 - Sanitary Sewer I S31.790 Total Project Cost (Segment 2) I $381,460 TOT AL PROJECT COST $1,252,090 (Alt. No.1) .. (SEGMENTSl &2)' ._n". ............ -51,300,380- (All; No;--l) ,,,._,,..,. .--- - .-,..-."., - - -,.-..- -.-. m"""'. --. .--"..... F 'A$/bility R'p4r1 C'W Str,., (Dufld/u Road 10 Cl"Is'1I Rod) <JIId DUfll/Ju Road (C,dar $lrttlll1 EdmOfIJOII A.,m,,) 5tr"', Utilities. alld A.pputf'lIallllmp,.".,"UIlU CIly alMo.wtllo proj,a :VO, 2006-0JC ....I'f"'1"I ....1'.... _:roO 'L". ~~ Paae a .- 134 1\ Project Fundinglare3k Down CALCU~A TED BY; J. MIiSSNER DATE!: MARCH B, 2006 OPTION 1 ceDAR TR T _ C STRUCTION sses MENT flAT I I TReeT WIOENING. 10 T T A street a&Selliment rate of $ 102.34 per front foot was used to calculate .,Is prelimil'll\l'/ usessment role Qption. This rate inctudllS the commerclal property 'rant foot assessment from the Area 1 core slreet r construction of $55 per front foot as a basis for the street rate, mulUplletd by 10% 'or an estimated Construction Cost Index increase Ilnce 2004. e $55 per front foot Slr8et assessment rate Is based on r!lGllnstructlng a 24-'00t wide road to a 32-'001 wide road. The $102.34 assessment ra Ii Includes an addltlonal $29.33 per front foot added to the slteet Improvement rale for the widening of tl1e road from a 32-feGt wide road 1 . a 44-foot wtde road, Also lnduded IntQ thia rate 115 100% of the CQstlo conStr\.lct eurb and gutter.. The alsenment rate is calculated as Iollows .; ! Rate _ $55/ff"10%lnftation . (CUlb'10%cOnungenCY'28%lndirectWldel1fng'100,lOCOnUngenC;Y'2S%1ndirect)- $102,34/lt I The cosllo construct the right turn lel'e on Chelan Road is assesSed a ;00% 10 tM bel1efttinQ property. Sidewalk Is assessed to the benefttlng prGpertyat IOO',\, of Ihll front fool cost to construct a 5.foot wide concre1sidewalk. Intersection improvements are ass8Ssed ala rate of $1,10 per 'ronl fOOl which is covers 100'~ of the cosl 10 construct median at t e'ltllersectlon 0' Chelsea Road and Cedar Slteet. DrIveway improvements are usessed at 1 CO% 10 the benefttlnQ property, Slorm ewer is '$Sessed al1 00% of tl1etotallmprovemenl cosl minus tl111 storm sewer stub costs, which are Issessed at 100% to the b.enefiting prop". i Walll. r main and sanitary sewer adjustments are to be paid by the CUy mlnuslhe service slubS which are anessed all 00% to the be.neftllng qperly The preliminary usea5mentlor street lighting Is $40 per fronl fOOl The enlire cosiO' the force main improvements will Ile paid fat us, 0 City sanitary sewer !fUnk funds i B - Storm Sewer Improvements C . Walllr Main Improv"",ents o - Sanitary Sewer Improvements E - Force Main Improvements F . Strset Lighting G . Chelsea Rd FlIght Turn Lane Total $111,120,3% tlAIU1) $14-0,014.72 1 (Alt 121 $108.112.00 $21,504.38 $87o,s9U7 1 (AIU1) $918,891.17 IIAIU2) ell propertil1' to/sUng 110',376 97. I I $95.915.78 $0,00 5000 SO.OO $108,872.00 $21,504.38 '54-3,300,35 . The row straet IISS&$&'T1l!lflt includes an llS$essmen/lo /hll City 0 OPTION 2 CEDAR STREET .100% ASSI'!SSEO This scenario aaaessee 100% of the project construction coel minus considered City expenses. A . Slreet Improvements 8 . Slorm Sewer Improvemanta C . Waler Main tmprov$ments o . Sanitary Sewer lmprovamants a - Force Main Improvements F . Str"1 Ughling G . Chelsea Rd Right Tum Lane . !!lJ;a1 (5$~",",1 so. 00 so 00 so. 00 so. 00 5-485,290,60 ,e Jatar main, sanitary sawer. and fcrcEl main improvemllnls, which are I $95.915.78 so 00 $0.00 $ ,09 S172.4.00 $1,9936 $191,720. 21(AU1) $240.014. 2 1 {Alt ltZ) 0.00 0,00 $210,967. a liAlU1) --- --"'~ .~,-".!-.- ......_-,~. $259,262. 8 IIAlt~) $191,720.321 (Alt '11 5%40,014.72 I [Alt '2) $108,67%.00 $21,504.31 '170,S9U7 I (A1t '1) -.,.,....-., .-. """"-~.,,-,,,,"""-'----- - $911,191.111 (Alt 1121 . The /ollll slrs!!1 assessment ;ncJud/ls an as.'ltlssmenl to 'he aity e4 properties/olaling $130.31006 5000 5108.672.00 $21,50Q8 5659.811.09 (5$"rllIft.1 ${}.GO :10.00 so. 00 . tll,()()___ $4'G,Uo.110 135 CALCULATED BY; J. MESSNER DATE; MARCH /1, 2006 DUNDAS ROAD .100.1. ASSEssee This includes assessing '00% of the project construction cost minus the crm sewer upsizlng fee and nydrant adjustment, whICh are conaidered Cily expenses B . Slorm Sewer Improvements C . Water Main Improvements D . Sanitary Sewer ImprOVl!lmllnlS ($5" milt,) $31.795,60 $0.0 Total $379,03,u8 I $2,414 fO I '381,44'.38 S211.10UO .Notll: Street IIghllng and sidewalk CMstNollon Will be completed at the r ,Id._,.,,", I 136 "Cedar Street City of PrcsentedJulv17-2006 , ' _~EJ,?llIl Qls~~ -- Principle Representative Wright Hennepin Response Signature Lighting rnc. 763-753-8157 e LIGHTING Wit. ~?i~ 7<~ · ghting Project" o nti cello 137 WJI Wrlght.Hennepln ~1Ml elacltie _lIli~ \ T~ F.nc<iY" Coop<12rtvt * ...... D'....... . Chri:; ,\. lM1ttt~ Chair AJ/""ndJlt. ,\C\ . Thomas B. :<'lIch, "ice Ow M.r" eM.. ,\{;'; . Dole r Jan", $.;cremry-Trt':l.<urcr Bujf<Jfn. AtN . TIII1Oth}. l. Young, AJln.ut&Je. .\0.' . Butch . \. uru.knidso:r. .\f""ti..!14. '\0.' . Burton It Hor.;ch, 1,1,"""" LUt. .\l:-,; . C.l1'olyn .\. ~bjnr. p~_h. ,\L'i . Donald. \. Luc1S, M4"t C,.,... M}o.i . EcickJ Hcinz. C,..,,,,,jJI, .\L'i .....st.... & ClO . Molrk E \'ogt. 'w,.,,,&,k. A0.' City of ~[onticeUo ,\ttencion: ~Ir. John Simola 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, ~L." 55362 July 11.2006 Re: Proposal for Decorative Streetlight nstallacion - Cedar Sueet Dear ~Ir. Simola. "hight-Hennepin Elecrric is pleased to ave an opportUnity 10 submit this proposal for the installation of a decoracive streetlight system along Ced- Sueet from Dundas to Chelsea in the City of Monticello. The following is a list of material and la or to install this project; . 9 _ 250 Watt HPS K205 fi"tur 5 . 9 - 70 Watt HPS K205 fi.'(ture . 9 _ 6' decorative K.\40$ mast rms . 9 _ 3' decorative K.\30$ mast rms . 9 _ 30' S.\3 stainless steel pole by Millerbemd . Pole and fixture color is R. \L 005.. green . 9 .. screw in anchor bases (on for feed point cabinet) . I _ feed point cabinet - stainl S5 steel green in color . 6 - ground rods . I - Ground level hand holes . 3,000 feel of 1 IN'conduit insalled by plow and direct bore methods . 9,000 feet of copper wire . Termination of lights and fee points . All labor and miscellaneous aten:!l to install above . Traffic Control for project . One complete lighting unit' eluding pole. twO fixtures, twO mast arms and one screw in anchor base Lump Sum Price does not include: . Any soft or hard surface rest ration . Boring of more than 600 fee Tolal Installation Price: Maintenance Fees: $8t:J,675.0 including state sales tax For a IS year maintenance program .th knock down replacements. $13.85 per pole per month \'(;'e certainly appre<;:iate the oppo '. to submit this proposal to you and look forward to working for Ihe City of ;\.lancicello. If you have any questi ns. concerns or comments please feel free to contact roe at your . -'convenlence;-rcanbereachedai "163 7 ;J~8H7oi-'6T2-91O~1"38Z:'-"'--"--"'-'-'--- .-.--.--- .- -- ..--..--.. Sincerely, Phil Glawe Manager \'I;-right-Hennepin Response ~~~~~~~ ~~.~~.!'se PO ... 330 . .eck...... MN 5537'3-0330 . _.wIIe...,. . M..... ohn Olson Principle Representative Wright-Hennepin Response 138 JlGeneration WJlL.JNK "" ~ ~ ~.......,...........--.~ftIIIIJ'tI~ ......~~ $ .. . .. , ~ ,~ f"'';oC..",jl~ I.....~'.f 63-47'7'.3000 . Toll ..... '.800-043.2667' . 24 H_ ... 7'63.477-3054 ...- ~ ~ou; AIlII SPlrernCATmNS CATAt..aGIIE Nl1r lCA3I-!:-1-6' g" ::r~Ul: ...-(2) J/,," . PAINT' I f /2"1. Sl.DIS ARM spPT.1nc", TTnN! CATAUlGUE. Nll.I KMU-S-1-3' QUAMT1TYl HATUlAl.l ALUMDiUM PAIrlT' T .J.A ~ --E+~ ~ I POll: S1 Qn1EllS TOP VIEW' I(AJO-S-a' ARt.! C/'II OECORAlM SCHOU. \ W!llJI(T: 1~ lBS !.P A; 1.30 SQ.FT p,IOO'; T.lIA ~"O' c (1) ~/IS" -II TIolRU 8<lLTS (N'PROll.) \ (LN;1l( TO BE OEl'PUINED) I ~ - -;:r I 31 1/2" Jf1 a" J/hU~- ."~ HEAD IOI.T .,12LONC (HE 3/1"." UNe 1N'PED ljOj.l; TItllU AT lDS1' 1;2 ntK. ~ 12." I<MO-S-I-3' SCROU. ""It eN DECORA1l\lE SCROLL. WElDHr: I 1 lBS E.P A: 1.10 SOft PAINT: T.lIA K2D1 IWl1AH I.\AllNAlRE" WElGHTl.1I LIS !.P....., 1.0115 SlUT PAM': r.I.A. 3/'"-11 HEX HEAD BOLT II I 1/1" LONO (NfED!! 3/11"-11 UNC TAPPED lj~ lH/tU A l.DST 111 Me. ~ ) OCT~NN. POlE BY ornilllS Ill' L.c. ""'PROle.) A L.TER A T10N BY 8 L1IMINoIo"'f' SPor.tF"lCATtllN!: CATM.DGUE HQlI<2O$-EGP-ur..,.""cX)O<) -"""-XXll.1CP1..20 IlUAHTlTY' llJIJe: MAT't..o (jL4SS ItS Ct..AUInc" T'tPt 111 IJIoTTAG!:I T.IoA, WGHT SIlIJRCE:. T.I"" LlNE Vel. TAGLi T.I..A. PMN1. T.BJ, ~TmNSI ICPt.20 L~!UNG a~e: t4tI) LAMP Ivana: IIlNlIIAIRF.' SPl!'r.lnr:&rtllNS CATAl.lIGU! NO. I(l!OI-Qll'-IIt-..oodlQllC) -l<lOC-lOI,,-ICPUlI QUIlIITtTTJ GUlIE MIo 1'\.1 a.ASS In cu.mF'lC. TYPE: nl IJATTAG& T."A, LlllHT SOURCEl T.M UHE Vl1.1A(;t. T.'.A. PAINT. T JU. Cl'TlQ4Sl IC1't..lQ l.!VEWNli aMes: lIIIIil UlMP' IT lmCIlS I'ILUMINlIH T.lJ, ~ ~ a:: ~ KING LUMINAIRE .....,. - ""''''''''''".....M._'. ~...._t..__ ___u.... 1I..llTm......- ll44 _, CWI_ ~ CDNCEpr DING l'lIo.t!CT/cuS1'alr/ll QRADE ~o (a~ /?t.~ 00.5' RItY. XCEL MONTICELLO \O~\201A2203 139 I KING JL .. M[NAJ[KJE o R N A MEN T A H J <LT ij :~ G Hamilton, Bermuda 140 111tegrity of Fonn. Flawless Function. The 200 Serres from King Lumina;re Never before have so many designs been offered with such minimal maintenance requirements Each one of the 200 series offers a specific and different appearance, yet each provides unmatched photometric performance while utilizing reflec- tors, rotolok ballast assemblies and refractors common to all, thus minimizing inventory needs From roadway lighting to parking lots, walkways waterfronts and recreational areas. one of the exceptional luminaires from the 200 series can fill your needs, K201 The Radian J \- E --,' - .,,;' K202 The Argosy K2O:J n,e F-llconridQe :- if!~'! I ~ fe l- i ~ =~~ ...........-slll om... "."""...'__.....,,,,,'.. > 1 10./ 0- > o "J' . ~ . ~Ji- % t; 1 ... b .J ~ ... C/'I ~~ Cltl ~ z - I~ !. n~ !i~lriii mlM~di iJdi~ Is ;~Q ~d !j~i ~ bli I ~;~I , !~Io- Ir: OilS ~c: fl~ II!fII .. > 10./ > ~ - C/'I .... 3 ii, ~(Q)~1J/ ... ... W>-= -... .0 L5 Eo- ~ = -( U r-l U s: ~ ~ 00 '-' ~ == '-' looool ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ...Iirw -( e~ ~ ~--~e-------------'-~ ~i ~ ~~~> ~;~~ ~ ~GJJ ~~:;;~~G~ ~wS~t;!~ BT!WC/'lCt ~ t;r~E. Wc.J ~,t;.: ~ 110./ 1 I . :!. _'" 142 19. Consideration to Install Li hts on the New Monticello Proiect No. 2004-01C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda: 7/24/06 of The City Council is asked to consider installing d corative lighting on the newly constructed CSAH 18 Interchange Bridge. Based on previous recommendations during final design of the project, lighting was not included in the constructi, n contract. The current interchange contract provides for the light foundation and the conduit s stem to the source of power. It does not include the purchase or installation of the actualli hts. The four lights proposed for the CSAH 18 Interch nge Bridge would match the ones already installed on the adjacent pedestrian bridge and wo ld be staggered from those lights to provide a better visual from Interstate 94. The contractor has provided a quote of $18,000 to furnish and install four lights on the bridge and connect them to the same source of power as the edestrian bridge lights. Previously the City Council requested that WSB i vestigate whether or not there would be a cost savings by combining the bridge lights with the r undabout lights. It was determined that there would not be a cost savings due to the fact that th roundabouts lights will be a standard light fixture which will be installed before the roundab ut opens this fall. The decorative bridge lights will take 6 months to receive from the supplier an won't be able to be installed until next spring, thereby making these separate jobs even if they w re bundled together on one change order. B. AL TERNA TlVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize a work order for pa ent to the contractor for furnishing and installing the lights. The actual change 0 der will be completed at a later date. 2. Motion to not authorize installation of lig ts on the CSAH 18 Interchange Bridge. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The bases are in place at this time to accommoda e the light installation. This would complete the bridge project and will add to the aesthetics ofth overall project. D. SUPPORTING DATA None. F:\da,.",g\\oro~12006 Coundl Age"da.vI7-24-oti co agr!nda\/~CS18-Bridge Light:s-071806.doc 143 ~ ~ O~ C ::oe:r: ~ CD -.JO c..,tl I I ~ 'd -""'C/l 0 00 ~ 0 N C-itrH ..J..J Ii 0> ,Qtl NN I rt -""'0 Ol 00 C-i G) N() tllrt f\.)f\.) t;l:I ~ C/l 00 WIi 00 I 0 CD ~~ . DC 00 H C I-' DCl "'''' 0 'd CD CDrt I I Cl If.) Ii f-- f-'f-' rt 0 0 IJ1IJ1 f-- -.J'd tl Of-' 0 ..> Ol 0 D NO< 0" >~ ~ ..J 01';:0- 0 -.....-..... f\.) ..tJ:l O'd '1:l'd 0 WI:"' f-' f-- 0 Wt':l CD 00 0'\ Ol :r::r: 0 t':lt;l:l 0 "'J 00 ~ 0 G&'l 0 Ii t;l:I 0 C/l 3 ~ ~ Cl ..J..J tT '1:l -.....-..... t;l:I ro Ii NN ~ P. f-- 00 C ::l .............. I-' rt 00 CD CD 0'\0'\ Ii 0 Hl :r: ~ zo -..... tll I-' 'd f-- P. I-' 0 I-' C/l :r: Ol 'd t;l:I {JJW 0 'd Cl ::<: ill CD (JJ '< W ..J tr I:"' -..... I-' "''d N CD H 0 ....... 0 L' 0'\ Of-- "'::l "'CD G)G) Ol I:"'L' 1J10 0 oI'1J1 I-''d 00 OH ~{JJO IH <fcl . 0 00< 'd '" ,0 {JJ -.J"l 'd N :;:: 00 ~~ t;l:IH ~O 'dt':l ~L' G)L' t':lO . 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