Parks Commission Minutes 12-18-1997 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING. PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, December 18, 1997 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Chairman Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Earl Smith, Robbie Smith, Rick Traver Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call meetin2' to order. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Nolan. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the special meeting on October 30, 1997 and the re~ar meeting on November 21,1997. There was a correction on Item #12 that the warming house window would be installed on 12-29-97 and was not already completed. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 30, 1997, SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. Mter changing the wording for the answer on Item 5B, ROBBIE SMITH MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ON NOVEMBER 21, 1997. SECONDED BY EARL SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Add itemR to the a2'enda. A. Pathway bids for next segment. B. Discuss fees for rental of park shelter C. Discuss adopt-a-park policies 4. Discussion on East/West Brid~e Park Design A. Sub-committee report Fran Fair summarized the minutes from the subcommittee that met to discuss the River Park Improvements. The main emphasis are as follows: 1. Irrigation systems in West Bridge, East Bridge, and Ellison Parks Page 1 . . . Park Commission Minutes - 12/18/97 need to be installed. Roger Mack will get quotes. 2. Highway 25 between East and West Bridge Park, terrace hill along Highway 25 so areas is accessibility for maintenance. 3. West Bridge Park: remove block building, remove parking lot, replace playground equipment with ADA accessible equipment and a sidewalk up to the playground, raise the surface inside the gazebo for entertainment purposes, modify the warming house to facilitate food serving from the structure. Roger will design the modifiction and public works crew will build. 4. East Bridge Park: install two picnic tables on the upper end of the park next to the parking lot. 5. Ellison Park: upgrade the playground equipment with ADA accessible equipment. 6. A North Entrance as discussed in the Revitalization Plan, where Hwy. 25 travels between East and West Bridge Park, will also be discussed in 1998. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE PLAN PRESENTED BY THE RIVER PARKS IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE, SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion passed unanimously. B. Information on possible riverfront prQject Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported to the Commission that he invited Brad Johnson, developer working with HRA, to attend the park's meeting so Johnson could give an update on projects being considered in the Bridge Park area. Brad Johnson reviewed options for the park area, discussed possible commercial use in this area, and changing the park to be more lateral with walkways along the river. The Commission discussed if a park could be used for commercial uses. O'N eill would research if Bridge Park had ever been dedicated as a park and the procedure for changing the area from park land. Page 2 . . . Park Commission Minutes - 12/18/97 5. Discussion on comprehensive park plan Dan SjordaW, City Planner, NAC, reviewed the first chapter of the comprehensive park plan with the Commission. The Commission went through the draft page by page and gave suggestions, additions, and corrections to the text. Sjordahl explained this would be a working process where each meeting a section would be reviewed and changes made. He encouraged the Commissioners to call him or Steve Grittman with comments at anytime. 6. Discussion on the blvd. tree plantin~ prQject Wanda Kraemer, Development Services Technician, reported that the boulevard tree planting project is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 1998. As soon as the date and times are confirmed letters will be mailed to organizations and business for volunteers. The Chamber, MCP, and the City have been working together on this project. 7. Discussion on National GW'Jrcl/C;ommunity center A. Tour - Robbie Smith reported on the tour the National Guard/Community Center task force took. Smith reported that the task force thought the tour was worthwhile becuase many valuable items were noted on the tour that would be considered in the design and operations reports to the City Council. B. User Group Meetings - Wanda Kraemer, DST, reported on the user group meetings that were being during December. Many meetings were being conducted to assure everybody's views were being represented and to determine space and design needs. 8. Discussion parks commission vacancy. Larry Nolan, chairman, requested Wanda Kraemer call him when the number of applications for the parks commission vacancy were known. If there were only a few applicants interviews would be included with the general meeting or else Nolan would call a special meeting. 9. Added items A. Larry Nolan requested the bids for the segments of pathway in the 1998 budget be requested as soon as possible so the project is not delayed. B. Earl Smith requested the park shelter fees be reviewed. A subcommittee of Earl Smith, Fran Fair, Roger Mack and Wanda Kraemer was formed. Page 3 . . . Park Commission Minutes - 12/18/97 Kraemer would call other cities and have price information available for the subcommittee meeting. C. Wanda Kraemer, DST, requested a policy for benches along the pathway be written. Kraemer explained requests to place benches along the pathway have been made. Kraemer had some concern over the quality and appearance of the benches being requested. This item was added to the subcommittee meeting that would be reviewing park fees. Roger Mack would bring examples of benches that could be ordered. D. The commission discussed the adopt-a-park policy. It was decided to also review this on a subcommittee level. Chairman Nolan, on behalf of the Parks Commission, thanked Robbie Smith for his work with the Parks Commission and congratulatwished him luck in his new venture on the Planning Commission. 9. Adjourn EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH. w ~ (,1I,1)e4ft'A.- Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 4