Parks Commission Minutes 03-19-1998 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, March 19, 1998 - 4:30 a.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Earl Smith, Rick Traver, Jennifer Fearing Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call meetinll to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nolan. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes of the February 19. 1998 meeting. RICK TRAVER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 19,1998 MEETING. SECONDED BY JENNIFER FEARING. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Fair abstained. 3. Add items. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported to the Commission all of the projects and requests that could occur in the near future. O'Neill indicated on a city map where all ofthe projects were, the size ofthe project, and approximate starting date. 4. Discussion on a PUD Concept Plan for Art Anderson Property. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported to the Parks Commission that there was an application for a subdivision that would abut the land surrounding the water tower. O'Neill inquired if the Commission would still like to see the area around the water tower used as a park. The Commissioners discussed the park and agreed this would be an ideal place for a park because of the view from this area. 5. Discussion on St. Henry's Project and Fallon Park. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to the Commission the possibility of having to relocate Fallon Park when St. Henry's Church was built. This might occur ifthe road alignment is changed to accommodate the angled bridge over 1-94. O'Neill stated if there is a need to relocate the park the City Attorney would be contacted on the required process. O'Neill would keep the Parks Commission aware of any changes. 6. Discussion on a park design for an internship proiect. Jean Emmonds, a student in Landscape Architecture working with the DNR, reported to the Commission that she would like to complete a landscape plan for Prairie West Park as an Page 1 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/19/98 internship project for her graduation requirements. Emmond added she had chosen Monticello through talking with Barb Esse, MCP. Emmonds stated she was amazed at all the activity in Monticello and felt there were a number of projects she could assist with. Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, stated the Rotary Club had expressed an interest in adopting Prairie West Park and if this was still in their plans working with Jean Emmonds would be helpful. Kraemer would contact Doug Navinkski and Grace Pederson with the Rotary Club regarding the park. Emmonds stated she would bring back a plan to the April meeting for comments from the Commission. 7. Discussion of Comprehensive Park Plan. Steve Grittman, City Planer, had requested the discussion ofthe Comprehensive Park Plan be postponed until the April meeting. 8. Discussion on Blue Bird Homes along pathway. Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, reported that a group at the NSP plant had been providing nests and caring for a number of Blue Bird houses. They were requesting the Parks commission consider adding houses along the pathway. The houses would need to be periodically checked and clean out of unwanted predators. The Commission discussed the project and Larry Nolan volunteered to refer this project to the Boy Scouts. Nolan would report back at the April meeting if there was an interest by the Boy Scouts to participate. 9. Discussion on requests that would involve the Park fund. A. Jeff O'Neill, representative from the Soccer Club, stated that 561 kids are playing soccer in Monticello and there is a shortage of goals. O'Neill requested the parks commission purchase four goals (one set 18x6 size and one set 7x21 size). O'Neill reported the sport is growing so fast in the Monticello area that has been difficult to find fields and equipment. The Commissioners inquired if the goals would only be used by the soccer club or if they would be available for anyone to use in the parks, the cost ofthe goals, and how long the goals would last. O'Neill stated the goals would be available to use by the community, the cost is about $1,000 for adult size and $800 for children, the goals should last at least ten years. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER, THE PURCHASE OF TWO SETS OF SOCCER GOALS, ONE ADULT SIZE AND ONE CHILDREN'S SIZE GOALS, UP TO A MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF $1800.00. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Page 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/19/98 B. Earth Service Corps, a high school organization, requested fifteen trees to plant on the school ground for Earth Day on April 22, 1998. The Parks Commission was supportive of the idea however decided Earth Service Corps students would need to wait until after the City tree planting project on April 25. If there were trees not planted that day the Earth Service Corps organization would be considered. C. Fran Fair inquired as to the type of trees that will be planted in Bridge Park. Fair also requested Roger Mack have the stumps removed from Bridge Park as soon as possible. Mack stated he would call the contractor and request this be taken care of. 10. Discussion on budget items for 1998. A. Pathway/John Bondhus - Jeff O'Neill reported that he and Wanda Kraemer had met with John Bondhus regarding the pathway along the river. O'Neill stated that Bondhus had indicated the pathway would be a nice amenity for the City but at this time was not in favor of it along his property. After the storm last summer, Bondhus had lost many trees and had done extensive landscaping in the area the pathway would be constructed. 11. Discussion on the City Wide Clean Up and the Tree Planting Proiect - April 25. 1998. Roger Mack reported the trees were being stored in a refrigerated truck to keep the temperature consistent. The location map showing where all the trees were being planted was discussed. Mack explained the area were assessed as to what type and height the trees should be. Wanda Kraemer explained that the campaigned for volunteers to help was going very well, ribbons would be placed on all the newly planted trees. Kraemer added that articles were also being placed in the Times for more community awareness. Kraemer reported that all of the Monticello Schools were willing to help with clean up on April 22, 1998 which is Earth Day. Larry Nolan suggested the City send certificates of appreciation to the schools. All of the Commissioners were willing to help with the project. 12. Discussion on three-on-three basketball tournament for Walk & Roll. Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, stated that the Community Education is willing to work with the Parks Commission on setting up a three-on-three basketball tournament for Walk & Roll. Kraemer would be meeting with Community Ed the first week in April. 13. Updates: A. Community Center - Jeff O'Neill informed the Commission that the ground breaking for the community center would be in October of 1998. B. MCP - Fran Fair reported that MCP was going to adopt East Bridge Park. Page 3 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/19/98 c. Irrigation - Roger Mack reported an irrigations system would be installed in Ellision park this Spring but Mack decided to wait until the plans were completed on the design for Bridge park before installing the irrigation system. Fran Fair stated they would need some type of irrigation if any plantings were going to survive in Bridge Park. Mack would hook up a temporary hose that could be used until the permanent system was in place. D. Trash Containers for pathway - Earl Smith would check with the committee at NSP to see ifthere was still an interest to donate trash containers along the pathway. E. Bridge Park Design - Jeff O'Neill reported the next step would be to get cost estimates on this project. He would refer this to the City Engineer. 14. Added Items. There were no added items. 15. Adiourn. JENNIFER FEARING MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY EARL SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. rJ~ K~ Wanda Kraemer Administrative Assistant Page 4