City Council Minutes 10-24-1960 SpecialOctober 24, 1960
Special meeting duly called was held this day. All
members present.
Motion by Adams to adopt a resolution consolidating improve..
ments and providing for the issuance and sale of consolidated
Improvements Bonds of 1960 to Durand and Moody of St. Paul.
Second Hickman. Yes: Adamson Adams Hickman Anderson No: Klein.
Klein states reason for no vote. 1. Sewer bond issune is turned
into general bond issue which wasn't voted on by the people.
2. Other Imp. were thrown into this improvement bond issue without
prior council authority. 3. The people weren't given a chance
to vote street lighting issue which is part of this bond issue.
and the actual taxation and assessment tatio has not been set
to cover this improvement in its entireity.
m Motion by Hickman to pay Rowe and Alger Estimate #1 for
projects # 1 & 2 . Second by Adams. Carried
Motion by Klein to adopt resolution to have following question
voted on by the people at annual ellection: Whereas there is a
average of $15,000 net profits in the operation of Municipal
Liquor store yearly. Thai the voters of this village decide the
following: Do you favor pledging $12,000 yearly of these profits
to be put into the sewer sinking fund to pay bonds to reduce the
coat of this sewer system to you? No second.
Motion by Klein to meet Thursday nite for special meeting. Oct
27. at 7:30 to decide how and where to invest improvement bond
money we don't need right away in order to realize a return on
it. Second by Adams Yes: Hickman Adams Klein Abstain:
On motion adjourned,